BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPOFtTS. Volume 44—No. 10. Philadelphia*,, November 19, 1904. Price, Five Cents. ? PAlin fe^ 1BSA-J {^SEYMOUR, O.. November 19, iqo4. 11-19-4. 8[R[NE NICHOLS SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., HAS PINALLY ARRANGED AFFAIRS 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE VETERAN MANAGER IS NOW FOR NEXT SEASON. Please send me cabinet size phototype of tbe celebrated A REAL MAGNATE. base ball player ______________________ _ ©_ Decides Not to Buy Into the Kansas © Has Purchased the Controlling Inter for which I enclose five 2-cent stamps to help to defray expense City Club and WiSI Give His of printing, postage, packing, etc. est in the Des Moines Club of the Entire Time and Attention to the Western League Which His Brother St. Louis National League Club. Will Manage in the Active Season. SPECIAX to SroRfiNG LIFE. SPECIAL TO SPORTING LIPS. Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 15. Charles Nich- Chicago, 111., Nov. 16. Manager Joseph ol8, the pride of Kansas City, has settled Cantillon, of the Milwaukee Club, has pur his plans for 1005. lie came to town last chased the Des Moines Club, of the West week, but left Immediate ern League. Cantillou se ly for St. Joseph for a cured fifty-nine of the eigh brief visit to his daughter, ty shares of stock by pay who is attending school ing cash, and at once took there. Before his depart charge of the plant and the ure N©ichols dissipated the CABINET SIZE PHOTOTYPES OF teain. Des Moiues, despite ragtime rumors that have the fact that the team was been floating about in Kan a tail-euder iu a six-club sas City to the effect that league this season, cleaned he and Johnny Kling were up a profit of over $6000 on "firm io their resolution" c ers. the year, and as a base to buy the Kansas City ball investment it looka Club. Said he: "I have not "Sporting Life" has had reproduced cabinet size phototypes of celebrated base ball pretty good, notwithstand authorized the use of my players and offers to send to any of its readers photos of their favorite base ball players by ing the fact that Cantillou name In negotiations for complying with the conditionsiiamed in the coupon above, 10 cents for each photo; by the Joe Caniilloa was forced to pay a fancy the Kansas City Club wi price for his stock. He & view of managing it next year. Of dozen, $1.00. Only one coupon required with each order. has given the Des Moines minority stock course, if the present owner desires .to sell The photos are regular cabinet size (5£ x 74 inches) mounted on Mantello mats and holders a guarantee that George Tebeau is fltit at a reasonable price I suppose Johnny packed carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. iu no way interested with hlni ill the Kliag and I will be among the many who Here is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your favorite base ball stock purcliase. will be On the market. I shall make no players at small expense. Each photo iu a separate envelope to protect and keep it clean. CANTILLON©S PCRPOSfl. offer for the club. That is the whole prop One coupon and five 2-cent stamps entitles you to one phoro. You can, however" osition. Kansas City is my home, and I Regarding his deal Cantillon said: "Yes, expect some day to settle here permanent obtain as many photos as you desire by sending five 2-cent stamps for each photo and one© I have bought the franchise, plant and ly. I cannot pitch forever; but there is no coupon with each ordet. gcod will of the Des Moines Club, and I Immediate prospect of iny coming here, The following photos ar©e now ready for immediate delivery. Others will be added think it will prove a good investment. and I have goae ahead with my plans for each week: : The fact is, I believe that base ball is next year©s St. Louis team without taking about to enjoy a genuine boom, and that the trouble to deny the silly stories that NATIONAL LEAGUE, 1904. [ AMERICAN LEAGUE, 1904. before the world Is five years older the have been printed about me. I am perfect* owner of a winning ball team in a good, NEW YORK CLUB John J. McGraw, Jos- BOSTON CLUB Charles -Stahl, Denton live town will make all kinds of money ly satisfied with my position at St. Louis, on his investment. Des Moines is a good and the Robisons and I are on the very eph McGinnity, Christopher Matthewson, Young, George Winters,Frederick Parent, ball town, and with a winning team It will friendliest of terms, notwithstanding the John Warner, Samuel Mertes, William John Freeman, James Col I ins, Charles prove the biggest sort of a winner." I have reports to the contrary." Gilbert, D. L. McGann, Roger Bresnehan, Fm-rell, Albert Selbach, Hobe Ferris, been working on a salary trying to make George Browne, Frank Bovrerman, Luther William Dintn-n, Louis Cnger, George money for other people long enough. Now H. Taylor, John Dunn, William Dahlen, Lachance, Norwood Gibson, Jesse Tanne- I intend to try aud make a few dollars on OPPOSITE OPINIONS. Michael Donlin, Leon Ames, Claude El- hill, Thomas Doran. my own account." liott, George Wiltse, Virgil Garvin, NEW YORK CLUB James Williams, David BKOTHEE MIKB WILL MANAGB. In conclusion Cantillon said: "I am still Showing How Even a Star Ball Player CHICAGO CLUB Frank Chance, James P. L. Fultz, Clarke Griffith, William Keeler the manager of the Milwaukee American Can be Ground Between Antagonistic Casey, Joseph B. Tinker, James Slagle, Jack Chesbro, Norman Elberfeld, William Association Club, and I will continue to John Evers, Carl Lundgren, Jacob Wei- Conroy, John Ganzell, John Powell, manage the Brewers from the start to the Newspapers Eager For an Argument. nier, John Kling, Robert Wicker, John Albert Orth, John Anderson, Patrick finish nest season, all reports to the con F rOm St. Louis Democrat. McCarthy, John J. O©Neil, Alexander Dougherty, James McGuire. trary notwithstanding. My brother Mich ael, who is interested with me in the new Burkett has been a Valuable man ever Smith, John C. Barry, Mordecai Brown, CHICAGO CLUB Fielder Jones Edward venture, will look after the financial end since his first, appqaranee here (in St. David Jones, Otto G. Williams. MeFarJand, George Davis, William D. of the Des Moines Club, and after I have Louis), and for a long time before that. CINQINNATICLU :t Joseph J.Kelly.Frank Sullivan, James J. Callahan, Daniei picked out my team I will select a player- He is one player who is al* Green, Fran©k Isbell, Roy Pattersou, Lee manager, who will have entire charge of ways in the game, and who Hahn, James Sebring, Harry Steinfeldt, iTaniiehill, Frank Owens, William Holmes the team. Naturally, I will devote a deal cau be relied upon to do Charles Harper J: Bentley Seymour, G. Harry White, Nick Altrock. j© of my time to the task of signing a strong his best. He has been hoot- Harry Dolan, Robert Ewing, Henry Peitz, team, but this wrill in no way interfere ed iu the bleachers and Thomas W. Corcoran. ("Jipgs") Oonahne,AugustDundon,Frank with my work of managing the©Milwaukee called "the crab," but of all Smith, Edward A. Walsh. team." base ball players Burkett PITTSBURO CLUB Hans Wagner, Fred CLEVELAND CLUB Napoleon Lajoie has given the teams for Clarke, Claude Ritchey, Thomas Leach, William Bernhardt. Fred Buelow, Frank which he worked good, Samuel Leever, William Bransfieid,Clar Donohue, Harry Bn"y, Elmer Flick, Ear, BRYCE BUYS. solid results. Almost with-* ence H. Beaumont. Harry Smith, Charles out exception he has been Moore, Harry Bemis, Adrian Joss, Will- the leading run-getter of Philippe, Edward Phelps, Otto Krueger, in m J. Bradley. R. S. Hhoades. Will L Neil Park Purchased Outright by the the club, and has been Patrick Flaherty. Lu-h, Charles C. Carr, Otto Hess, Ter- counted a man to be relied rence Turner, George Stovall. Enterprising President of the Colum iesse Burkett upon with a hit. In pri ST. LOUIS CLUB Homer Smoot, James T. bus American Association Club. vate life he is anything Burke, Charles McFarland, John Farrell, PHILADELPHIA CLUB Connie Mack but a "crab" to his friends, and those wno David L. Brain, Michael J O©Neili. manager, Maurice R. Powers, Daniei F© BY ED BOYNTON. know him best will be sorry to see him Jacob Becklfv John Tavlor, James Dun- Murphy, Ralph O. Seybold, Harry Davis© leave St. Louis. leayy, Daniel Shay, W. P Shannon, Edward S. Plank, Oliver Pickerin»© Columbus, O., Nov. 9. Editor "Sporting David Zearfoss, Michael Grady. Osee F-.Schreckeugost, Lafayette N.CrosV Life:" The fans were all made happy yes Gcorse Edward Waddell, Frederick L© terday by the announcement that the Co THIS IS DIFFERENT. BROOKLYN CLUB James Sheckard, Fred lumbus Base Ball Company From St. Louis Republic, Hartzell, Monte Cross. Daniel Hofluiau. had purchased Neil Park Jacklitzsch, Samuel Strana, Louis Ritter, Charles Bender, Weldon Henley. The passizig of Burkett from the Browns William Reidy, Harry Gessler, Otto Jor and several adjoining acres ST. LOUIS CLU?! Robert Wallace, Michae to the north and west, and should prove a good move for the loo! dan, John Dobbs, Frank Dillon, .John will have one of the finest American Leaguers, for, while Jesso was Cronin. Ed Poole Charles Babh, Oscar Kahoe, William Sudhofl, Richard Pftdden© and most commodious ball the best sort of a fellow personally, he Jones, William Bergen, Fred Mite hell,- Edward Siever, Joseph Sugtien, Charles parks in any minor league practically ran things his own way around Hemphill, Jesse Burkett, J.
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