1920 Edna Bessent, '206a, former languages salesman for the company at Dallas, has been teacher in the University, was recently associated with the firm since 1925 . He has awarded a fellowship to study the literature of invented special apparatus and processes used in Uruguay at the University of Montevideo by the the heat treatment of aluminum alloys . Institute of International Education . Miss Bes- FRUIT-CHESNUTT : An event of February 1 sent declined to accept the fellowship because, a in Holdenville was the wedding of Miss Dorothy short time before the grant was announced, she Fruit, Shawnee, to Clyde W. Chestnutt, '22=23, accepted a faculty position at Newcomb College, at the home of the bridegroom's parents. Mrs. Roll Call New Orleans, Louisiana. Chestnutt attended Oklahoma Baptist University, Grover Strother, '206a, Oklahoma City, was Shawnee, and the Leland Powers Schoof of of Sigma Alpha Speech, Boston, Massachusetts . The couple have re-elected province president established a home in Holdenville where Mr. Epsilon fraternity at a meeting held March 6 Chestnutt is associated with his father in the and 7 at Stillwatcr. hardware business . By EDITH WALKER 1921 Gerald Tebbe, '21law, Madill attorney, Mrs. Jeanette Barnes Monnet, '23ba, Oklaho- has been appointed county attorney of ma City, has been re-elected president of the Marshall County to succeed Lt. John A. Living- Y. W. C. A. in Oklahoma City by the board of ston, '376a, '39law, called to active duty. Mr . directors. Her husband, Claude Monnet, '206a, Tebbe served in France during the first World '22law, is an Oklahoma City attorney. War, spending part of the time in a hospital 1924 NEELY-HOLMAN : Miss Lucille Neely for treatment of gas wounds . Mrs. Tebbe is the and Fred A. Holman, '24ba, both of Guthrie, 1905 Charles A. Long, '05bs, and Mrs. Long, former Miss Grace Barnard, '24ed. plans were married recently . The bride has been em- of Santos, Brazil, have given up ployed by the for a trip to the United States on furlough this 1922 McCULLOUGH-BROWN : Mrs. Louise Southwestern Bell Telephone Com- year, and will stay in Santos at least another Finch McCullough, '21-'22, and Major S. pany for several years. Mr. Holman is vice year. Mr. Long, a missionary, writes that the Kennedy Brown were married February 22 in president of the First National Bank of Guthrie and chairman of the board of regents of Okla- debt on his church building has been retired Tulsa. The bride is a member of Kappa Alpha homa colleges. and the building dedicated, and an excellent Theta sorority. Major Brown is a graduate of He is also president of the Guth- parsonage has been built. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut . He rie Chamber of Commerce . is secretary of public relations at St. John's Mil- Luther Dulaney, '22-'24, and Mrs. Dulaney 1907 Mrs. Walter Ferguson (Lucia Loomis, itary Academy in Delafield, Wisconsin, where (Virginia Piersol, '28fa), Oklahoma City, are the '07), of Tulsa, Scripps-Howard col- the couple are at home . parents of a baby boy . umnist, has gone to Washington, D. C., where the next Atherton, '23ba, district direc- 1925 Recent performance of the opera Aida she will write her column for 1923 Ray G. in Washington, D. C., with Lushanya several months and observe at first-hand the tor of the motor carrier division of the . She will also visit her son Interstate Commerce Commission, Little Rock, (Tessie Mobley, '25) singing the title role, was nation's war efforts well attended by the rapidly increasing Sooner and daughter-in-law Benton Ferguson, '316a, and Arkansas, has been called to Washington, D. C., defense transportation . Mr. delegation at the national capital. The former Mrs. Ferguson (Maxine Brown, '32), in Minne- for special duty in Oklahoma singer, despite apolis, Minnesota, and another son, Tom, a stu- Atherton's official position is assistant director the fact that she had Ferguson writes of defense transportation for the Office of Emer- a cold and temperature, gave a commendable dent at Duke University . Mrs. performance which drew praise in Washington a column which has been published by Scripps- gency Management. Former secretary of the Associated Motor Carriers of Oklahoma, he was newspapers. A Washington Post critic wrote, Howard newspapers since 1930, and a personal "Miss Lushanya deserves whatever kind medal column for women which appears under her at one time secretary of the Wewoka Chamber of of Commerce . is reserved for an artistic triumph over a physical maiden name. handicap." Jessie D. Newby, '10ba, '25ma, faculty Howard P. Bonebrake, '23eng, formerly of 1910 Dallas, has been appointed head of the Kansas 1926 McCONNELL-FULTON : Mrs. Carol member of Central State College, Ed- McConnell and Dr. Clifford C. Fulton, mond, has been appointed secretary of the col- City Office of the Aluminum Company of Ameri- ca. Mr. Bonebrake, who formerly was resident '26bs.med, Atoka, were married recently at the lege and university section of the World Feder- home of the bride's parents in Oklahoma City. ation of Education Associations . The organi- Mrs. Fulton attended Oklahoma City University zation's board of directors has accepted an in- and Central State College, Edmond . Dr. Fulton vitation of the Canadian Teachers Federation to is a graduate of Rush Medical College, Chicago, hold a meeting in Montreal July 8, 9 and 10. Lodge Head and has been a practicing surgeon in Oklahoma City for the last nine years. The couple have 1913 Paul G. Darrough, '136a, '15law, and established a home in the Skirvin Tower Hotel . Mrs. Darrough (Margaret Archdeacon, Miss Jack Keys, '26, former hostess at Me- '186a), Oklahoma City, have named their baby morial Hall, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shaw- daughter, born February 2, Ruth Archdeacon nee, has a position in the state NYA offices, Darrough . Oklahoma City . She is a sister of the Keys quadruplets, formerly of Hollis. 1916 David M. Logan, '166a, veteran Ok- mulgee oil operator, has been transferred 1927 Leslie Fortune, '27, is supervisor for to Oklahoma City as field engineer for District the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance 2 of the Office of Petroleum Co-ordinator, Wash- Company in Memphis, Tennessee . ington, D. C. Mr. Logan, formerly with the BRASHEAR-SUTTON : Announcement has Office of Production Management, was transfer- been made of the marriage January 27 of Miss red to the O. P. C. following the abolishment Sally Lee Brashear, Oklahoma City, and Dale of the former agency . He will have offices in Sutton, '27law, Chandler attorney. Before her the state capitol and serve as liaison between the marriage, the bride was a nurse in Oklahoma State Conservation Department and the District City. Mr . Sutton has served as county and mu- 2 offices of the O. P. C. Mr. Logan, former nicipal judge and is now a member of the Lin- state senator, was deputy state conservation of- coln County selective service board. He is a ficer when he joined the O. P. M. in Washington member of the Embry & Sutton law firm in last November . Chandler . 1919 Mrs. Dorys Hollenbeck Farley, '196a, 1928 Jane Harden, '26-'28, formerly of Ok- West Plains, Missouri, has announced lahoma City, now a volunteer worker her retirement from active newspaper work and with the Red Cross Motor Corps in Santa Bar- the sale of the two newspapers in which she bara, California, uses a variety of vehicles for held interests, the West Plains Journal and the transportation in carrying out her duties. Run- Howell County Gazette . Mrs. Farley has been ning short errands for the corps, Miss Harden editor of the journal since 1920 and managing uses her bicycle, but if the distance is longer editor of the Gazette since its purchase in 1939 . Ewing T. Kerr, '23ba, of Cheyenne, has been than five miles, she drives her automobile . In elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of addition, she is on airplane scout duty for two Harold L. Mueller, '18-'19, associate editor of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Wyoming. hours each morning. the Daily Oklahoman and Oklahoma City Times, Mr. Kerr is attorney general of Wyoming, a po- has been appointed assistant air raid warden for sition he has held since January 2, 1939 . He is 1929 CARTER-RUMSEY: At home in El Oklahoma. He is president of the Oklahoma a former assistant U. S. attorney for the district Paso, Texas, are David Lake Rumsey State Safety Council . of Wyoming . and Mrs. Rumsey, the former Miss Eva Linn 18 SOONER MAGAZINE Ferry Pilot Grace Stevenson, '39journ, was in Montreal, Canada, in mid-March where she enlisted in the Air Transport Auxiliary of the Royal Air Force. Following physical and flight tests, she expected to go to England for ferry service in the British Isles. Miss Stevenson, 24 years old, is a licensed commercial pilot and has served as flight in- structor at the Spartan School of Aeronautics in Tulsa. Carter, '27-'29, who were married January 25 . Mrs. Rumsey is a graduate of Kansas University and attended Sullins College, Bristol, Virginia . Hotel Oklahoma Biltmore, Ok Her husband attended Lake Forest College in la- Illinois. homa's modern tower of comfort Charlie Grimes, '29, former Oklahoma news- and s er ice in the heart of down- paperman, recently joined the Los Angeles Ex- aminer as copyreader. For the last five year, town Oklahoma City.This perfect he has been a copyreader for the Salt Lake City Telegram . example of fine hotel operation is NICHOLS-RHEAM: Newlyweds now at home truly Oklahoma City's favorite in Tulsa are Floyd L. Rheam, '29law, and Mrs. hos t. Home of Station KOMA Rheam, the former Miss Florence Lee Nichols, who were married February 14.
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