Wirt il-Kavallieri fil-Belt | The Knights’ Heritage in Valletta Il-Palazz Maġisterjali beda jinbena fl-1574 fi żmien il-Gran Mastru La Cassière fuq stil Mannjerist ukoll mill-perit Ġlormu Cassar. Id-dehra barokk minn ġewwa saret fi żmien il-Gran Mastri de Vilhena u Pinto fl-ewwel nofs tas-seklu 18. Construction of the Magisterial Palace started in 1574 during the reign of Grand Master La Cassière on the Mannerist style by Girolamo Cassar. Its internal Baroque style dates to the first half of the 18th century during the times of Grand Masters Vilhena and Pinto. 2 Is-Sala tal-Ambaxxaturi (xellug) fil-Palazz Maġisterjali fejn kienu jsiru l-laqgħat privati tal-Gran Mastru u tal-Gvernatur fi żmien l-Ingliżi. Fuq il-lemin jidher l-Uffiċju tal-President fil-Palazz. The Hall of Ambassadors (left) in the Magisterial Palace for the Grand Masters’ private meetings or by the Governors in the British period. On the right there is the Office of the President in the Palace. 3 Is-Sala tal-Udjenzi fil- Palazz Maġisterjali fejn il-Gran Mastru kien jilqa’ l-mistednin. Fi żmien l-Ingliżi kien tintuża mill-Gvernatur u kienet saret magħrufa bħala s-Sala tat-Tron. The Grand Master’s Court Room in the Magisterial Palace where the Grand Masters welcomed their guests. In British times this hall was used the Governors and became known as the Throne Room. 4 Xellug: Is-Sala tat-Tepizzeriji fil-Palazz. Dawn kienu nħadmu f’Gobelin fi Franza bħal dawk tal-Knisja Konventwali u kienu ngħataw lill-Ordni mill-Gran Mastru Ramon Perellos. Din kienet l-ewwel Sala tal-Parlament Malti bejn l-1921 u l-1976. Lemin: Il-Mużew tal-Armerija taħt il-kustodja ta’ Heritage Malta. Left: The Tapestry Hall in the Palace. These were made in Gobelin in France, similar to those of the Conventual Church as a legacy to the Order by Grand Master Ramon Perellos. This was the first Maltese Parliament Hall between 1921 and 1976. Right: the Armoury Museum under the custody of Heritage Malta. 5 Il-Berġa ta’ Kastilja għall-Kavallieri ta’ Kastilja (Spanja) u l-Portugall. Sakemm Malta kienet bażi Ingliża (sal-1979) din kienet il-kwartier-ġenerali tal-Amiraljat Ingliż f’Malta. Mibnija fuq il-pjanta ta’ Ġlormu Cassar, il-faċċata kienet iddekorata f’nofs is-seklu 18 fuq stil Barokk mill-Gran Mastru Pinto li kien Portugiż. The Auberge de Castile for Spanish and Portuguese Knights. This auberge served as the headquarters of the British Admiralty until the closure of the British base in 1979. Built on Girolamo Cassar’s plans, its façade was decorated in the 18th century Baroque style by Grand Master Pinto, a Portuguese. 6 Is-Sala tal-Kabinett tal-Ministri u l-Uffiċju privat tal-Prim Ministru fil-Berġa ta’ Kastilja. The Cabinet Room and the Office of the Prime Minister in the Auberge de Castile. 7 Il-Berġa ta’ Provenza kienet għall-Kavallieri min-nofsinhar ta’ Franza. Illum tintuża minn Heritage Malta bħala Mużew Nazzjonali tal-Arkeoloġija. Ir-rikkezza ta’ din il-Berġa hi riflessa fil-sala ewlenija fis-sular ta’ fuq, iddekorata fuq stil Rokoko tas-seklu 18. The Auberge of Provence was for French Knights from the south of France. Today it housed Heritage Malta’s National Museum of Archaeology. The richness of the auberge is reflected in its upper floor main hall, decorated in the Rococo style of the 18th century. 8 Il-Berġa tal-Italja kienet mibnija wkoll minn Ġlormu Cassar għall-Kavallieri Taljani. illum saret il-MUŻA, il-Mużew Nazzjonali tal-Arti, immexxi minn Heritage Malta. The Auberge d’Italia was likewise built by Girolamo Cassar for the Italian Knights. Today it houses the MUZA, the Arts National Museum, under the custody of Heritage Malta. 9 Is-Sacra Infermija kellha l-akbar sala għal żmienha. Bħala Ospitaljieri, il-Kavallieril-ġodda (novizzi) kienu obbligati jservu lill-pazjenti fl-isptar. Illum dan il-post jintuża għall spettakli, fieri kummerċjali u eżibizzjonijiet. The Sacra Infermeria had the largest ward for its times. As Hospitallers, the newly recruited Knights (novices) had to serve the hospital patients. Today this place is used for shows, fairs and exibitions. 10 Is-Sacra Infermeria kien l- isptar ewlieni tal-Ordni. Il- Kavallieri, bħala Ospitaljieri, kienu obbligati bl-Istatut tal- Ordni. Fis-Sacra Infermia kien hemm regoli stretti dwar l-iġene. Għal dan il-għan, il-pazjenti kienu jiġu servuti l-ikel u l-mediċini f’riċepjenti u pożati tal-fidda. The Sacra Infermeria was the Order’s main hospital. The Knights, as Hospitallers, were obliged by their Statutes. Strict hygene regulations were applied in the Sacra Infermeria. For this reason, patients were served food and medicine in salwar ware. 11 It-Teatru Manoel, beda jinbena fl-1731 fuq ordni tal-Gran Mastru Manoel de Vilhena fuq stil Barokk. Illum hu wieħed mill-eqdem teatri fl-Ewropa. The Manoel Theatre, started being built on the orders of Grand Master Manoel de Vilhena in Baroque style. Today is one of the oldest theatres in Europe. 12 X’tgħallimt dwar il-wirt tal-Kavallieri fil-Belt Valletta 1. Kif qed jintużaw illum dawn il-binjiet tal-Kavallieri fil-Belt Valletta? (12) (a) il-Palazz tal-Gran Mastri; (b) il-Berġa ta’ Kastilja; (c) il-Berġa ta’ Provenza; (d) il-Berġa tal-Italja; (e) is-Sacra Infermeria; (f) it-Teatru Manoel. 2. Liema stil arkitettoniku jispikka l-aktar fil-bini li l-Kavallieri bnew jispikka fil-Belt Valletta. Agħti raġuni għat-tweġiba tiegħek. (2) 3. Għaliex l-aktar wirt importanti tal-Kavallieri jinsab fil-Belt Valletta? (2) 4. Kif hi meqjusa l-Belt Valletta mill-UNICEF? (2) 5. Kif baqa’ jintuża l-Palazz tal-Gran Mastri fi Żmien l-Ingliżi? (2) (Total: 20 marka) History Department, Curriculum Centre Annexe, DLAP (MEDE) 2020. 13 Review and assessment on the Knights’ Heritage in Valletta 1. How are these buildings of the Knights in Valletta used today?: (12) (a) the Grand Master’s Palace; (b) the Auberge de Castile; (c) the Auberge de Provence; (d) the Auberge d’Italie; (e) the Sacra Infermeria; (f) Manoel Theatre. 2. Which style in architecture features in the buildings of the Knights in Valletta? Give a reason for your answer. (2) 3. Why is it that most important heritage of the Knights in Malta is found in Valletta? (2) 4. How is Valletta recognised by UNICEF? (2) 5. How was the Grand Master’s Palace continued to be used in British times? (2) (Total: 20 marks) History Department, Curriculum Centre Annexe, DLAP (MEDE) 2020. 14.
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