![Irlst-Ru -T-Cdr (Sabbath School Lessons for August 4]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
COLUMBIA UNION COLLeGg LIBRARY TAKOMA PAR 12, MD. JULY 24, 1962 Summer may be a good time to satisfy one's curiosity: 11:110 Mit .44 I Wonder Where That Road Goes! irlst-ru -t-cDr (Sabbath School Lessons for August 4] 116 ) en • `,...„141 • • • ailL)111,, 1 5ate 04, 0 4et Peitia / t? IOU kll 10 0 %E k ovag,azivles oilerot takisvg, the best tive gears possible Iiiyitiv:r a arvg,ectivousainds s vviessag *Ivo to are tive ovi law the all ofday Oa carfaot be reacbea ill areas y,c,their°r y Ivolffies.a brief caw/ass is rveeded to sell AND IVE,A1,11-1,. arva other LIFEtioely potistvirt%ollroals. secretary vi'il‘ slow t lout-tow 1,IVV, OD Ittl1/2-1,111low stivaeots rote- alma to ou part-tiro workers earn. hseotatives work time other extra vooney ill their spare arfacet salool expenses. Mae arravve ea with car •• • Nose ..... 0,1 Vial tWoo0 •••••••• .....................................esto... 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Raised in a the gaudy signboard proclaiming the Seventh-day Adventist home, he had wares of the liquor establishment been the favorite brother in a fam- occupying the most prominent cor- ily of eight. He married a pretty ner. schoolmate, vivacious little Connie, Many times I had noticed their and managed to secure and hold a sea" subtly clever advertising. Today my position as driver on the city bus indignation rose to a new pitch as I lines in their Midwestern town. read the bold letters calculated to But then •came the pressure of catch the eye of even the most un- three children to be fed and clothed. interested passer-by. And then came Charlie, the friendly "Down to the sea—in sips" it next-door neighbor, who began declared in letters a foot high. Be- dropping in frequently with his social low were the prices of pints, half bottle. pints, and fifths! Bill went to work one morning The play upon words was inten- with too much of a hangover and tional, of course, and the distorted had his first accident. The boss was Biblical reference was now serving understanding—but firm. Satan's purpose. "Better lay off that stuff, Bill. It As I drove onward I began to re- can't happen again, you know!" call Psalm 107, which has comforted Bill had vowed there wouldn't be many an ocean traveler and his fam- any next time. He couldn't afford to ily. "They that go down to the sea lose his job now with Connie expect- in ships, that do business in great ing again, Bill, Jr., needing surgery, waters; these see the works of the and the girls begging for a piano so Lord and his wonders in the deep." they could take lessons. He'd just Beautiful phrases, giving all glory have to tell Charlie that he was "on to our God. Verse after verse came the wagon." to mind. "He maketh the storm a But Charlie wasn't easily discour- calm." Surely the stormy lives of aged. "You're kidding!" he sneered. the people who drop their hard- "Gonna be a good boy now, huh?" earned coins into the liquor dealer's How accurately the liquor dealer's till are lacking calm. signboard described Bill's descent "So he bringeth them unto their into a "sea" of difficulty, and he desired haven." I thought of how went all the way by "sips." Sips with far away the alcoholics I had known his so-called friends when he joined were from their "desired haven." them for an evening. Sips from his The Youth's Instructor, July 24, 1962 3 own bottles of cheap wine, which he told. What else would have brought kept hidden from Connie and the her into this place with matted hair children. the and soiled clothing? What else could That "sea" seldom gives up a vic- have caused her sour breath, reek- Youth's tim. Weakness—failure—discour- ing with the odor of cheap wine? i strk_JC-t-c) r agement—round and round went "Down to the sea—in sips." And the cycle. I tried to help as I watched the sips had turned her at about and prayed for Bill and his family. thirty or thirty-five years of age into But several years later he was still a confused, blubbering wreck! THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR is a non- "at sea." He had been in and out We treated her kindly, sitting fiction weekly designed to meet the spir- itual, social, physical, and mental inter- of jail so many times we lost count. near her and soothing her when the ests of Christian youth in their teens and Gaunt and sickly, he slumped sobs became uncontrollable. twenties. It adheres to the fundamental concepts of Sacred Scripture. These con- cepts it holds essential in man's true re- lationship to his heavenly Father, to his Saviour, Jesus Christ, and to his fellow men. Small Boy A continually changing world is re- flected in its pages as it has expanded by ENOLA CHAMBERLIN from 1852 to 1962. Then it was essen- tially a medium for providing youth Sabbath school lessons. Now it also I do not know his name, supplies many added services meaning- Nor where he lives; ful to twentieth-century Christians. If he does his lessons well or not; If he leaves his clothes upon the floor • Or hangs them up. And yet he is so much a twin to me Editor WALTER T. CRANDALL That I can feel his heart Assistant Editor ALICE MAE SLICK In painful beat with mine. Art Editor T. K. MARTIN SHARE Editor MILDRED LEE JOHNSON I found him, head bowed, Editorial Secretaries Sobbing great sobs, SUZANNE JOHNSON Great angry, heartbroken sobs, LEONA B. MINCHIN Over his little dog Editorial Consultants A careless driver had killed. RAYMOND F. COTTRELL RICHARD HAMMILL, THEODORE LUCAS E. LENNARD MINCHIN, GERALD R. NASH Circulation Manager R. G. CAMPBELL through relief lines or haunted em- I didn't hear much of the sermon that night. I kept thinking of Solo- • ployment offices to pick up half a day's work. The pay always went for mon's conclusions: "Who hath woe? more wine, and the sips carried him who hath sorrow? who hath conten- Published by the Seventh-day Advent- deeper into despondency and far- tions? who hath babbling? who hath ists. Printed every Tuesday by the Re- view and Herald Publishing Association, ther out to sea. wounds without cause? who hath at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., The last time I talked with Connie redness of eyes? They that tarry long U.S.A. Second-class postage paid at she told me he had been committed at the wine." Washington, D.C. Copyright, 1962, Re- view and Herald Publishing Association, to the mental ward of the county I took her home after the meet- Washington 12, D.C. hospital. The next step? Only God ing. She was in no condition to be Subscription rates to U.S. and U.S. possessions: one year, $6.50; two years, can tell. on the streets alone. $11.50; three years, $15.75; six months, Then there was Jane. One eve- Was it just by chance that she $3.40; in clubs of three or more, one ning she stumbled up the steps of gave an address in the slums? I year, each $5.25; six months, $2.75. All rates slightly higher in Canada. All the auditorium where evangelistic would have been very much sur- other countries: one year, $7.30; six meetings were in progress. Night prised had she lived in a place better months, $3.80; in clubs of three or after night the crowds had pressed than the broken-down shack to more, one year, each $6.05; six months, $3.15. into the building to hear the mes- which she directed me. The post office will not forward sec- sages, but this was the first drinker I left her there, clutching her ond-class matter, even though you leave who had wandered in. shabby old purse, still crying, still a forwarding address. A month before you move, notify THE YOUTH'S IN- Staggering down the center aisle, wiping her eyes with the dirty rag. I STRUCTOR of both your old and new she hunched into a seat and began can see her yet address. If the post office is unable to make delivery, your subscription will sobbing wildly, wiping her bleary, If those tempted to take that first be suspended until a correct address is unseeing eyes with a dirty piece of taste of an alcoholic beverage could supplied. cloth. only see her! Solomon was right.
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