H5214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 27, 2005 those present have voted in the affirm- (1) welcomes the opportunity for the Re- only towards completion of its transi- ative. public of Albania to demonstrate its willing- tion to democracy, but in preparing for Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. ness and preparedness to take the next steps integration into European and Euro- Speaker, on that I demand the yeas in European and Euro-Atlantic integration Atlantic institutions. by holding parliamentary elections on July and nays. 3, 2005, that meet the Organization for Secu- There is good reason to remain con- The yeas and nays were ordered. rity and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) cerned, however, that the elections will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- standards for free and fair elections as de- fall short of international standards. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the fined in the 1990 Copenhagen Document; The good things that have been adopt- Chair’s prior announcement, further (2) firmly believes that the citizens of Al- ed, such as the Code of Conduct adopt- proceedings on this motion will be bania, like all people, should be able to ed by key political parties, may not be postponed. choose their own representatives in par- carried out. The OSCE’s election ob- liament and government in free and fair server mission has reported receiving f elections, and to hold these representatives accountable through elections at reasonable an increased number of allegations of URGING ALBANIA TO ENSURE legal misuse of state resources and per- ELECTIONS TO BE HELD ON intervals; (3) supports commitments by Albanian po- sonnel for campaign purposes. If found JULY 3, 2005, ARE IN ACCORD- litical parties to adhere to a basic code of to be true, those engaged in this activ- ANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL conduct for campaigning and urges such par- ity would be responsible for what STANDARDS FOR FREE AND ties and all election officials in Albania to would be regarded as a tremendous set- FAIR ELECTIONS adhere to laws relating to the elections, and back for the country. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. to conduct their activities in an impartial Hopefully, by passing this resolution, and transparent manner, by allowing inter- we can encourage Albanian authorities Speaker, I move to suspend the rules national and domestic observers to have un- and agree to the concurrent resolution obstructed access to all aspects of the elec- to respect the rule of law, to abide by (H. Con. Res. 155) urging the Govern- tion process, including public campaign their Code of Conduct, and respect the ment of the Republic of Albania to en- events, candidates, news media, voting, and results of the upcoming election. When sure that the parliamentary elections post-election tabulation of results and proc- my colleague, the gentleman from New to be held on July 3, 2005, are con- essing of election challenges and complaints; York (Mr. ENGEL), and I first intro- ducted in accordance with inter- (4) supports assistance by the United duced this resolution, it was with the national standards for free and fair States to help the people of Albania estab- expectation the U.S. Congress could lish a fully free and open democratic system, constructively make a difference by elections. a prosperous free market economy, and its The Clerk read as follows: rightful place in European and Euro-Atlantic calling on the authorities, political H. CON. RES. 155 institutions, including the North Atlantic parties, and others to do the right Whereas the United States maintains Treaty Organization (NATO); and thing so that the real winners in the strong and friendly relations with the Re- (5) encourages the President to commu- elections will be the people of Albania public of Albania and appreciates the ongo- nicate to the Government of Albania, to all who make the effort to vote. ing support of the people of Albania; political parties and candidates, and to the Finally, I am hopeful these elections Whereas the President of Albania has people of Albania the high importance at- will meet international standards, be- called for elections to Albania’s parliament, tached by the Government of the United cause that is one of the first steps Al- known as the People’s Assembly, to be held States to this parliamentary election as a central factor in determining the future re- bania will need to take on the path to on July 3, 2005; full Euro-Atlantic integration. Whereas Albania is one of 55 participating lationship between the United States and Al- States in the Organization for Security and bania. The new Albanian government will Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), all of which The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- also need to tackle problems relating have adopted the 1990 Copenhagen Document ant to the rule, the gentleman from to official corruption and organized containing specific commitments relating to New Jersey (Mr. SMITH) and the gen- crime. Fortunately, beyond a good the conduct of elections; tleman from California (Mr. LANTOS) election process, we must see the devel- Whereas these commitments, which en- each will control 20 minutes. opment of civil society in Albania, courage transparency, balance, and impar- The Chair recognizes the gentleman with the youth groups and others tiality in an election process, have become pressing elected officials to address the the standard by which observers determine from New Jersey (Mr. SMITH). whether elections have been conducted free- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. every day problems that plague the ly and fairly; Speaker, I yield myself such time as I lives of Albanian citizens. Whereas, though improvements over time may consume. I hope my colleagues will support have been noted, the five multiparty par- Mr. Speaker, 14 years ago, Albania this resolution. liamentary elections held in Albania be- was just emerging from decades of bru- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tween 1991 and 2001, as well as elections for tal isolation from Europe when they my time. local offices held between and after those held their first genuinely contested Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I yield years, fell short of the standards in the Co- elections in 1991. Not surprisingly, they myself such time as I may consume, penhagen Document to varying degrees, ac- fell short of the standards for free and and I rise in strong support of the reso- cording to OSCE and other observers; lution. Whereas with OSCE and other inter- fair elections as defined by the Organi- national assistance, the Government of Alba- zation for Security and Cooperation in Mr. Speaker, I want to commend my nia has improved the country’s electoral and Europe, or OSCE, as did subsequent good friend and colleague, the gen- legal framework and enhanced the capacity elections for parliament and local gov- tleman from New Jersey, (Mr. SMITH), to conduct free and fair elections; ernment. The United States and other and our colleague on the Committee on Whereas subsequent to the calling of elec- friends of Albania, however, remained International Relations, the gentleman tions, Albania’s political parties have ac- engaged with the Albanian people from New York (Mr. ENGEL), for intro- cepted a code of conduct regarding their throughout their turbulent transition. ducing this excellent resolution urging campaign activities, undertaking to act in Today, Albania is at the point where free and fair elections in Albania. I am accordance with the law, to refrain from in- the country can actually hold free and citing violence or hatred in the election pleased to be a cosponsor of the resolu- campaign, and to be transparent in dis- fair elections, something the citizens tion. closing campaign funding; and of that country deeply deserve. Par- Mr. Speaker, it was 15 years ago this Whereas meeting the standards in the Co- liamentary elections have been sched- month that I had the privilege of being penhagen Document for free and fair elec- uled, as Members of this House know, the first American Government official tions is absolutely essential to Albania’s de- for July 3, and the campaign period is to set foot in Albania after a 44-year sired integration into European and Euro- well underway. Staff in the U.S. Hel- hiatus. At that time, Albania was tak- Atlantic institutions, including full member- sinki Commission, which I co-chair, ing its first halting steps to end a half ship in the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- will be serving on the international ob- tion (NATO), as well as to Albania’s progress a century of Communist dictatorship in addressing official corruption and combat- servation mission. Albania has come and self-imposed international isola- ting organized crime: Now, therefore, be it far in reforming its election process tion. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the and through these elections has the op- Wherever I traveled throughout the Senate concurring), That Congress— portunity to jump a major hurdle not country, from formal meetings with VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:24 Jun 28, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27JN7.056 H27PT1 June 27, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5215 top government officials to casual I thank the gentleman from Cali- dedicated to safe, free, and open democracy chats with students at the University fornia (Mr. LANTOS) for this partner- in Albania and the region. It will let the people of Tirana, crowds of Albanians gath- ship resolution, as well as the gen- of Albania know that we are at their side as ered, looking on curiously and appre- tleman from New York (Mr. ENGEL) they strive for a more free and open society. hensively, but hopefully.
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