N ixon Nominates Brennan as Labor Secretary WASHINGTON (AP)--President Nixon said yesterday he willinominate "hard- hat" union leader Peter J. Brennan to be Secretary of Labor, the first Unionist in 20 years to be picked for the post. In relaying the surprise announcement to newsmen, Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the present labor department chief, James D. Hodgson, had told Nixon he wants to return to private life. However, Ziegler said Hod- RICHARD NIXON gson is weighing a Nixon offer to accept a position, not specified, in the international area. Brennan selection was announc- fl**fled at Camp David, Ad., before Nixon re Tned to Washington to meet a South Nixon Meets with Duc amese envoy. Bre,nnan president of New York City WASHINGTON (AP)--Special Saigon envoy Nguyen Phu Duc was reported yester- and State building and construction day seeking to arrange a face-to-face meeting between President Nixon and trade s council for the past 15 years, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. was ddescribed by Ziegler as a life- According to diplomatic sources in Saigon, Duc went to a scheduled hour- long Democrat who worked hard for long meeting at the White House yesterday with Nixon to propose a December Nixon Is re-election. summit session. The President first met Brennan However, White House Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told reporters be- after the labor leader led a 1970 fore the Nixon-Duc session there were no present plans for such a high-lev- mass march of construction workers el meeting._____________ _____ PLEASE SEE BRENNAN PAGE 2) In South Vietnam, Foreign Minister Tranfoe thAio-u0esoVan Lam said of the summathr re- "there'lnothing planned at een reetpasfrsc ihly as His moment." ut he told newsmen Rl "This summit meeting between the two II leaders at any moment is always nec- essary in order to coordinate their policies." There were varying reports about the purpose of the Nixon-Duc meeting. Thursday, November 30, 1972 South Vietnamese sources in Paris and Saigon claim there has been no relax- ation by North Vietnam of its demands in the private talks between Henry oaztttt A. Kissinger and Le Duc Tho. There- fore, these sources say, the Wednes- day meeting was sought so Duc could try to convince Nixon this is not the time for a peace agreement. However, American officials say- (PLEASE SEE PEACE PAGE 2) Security Conference Opens HELSINKI (AP)--Opening policy statements charting a European conference WATER CRISIS: on security revealed yesterday the major clashes that will dominate discuss- Figures for Wednesday, Nov. 29 ions by the 35 nations gathered here. The Soviet Union led off by proposing the conference be convened at the WATER PRODUCED: 1,302,000 foreign minister level in Helsinki in June, and that decisions be confirm- ed at the summit. ,ATER CONSUMED: 1,494,000 The Soviet Union was pushing for a quick decision on where and when the ;'ATER LOSS: 192,000 conference would be held, culminating at the "highest level." Of the six countries that spoke on the first day of outlining positions, "ATER IN STORAGE: 19,331.000 both West Germany and the Netherlands stressed the need for careful prepar- ations before deciding a time and place. Valck Lucassen of the Netherlands, the day's final speaker, summed up the position of many Western countries when he said the preparations are still at a stage of examining whehter "there exists a sufficient common basis to be able to convene at some time a conference on security and cooperation." Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, November 30, 1972 BRENNAN- from page one and longshoremen through downtown Manhattan to demonstrat GAZETTEER support for Nixon's Vietnam policies. Ziegler said the Brennan nomination, subject of confirm .a digest of late news J ation by the Senate. has the blessing of AFL-CIO Presid- ent George Meany and the Teamsters' President, Frank Fitzsimmons. The 54-year-old Brennan conferred with Nix- on secretly at Camp David on Tuesday. The last union leader to serve as Secretary of Labor was Martin Durkin who held the post in the early months of the Eisenhower administration. TOKYO (AP)--Diplomats and military attaches from six Socialist countries allied with the Soviet Union were Ziegler said: reported to have walked out of an Albanian diplomatic "The President feels that Peter Brennan is a man who dinner in Peking yesterday. Japan's Kyodo News Service, exemplifies the best character and strength of America's in a report from the Chinese capital, said the diplomats working men and women. He is spirited, self-made, and and military attaches from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East though he has worked at many different levels in organ- Germany, Hungary, Mongolia and Poland walked out when ized labor, he had retained a unique sensitivity to the the Albanian ambassador to China, Horhi Robo and the rank-and-file working man." Chinese Foreign Minister, Chi Peng-Fei attacked "the two superpowers" and "social-imperialism." PEACE- from page one Nixon, after first refusing to see Duc, changed his mind WASHINGTON (AP)--Father Philip Berrigan, serving a in order to tell the Saigon envoy that Hanoi has made six-year sentence for damaging draft board records was all the concessions that can reasonably be expected. granted parole by the U.S. Parole Board effective Dec. The main problem holding up a final peace settlement 20, the board announced yesterday. The Jesuit Priest, is thought to be the continued presence of North Viet- now in the Federal Correctional Institute at Danbury, namese troops in South Vietnam, Conn., has been in prison since July 5, 1968. He was sentenced May 24, 1968 for damaging draft board records Saigon has demanded a written pledge by Hanoi to with- at the Baltimore Selective Service office. draw all its forces from the South. However, North Viet- nam never has acknowledged it has troops below the dem- ilitarized zone and this has led to a refusal to make WASHINGTON (AP)--Former Democratic Treasurer Robert any direct mention of the manpower force situation in Strauss received fresh support yesterday in his bid t the prospective settlement. capture the party chairmanship and listed a former vi U.S. sources say, however, Hanoi has indicated it may chairman and at least 18 governors behind his candidacy. accept a tacit accord to at least reduce its forces, es- Mary Lou Burg of Wisconsin, who had served as vice chair- timated at about 145,000 men. man of the Democratic National Committee under Lawrence F. O'irein, sent a letter to all 303 DNC members endors- The South Vietnamese government kept to its public ing Strauss for party chief. stand yesterday that they will acept nothing less than a total and immediate withdrawal of all North Vietnamese soldiers. The Saigon Radio commented that the reason an COCOA BEACH, FLA. (AP)--Hundreds of homeowners are earlier prediction by Kissinger that peace was at hand busy dusting and polishing in preparation for an ex- has not been fulfilled yet is "because of the strong pected flood of some 750,000 visitors when Apollo 17 opposition" of the Saigon government. hurtles toward the Moon next Wednesday night. While some The radio commentator said South Vietnam has had too of the homeowners in the area around the Cape Kennedy many experiences with Hanoi to trust the Communist re- Space Center are making rooms available to visitors for gime's declarations concerning a peace. free, others are reaping a tidy profit. "Some people Special envoy Duc will remain in Washington following don't charge visitors a dime," says Maybell Wilkens of his meeting with Nixon until Sunday and will meet today the greater Cape Kennedy Chamber of Commerce. "They just with Secretary of State William P. Rogers. want people to be happy during their stay and enjoy the Moon shot." Stateside Temperatures R- Ad. I- McCuddin Captain 2N Alfad Local Forecast - cnad-v -n.dg Wi-y. JX Brad Mrfee Chie Petty Carge Boston Fair 45 ANOTHER GTMO GOODY Oficer in Miami Clear 81 S N ad S"A"t" : : : : : : M24Joh, nhI, . rautlo, Idfl. Cloudy 32 YNSN -C,.al," SANS - Ii. Ed1itr Chicago . St. Louis Cloudy 45 High tide 1735. t.t . .ea a is punishd accordag ao as. ruls. and Las Vegas Fair 54 Low tide 1216. ,.a fml, shi.tp ad.atift .P~P t" -I f1tadt Nashville Fair 41 .US .mee-r Id U prited four daas a wk at oront Seattle Cloudy 48 a t- t th pla wt d ba ra Milwaukee Cloudy 28 mp*at *t a* Na*y. Phila. Pa. Fair 34 Washingtpn D.C. Fair 44 Pa 'ce 3 '2ovember 3' . !972 Cine Scene SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI Naval Station 1-22 2 3 4 5 6 7-21 McCalla Lyceum 8-21 1 2 3 4 5 6-22 Marine Barracks 9 8 1 2 3 4 5 Hospital 10 9 8 1 2 3 4 Camp Bulkeley 11 10 9 8 1 2 3 Leeward Point 12-13 14 15 16 17 18 19-20 1. THE McMASTERS: Brock Peters--Burl Ives. Peters, a 11. JOE KIDD: Clint Eastwood--John Saxon. Charged black Union corporal, returns to his Southwestern home with being drunk and disorderly, rancher Eastwood is after the Civil War. He Meets prejudice everywhere, about to serve his sentence when Mexican Saxon and his especially from bigoted rancher Palance, who lost an men invade the courthouse. arm in the fighting. Western Color 88 Min PG Western Color 97 Min GP 12. UNDERWATER WARRIOR: Dan Dailey--Claire Kelly.
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