Report on the State of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi2019 Arabia, 2019: Facts and Figures Executive Summary 2019AD / 1440-1441H. Our Culture, our identity Message from the Minister Saudi culture is experiencing a new golden age. Thanks to the active en- gagement of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdu- laziz Al Saud, and His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers, and Minister of Defense, a cultural re- naissance is gathering pace. Cultural institutions, and those in- volved in the creative industries, have been empowered to carry for- ward the traditions and heritage handed down through the genera- tions of our people. The result has we see around us today. Our beloved country is experiencing a wave of renewal and reform on all fronts. Culture in its multifaceted forms, is integral to this. Vision 2030, by recognizing it as “indispensable to our quality of life,” has given Saudi citizens and residents to enjoy a culture greater prominence than it broader and more inclusive range of providing an overview of creative has ever enjoyed before. cultural experiences. and artistic trends and patterns. Over the past year (2019), we have And most importantly, we empow- It also details the state of cultural achieved many of our goals. ered the very people driving this production and its vital contribu- transformation forward by providing tion to our economy, levels of com- We did so thanks to the tireless work platforms for Saudi talent to reach munity participation, and more. We of the creatives, entrepreneurs, their full potential. believe in the importance of doc- thinkers and workers from across the umenting this golden age of cul- cultural landscape, all of whom have Much remains to be done, and with ture and in being transparent about been our strategic partners since the the continued support of our coun- where our ministry is headed. establishment of the Ministry. try’s leadership and people, all our We look forward to continuing this We set up eleven new commissions journey of innovation and creativity to manage the various cultural sub- Today we present to you our Report with you all. - on the State of Culture in the King- ibility, and autonomy. dom of Saudi Arabia, 2019: Facts Prince Badr bin Abdullah and Figures. The report documents bin Mohammed bin Farhan Al Saud We also brought a number of cul- the achievements of the past year, Minister of Culture tural initiatives to fruition, enabling including resolutions met, initiatives 03 Report on the State of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2019: Facts and Figures Introduction 06 2019AD / 1440-1441H. Our Culture, our identity The cultural moment currently underway in the Kingdom is part of a long history of transformations experienced by Saudi society. It stands as a testament to the richness and diversity built up by thousands of trailblazers and intel- lectuals. It draws from the extensive literature left by Saudi historians and writers who have chronicled key facets of our cultural history. Nevertheless, this movement still has a long way to go, as many aspects of our culture still need to be documented. Such documentation is itself a form of creativity and adds to the value of the hard work already completed by our forebears. Systematic documentation, which in many areas of Saudi culture remains absent or sporadic, is of particular importance to this initiative. Today, we are witnessing the revitalization of cultural institutions as a result of Vision 2030, through which the King- dom of Saudi Arabia promotes culture as an anchor of identity, a central component of the quality of life in Saudi society, and an important contributor to economic vitality. A number of factors have emerged as part of the trans- formation of the local cultural ecosystem, including interactions between the public sector, relevant civil-society we aspire to as one that takes pride in “the historical and cultural legacy of our Saudi, Arab, and Islamic heritage”(1) and cherishes national values and identity. A “vibrant society” builds upon culture to expand and improve the quality of life, and the creative industry has helped to reinforce the second pillar of Vision 2030, the “thriving economy.” The Ministry of Culture thus espouses a vision centered on the promotion of culture: 1) as a way of life; 2) as a contribu- tor to economic growth; and 3) as an opportunity for international exchange. - ditions and contexts of cultural activity, and the ways it is transforming. This report is more than a commemoration intended to enrich the cultural memory of future generations. Rather, it seeks to provide all those interested in cul- citizens and residents insofar as culture relates to their daily lives. The First Report of its Kind culture, activities of cultural insti- ipation, whether active or passive. tutions, events and forums, sup- Each chapter of the report provides port and development initiatives, a summary assessment of the eco- Kingdom, the Ministry of Culture and infrastructure programs. It will system of each sector and the eco- herewith presents its Report on the also account for non-governmen- State of Culture in the Kingdom of tal cultural advancements made by chapter will present key cultural in- Saudi Arabia, 2019: Facts and Fig- individuals and institutions. The re- dicators. ures port is not limited to documenting will be an annual report document- new trends and patterns of cultural Many parties in the cultural sector ing Saudi cultural achievements. It creation. It encompasses the data establishes a qualitative and quan- and analysis that highlights these a comprehensive perspective that titative reference point to measure changes, including innovation, ad- includes recurrent data on the state and make sense of the evolution aptation, and adoption of cultural forms, whether local or foreign. are public institutions dedicated to taking into consideration both local The report also tracks the changes culture. This report will help these understandings and international in the state of cultural production, institutions to interpret the circum- standards. The report has four main the transmission and distribution stances that currently bear upon of goods and practices, and the cultural programs and policies, and government decisions related to form and extent of cultural partic- 07 Report on the State of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2019: Facts and Figures as actors on the cultural scene and ation and communication. The re- United Nations Educational, Sci- as entities working to achieve the cultural goals outlined by the King- panoramic view of the local cultural (UNESCO). On this basis, the Min- dom’s Vision 2030. The report will scene. istry of Culture has created six- - teen sub-sectors to promote Saudi ture and creativity throughout the culture without excluding any of - Methodology and Outline its manifestations. The Ministry is responsible for developing those them with historical context and sectors, fostering creative talent, updated data. In addition, the report the Ministry of Culture has tried to and preserving its heritage through will highlight Saudi cultural activity constructive and strategic engage- by providing a reliable reference for manner compatible with local un- ment with public and private insti- those interested in Saudi culture in derstanding. At the same time, it tutions as well as individual stake- the Arab world and beyond, thereby refers to international standards, expanding the horizons of cooper- in particular those outlined by the The cultural sectors include: Books and Film Language Publishing Music Theater Literature Visual Arts Fashion Design Archaeological and Libraries Heritage Museums Cultural Sites Architecture Natural Heritage Food and Cultural Festivals and Design Culinary Arts and Events these sectors into what they are measures pertain to: 1) cultural chapters, each of which examines production; 2) cultural dissemina- one sub-sector. The one excep- lengthy. In addition to the discussion tion; and 3) cultural participation. tion is the section that deals with of past and present trends, most The data collected is for 30 Saudi cultural and archeological sites un- sections report on measures of cultural indicators. They are pre- der the larger umbrella of heritage, cultural participation, highlight im- sented alongside indicators of nine whether tangible or intangible. Each portant achievements and awards, other countries chosen for their chapter reports on the status of - its sub-sector, including the most partnerships and recognition. Fi- tempts at cultural development, noteworthy cultural products or nally, each chapter concludes with and the availability of data. By track- activities produced over the past an overview of education, support, ing these indicators as accurately year. It also monitors shifts in cul- investment, infrastructure, and reg- as possible, the report provides a tural creation and production, the ulatory frameworks in that sub-sec- sense of the Kingdom’s position state of cultural dissemination, and - with respect to the growth and de- the level of cultural participation (i.e. port system. velopment of the cultural sphere. the state of the “culture cycle” as The report integrates quantitative Following the sub-sector chap- indicators with the qualitative nar- for Cultural Statistics). Since this ters is a special chapter that tracks ratives presented in the chapters in important cultural indicators, i.e. order to provide a precise and ap- a historical overview of the crucial quantitative measures of the state propriately detailed overview of the 08 of culture in the Kingdom. These state of culture. 2019AD / 1440-1441H. Our Culture, our identity Survey of Cultural Participa- In addition to the survey, the report sively and accurately as possible. tion and Report Data relied on data and reports collected Considering its broad scope and its from over 50 governmental and non- desire to provide a reliable account In its approach to the state of cul- -governmental agencies.
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