All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning Gross~ Pointe News Complete News Coverage of All tile Pointes Home of the News F.ntered uSecond Cla... Natler al IDe !'er COpy Vol. 31-No. 50 tile Post Orrlce .1 Detroit, loItctll.an GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 10, 1970 1.5.00Per Year 28 Pages - Two Sections - Section One I HEADLINES A Big Christmas Gift For GP Symphony Goodfellows Plan .Voters Okay Q! the South High 'VEER Renovation As Compiled by the IPaper Sale to Aid Grosse Pointe News Hope to Complete $3," 600,000 Project by Fall TbuNlday, December 3 I Fa1Jlilies in Need of 1973; Educators Ap- THE HOUSE RULES COM- I preciate Support 41 st Annual Campaign Starts at Daybreak Next MITTEE killed legislation to create an independent federal Monday; Pointe Lions Hore to Raise $6,000: By Pepper Whitelaw agency for consumer protection Woods Has Goa of $3,000 Pointers rallied behind Wednesday, one day after it was . ---- . their children, their educa- overwhelmingly approved by The Goodfellows Will be on the str~ets star.lmg II:t tors and their school sys- the Senate. By l'efusing on a daybreak on Monday, December 14, selhng special edl-I tern on Monday December 7-7 tie vote to clear the bill for tions of newspapers to raise funds to buy Christmas bas- 7. by approling 'the $3,600,- House action. the committee in k~t~ for ~he Po.mte needy,. and to take. care o~ th~ many 000 bond issue for renova- effect killed it, and the chances CIV~C pro]ec.ts, ~ncludmg aid for the blmd, mamtamed by tion of South High School it might be revived this late in Congress were considered slim. their orgamzat.lOns.. r -- - by a 1,218 vote margin. • • • .The Gros~e Pomte Lions, who S h I H Some 13,496 persons out of THE SENATE VOTED Wed. ~111 be aSSlste~ by off-duty po- C 00, 0me the 40,500 registered voters cast nesday to prohibit faster-than- hcemen and {lremen from the . their ballots at Monda}"s elec- sound airline flights over U.S. Park, City, Farms and S~ores, Paid V10S10t tion. The Soulh end of the dis. territory and to restrict airport and other volunteers. WIll be S trict carried the bond issue. It noise levels by the proposed "hawking t~eir wares", hoping I B B I was defeated at every polling supersonIc transport. Backers of to reach theIr goal of $6,000. 'y urg ars place in the North end. the SST rushed the provisions The Grosse Pointe Woods Here's how the imllvidual pre. through the Senate in less than Lions, aided by Woods public cincts cast their ballots; Trom. two days to try to head off a safety officers and other volun- Much Damage Done at bly.591 yes, 335 no; Dder830 growing move to cut federal teer friends. have set $3,000 as Parcells; Windows Broken yes, 422 no; Maire-840 yes, r75 funds for the plane by denying tt,eir goal. no; Richart! 1,007 yes, 523 no; opp:ments a key argument The Goodfellows of the Five to Gain Entrance to Kerby-I,086 yes, 772 no; Ferry- against it. Pointes, and Goodfellows every- Many Rooms 762 yes, 842 no; 1'ttason500 yes, • • when!, sell special editions of 531 no; Monteith-687 yes, 821 no; Friday, November 4 , newspapers, once a year, in De- Woods police report two Po u par d-335 yes, 482 no; cember, to raise monies. so nlOre burglaries within the Barnes-498 yes, 643 no; absen- THE DETROIT BOARD of 1 that no family in need will be past week, one occurring tees-l73 yes, 145 no. The totals EDUCATION was 0 r de red deprived of a Merry Christmas. in Parcells School, 20600 were 7,309 yes and 6,091 n;>. Thursday by U.S. District Judge -!'Iloto by Eddie McGrath. Jr. Presenting a check-for over $6,0001-to DR. party on the Horace Dodge Estate, flanked by MRS. (IT Stephen J. Ruth to create by Aiding the needy is their i- Mack, and one of a resi- Some 96 votes wel..! spoiled. ROBERT J. GROSSEN, president of the Grosse Pointe next September a system of RICHARD H. CAMPBELL, (left), and MRS. J. C. mary goal. This will be the 41st dence in Torrey road. What Will Be Done specialized high schools as a Symphony Society, is MRS. WILLIAM T. DREV ANT, HURLEY, co-chairmen of the Committee's highly suc- annual sale. Officials discovered Thurs- The passage oC this bond is. means of increasing integration chairman of the Pointe Symphony Women's Commit- cessful Oc'tober Benefit Teler.hone Bridge. How's A portion of the proceeds from day, December 3, at 7 a.m. sue will permil construction of through voluntary student trans- tee's delightful July Jubilee benefit cocktail-supper THAT for a nice Christmas gift! the sales are also used by the that the schaol had been bro- additions to Soulh High, remod. fers. Judge Roth's long-awaited Lions to provide aid for other ken into sometime during the eling or the main building, edict brought immediate criti- u~fort~nates, especially Ulose night and the culprits had e9~ipping lhe building amI ad- cism {rom NAACP attorneys, Hospita I Gets Parents Lamhast Hockey Center Sets With Sight problems. I searched the school. breaking d!llOns. and for the necessary who compl3ined it will not pro- lIelp Projects Too windows to gain entry inlo sll,; d~velopment of S~II.th, vide enough school integration. The Goodfellows contribute I each room. which mclu~e~ the dp.mohtwn • • 0 Holden :ft AssOCI-atl.onfor DI'Op.pl.Ilg Career Day G".. funds to local civic pro)'ects Sorne t'Ime a ft er 11:30 p.m. Quonselof the HuteXIsting annex and Saturday, December 5 Of $900 000 Thel-I' K.-ds from Program For Dec_ 23 th~ough which the blind ca!1 re- Wednesday, after the ~c~ool It is hoped' that the bonds ca!! EX-GI DENNIS CONTI, testi-l , celve help, a.nd they c~ntrlbfte was closed by the custodIan, be issued between January l fying at the court-martial trial to state pro)eets. suc . as or a s~reen was pulled out and and l\larch 31 1971 Preliminary ot Lieutenant William Calley -.- R P' F G h Leader Dogs for the Bhnd. Ro. a wmdow broken on the south d' k' b t'h h't t Jr., said he watched Calley con- Trustees of Fund Honor esent aytng ee to et Youngsters Involved T en Many Companies Sending chester; Welcome. Home for the end of one hallway in order to s~s'1~ ~or YI t Cd'abrc 1 ec I - t bl k M f L t M Having Them Disappointed by Being R • r Blind. Grand Rapids, a home get in. The thief then reached Deou b e fcoln917POe e F eotween duct a methodic a • pom - an emory 0 a e r. I d I . epresentatrves to n- f Id I bl" d {II . cem er 0 an d e ruary mass execution of unresisting and Mrs. Holden E iminate ; Exp anations Vary terview Students or e er y m persons or a mana. unlalched an upper I of 1971 If II r' d' Vietnamese men, women and • h 'Id' f ------- over the Stale; and Penricklon window 'ng . Ie predl~ln;r~ ra ,v- children at My Lai while they Wit BUI tng or By Greg Boyd See~ing Future Center Taylor Township where : _ . I S arc appro\'e In. e ruary, screamed for their lives. Children Not everyone is happy with the way the Grosse Jobs pre-schoo! blind childr~n whoFand Prant on Chair ~he ~C'lual construcllOn. dra\\"- Pointe Hockey Association has been operating this year. have other physical handicaps The lirsl stoP. police say, mgs would be.completed In June • • ° are taullht ways to lead normal was the shop room, both doors of 1971. T.he Job w~uld t.hen go PRESIDENT NIXON pledged The Board of Trustees of The dissatisfaction centers around the fact that a ny- Career Day at the Grosse Jives as much as possible. of which were locked. The out {or bIds somell.me m July Friday night to lake steps to Children's Hospital has an- where from nine to 12 boys, (estimates vary), have been Pointe War Memorial on. window had been broken in or Augusl of 1971, l\"Ith new con stimulate the lagging economy nounced that it has received dropp~d froll} the association's Mite Division for those Wednesday, December 23, The LIons purchase eye jthe south door and police found struclion geared to begin ill and force down oil prices. He boys SIX t ght Id ------------- glasses for tho~e un.able. t~ do a swivel chair underneath an Seplember of 1971. The new also made a strong plea for a major gift from the James ,I The ASSOCIationo. e~ saysyearsthat 0 the." boys who were cut resent the will find representatives of ts.o becaused ot ffmanclal dlffl.cul-t open IVI'ndolv 11'I'th a footprl'nt conslruction should be com voluntary action against inna- and Lynelle Holden Fund e th b I' . t d 20 or more companies and les, an payor eye opera 10ns 't A d' t t't pleted in lime for occupancv in h' . I r ason_ e oys were e Imma e fact that their sons were ai- for the needy who lack funds on I.
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