Index Accornero, Marianne J 125 Achenbach, Louise Helene 109 Acin, Laurence 472 Ackerman, Howard J. or Marsha L. Symbols Groves or Peggy Wil 26, 823 Ackerman, Paul S 581 2 R Ranch, Inc 33, 190 Ackerman, Robert T 185 3 S Ranch, Inc 50 Acosta, Joel C 741 4 S Land & Cattle Co 66, 312, 668 Acquistapace, Leo E 52 5 S Ranches, Inc 72 Acquistapace, Marty or Lois 524 6 Point Ranch, Inc 79 Acquistapace, Mili 511 7 W Cattle Co 100 Acquistapace Ranches, LP 723 Actis, Robert E, Rob, Brad, Carol, Matt & A Stephanie 113 Acton, Floyd or Dawn 797 A & K Company 807 Adair, Lee & Larry Poma 75 A & L Dairy, LP 130 Adair, Robert Z 112 A B Ranches, Inc 119 Adair, Robert Z & John A Lambrecht Jr A F C, Inc 335 129 A P Mattos & Sons, Inc 133 Adam, Charles W & Cindy K 27 A R Ranches, Inc 134 Adam, Cindy 770 Aalgaard, Brian E 55 Adam, John F Jr, John M, Mark S & Aaron, John M 511 George J 55 Abacherli, Frank 113 Adam, John Jr, Dena, Mark, John M & Abadie, Jean 358 George 137 Abalos, Richard A 600 Adam, John M, Sandra L & MDS, Inc Abatti, Ben 153 115 Abatti, James A 522 Adam, Steven R &Deborah D 122 Abatti, Tony 681 Adams, Andy & Heather 124 Abbott & Son 242 Adams, C F & Barbara 109 Abbott, Donald G 112 Adams, Cameron & Linda 177 Abbott, Donna 125 Adams, Curtis W 181 Abbott, Donna L 215 Adams, Edward P & Lynda L 116 Abbott, Robyn Lee 359 Adams, Emmett O & Debrah G 352 Abbott, Susan M & Abner McKenzie Adams, Herman Milo & Anthony G 550 723 Abdallah, Nancy 822 Adams, J C 712 Abel, Brent M & Corinne W 115 Adams, James M 436 Abel, Christopher & Diana L 97 Adams, Jerry G & Darty C 434 Abel, George 90 Adams, John C 109 Abel, George S 114 Adams, John H & Lynn E 415 Abel, George S, George D & Lori M Abel- Adams, Kenneth Cecil 717 Colburn 796 Adams, Michael K & Jane 377 Abel, George S, George D & Lorraine M Adams, Michael L & Susan L 108 Abel-Colburn 114 Adams, Nancy L & Robert C 27 Abel, James A 685 Adams, Orin C III 179 Abel, Will 114 Adams, Richard B & Judith K 390 Abken, John T, Fred F & Priscilla Jones Adams, Richard Joseph 472 369 Adams, Richard W 744 Abner, John W & Susan A 746 Adams, Ronald J & David J & Darlene Abney, Randy J 609 112 Abram, Abramo 118 Adams, Shirley E 645 Abrams, Allan M & Sharon L 608 Adams, Trevor D 698 Absher, David S 664 Adams, Troy 790 Absher, Michael Ralph & Ann Kristine Adams, Twylla K 681 750 Adams, Wayne R & Manuel F Roza 534 Abshire, Stanley or Kaye 822 Adams, William Harry 745 849 Adamson, Melba 518 Ahlem, William Roy Jr 115 Adcock, Wayne M 109 Ahmann, John & Judy 44 Addison, James V 832 Ahmann, John E & Judy Ann 132 Adkins, William D 363 Ainley, Craig H 181 Adler, Hans T 367, 776 Ainley, Frank C III 268 Ady, Marie M 561 Ainley, Frank C Jr 269 Affentranger, Anton 136 Ainley, Frank C Sr 138 Affinito, Michael J 110 Ainley, Tim R 681 Affonso, George J or Cheryll M 551 Airola, Jason A 328 Afonso, Joao B & Paul Dompeling Airola, John William 117 426 Airola, Jonathan Tone & Sandra P Ag Recycle Corp 319, 480, 707, 824 308 Aggio Dairy, Inc 549 Airola, Lowell A 85 Agmatt Farms LLC 132 Airola, Robert M 92 Agnew, Ronald A 490 Airola, Ronald K 599, 723 Agostini, Henry 848 Airoso, Lionel 690 Agostini Strohn, Jean & Lee James Strohn Aisenbrey, Norman Jr & Janice L 78 & Sally Emi Akers, Buck E or Virginia 319 114, 116, 117, 122, 123, 128 Akers Family Trust of 1999 or Virginia or Agresti, Harold, Don & Marlene 109 Buck E Ake 39, 40, 42, 46, 47 Agri Beef & Humbolt Auction Yard, Inc Akers, Herman or Tadd Morris or Nancy 767 Morris 319 Agri Beef Co 119 Akers, Roberta E (Bobbye) 25 Agri Empire 125, 406 Akin, Charles & Chris 173 Agri Foundation of California 282 Akin, James P 378 Agriculture Industries, Inc 72 Akino, Robert & Rosemarie P 422 Agro International, Inc Akins, George R Jr 130 151, 810, 842 Alaimo, Robert Joseph 600 Agueda, Aires D & Melanie M 511 Alameda, Tony Adrain 688 Agueda, Jerry 127 Alamo, Antonio Jr & Antonio D 27 Agueda, Luis 477 Alamo, Daniel and Charlie R. 116 Aguerre, J B 384 Alamo, Melvin & Maria 181 Aguerre, Louis B 472 Alamo, Raymond & Zilda 181 Aguiar, Arlindo, Selicia, & Greg 110 Alarid, Tondre 59 Aguiar Dairy, Inc 114 Albaugh, Aaron Grant 551 Aguiar, Francisco Alberto 278 Albaugh, Andrew E 25 Aguiar, George 117 Albaugh, Dale E & Barbara J 800 Aguiar, J V Sr & Faria Manuel 440 Albaugh, Mark & Teresa 60 Aguiar, Joseph 377 Albaugh, Stephen, Trina & Clinton Aguiar, Manuel A & Maria A 511 326 Aguiar, Richard V & Mary 766 Albee, David E 60 Aguilar, Alwin K, Joseph S & Jenna P Albers, David R 238 832 Albers, Ray 134 Aguilar, John Robert Jr 481 Alberta, Coleman R 181 Aguilera, Gabriel 294 Alberta, Joseph J 366 Aguirre, Gilbert 123 Alberta, Michael 68 Aguirre, Lupe 377 Alberta, Michael W 511 Ahart, Ernest & Elizabeth Ashley Alberti, Emil Jr 114 414, 511 Alberto, Antonio 118 Ahart, Ernest W Jr 772 Albertoni, O 117 Ahart, Louise C 115 Albertsen, Edna or Henriette Lillund Ahart, Peter & Ottilie 115 113 Ahart, Ray 820 Albertson, John R & Juanita 123 Ahearn, J Dennis 77 Albertson, Margaret & Dan C 598 Ahearn, Paul, Sallie, Kelsey & Matt, Albertson, Odin E 450 Carmie Biaggi 268 Albertson, Walter J 22 Ahern, John J 829 Albertson, Walter J & Sandra G 645 850 Albiani, Julius F & Faye 106 Alexandre, Joseph F 376 Albiani, Raymond & Margo 113, 828 Alford, Arthur F 767, 768 Albini, Americo & Bette McKnight Alford, Arthur F & Carolyn J 836 118 Alford, Arthur F Jr 118, 676 Albini, Dennis 574 Alford, Brian J & Nikki M 115 Albini, Dennis P or Stephanie N 574 Alford, Jack V & Jim 100 Albini, Martin 576 Alford, Jim Vernon 405 Albitre, Andrea and Garret Blanton Alger, Ray & Tom 121 219 Alger, Raymond & Mary 614 Albitre, Andrea L 108 Algreen, Zane Montgomery 783 Albitre, Barbara 151 Aljoe, Joe & Pam M Deniro 425 Albitre, Danette G 724 All Creatures Humane Society, Inc Albitre, Fred & Betty 227, 269 787 Albitre, Judy 25 Allan, Zelma R 783 Albitre, R Ernest 247 Allen, Brad Corey 55 Albitre, Randal R 97 Allen, Bradley L & Elizabeth M 112 Albitre, Rosemary 69 Allen, David William 113 Albonico, Gary & Louise Anzini 126 Allen, Debbie & Larry 360 Albonico, John V 373 Allen, Douglas D & Violet C 614 Albrecht, Carol Chaffin 183 Allen, Douglas Dwayne 353 Alcantar, Gonzalo 181 Allen, Fritzic V 283 Alcaraz, Arnold 110, 717 Allen, George E & Judith 293 Alchorn, Alane L 554 Allen, Gregory M 832 Alcocer, Juan J 689 Allen, Hale R & Janice K 319 Aldana, Martin H 511 Allen, James A & Betty 382 Alden, Gail F 833 Allen, James L & Juliet B 560 Alderete, Anthony C 118 Allen, James S 495 Alderete, David A 752 Allen, Jeffrey R 433 Alderson, Chas R, Ray & Mark 42 Allen, Joel B & Stephanie G 376 Alderson, Mark 351 Allen, John B 376, 377 Aldrete, Robert R & Pegge J 710 Allen, John B & Joel B 376 Aldrich, Rian F 600 Allen, John B Jr 767 Aldridge, Glenn & Zettie Mae 776 Allen, John H 646 Alegre, Dennis & Alice 219 Allen, Judith M 349 Alegria, Vielaura L & Joseph M 413 Allen, Lawrence W 472 Alewyn, Jack W 377 Allen, Lester E, Kim M & Blake T Alewyn, Jake J 378 114 Alexander, Andy C 624 Allen, Lillian 563 Alexander, Dennis & Clinton & Shana & Allen, Marlene J & Jerry L 417 Jesse 112 Allen, Matthew Carl 511 Alexander, Helen E & James M 789 Allen, Micheal 108 Alexander, Henry 320 Allen, Preston K Jr 580 Alexander, J Glenn 376 Allen, Ray Jr & Marabel C 27 Alexander, James G 376 Allen, Raymond K & Barbara A 532 Alexander, Joseph & Cindy 378 Allen, Richard E & Judith 349 Alexander, Kenneth M & Elsie M Allen, Robert Jr, MD, Judy Venhuizen & 254 Crystal Allen Alexander, Kit D 92, 784 550, 556, 557, 559, 564 Alexander, Leonard E 358 Allen, Ross M 88 Alexander, Mark J & Delores M Allen, Russell L & Flora A 281 232, 419 Allen, Thomas E, Jack R & Ross W 680 Alexander, Phillip D 110 Allen, Wayne & Leslie 746 Alexander, Robert M Jr 112 Allen, William L 745 Alexander, Thomas P 695 Allenbaugh, Danny A 451 Alexander, William C & Catherine J Alley, Douglas D 232 162 Alley, William & Aila D Beardsley Alexandre, Blake J 153 502 851 Allison, Arthur C, Arthur V, Beverly, Alves, Jose Brasil 384 Elizabeth, 88 Alves, Joseph A & Kathleen Mary Allison, Steven, Colleen, Russell, Justin, 413 Patrick & 660, 662, 663 Alves, Joseph Jr & Glenda R 635 Allison, William E or Doris A or Terry M Alves, Leonard A & Cathy A 415 or Gregory 55 Alves, Leonard A & Ted Den Hartog Allmon, Billie 153 464 Allmon, Bradley A 601 Alves, Luis, Luciano & Darlan Ribeiro Allred, Edward C 219 473 Allsup, Bart A 55 Alves, Mario A 522 Alman, Rosalie R, Revocable Trust Alves, Maynard 109, 799 600 Alves, Nelson Alfredo Sousa 135 Almeida, Egidio M & Maria I 247 Alves, Patrick & Julie 376 Almeida, John Vieira 377 Alves, Tony & Sebastian 699 Almeida, Robert E 162 Alvis, Clarence, Doris, John, David & Almendarez, Leah R 139 Stephen 112 Almendarez, Leah R, Ray E, Kenneth E & Alviso Stock Co 835 Chrislyn L Fo 131, 135, 137, 139 Alworth, Lance Dwight 348 Almind, Chris & Melony 716 Alzola, Glen D 111 Almond, Burt C 153 Amabile, John 377 Almond, Vernon 110 Amant, Michael E 532 Alongi, Frank, Virginia & Steve 819 Amaral, Anthony Manuel 397 Alonso, Ismael R, Jesus R & Ramiro R Amaral, Antonio S 681 379 Amaral, Armelim 118 Alonzo, Joe Louis 129 Amaral, David 224 Alpers, Alice F & Amanda Miloradich Amaral, David & Marcelino 138 108 Amaral, Greg 112 Alpha Trust 742 Amaral, Helen 112 Alston, Gilbert L & Linda K 116 Amaral, Jesse & Emily 376 Alston, John L & Frances 395 Amaral, Joe E Jr 393 Altom, Kenneth Troy 196 Amaral, Joe E, Marlene, Jodie, Jennifer, Altschule-Pisarev, David 133 Julie & Jos Alvarado, Jorge A 132 369, 370, 374, 375, 377 Alvarado, Jose P 442 Amaral, Joe N 121 Alvarado, Leo F 482 Amaral, John J 42 Alvares, Lourence A & Pamela
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