Volume XXXVII No. 1 January 2019 Montreal, QC www.filipinostar.org Ottawa, Quebec to discuss Legault's plan for immigration cuts as province deals with labour shortages BILL CURRY January 17, 2019 shared jurisdiction. It’s not like in my Prime Minister Justin Trudeau province of New Brunswick. There is a demonstrated a new willingness to help long-standing agreement that we want Quebec Premier François Legault to respect between Canada and temporarily reduce immigration to the Quebec.” province by more than 20 per cent, Under the terms of a 1991 even as Ottawa promotes higher Canada-Quebec deal on immigration, immigration as the key to a stronger federal funding to help Quebec economy. integrate immigrants will rise even as Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Legault the province’s total intake of discussed immigration issues immigrants declines. Thursday during a private meeting in The federal government Sherbrooke, Que., where the federal announced in November that it will Liberal cabinet is meeting for a three- gradually raise Canada’s national day retreat. targets for annual immigration to Ottawa’s readiness to work 350,000 in 2021, from 310,000 this with Quebec on its lower targets marks year. It is not clear how Quebec’s a change in tone for Mr. Trudeau, who reductions will affect Ottawa’s national had criticized the idea last month. targets. The two governments agreed Mr. Trudeau did not speak with that senior ministers will meet later this Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Quebec Premier François reporters after meeting with Mr. month in Gatineau to work out a plan. Legault in Sherbrooke, Que., on Jan. 17, 2019.PAUL CHIASSON/THE Legault, but the Premier confirmed that The discussions will also aim to reach a CANADIAN PRESS further discussions on immigration will deal on compensating Quebec for its southwestern Quebec near Legault, told reporters that reducing take place soon in Gatineau. costs related to settling refugee Champlain, N.Y. immigration at a time when many “He didn’t say no,” Mr. Legault claimants who have crossed into the The Quebec government is Quebec businesses are facing severe said following his meeting with the province from the United States seeking $300-million in compensation labour shortages will be a challenge. Prime Minister, in reference to his list of between official points of entry. from Ottawa, but Mr. Legault said “Squaring that circle isn’t demands related to immigration. “He More than 90 per cent of the Ottawa is only offering to cover $140- going to be easy,” he said. “We said he was thinking about it. What we thousands of people who have crossed million. recognize that the Quebec government want is before bringing the targets back into Canada between official points of Federal Intergovernmental made a commitment in their election to entry over the past two years have Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who temporarily reduce immigration levels See Page 4 Ottawa, Quebec done so at Roxham Road in was in Thursday’s meeting with Mr. in Quebec. Immigration in Quebec is a Trump jabs at Dems amid shutdown, pushes GOP to BtyaLILkY SeTEPHbENaS 0c1/2k1/20t19he HTwoitteruMsondeay mionrning2(J0anu2ary0 21, President Donald Trump's 2019)Trump's tweet came on day 31 of name may be at the top of the the ongoing government shutdown, Republican ticket in next year's now the longest in U.S. history. The election, but Trump signaled Monday president's demand for $5.7 billion in that he is already looking down-ballot funding to build his long-promised wall in the hopes of putting the GOP back in along the U.S.-Mexico border has put control of the House of him at odds with House Democrats, Representatives. who assumed control of that "Democrats campaigned on chamber's majority earlier this month working within Washington and 'getting after picking up 40 seats in last things done!' How is that working out? President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence visit the Martin TAKEBACKTHEHOUSE," he wrote on See Page 3 Trump jabs at Dems Luther King, Jr. Memorial for a wreathh laying ceremony in Washington on Monday. | Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images HOLIDAYHHOLIDOLIDAAYY SALESSALES EVENT LAST ± CHANCE! 201818 ROGUEROGUUE GET %* WINTER TIRES† LEASE FROMFROM $256$256 / MONTHMONTH (VALUE(VVALALUE OF UP TOTO $ 1,100) WITH $$2,5952,595 DDOWNOWN 0 FINANCINGFINANCING OR ≠≠ OIL CHANGES‡ $ CHOOSEOSE YOURYOUR FOR 5 YEARS + GIFTFT THAT’SS LIKELIKE PAYINGPAAYYING ON SELECT 2018 MODELSM 59 /WEEK/WEEK OffersOffers validvalid fromfrom NovemberNovember 1st1st toto 30th,30th, 2018.2018. TheThe leaselease offeroffer isis basedbased onon a maximummaximum ofof 20,00020,000 kmkm / yearyear ((totaltotal allowanceallowance ofof 65,00065,000 kmkm forfor 3939 months)months) withwith excessexcess chargedcharged atat $$0.100.10 / km.km. 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CConditionsonnditions apapply.ply. ©©20182018 NissanNissan CCanadaanada IInc.nc. 2 January 2019 The North American Filipino Star From the Executive Publisher’s Desk Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, average tax increase for apartment What you should know Permit us to alert the readers of buildings in the Borough will be 5.67%. the Filipino Star to our preoccupations That means a rent increase for virtually about the current U.S. that a large number of low income every tenant in the apartment buildings government shutdown tenants in our neighbourhood are in Cote des Neiges - Notre Dame de about to be hit by rent increases due to Grace. These are some of our poorest the City budget recently adopted by and most vulnerable residents. Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi Mayor Valerie Plante and her Landlords are legally able to administration. pass on their tax increases. This year's The budget will also increase big jump in tax bills repeats what Since the election of Donald time work to pay bills. the heavy tax burden of hard working happened last year.
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