1945 September, THE SOUTHERN JEWISH MONTHLY Page Thirty-Seven | Daytona Beach “TTie World’s Most Famous Beach” well at the gate, never having J K & SEASON’S GREETINGS! '*"sEASON^s'*GREE.TiNGS! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Jews in Sports a bad night. Now he talks of i £ f"*" (Continued from Page 28) running two shows a week at the j > - Mather I of \ Garden, on Friday and Monday i | | W. J. VIALL O’ Clubs / Indian River Fruit / Jack former L.I.U. basketball captain, nights. He no longer is plagued . j Daytona, Inc • | | j Packed and Shipped who started with Newark in the with a shortage of talent. 8 Furniture. Home Nuts Furnishings and \ Pecan f FINE COCKTAILS Yankee farm chain and 5$ Coats 8 \ ended Several boys have come along I X 406-410 SECOND AVENUE 8 j Prices Reasonable with Norfolk in the Piedmont rapidly the past year particular- j DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. \ 809 MAIN STREET f • > BE 4 loop. ly Harold Green, the Brownsville Football suffered in compari- boy, who defeated Rocky Graz- • 44 N. ATLANTICAVE. and knocked son with other years. Only a iano twice off Frit- ( SEASON’S GREETINGS! SEASON’S few names spotted collegiate grid zie Zivic in a ten round decision. GREETINGS! j PHONE 9300 circles, none outstanding, while Green looms as likely contender (I ( Daytona # Ensign Sid Luckman managed to for Red Cochran’s crown and \( ( & Sales get in a few games with the Chi- may meet the welter champ in LeSesne Studio Storage cago September. Morris Reif, ¦ •¦ # Bears before taking off to another \1 Established 1903 \ Service Ir sea. Buckets Goldenberg conti- Brooklyn welter, has been making ( NEW ( PORTRAIT AND •. STORAGE - MOVING HAPPY YEAR! nued as line mainstay the splendid progress and shapes up as of COMMERCIAL PHOTOS f PACKING - SHIPPING championship Green Bay Packers a future Garden full time enter- 1 J PHONE 416 / We Buy and Sell ? and rolls along much like Old tainer. Danny Bartfield, a light- f, Household Goods Man River. Congressman Sammy weight, is being groomed for a j 312 SO. PALMETTO AVE. / ANTIQUES Weiss still heads the pro football lot of work. Bummy Davis is 234 Volusia Ave.—Ph. 3090 DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. / CONDON’S officials as number one referee still around and with the follow- j DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. with Lou Gordon coming along ing he has is a welcome mem- Seafood Grill fast. ber of the Garden fight clan. He will probably fight Green soon 20 N. ATLANTIC AVE. The Philadelphia Hebrews came ’’SEASON’S GREETINGS” through for the championship of Browns- BEACH, FLA. with another champion- DAYTONA ship in the American pro basket- ville, if nothing else. The Cake Box Bakery * ball race. Eddie Gottlieb’s boys Keep your eyes on a newcom- -->^w_J; Beaeh, Fla. 720 Main Street I- won the regular season gonfalon, er, Davey Feld. He hasn’t been heard from yet but will in the XJBBSXXNXXX****^^ then proved themselves by win- “Best Wishes For A Happy and Prosperous New Year” ning the playoffs. Irv Torgoff, future. Dave is a BillyCoon style HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dutch Garfinkel, Inky Lautman, of boxer with a punch in his Roney’s Package Store and Ossie Shechlman spear-head- right mitt. A middleweight now, 738 MAIN ST. ALLEN HARGROVE PHONE 540 —“The ed the Spha drive. Former Spha Feld should develop into a classy Only Package Store On Main St. Not Connected With A Bar”— Lh ¦¦¦ »l F. Fraser | star Red Rosan managed Balti- heavyweight in time. Benny Gold- J. more into the finals against his berg is tops in the bantam weight ESTATE % REAL former, mates. Mike Bloom paced division albeit another holds the “Best Wishes For A Happy and Prosperous New Year” BROKER | the league in scoring for Trenton. title. TELEPHONE 2360 Among the college boys little Among the promoters, Jake Motive Parts Co., Inc. - Hy Gotkin of St. John’s made the Mintz in Pittsburg, Brickman in Automotive Marine - Industrial Parts & Supplies Equipment - 722 MAIN STREET grade as an All-American. Sid Cleveland, Lou Raymond in New Shoe Machine Shop Equipment 402 NORTH BEACH STREET Daytona Beach, Tannenbaum of N. Y. U. led his Orleans, and Barney Ross in Los Fla. PHONE 2465 DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. jjj I mates in scoring. The Lavender Angeles have fared very well dur- five enjoyed one of its better sea- ing the past twelve months. Maxie ; sons with Tannenbaum, Forman, i Waxman, Jack Dempsey’s right- HAPPY NEW YEAR! 1 and Goldstein pacing the quintet. hand man, started a new fight SEASON’S GREETINGS! L.I.U. with Rothman, Goldstein, i weekly called “Fight Facts.” InI Artcraft Photo Studio and Lewis also had a winning ' addition, Max has reaped big > ; —Today’s Gift Is Tomorrow’s Treasure—- year. Alterson of Cornell made monies handling Bobby Ruffin. He ¦ ! 250 South Beach St. Daytona Beach, Fla. Phone 3023 ALADDIN the Ivy League all star team. also is fronting for Abel Cestac, * ' 1 j 1 Bar - Grill and Harry Roykoff, former St. John’s i Firpo’s Argentinian protege. center, performed for a West golf, Herman Barron con- In HAPPY NEW YEAR! Package Store Point club together with Gar- tinues as the only big Jewish pro. C. P. Miller, Owner finkel and Bernie Opperm, form- He wins his share of sectional ! Serving Fine Food er Kentucky leader. Butch Sch- matches and doesn’t fare badly Jack A. Purcell Wines Liquor wartz was a member of Bain- in the national matches. Lt. Sey- REAL ESTATE Ave. 1005 Main 108-112 Orange bridge’s crack aggregation. He mour Greenberg, back from the > Street Daytona Beach, Fla. Phone 2718 Phones 2505-9370 formerly starred at LJLU. and for Aleutians, played good tennis and i DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. indicated he will be heard from ii—- the Philly Sphas. when the war is over. Sid Sch- really ? BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY Mike Jacobs had him- Brooklyn youth, captur- NEW YEAR' f ' wartz, a !' self a boxing year. Running ed several boys’ titles and went ! HAPPY NEW YEAR! shows at the Garden and St. far in the national boys’ meet. § WALKER’S RESTAURANT right Lou Freedman, another boy play- ? “Home of Good Food” T Nicholas Arena, Michael did 118 er took the New York State title. | ORANGE AVE. DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. % a -t- - The Sherwin- Track had little to offer in fire i r - t |, 8 Wishes for a Happy M line of sensations. Allan Best Jewish ! ???‘t , NEW YEAR! great sprinter, Is **4****************'»'f-f- -f--f-f- 11,1'flat’ ]j: Tolmich, the 1 T “SEASON’S GREETINGS” Williams Co. in the Army and had little chanoe DONALD P. MYERS to participate in meets. Sol Furth, f EVELYN’S BEAUTYSALON Morrow | 614 MAIN I Branch Manager f STREET T I old Olympic idol, coached Brook- AND X X lyn College to a successful sea- 133 Orange Ave. Ph. 2876 Cleaners | son. In the wrestling field, Ed- I COTTAGE FENCE BEAUTY SALON LADIES’ WORK A 4 1003 MAIN STREET I BEACH, FLA. of basketball fame DAYTONA SPECIALTY die Gottlieb -f. 0 |)tl ,1, ,|( [t< became a big man in Philly as i___—— — As Near As Your Telephone a promoter. Jewish grapplers 500—711 MAIN ST. jj| PHONE still around include Abe Coleman, / HAPPY NEW YEAR! f DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. | Herbie Freeman, and, of course, SEASON’S GREETINGS! the freak Blimp Levy. ( Mary Ellen Beauty Shop \ j| Charlie’s Grill All m all, it wasn’t a great f 157 MAGNOLIA Daytona Beach, Fla. TELEPHONE 2272 ( j I year Jewish The Ground for athletes. } • Floor Williams Hotel / - NEW - YEAR! and f HAPPY coming year should be a better one, particularly since the Japa- ’ j ( > off. Many boys j Cocktail Bar nese are knocked ‘ HAPPY NEW YEAR! Serving The Finest Os are giving all of their time to this 7 Southern Foods ) on the sport fields and on the CLUB Reliance Radio ) basketball courts. ORANGE TEA 'i HIGH HAT ij: \ • ROOM As Modern As Tomorrow '\\ —RESTAURANT—- j: • 1680 ( +++***+*** “ PHONE • Delici°us Home Cooked Food DANCING NIGHTLY 142 Orange Avenue Daytona Throughout l / Best For A Happy Beach, Fla. Telephone 2894 \( Air Conditioned Wishes *-¦¦-' | jj: 232 VOLUSIA AVE. \ J l J ¦ 8 CALL 9376 FOR f {I NEW YEAR! <* RESERVATIONS BEACH, FLA. o 2 308 SEABREEZE BLVD. V ( DAYTONA / i: Avon Studio it I Frierson’s Electric & O o Gas Co. ’’ ’ ’ ** T Portraits Kodaks FANS HENRY G. CARLIN ¦ »|< .fi i|. i|i »t« .fr ¦s« »t« »!¦ »!¦ ¦!< ¦!« »t« ?4 1 'il 'l 1 '4' ¦*' i RANGES t» Kodak Finishing ’ HEATERS Manager NEW YEAR! * HAPPY | * J REFRIGERATORS 4 Enlarging—Coloring 1 SALES and SERVICE o it ” WESTINGHOUSE and GENERAL *» 724 MAIN ELECTRIC DIXIE CLEANERS M O Office Phone 991 147 Magnolia Ave. Home Phone 960 plant f dry cleaning I ;; DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. 1! DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. 154* 438 N. Beach St Phone ?.
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