Title: ³3ăOWLQL܈: The Quiet Delight of Conviviality´ Author: ȱò How to cite this article: òǰȱ. 2000. ȃ3ăOWLQL܈ The Quiet Delight of Conviviality.Ȅ Martor 5: 32-44. Published by: Editura MARTOR (MARTOR Publishing House), £ȱo©ȱ¦ (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant) URL: http://martor.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro/archive/martor-5-2000/ Martor (The Museum oF the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Journal) is a peer-reviewed academic journal established in 1996, with a Focus on cultural and visual anthropology, ethnology, museum studies and the dialogue among these disciplines. Martor Journal is published by the Museum oF the Romanian Peasant. Interdisciplinary and international in scope, it provides a rich content at the highest academic and editorial standards For academic and non-academic readership. Any use aside From these purposes and without mentioning the source oF the article(s) is prohibited and will be considered an inFringement oF copyright. Martor ǻȱȂȱȱ·ȱȱ¢ȱǼȱȱȱȱ· ȱ¢¸ȱpeer-review ·ȱ ȱ ŗşşŜǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Ȃȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ Ȃǰȱ ȱ ·ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ dialogue entre ces disciplines. La revue Martor ȱ·ȱȱ ·ȱȱ¢ȱǯȱȱȱȱȱ ··ȱȂ¸ vers un riche contenu au plus haut niveau ȱȱȱȱ·ȱȱ·ȱȱȱ ȱ ǰȱ ·ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱ ȱ -de¥ȱ ȱ ȱ et sans mentionner la source ȱȱȱȱȱȱ·· une violation ȱȱȱȂǯ Martor is indexed by EBSCO and CEEOL. The Quiet Delight of Conviviality Photo: Ana Bl ida ru Andrei Plesu ' Rector of the New Europe College, Bucharest an interview taken by Anca Manolescu Photo: col l. 22 Born on August 23, 1948, in Bucharest, Romania Education 1971: B. A. in hi story and th eory of art at the Academy of Fine Arts, Bucharest 1980: Ph. D. in Art Hi story at the University of Bucharest Scholarships 1975-1977: Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship in Bonn, Germany 1983-1984: Alexand er von Humboldt Scholarship in Heid elberg, Germany 1992 (Feb.-Aug.): Guest of th e Rector of th e Wi ssenschaftskoUeg zu Berlin, Germany Teaching experience 1980- 1982: Associate Professor, Acad emy of Fine Arts, Bucharest. (Expelled because of political reasons) 1991- 1997: Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Philos- ophy, University of Bucharest 1994 (Oct.): Una 's Lecturer, University of Berkeley, Californi a, USA Research experience 1971-1979: Scientifi c Resea rcher at the Institute for Art History, Bucharest 1984-1989: Scientifi c Researcher at the In stitute for Art History, Bucharest (in 1989: Exiled beca use of political reasons in a village in the north of Moldavia) Marlor, V - 2000, Bucharest in communist times: resistance, normality, survival The Quiet Delight of Conviviality 33 Additional professional 1993-1997 (D ec.): Founder and Director of the weekly cultural activities magazine Dilema Since 1994: Founder of the New Europe Foundation and Rector of th e New Europe College, Bucharest Positions held Dec. 1989-0ct. 1991: Mini ster of Culture of Romania Dec. 1997-Dec. 1999: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Professional 1997: Member of th e World Academy of Art and Science memberships 1998: Corresponding Membe r of the Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CA RI) 1999: Member of the Academie Internationale de PhiJosophie de !'Art, Geneva, Switzerland Awards and Titles 1980: Prize for Art Criticism awarded by the Romanian Artists' Union, Bucharest 1980: Prize for Essay awarded by the Writers' Association of Bu charest 1991: Prize of th eAteneu Review, Bacau 1993: Prize of the Flaclira Rexiew, Bucharest 1994: Prize for Essay awarded by the Romanian Writers' Union, Bucharest 1994: Best Book of Th e Year Prize awarded for Limba plislirilor (The Language of Birds), Cluj- Napoca 1996: Prize of the Cuvantul Review, Bucharest 1996: Prize for Criticism and Essay of the Romanian Writers' Asso- ciation awarded for Chipuri §i mi'i§ti ale tranzi(iei (Faces and Ma sks of Transiti on), Bucharest 1996: Best Book Prize of th e Romanian Professional Writers' Asso- ciation fo r Chipuri $i mii$ti ale tranzi{iei 1999: Prize of the Pri virea Review, Bu charest 1999: Prize of the Group for Social Dialogu e, Bucharest 1990: Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres, Paris 1993: New Europe Prize for Higher Education and Research, award- ed by th e Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford; th e Institute fo r Advanced Study, Princeton; the National Humaniti es Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; the Neth erl and s Institute fo r Advanced Stud y in the Humaniti es and Social Sc iences (NIAS), Wa ssenaar; the Swed ish Collegium for Ad- van ced Stud y in th e Social Sciences (SCASSS), Uppsala , and the Wis- se nschaftskolleg zu Berlin. 1995: Prize for Essay awarded by the Moldavian Writers' Union, Kishinev, Republic of Moldova 34 Andrei 1996: Prize of the Brandenburger Academy of Sciences, Berlin, Germany 1998: Humboldt Medaille awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany 1998: La Gran Cruz de la Orden "El Sol del Peru ", Lima, Peru 1999: Goethe Medaille awarded by th e Goeth e Institut, Weimar, Germany 1999: Ordre national de la Legion d'Flonneur of France (in March awarded as Commandeur and in December as Grand Officier) 1999: Corvinus Prize awarded by th e Europa ln stitut and th e Hun- garian Academy of Sciences 2000: th e Konstanti.n ]irecek Medal awa rd ed by th e Si.idosteu- ropa-Gesellschaft, Germany 2000: Dr. phil. honoris causa of the Albert-Ludwigs Universitat of Freiburg, Germany Publications Books: Coral. A Critical Anthology, London: Abbey Library, 1973 Calatorie in lumea fonnelor (Travel to th e World of Forms), Bu charest: Mer idi ane Publishing Hou se, 1974 Pi.toresc ri melancolie (Picturesqu e and Melancholy), Bu charest: Univers Publishing House, 1980; 2ND edition: Bucharest, Huma- nitas Publishing House, 1992 Francesco Guardi, Buchares t: Merid iane Publishing Hou se, 1981 (published in English, French, and German) Ochiul lucrurile (The Eye and the Things), Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1986 Minima Moralia: Elemente pentru o etica a intervalului CWinima MoraJia: Elements for an Ethic of th e Interval), Buchares t: Cartea Hornan easca Publishing House, 1988; 2ND revi se d edition: Bucharest: Humanitas Publishing Hou se, 1994 Translations into French, German, and Swedish: L 'Etiqu e de Robinson, Paris: Edition L'Hern e, 1990 Rejlexion und Leidenschajt: Elemente einer Ethik des Int ervalls, Vienna: Deuticke, 1992 Tamrnas gava, Stockholm: Dualis, 1995 ]urnalul de la Tes cani (The Tescani Diary), Buchares t: Humanitas Publishing House, ] 993 The Quiet Delight of Conviviality 35 Translations into German and Hungarian: Wer in der So/me steht wi1ft Schatten, Stuttgart: Ed. Tertium, 1999 Tescani napl6, Cluj-Na poca: Koinonia, 2000 Limba pasarilor (Th e Language of Birds) / Essays on language and th e philosoph y of culture/, Bu chares t: Hum anitas Publishing House, 1994 Chipuri mii*li ale tranzifiei (Faces and Masks of Transition) / Po- liti cal Essays/, Buchares t: Humanitas Publishin g Hou se, 1996 Studi es and Arti cles in Romanian and foreign journals and newspa- pers: Amjiteatru, Contemporanul, Romania literara, Luceafarul, Se- colul XX, Romania libera, Viata Romaneasca, ArtPress, Cahiers de l'Heme, Die Zeit, Neue Ziircher Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, Allgemeine Zeitung, Siiddeulsche Zeitung, Merkur, Leviathan, Re- presentations, Social Research, a.o. (information provided by New Europe College, Buchares t) The group of A member of the remarkable inter-war generation (b y th e side of Paltini{' Mircea Eliad e, Emil Cioran , Mircea Vulcanesc u) , philosopher Con- stantin Noica will have to endure the measures whereby the com- munist regim e attempted a programmati c annihilation of the elites: for ced residence at Cimpulung-Muscel ( 1949-1958), then imprison- ment (19 58-1964). After he is released, he works for ten years (1965-1975) as a researcher for th e Academy Centre of Logic and th en withdraws to a mountain resort near Sibiu , in Tran- sylvania. Thi s win be th e fo cal point wh ere, from time to time, around Noi ca wiU gath er young philosoph ers Gabriel Lii ceanu and Andrei in parti cular, and also logician Sorin Vieru, Radu Bercea and Andrei Corn ea, art hi storians given to the study of oriental lan- guages, several others... Con stantin Noica will offer them a model of practising and living th e high , auth entic culture: direct study of the great philosophical and spiritual texts, free interpretation, 'exi stential wisdom' born out of culture. In 1983, Gabri el Liiceanu publishes the Paltini* Diary (Bu- charest, Cartea Romaneasca Publi hing House) where the debates, atmosph ere and rhythms of his and Andrei encounters with Noica are related, interpreted, meditated upon in order to build what th e author calls 'a mod el of paideutics in the humani st cul- 36 Andrei ture'. Due to this book, the space will make quite an .impact upon the Romanian society and will be seen not only as a space of implicit resistance again st communist id eology, but also as a high model of formation and intellectual life. A second volume on AjJistolar (1987, Bucharest, Cartea Romaneasca Publishing House), also authored by Gabriel Liiceanu, including the correspondance of th e members of the gro up - among themselves and with other Romanian men of culture -is itself a proof for the quality of a reference point that th e experi ence had in the Romanian world. Towards the end of his life, Constantin No ica (1909- 1987) will be visited by more and more young peopl e eager to have a mom ent's ta ste of th e atmosphere of the place, to receive intellectual or spiri- tual guid ance, if not even legitimacy and solution for life. Anca Manolescu There is a passage in yo ur Tes- id yll, an indoors atmosph ere, repl ete with th e cani Dim )' where is see n, in terms of pleasures of a warm room , in co nsonan ce with seaso n-wise symboli sm, as a sort of preparatory the frost outside when you see it as a spectacle of stage looking ahead to tim es to co me.
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