The Five valleys & severn vale... stay a night or two in the Five valleys around stroud. spend 48 hours exploring the Cotswold towns of stroud and nailsworth, and around Berkeley in the severn vale. But don’t feel limited to just 48 hours; we’d love you to stay longer. day 1 where To sTay Spend the day exploring the Five Choose from a selection of Valleys. Start with the bohemian accommodation around the Stroud canal-side town, Stroud , where valleys including the boutique-style cafés and independent shops are Bear of Rodborough on Rodborough a plenty. Don’t miss the fabulous Common, luxurious The Painswick Farmers’ Market , filling the streets (in the town of the same name), every Saturday morning. Take a a range of bed & breakfasts or stroll along the canal towpath country inns. or up to the beautiful commons. Head on to the hilltop town of hidden gems Painswick to wander the pretty Explore the woollen mills that streets or visit its spectacular brought so much wealth to the churchyard – a photographer’s Five Valleys (open to visitors on dream. The neighbouring village of select days by the Stroudwater Slad is the setting of famous novel, Textiles Trust ). Pack a picnic Cider with Rosie . Alternatively, visit from Stroud Farmers’ Market and artistic Nailsworth , renowned for head up to beautiful Rodborough its award-winning eateries, lovely or Selsley Commons . Explore the shops and celebrated bakery. unique Rococo Garden in Painswick (famous for its winter snowdrops). Stroud is located in the south Cotswolds, Pop in for a pint at Laurie Lee’s encircled by five beautiful valleys: The Frome favourite pub, The Woolpack (known as Golden Valley), Nailsworth, in Slad. Painswick, Slad and Toadsmoor Valleys. Stroud is known as a centre for contemporary arts and Top Tip has a wide range of festivals and events Walk along the restored Stroudwater throughout the year. The market towns of Canal , an ideal place to spot wildlife. Dursley and Wotton-under-Edge sit on the Find out more about the ongoing edge of the Cotswolds escarpment, which drops restoration project by popping into off towards the Severn Vale. This beautiful river the Cotswold Canals Visitor vale includes Berkeley and Slimbridge . Centre at Wallbridge in Stroud. www.cotswolds.com hidden gems Saul Junction is where the Stroudwater Canal meets the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal. It’s a great spot for walks and watching canal boats. You might even spot a Tall Ship glide by, when the Gloucester Tall Ships Festival is taking place. There’s a lovely café and the Saul Junction Visitor Centre is run by the Cotswold Canals Trust. day 2 Head towards Berkeley in the Severn Vale. Don’t miss magnificent Berkeley Castle , where Edward II met his grizzly end, or the fascinating Top Tip Dr Jenner’s House in the town (where Dr Jenner While Slimbridge Wildfowl & found his cure for smallpox). Families will love Wetlands centre is a fabulous place nearby Cattle Country , where there are lots of to visit all year round, it’s quite fun things to do. Animal lovers can make a beeline special in winter due to the number for Slimbridge Wildfowl & Wetland Trust , in of migratory birds that come to Slimbridge , on the banks of the River Severn . visit from the Arctic tundra. Watch This is the place to observe a fascinating collection the wintering wild birds being fed of wildfowl, along with migrating wild birds from the warmth of the observatory, such as the Bewick’s swan. Walkers will enjoy the or book a Floodlit Swan Supper, chance to hike a section of the Cotswold Way in the lovely market towns of Wotton- observing hundreds of Bewick’s under-Edge or Dursley – both with far-reaching views towards the River Severn. swans. I m Perrshorshsho UptonUptp on a 7a g IlmingtonIlminngton e Evesham MickletonMiccklkletton s ToTo To SStratfotratfo rd-upon- Avvonon © x s BBirminghami rm in gh am A44 x ShipstonSShShipston on StourStoour x x . EbringtonEbringtgtg on x Lower BBrraailesiles BanburyBaannb ur y RIVER WillerseyWilW lersersey x 8 x . 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