KEK-79-14 July 1979 TRISTAN PHOTOPRODUCTION AT TRISTAN ENERGY K. Ishida, T. ICobayashi and T. Yoshino NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS OHO-MACHI, TSUKUBA-GUN 1BARAKI, JAPAN KEK Reports are available from Technical Information Office National Laboratory for High Energy Physics Oho-machi, Tsukuba-gun Ibaraki-ken, 300-32 JAPAN Phone: 0298-64-1171 Telex: 3652-534 (Domestic) (0)3652-534 (International) Cable: KEK0H0 Photoproduction at TRISTAN Energy K. Ishida, T. Kobayashi and T. Yoshino Department of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University Fukazawa, Setagaya, Tokyo 158 Japan Abstract Focussing our attention upon the structure of photon we discuss its complementary aspects represented by the vector meson dominance (VMD) and the perturbative quantum chromo- dynamics (QCD). Photoproduction of vector mesons and that of large transverse momentum jets are studied as testing ground for two aspects, in the energy range of TRISTAN (Ee- x Ep2:20 GeV x 300 GeV). It is found that Vector Mesons of mass up to ~ 10 GeV will be produced more than once per day for tagged photons. Large- p^ jet production is found rather copious and it can be a good probe to study the photon structure function predicted from QCD. SI. Introduction New energy range to be explored by coining very big accelerators would force us to concentrate our attention on very fundamental and unified aspects of high energy interactions. The Weinberg-Salam model ^ has succeeded in unifying electro­ magnetic and weak interactions while quantum chromodynamics CQCD) ' has become a prime candidate for the theory of strong +) interactions. In this respect TRISTAN project, an electron- proton colliding beam facility produced in KEK, will bring us valuable informations both on weak and strong interactions. While much attention has been paid on deep-inelastic lepton scattering, very high energy photoproduction will also provide us another important source of interactions. In this report we shall concentrate ourselves on studying the structure of photons at the TRISTAN energies; the laboratory momenta of colliding electron and proton are 20 and 300 GeV, respectively, and the luminocity of taggedT- P collision is 'vl029/cm2-sec. We are very much concerned about how photon manifests itself through interactions with other particles, particularly, with hadrons. It is widely accepted that the vector meson dominance model (VMD)3) provides a useful and successful description of low momentum transfer reactions. This implies that the photon has very similar internal structure to that of hadrons.*' Does this persist in higher energies? In the events with large transverse momentum hadrons, on the other hand, the process should be governed by the short distance mechanism and one might naively expect a point-like coupling of the photon with partons to dominate the cross sections. The perturbative QCD tells us, however, that the photon should also have internal quark structure which is calculable with the help of the renomalization group (RG)-equations. ' Photoproduction of large-Px jets will thus he useful to probe the photon structure predicted from QCD. In the present report we attempt our preliminary first step toward a unified understanding of the photon structure which should be revealed in future. If QCD is the correct theory of strong interactions, perturbative and nonperturbative (VMD) aspects will finally be unified as a complementary entity like resonance and Regge behaviors in the duality. It is our expectation that this ambitious program may gradually be realized through studies of high energy photoproduction process. In J 2 we show predictions of the VMD on the total photon- proton cross section and on vector meson production. These investigation will give a simple criterion for the validity of the VMD. Section 3 deals with the high-p^ jet production in photon-proton collisions in the framework of the perturbative QCD. At TRISTAN, the colliding beam facility of 300 GeV proton and photons from the 20 GeV electrons, enable us to carry out various kinds of interesting experiments. Some topics other than those described in $ 2 and § 3 are briefly mentioned in|4. Photoproduction data are obtained from ep collisions in the limit of small momentum transfer, say, Q 2 < m£2. For actual calculations - 3 - we neglect this small Q values and assume it to be equal to zero. The effective luminosity of tagged-photon proton collisions will thus be two-orders of magnitude smaller than that of electron-proton collisions. $2. Hadronic Behavior of Photons The vector meson dominance model (VMD) has been successful in describing various aspects of photoproduction processes at small momentum transfers in the presently available photon energy region. In order to get the first clue to phenomena in yet unattainable high energy region a simple extrapolation of the existing model may be useful. In this section we extrapolate the predictions of the VMD to the TRISTAN energy range. This kind of calculations were already done by others in planning the future projects. ' We will, however, make some improvement on several respects. 2.1. Total Photon Cross Section on Protons It has been well known that the total photon cross section on proton ( fli^ ) shows the remarkable similarity to the pion- nucleon total cross section apart from the overall normalization. This strongly suggests that the vector meson dominance (VMD] mechanism would be responsible for a major part of the total cross section. It is of great interest to see whether or not the similarity holds in the TRISTAN energy range (s < 24,000 GeV ) which is far beyond the one presently available. The total photon cross section on proton can be written in the VMD as t(s) = i) °# f T^;crvt,(s) c, Here & (= 1/137) is the fine structure constant of QED, s being the total center of mass energy squared, OTWs) and VL. are the vector meson-proton total cross section and the photon-vector meson coupling constant, respectively. We assume that the sum over vector mesons Z extends over f, to , 0 , and J/ty-. V Additive quark model is used for the Vector Meson total cross sections of proton. Figure 1 shows the result. At the maximum TRISTAN energy we have Oifli^^" ,1D' *^w e comPare our result with the total cross section at presently available energy (Ey Js. 180 GeV) ' the rising behavior seems to be rather slow. Our moderate energy dependence is attributed to the slowly rising asymptotic cross sections parametrized •" as a + b In s. If a new quark flavor is produced above certain threshold energy, it is expected that trt the total cross section (Sip will show an abnormal rise at the threshold. Whether such a behavior can be 3een or not remains an open question. 2.2. Vector Meson Photoproduction Since the vector mesons have the same quantum number JPC = l"~ as the photon they are diffractively produced at high energies as shown in Fig. 2. Then we expect new heavy vector - S mesons to be diffractively produced copiously at TRISTAN. The VMD idea is also useful here. The total cross section for r + p —»V + P can he written as 9^ where By denotes the slope parameter of the differential cross section appearing in at vdt k^z^J^ andQvp(s), the total cross section of Vp collisions. Here t represents the usual momentum transfer squared and t . is its kinematically allowable minimum. For light Vector mesons if,CO , <f>, J/ijr) we adopt the same G7p(s) as those used in evaluating eq. C2.1). For the slope parameter we examine two altarnatives: (a) Bv = const. 2 2 2 4) = Bu=i 7.5 GeV' , BBff ==££ 5.5.55 GeGeV"V , BBJ/(J/(.. ::xx 2.2.00 GeV"GeV (b) Bv(s) = bT + 2 (X'finCs/sc). Here bv = Bv - 2'a'€nC50/so] , 1 K ~ 0.2 is the pbmeron slope ' and s0 is the scale parameter f set equal to 1 GeV . Shown in figure 3 are the VMD estimates of the total photoproduction cross sections of light vector mesons plotted against s. In estimating heavy vector meson production cross sections beyond the J/iJ-, we have to be careful because of too many unknown factors. Nevertheless, some reasonable assumptions allow us to evaluate the production yields. First we have to properly take into account the threshold behavior. As the simplest form we adopt the parametrization for the J/$|r photoproduction used by Thorndike •*, 4) where sth and s0 are, respectively, the threshold of the heavy vector meson and the appropriate mass scale. We find that the choice s o " sth =; 7.5 m* can reproduce both J/^r and $ photoproduction threshold behavior. Empirically, we have '' ' 12, > which works reasonably well. After passing over the steep rise in the threshold region, the cross section is leveled off and follows the behavior of that of light vector mesons. As for the slope parameter we also examine two cases (a) Bv = Bjt^ 2 2 = ZGeV" and (b) By(s) = Bj^ +2tf £n(s/s0), ft' being 0.2 GeV" . In fig. 4, we show energy dependence of the production cross sections of T and VCtf). The cross section of }T photo­ production' at s 2£20,000 GeV can be read - 7 - The use of untagged photons probably increases the yield by about two-orders of magnitude. The counting rate of V[tt) heavier than 20 GeV, however, is too low to be observed even at the highest TRISTAN energy. 2.5. Pseudoscalar Meson Production via Primakoff Effect Another interesting photoproduction process is the Primakoff production of a new even-charge conjugation states with J * 1 composed of new quark flavors, especially, pseudscalar partners of heavy vector mesons. Shown in Fig- 5 is the schematic illustration of the production process Y+ P -*x * p followed by the decay X-+YY.
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