Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes: History, Structure, and Phytopharmaceutical Applications Anne Marie Fine, CPA, ND Candidate 2000 Abstract Considerable recent research has explored therapeutic applications of oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), naturally occurring plant metabolites widely available in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, flowers, and bark. OPCs are primarily known for their antioxidant activity. However, these compounds have also been reported to demonstrate antibacterial, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and vasodilatory actions. In addition, they have been found to inhibit lipid peroxidation, platelet aggregation, capillary permeability and fragility, and to affect enzyme systems including phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenase, and lipoxygenase. Based on these reported findings, OPCs may be a useful component in the treatment of a number of conditions. (Altern Med Rev 2000;5(2):144-151) Introduction In 1534, a French explorer, Jacques Cartier, led a winter expedition up the St. Lawrence River in New York. The group soon found themselves trapped by ice and forced to survive on salted meat and hard biscuits. The crew began to show signs and symptoms of scurvy, long before anyone knew what caused it. Due to a chance meeting with a Native American, who showed them how to make a tea from the bark and needles of pine trees, the men survived.1 Professor Jacques Masquelier, of the University of Bordeaux, France, read the book eventually written by Cartier, became intrigued with the story and postulated that the pine bark must contain vitamin C as well as flavonoids having ascorbate-like effects. Thus began an ex- haustive study of these compounds which Masquelier named pycnogenols, a term no longer used in the scientific community today except as a trademark for OPCs derived from French maritime pine bark. Today they are known as oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs) or procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs). Professor Masquelier confirmed the structure, effects, and lack of toxicity of these proanthocyanidins.1 Masquelier went on to patent the method of extracting OPCs from pine bark in 1951, and from grape seeds in 1970 (which research has supported as the preferential source).1 Anne Marie Fine, CPA, ND (Cand. 2000)- Vice President of Finance, International Clinical Research Center, Inc. Correspondance address: 13910 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd., Ste. 2A #105, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Page 144 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 5 Number 2 ◆ 2000 Copyright©2000 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins Table 1: Main Classes of Polyphenolic Compounds Class Basic Skeleton Basic Structure Simple phenols C6 OH Benzoquinones C6 O O Phenolic acids C6-C1 COOH Acetophenones C6-C2 COCH3 Phenylacetic acids C6-C2 CH2-COOH Hydroxycinnamic acids C6-C3 CH=CH-COOH Phenylpropenes C6-C3 CH2-CH=CH2 O O Coumarins, isocoumarins C6-C3 O O O Chromones C6-C3 O O Naftoquinones C6-C4 O O Xanthones C6-C1-C6 O Stilbenes C6-C2-C6 O Anthraquinones C6-C2-C6 O O Flavonoids C6-C3-C6 Lignans, neolignans (C6-C3)2 Lignins (C6-C3)n Adapted from: Bravo L. Polyphenols: chemistry, dietary sources, metabolism, and nutritional significance. Nutrition Reviews 1998;56(11):317-333. Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 5, Number 2 ◆ 2000 Page 145 Copyright©2000 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission Table 2: Classification of Food Flavonoids Flavonoid Basic Structure Molecular Structure O Proanthocyanidins are naturally Anthocyanidin occurring plant metabolites widely OH O O O available in fruits, vegetables, nuts, Aurones CH C seeds, flowers, and bark.2 Other plant O OCH3 sources of proanthocyanidins include O wine, cranberries, and the leaves of bil- O Biflavonoids berry, birch, ginkgo, and hawthorne. O Also known as procyanidins, these sub- O stances are the main precursors of the Chalcones blue-violet and red pigments in plants. O These compounds are part of a specific group of polyphenolic com- pounds – the flavonoids (Table 1).3 Fla- Dihydrochalcones vonoids are further categorized by sub- O groups. Proanthocyanidins belong to the O category known as condensed tannins, Dihydroflavonol OH one of the two main categories of plant O tannins (Table 2).3 Tannins are highly O hydroxylated structures that can form Flavandiol OH insoluble complexes with carbohydrates or leucoanthocyanidin OH and protein, a measure of their astrin- O gency, based on their ability to cause Flavanol 3 OH precipitation of salivary proteins. The polyphenolics, including proantho- O cyanidins, form a considerable portion Flavanones of the tannins found in wine, and in par- O O ticular contribute heavily to the color Flavones and flavor of red wines. Proanthocyanidins are high-mo- O O lecular-weight polymers comprised of Flavonols the monomeric unit flavan-3-ol ( (+)cat- OH O echin and (-) epicatechin). Oxidative O O condensation occurs between carbon C- Isoflavonoids 4 of the heterocycle and carbons C-6 or O O C-8 of the attached A and B rings (Fig- ure 1).3 The procyanidins B1-B4, char- O acterized by the C4-C8 linkage, are the most common dimers, occasionally ac- Proanthocyanidins companied by corresponding C4-C6 or condensed tannins O linked isomers (B5-B8) (Figure 2).4 At a symposium entitled “Free O Radicals in Biotechnology and Medicine” held in London in 1990, it was reported that esterification of (-)- Adapted from: Bravo L. Polyphenols: chemistry, dietary sources, metabolism, and epicatechin and procyanidin B2 by nutritional significance. Nutrition Reviews 1998;56(11):317-333 Page 146 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 5, Number 2 ◆ 2000 Copyright©2000 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins Figure 1: Basic Structure and Numbering System of Flavonoids 3´ anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-al- lergic, and vasodilatory actions.2,12 2´ 4´ Proanthocyanidins have also been shown to B inhibit lipid peroxidation, platelet aggrega- 8 O 1´ tion, capillary permeability and fragility, and 5´ to affect enzyme systems including phos- 7 2 6´ pholipase A2, cyclooxygenase, and AC lipoxygenase.1,2,12,13 The free radical scavenging abilities 6 3 of proanthocyanidins have been well docu- 5 4 mented and command the most atten- tion.1,2,12,14 In vivo studies have shown grape seed proanthocyanidin extract is a better free radical scavenger and inhibitor of oxidative gallic acid increases their free radical tissue damage than vitamin C, vitamin E suc- scavenging ability. Information was also cinate, vitamin C and vitamin E succinate com- introduced revealing the dimeric bined, and beta carotene.12 Moreover, in vitro proanthocyanidins having the C4-C8 linkage experimental results have demonstrated have greater free radical scavenging activity proanthocyanidins have specificity for the hy- than the C4-C6 linkage, and that these gallate droxyl radical1,2 in addition to having the abil- esters are only found in the grape seed extract ity to non-competitively inhibit the activity of form. xanthine oxidase, a major generator of free Grape seed extract contains OPCs radicals,1,9,14 elastase, collagenase, hyalu- made up of dimers or trimers of (+)-catechin ronidase, and beta-glucuronidase.9 and (-)-epicatechin.4-6 The procyanidin dimers OPCs have also demonstrated prefer- are comprised of procyanidins B1, B2, B3, B4, ential binding to areas characterized by a high B5, B6, B7, and B8. There are six procyanidin content of glycosaminoglycans (epidermis, trimers which include procyanidin C1 and C2. capillary wall, gastrointestinal mucosa, etc.). Furthermore, several gallolyl procyanidins, This feature makes them useful for decreas- which are most commonly the gallate esters ing vascular permeability and enhancing cap- of the dimeric procyanidins, and some free illary strength, vascular function, and periph- gallic acid are present.4,5 Tetramers or greater eral circulation.13 of these flavonols would be known as poly- meric proanthocyanidins and the astringency Therapeutic Applications of the molecule would increase accordingly. Free radical damage has been strongly Therefore, oligomeric proanthocyanidins are associated with virtually every chronic degen- less astringent, bind less strongly to proteins, 5 erative disease, including cardiovascular dis- and are more soluble and mobile in the body. ease, arthritis, and cancer. Free radicals are highly reactive and cause tissue damage by Biological Properties reacting with polyunsaturated fatty acids found The biological properties of fla- in cellular membranes, nucleotides in DNA, vonoids, including proanthocyanidins, have and sulfhydryl bonds in proteins. Free radi- been extensively reviewed.2,7-9 In addition to cals may originate endogenously through nor- their free radical scavenging and antioxidant mal metabolism and exogenously from pol- activity,1,8,10,11 proanthocyanidins have been luted air, solvent-laden water, pesticide-laced reported to have antibacterial, antiviral, food, or radiation exposure. Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 5, Number 2 ◆ 2000 Page 147 Copyright©2000 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission Figure 2: Structure of the Main Procyanidin Dimers from V. vinifera OH OH O O HO OH HO OH OH OH OH OH OH OH C O HO OH HO OH R1 R1 R2 R2 OH OH 1 2 1 2 Procyanidin B1 R =OH, R =H Procyanidin B3 R =OH, R =H 1 2 1 2 Procyanidin B2 R =H, R =OH Procyanidin B4 R =H, R =OH OH OH O O HO OH HO OH OH OH OH OH HO OH HO OH 2 2 R O R O R1 R1 HO HO OH OH 1 2 1 2 Procyanidin B5 R =H, R =OH Procyanidin B6 R =OH, R =H 1 2 1 2 Procyanidin B7 R =OH, R =H Procyanidin B8 R =H, R =OH Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P. Vitis vinifera. Fitoterapia 1995;66:291-317 Clearly, due to their antioxidant proanthocyanidins are the active ingredient in activity, the therapeutic potential of a proprietary pharmaceutical product sold in proanthocyanidins is quite broad. In Europe, France (Endotelon) used primarily for proanthocyanidins are used mainly for the microcirculatory disorders.
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