_l_ll -,-,- ·-· .. _ . ~- - 0 CONI ~tfTIAL . 0 SECRET ,..-; .. t , c - ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET ~ITUATION INFORMATION REPORT ~D/llt. ~ ..-:.::--::"~-2K'~,........4M~AY...-:1=97=3-. -.-----4 to, c0111ar ~M~... -. - .......,, _. ...lldiftel 1----0......Atl---'ll'f OffiCER'S COMMINTS CN-ber e.ch __, to at.- foo"' _.._ • INITIALS IICINIO fOIWAIDID • ~ .. Do.. o a... -• colutM after -" "-'-I 1, Director of Se~urity . !5 ~~1 ~ r'D . h-pi. • • r~--~ ·:'. I ·t V· I· -:.o· 3. DO/Security 2. - n~r ~ I 4. .. •· . - .. ~·. .• ; 5. .. ~ ~ . r~:.:.:·......... .. .,.~· -: ·~·· ,. 6. - 7. C/CI/CE/OSD •• ~------------------+---~----+~----~4 10. I : - II. 12. 13. .. 14. ) "15. - INTERNAL ~:: . 61 0 USIIOI:us 0 SECRET 0 CONFIDENTIAL D USE ONLY 0 ·UNCLASSIFIED . I I Tll _Lll --'---!1 .L. lc6oo18220 .. ~ ... .. - ·~ ..• . ! .. •· . 24 May 1973 . .. SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT-·. · .. ·· "The Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) is in the process of trying to organize a new national multi-issue front organizaHon to replace i~ antiwar contingent, the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ). This ••united f~ont11 concept is a lypical CPUSA tactic implemented to attract broad-based support from minority, religious, and nonaligned U.S. revolutionaries. .. 'fhe· new coalition, the Na~ohal. Defense- Organization Against Racist arid Political Repressio.n.(NDO) plans to focus its attention on the issues of prisons,• police b"r~tality, political repression, and the ........3.., ·~· U.S. leqal system. .......... ~ ,. ""-· Support.for U1e NDO is being genera.ted by a .number of diverse - "leftist.. groups who mef in New York Ctty on March 17 for a national ·pre-conference meeting organized by Charlene Mitchell, C PUSA candidate for the U.S~ ~residency in 1968. • ·' . A national organizing conference sponsqred by the Rev. R~ph ··~ Abernathy, SouUlern Christian Leadership Conference; Rev. Dan ~--- .. Berrigan; Julian Bond; Prof. Noam Chomsky, MIT; Rep.. John Conyers. (D-Mich); Bert Corona. of Casa Hermanidad; Ricardo Cruz,. Mexican­ American Legal Defense and Education ~d, L~A.; Rep. Ronald Dellums (D-Calif. ); Patrick Gorman, presidenl., Amalqa.mated Meat­ cutters and Butchers; Rev. Ja.mes Groppi; Fannie Lou Hamer; ·William . KunsUer, attorney; John Lewis, Southern Voters Education Project; Allred Lopez,· Puert:o Rican Socialist Party; Javier Rodriquez, Los Tres del Barrio Defense Committee; Modjeska Simkins, president, · · Southern ())nference Education Fund; Jarvis Tyner, chairman, Young · Workers ·Liberation League, a.nd Henry Winston, chairman oC U1e Commwtist Party, U3/\, w~.s held in Chicago, illinois on Ma.y 11-13, . '\ 19'/3 to laWlch ~e NDO. .. .. .. I I -r11 ~- -----,....- ,.-.f,f"lr·-->1 -! 1 it£\f:tPIHfHtilt-i<fHit<IH~IW' ll,.. tiifh ..... ll4ijMiijiii""""'Ml4·iiiMil01flijlijiiiljifli•i·:4#i•l·•"'•·~· UA¥¥ ........................ 1 .JJj __ lcooo18220 ~ .. ~ ~ ... ' l " ... ·. .. ' .; . • • I Seven hundred-and sixty-nine representatives o! blaclt, while, Chicano; Puerto Rican, American Indian, Asiant and labor organiza-. tions attended the founding NDO Conference. Angela pavis, l:!ert · . Corona of Casa Hermanidad, and Carl Bradden of. the Southern Con­ ference· Education Fund were elected co-chail'f'lersons of the new coalition. Those elected as vice co-chairpersons '!'~re Clyde Eellecourt of the American Indian Movement; Alfredo Lopez of Ute Carlos Feliciano Defense Committee and the Puerto lUcan Socialist Party; Rev. Ben · CJla.vis· of t.he Commission of RatialJ"usUce and the United Church of Christ; Bill Takahashi of the United Defense ~gainst Repression, Los u.· ., •. ....., ~­ Angeles; and Fred Bell of the United Defense of Political PrU:ioners, .- 1 ' ... Dallas, Texas. • • The founding conference, in a.ddition to launch in'} ~ new ua tional.. • ·communist- dominated coalition_, b1;.ought into sha.rp focus the disunity within.the "radical left" in the U.·S. today. Fraction~lism highlighted the organizing conference. Acc-ording tc{ reliable sources, each attend­ ing group strove to es'tablish itself as the ."revolutionary vanguard" of the new coalition and consequenfl:y very little conc:t.ete organizing was actually accomplished. It should be noted, that the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and·other Trotskyjst splinter groups did not - p:.:trtic1pate. In addition, the Maoist organizations chose to boycott ·the conference. · There are basic ideological _problems to be overcome if Utese groups are to become involved. It. remains to t?e seen, if tile new coalition will be able to accommodate the ideologically different "leftist sects" and slill be ~- ,,iable organization. ~ 'f,. " -I (&)oJ?J . il\':1.. o;.,.t .. ~"",; . ~ . · a~~'~ ~ . 'J,~, rt•,,"., CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ACTMTIES 26 May, Nationwide . A second nationwide African L.iberation Day has been announced n.nd will be held in 25 cities n.cros3 the country on the above date to show support and solidarity with Africans in southern Africa. .'I. 2 - .. l I Ill lc o·o o1s 2 2 o ·' . .. -: .. • Committee chairman Owusu &l.dauka.i, president of Malcolm X University hi Greensooro, North ca:rolina, recently issued a call for sponsors to raise ~t least $50, 000 to supix>rt the liberation movement .:::·. ..·• ... in southern· Africa. - . Members of the African•Liberation Day.. Support C9mmittee have been holding rallies and going door-to-.door to. collect funds and solicit support from local churches, schools, neighborhoods and organizatiorlal institutions. Among U1e supporters of the African Liberation are the -following:· ·z,1embers of the Congressional Black Caucus; Anderson · . Y'oung of Georgia; Percy Sutton of Manhattan; the Rev. JohnevJalker; .. .,~ ·-~~... Marion Barry; Leroi Jones; Leonard Ball (Etack Labor Lenders Coalition) and Don L. Lee, Institute for POsitive Education, Chicago. • African Liberation Day will be observed in Ute foll(,)wing cities: • ·Atlanta, Ga. ; Boston, Mass; Buffalg, N. Y.-; Chicago, ill. ; Columbia, ... S.C.; ·columbus, Ohio; Detroit, Mich.-; ~ou'ston, Tex.; IndianaP')lis, Ind.; Jackson, Miss.; Kansas City, Mo.;" Los Angeles, Calif.; Memphis, Tenn. ; Nashville, Tertn. ; Newark, N.J'. ; New Orleans, La.; Oakland, Calif. ; Oklahoma City, Okla.·~··PhRadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Portland, Ore.; Raleigh, .N.C.; San Francisco, Calif.; St. Paul, Minn.; and - Washington, D.C. The ALDSC wa.s granted permission to conduct a. parade on 26 Ma.y from 11:00 a.. m .. to 2:00 p. m. in Washington, D.C. The Metro­ politan police anticipate that the 80Q to 1, 200 figure called for by llie organizers will participate; however, last ·year·' s demonstrations drew 12,000 "people to Washington, D. C. Recently the organizers of ALDSC were granted peztmission to use the Meridian Hill Park untillO:OO p. ·m! , and they have ma.de plans to have entertainment furnished by rock barids at the conclusion of the parade. This recent change of plans in all probability will increase the number of participants to 3 or 4, 000 persons. · Tentative speakers for the rallies will consist of such local activists ns the Rev. Douglas Moore (Black United Front), Rev. Ben Chavis (.African Prisoner of War Solidarity Committee and Ule Rev. Smallwood Williams (local ~ctivist). Reportedly, Edison J. M. ZvolxJO . ' 3 '- ~ .. ' ..... · ....... --~ : . ... ~ ~ ,. .. - ' ~ I I Ill ___,_ _ _,_,L:. _, . II lll!l ; !1!.1111!!,11 IIIJIII,IJ ::11 I Ill I I lcooois22 o . ~- - . : . ......~··· ·~· (;~.rt ~xile !rQm Rhodcmi:J.) ik'ls clair~ed Um.t phms are being mnde. to taJse over. th~ Rhodesian Embassy in Washington, D. C. by force; however, Rhodesia does not have an embassy in Washington but it does have a Rhodesi~ Information Office, 2852 McGill Terrace, N. W. r:::~: This information has not been confirmed. There has. also be(m talk of causing damage to a Gulf service station along ·the route, possibly ~rd and "P". Sts. , N. W. and the ITT f;!uilcijng; Connectiqut Ave. an,d· "L" Sts. , N~ W. The Gulf Oil Co. and ITT have been singled out by . this organization because they are allegedly exploiting blacks in southern Africa. · • •1..'·· ... The Patade will form at the Meridian lUll Park, 16th.and Euclid f.\!'~ Sts., N. W•. and return to the s:~.me location. ·Attached is a route of the march and rallies for the AfricanLiberatron Day activities to be held in Washing ton, D. C • • In New York City, demonstr~tors will meet ~.t Q:OO a. m. at Dag Hammerskjold Plaza and march fro~ there to the Charles Young Park at Lenox Avenue and a rally will be held at 2:00 p.m. · • ti~·T· u"'-, V.:D!J~ ~~~,._., 26 Ma.y, Washirlgton, D. C. - The Ukrainian Committee of America will sponsor a demoi13t.r,.­ tion to protest the Russian 5Uppression of the Ukraini:m people. Organ­ izers a£ the demonstration are calling for 3, 000 participants to gather ~ ....... at the Taras Schevchenko Monume·nt, .. 22nd and ~·p·• Sts., N. W. After ... this rally, they will mar.ch to Scott Circle where they will disband. ·~··· The Ukr:3inian Committee is art adult group that held the same type demonstration la.st year with no problems; however, U1ere is a Ukrainian youth and student organiza.tion.. of· the Ukrainian Committee · of America that held a demonstration on 19 May Ul72 which resulted in the arrest of 64 ~rticipants for blocking the sidewalk in front of. the White House. Police chased the demonstrators from the While House to 16th and "K'~ .Sts., N. W. where a group of 400 demonstrators blocked traffic. and burned trash in the intersectiqn. This year U1e demonstration will be a combination of the youtl1 rutd ndult '}roups wlth rm.rticipmtl5 CJCnernlly comin~J from the Eo.=:;t . '\ Coast. ·Met.ropolilrm police~re expecting 1, 500 persons to [)::).tc in the demonstration. .. · · .. .. -~;_ 4 I I ~.Ill C00018220 , ...• ~ .-, .. .. Reportedly, tlle National Peace Action Coalition has announced r~~,-.. tentative plans to hold a demonstration on the above· date to .prote.st u .. s. involvement ·in s. E. Asia. · . Details are unknown at this time but wtn. be reported when they become available. •s.c..ASV· teaW "l"'-'11~ · 16 JWle, Washington, D. C. -''I..·· r ...~~- .. ' . .. .. The People's Coalition for Peace nnd ..Tustice bas outlined plans .
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