A neighborhood publication by Southside United H.D.F.C. - Los Sures® BROOKLYN, NY 2015, Issue 9 - November N. Brooklyn Unites Against Domestic Violence EL NORTE DE BROOKLYN SE UNE EN CONTRA DE LA VIOLENCIA DOMESTICA By Rafael Rivas Nydia Velazquez, Council- violence, even though the member Antonio Reynoso, victim may not have dis- October was Do- El Puente, and St. Nicks closed the violence,” said mestic Violence Awareness Alliance organized a can- Executive Director of the Month, and residents from dlelight vigil and march to North Brooklyn Coalition Williamsburg, Greenpoint, commemorate those who Against Family Violence, and Bushwick gathered have lost their lives as a re- Erika Arias-Moreno. at the First Spanish Pres- sult of domestic violence. According to the byterian Church to raise “Domestic and National Coalition Against awareness. The Brooklyn Family Violence is a grow- Domestic Violence, “every Coalition Against Domes- ing epidemic in our commu- 9 seconds in the US, a wom- tic Violence (NBCADV), nity and it effects everyone. an is assaulted or beaten.” along with Southside United The victims are our part- Worse, “924 women were HDFC - Los Sures®, Com- ners, friends, family mem- killed by intimate partners” munity Driven Solutions, bers, co-workers, neighbors, in 2012 alone. NBCADV Executive Director, Erika Arias Moreno and staff raising awareness at the do- Brooklyn Legal Services, and clients. If you ask, most Victims of domestic vio- mestic violence vigil. La directora ejecutiva, Erika Arias-Moreno y empleadas de NBCADV Churches United for Fair people know someone who lence tend to stay with their concientisando al publico en la vigilia de violencia domestica. Photo/Foto: NBCADV Housing, Congresswoman is or has been a victim of ...Continued on pg. 4 | Español | Por Rafael cia. La Coalición Contra concejal Antonio Reynoso, familiar es una epidemia que es o ha sido víctima de nal Contra la Violencia Do- Rivas la Violencia Doméstica de El Puente, y St. Nicks Alli- creciente en nuestra co- la violencia, a pesar de que méstica, “cada 9 segundos Octubre fue el mes concien- Brooklyn, junto con South- ance organizaron una vigilia munidad y afecta a todos. la víctima no puede haber en los EE.UU., una mujer cia de la violencia, y los side United HDFC - Los y una marcha para recordar Las víctimas son nuestros revelado la violencia “, dijo es agredida o golpeada”. residentes de Williamsburg, Sures®, Community Driven a las personas que han per- socios, amigos, familiares, la Directora Ejecutiva de Pero lo peor es que “, 924 Greenpoint y Bushwick Solutions, Brooklyn Legal dido sus vidas como conse- compañeros de trabajo, North Brooklyn Coalition mujeres fueron asesinadas se reunieron en la iglesia Services, Churches United cuencia de la violencia do- vecinos y clientes. Si usted Against Family Violence, por sus parejas”, sólo en el First Spanish Presbyterian for Fair Housing, la congre- méstica. pregunta, la mayoría de las Erika Arias-Moreno. 2012. Church para crear concien- sista Nydia Velázquez, el “La violencia doméstica y personas conocen a alguien Según la Coalición Nacio- ...Continuado en la pág 4 Transfiguration Church Celebrates 140 Years IGLESIA TRANSFIGURACIÓN CELEBRA 140 AÑOS By Rafael Rivas anniversary in Williams- the community for decades burg, having served the lo- can attest to how much a Last month, Trans- cal community since 1875. community has changed. figuration Roman Catholic Much like local historians, Throughout the years, the Church celebrated its 140th institutions that have been in ...Continued on pg. 7 | Español | Por R. Rivas comunidad desde 1875. biado una comunidad. A lo Al igual que los largo de los años, la iglesia El mes pasado, la historiadores locales, in- ha abierto sus puertas a las Iglesia Transfiguration Ro- stituciones como esta que diferentes poblaciones étni- man Catholic Church cele- han estado en la comunidad cas que residen en la zona, bro su 140 aniversario en durante décadas pueden dar como irlandeses, italianos y (L/I): Local residents at the celebration. Residentes locales en la celebracion. (R/D): Ray Williamsburg, sirviendo a la fe de lo mucho que ha cam- ...Continuado en la pág. 7 Narvaes (Los Sures) and/y John Mulhorn (Nuestros Niños). Photo/foto: Ramon Peguero Borough President Invests $13.3 in Schools PRESIDENTE DEL CONDADO INVIERTE $ 13.3 EN LAS ESCUELAS By Rafael Rivas However, 70 schools in Borough President Adams Brooklyn will be the recipi- pledged over $13 million to With shrinking ents of a substantial invest- Brooklyn schools. Among budgets, many schools have ment from Borough Presi- the selected schools, Wil- been forced to cut programs dent Eric L. Adams. liamsburg’s own PS 414 that have proven to improve Allocating a large Brooklyn Arbor ($65,000), students’ future prospects. part of his 2016 budget, The ...Continued on pg. 5 | Español | Por R. Rivas para mejorar el futuro de los gran parte de su presupuesto estudiantes. Sin embargo, para el 2016, el presidente Con presupuestos 70 escuelas en Brooklyn del condado Adams se com- reducidos, muchas escuelas recibirán una inversión sus- prometió a más de $ 13 mil- Brooklyn Borough President Adams joins Deputy Borough President Diana Reyna, teach- se han visto obligadas a re- tancial del presidente del lones para las escuelas de ers, and school administrators from across Brooklyn. Presidente del condado de Brooklyn cortar los programas que condado Eric L. Adams. Brooklyn. Entre las escuelas Adams se une a la diputada del condado Diana Reyna, maestros y administradores esco- demuestran ser beneficiosos Asignando una ...Continuado en la pág 5 lares de todo Brooklyn. Photo/Foto: Stefan Ringel/Brooklyn BP’s Office. Group Seeks to Bolster DOB Williamsburg Teacher Wins Thanksgiving Meals Around Study Details Problem Response Time National Award the City Subway Stations GRUPO QUIERE FORTALECER EL TIEMPO MAESTRA DE WILLIAMSBURG GANA Cenas de Accion de Gracias Estudio Detalla Estaciones de DE RESPUESTA DEL DOB PREMIO NACIONAL Alrededor de la Ciudad Trenes con Problemas PG. 2 PG. 3 PG. 5 PG. 7 2 | Williamsburg Now Attorney General Funds Foreclosure Group Seeks to Bolster DOB Assistance Programs Response Time PROGRAMAS DE ASISTENCIA RECIBEN FONDOS DEL GRUPO QUIERE FORTALECER EL FISCAL GENERAL DE NUEVA YORK TIEMPO DE RESPUESTA DEL DOB By Rafael Rivas For many, the burst of the housing bubble is a distant memory. For others, it’s a painful reminder that continues to plague them today. Especially for those in the process of foreclosure. New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced additional funding for organizations that help New Yorkers stay in their homes. The $11-million windfall comes on the heels of an additional $10 million investment for housing counseling services. The funds A.G. Schneiderman and local officials showcase achievements of derive from a settlement the At- housing programs designed to rebuild New York neighborhoods. El torney General reached with sev- Fiscal General Schneiderman y oficiales locales mostrando los logros Groups that are part of Stand for Tenant Safety at a City Hall rally. Los gru- eral banks in 2014. de los programas de vivienda diseñados para reconstruir vecindarios pos que forman Stand for Tenant Safety en un mitin en la alcaldia. (Photo/ Last year, according to de Nueva York. Photo/Foto: Eric Schneiderman/Flickr Foto: Rafael Rivas) the Daily News, “Brooklyn had Legal Services in Williamsburg– Schneiderman said, “I By Rafael Rivas “All we are asking for is the highest number of so-called that provide legal assistance and have said since the day I took of- real enforcement,” said Alejandra zombie properties.” Zombie counseling. The Attorney Gener- fice that no one should ever lose Stand for Tenant Safety, a Nasser, a former organizer at South- properties are abandoned homes al allotted the funds to those orga- their home because they didn’t coalition formed in an effort to help side United – HDFC Los Sures®. going through foreclosure pro- nizations with a successful track have access to a lawyer.” the Department of Buildings (DOB) Backed by eleven City ceedings. record of helping the community. To learn more or to find prevent tenant harassment, met last Council Members, the group under- The funds will be Over 50,000 families have ben- a government-vetted organiza- month on the steps of City Hall to scored how the DOB is underfunded awarded to about 20 organiza- efitted from this program since tions, visit AGScamHelp.com. unveil some bills that would bolster and in need of help to take appro- tions – which include Brooklyn 2012. tenant rights. priate action against malicious land- Across city boundaries, lords. | Español | Por Rafael Rivas sión adicional de $ 10 millones y asesoramiento. El fiscal gen- unscrupulous landlords have been Councilman Corey John- para servicios de asesoría de vivi- eral asignó los fondos a las orga- misusing building regulations to ha- son said, “They need more resourc- Para muchos, la mala enda. Los fondos se derivan de nizaciones con una trayectoria de rass tenants out of their homes and es, more inspectors, more people to economía de bienes raíces es un un acuerdo del fiscal general con éxito de ayudar a la comunidad. replace them with tenants willing to do their job, and we will ensure they recuerdo lejano. Para otros, es un varios bancos en el 2014. Más de 50.000 familias se han pay higher prices. get the resources to do this.” doloroso recordatorio que les af- El año pasado, de acu- beneficiado de este programa ecta. Especialmente para los que erdo con el Daily News, “Brook- desde 2012. | Español | Por Rafael Rivas diendo es el reforzamiento de las están en el proceso de ejecución lyn tuvo el mayor número de las Schneiderman dijo, “He leyes", dijo Alejandra Nasser, ex hipotecaria. propiedades llamadas zombis.” dicho desde el día que asumí el Stand for Tenant Safety, organizadora en Southside United - El fiscal general de Propiedades zombis son casas cargo de que nadie debe perder su una coalición formada para ayudar HDFC Los Sures®.
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