* TODAY: SAVIMBI APPEALS TO 'UN ON 'SANCTIONS * DTA LASHES SWAPO * SPORT * acts on uibeb HARD-mT ..• Cape Town, South Africa - A child wraps herself up against the cold after floods in the Crossroads squatter camp this week. Hundreds of people were left homeless as bitterly cold ~ . .. b G ·beb weather and storms left a trail of catastrophe across the Western Cape region. Photo: Reuters via • CHRISTOF MALETSKY I orelgn rrusslons· y Ul. Namp a In a report 15 monthsagoOmbuds- t------------------- - ----------------­ CABINET is to investigate man Jariretundu Kozonguizi sug- three charges of misconduct gested that action be taken against against Foreign Affairs per­ Guibeb. Kozonguizi' s report found manent secretary Andreas Guibeb's actions as favouritism "tan­ tamount to corruption" in buying seven Guibeb but will not suspend Mercedes Benzes through a company, him during the probe. Namtro, his wife worked for. Announcing the decision yester­ Kozonguizi also questioned aN$16 day Minister of Information and 000 payment to Guibeb from the com­ Broadcasting Ben Amathila said there pany. Guibeb maintained this was for was evidence on record which war­ a computer he had sold to the com­ ranted further investigation. pany although the permanent secre­ Charges under investigation in­ tary was reluctant to produce the nec­ Earliet'tbis Yearlyamboannoui!.ced GOfern­ clude the breach of Tender Board essary documents. iim~~swil1 hav';,their incomes.cut. ment's intention to equaliZe the m.onth1y pen.. by regulations, alleged negligence in The Cabinet office, as the agency This was announc.ed Minister of Health sions of all Natnibians to N$135. lIe said the handling a Government transaction responsible for the discipline of per­ $J)d Social . ~ivkes, · ]~t Nicky Iyambo~ who only way tOdo·$O was to was to slash the am,ount . tabled · th(frridq~n f~r approval ~n the National and allegedly allowing his acquaint­ manent secretaries, provided Cabinet of thO$e r~eivjng bjgherpensiq~~. Assembly' yes~~rday. '" ." .'" ance with certain individuals to influ­ with an evaluation of the findings and "Iyambo ~idPensioners h.~ r~ived differ- . ence the decision to award a Govern­ recommendations of the Ombudsman .;,,) Previ6~IY' ~bjt~p~.. $iC)11~rstec~iv~dN$382, ent . amou :nt$~~~tlS~ of disci;iipigi~ry legisla-:. ·'coldtt.'eds·N$192.and·bastm'N$lS0/ However· ment contract. and on procedures to be followed in a tion appUedlirior to ' jndepe~d~n£~~ ' ::, '''':'~'''' .. :. The action is related to the pur­ .: all th~ ',!ho : ~p~~~~~t fbr .pe!lst.91!~ .!~.~: .i.P~~~ : .~~ndetlC::~; W:!te!!tt'whi.te bJ~~~ ::::fi!ye :· r~: Continued on page 2 " :~:. :.~.; ,', ,', chases of Mercedes Benz cars for "-', .. ,"--,. '... __ .., .:;.. ........... .. or .,',. .,. ............................... ...... New political coalition to Stop Press World Cup MOROCCO bowed out of World Cup '94 mount election ~hallenge last night, going down 2-1 to Holland . • CHRIS NDIVANGA They said the parties had decided "to pool our However, Saudi hopes, energies, talents and resources by forming a Arabia surprised the THREE well-known Namibian political par­ coalition to fight the coming Presidential and Na­ Belguim team, ties have banded together to form a new tional Assembly Elections". beating them 1-0. political coalition and will contest the Presi­ According lo the coalition's declaration, dential and parliamentary elections in De­ will fight to bring about fundamental changes in the Wimbledon cember. quality of life of the majority people. They cited as PETE Sampras, Joining forces are the German UnionlACN, the examples, more and better paid jobs; improved Boris Becker, Goran Natiopal Patriotic Front (NPF) and one of Na­ working conditions; more, better and affordable Ivanisevic and Todd mibia's oldest political parties, Swanu. health services; better, improved and regular pen­ Martin all reached Leaders of these parties anounced the move at a sions; and water and food security. the semi-final o'f ."A tremendous media briefing in Windhoek yesterday when they The new-coalition said no changes had taken Wimbledon yester­ also signed a declaration of intent. place in terms of more and better schools and day. investment It was also announced that the fonnal launch of quality education, improved housing quantitatively Defending cham pion the coalition would be at the beginning of August, and qualitatively or the security of people and Sam pras over­ opportunity." while the leadership structure of the new coalition property. whelmed Michael Mr Alan Emery, Pioneers Park. will also be announced in August. The proposed Solving these problems "wifl form the main Chang in straight name of the new coaliaJion is the Democratic planks of our Election Platform or Manifesto", the sets, while three-time Coalition of Namibia. parties said. cham pion Becker Representing their parties were ACN deputy Reading from the declaration, Katjiuongua said won in straight sets chairman Peter Kayser, NPF president Moses not much had changed in Namibia's physical struc- against Sweden's Katjiuongua and Swanu president Hitjevi VeiL Continued on page 2 Christian Bergstrom. GOING PUBLIC FOR THE PEOPLE - 2 Thursday June 30 1~94 THE NAMIBIAN Pension parity in July availability of funds and would be in place and Cont. from page 1 I I the rate of inflation. In this had happened. He said the low number spite of that the Ministry However, this had not of those whose pensions has proven to underprivi­ happened and the Min­ would be reduced did not leged pensioners its will­ istry had utilised exist­ "alleviate the plight of ingness to improve their ing legislation which REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA those involved" and it social circumstances. empowers the National was clear that continu­ albeit at a slower rate Assembly to approve the -- ous and regular increases than is preferred." reduction of pensions. MINISTRY,OF YOUTH AND SPORT were ~alled for -until 'a . Iyambo had an­ Iyambo said those Hveable pension level nounced earlier that pen­ whose pensi~mshad been had been reached. sions would be reduced reduced in June would' "This will be a long from the beginning of be refunded with thedif­ MTSS~q'E (Yf C09{'lJO£'E9{C'E '-!l{CY.M PJ{I£ MI9{fSfJ}( and arduous process tak­ June in the expectation ference and receive the that the new regulations backpay for the month. (Yf tyOOPJ{~'lJ . SP01t['ID PJ{'E :J!U{ILty (Yf PJ{'E ing into account the L~TE ~ 9{fco lJI!t9{ tJYE!llM~ ?lie Ministe1j r.Deputy Minister and the entire sttiff of tfie !Ministrg of 9fJut1i mu!Sport fem-nt with sfiocJ( ofthe Wltim1y deatfiofSport's number one person, !Jvfr. 9(ico WIt tfer Merwe. In this rrvment of sonuw, tfie Ministrg of rymtli andSport wisl1es to ~ its cmufofences to !Mmy~, , 9(atfine and 'J{ico Jolian WIt tfer Merwe, tlie 6ereavetffamiljj and refatives of t~ fate !Jvfr. 9(ico 'Uln tier Merwe. JOINING FORCES .•. From left, Peter Kayser (ACN), Hitjevi Veii HTven, thougli 9(ico TfWj in; tlie £farKgst wffeg, lie sfta[{ 1W ~ 1-fe is waffc neverfear for (Swanu) and Moses Katjiuongua (NPF) at the press conference yesterday. witli him; 9!is rod and !J8s staff, sfia[[amfort him. » New political coali.tion for:med 9{ico five in as fivet[ (JJt ~empfmy 9vfog sportfu1Iy andpeoafuihJ his ttmlliome fie mu! about a year ago. FCN had withdrawn at Cont. from page 1 sportive Ofe on this emtli. I I On Tuesday the lnDF the last minute because ture since independence. withdrew saying "any of its alleged links with Most of the changes seen change of name and right-wing lawyer and 9vfog fie rest in Peace and 9vfog q~ the 5tfmigftty be with fiim1 around "are either the character of a party on the leader of the Aksie inevitable result of inde­ the eve of very crucial Vrye Yolk, Daan pendence or the prod­ elections might seriousl y Mostert. ucts of haphazard and jeopardise its chances of According to an arti­ experimental political success". cle in an Afrikaans dail y considerations to im­ However , Mosterthas been elected press and to catch the Katjiuongua said he was first vice-president 0 eye rather than the out­ not convinced by the FCN. His party was al­ come of a well-planned lnDF's reasons as this legedly allowed to join - national political and had been raised approxi­ the FCN. socio-economic strat­ mately two weeks ago Mostert who used to egy". when discussions about live at Walvis Bay now Unity talks between the distribution of posi­ lives at Port Nolloth in the parties, inc1uding the tions had been discussed. South Africa because he REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA United Democratic At that time consen­ is opposed to the changes Front (lnDF) and Fed­ sus had been reached on which have taken place eral Convention of Na­ a name for the coalition. in independentNamibia. MINISTRY OF YOUTH ANI) SPORT mibia (FCN) started Katjiuongua said the Cabinet acts on Guibeb MTSS.?tfji£ (Yf C09{'lJO~T9{C'E 'ID lJ!J{i£ 9{YIMlf}JI~ that law. Cabinet's evaluation I Cont. from page 1 , 9{Yl'l1 09{J4L OiJ)!MPI C CO!MM/fJPE'E !f9{CYM PJ{'E Amathila said the mis­ was expected to be pre­ case such as Guibeb's. conduct procedure in sented to Chairperson of MI9{fSTl(Y (Yf tyOOPJ{~'lJ SPOt( Amathila explained terms of the Public Serv­ the Public Service Com­ yesterday that the only ice Act would be initi­ mission, Willy Britz, for way' in which Guibeb ated immediately in con­ tabling before the fuIJ '1fie :Minister, 'Deputy Minister atUf tIie entire staff oftIie Ministr!J ofty'outli anti Sport receiveJ{ could be afforded the sultation with the Com­ board. Yesterday there mission. were indications that Witfi sfwCf(./lnd.aisbefiej tIie Tn?SSage of tIie ~ tfeat(uitfresecretttry (jenerdf oftfie • opportunity to answer the charges made against The Public Service Britzsti1l needed to study 9{g.mibian O{gmpic Committee; .
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