F. W. FAXON COMPAN Y P n e in U S of ri t d the nited tates America , by P H the Rumford ress , Concord , New ampshire T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S D fl art One WRITINGS BY EDWARD L . BERNAYS ks 1 . Ia 2 . I n Periodicals 3 . Published Talks Tart Two B WRITINGS ABOUT EDWARD L . ERNAYS M n n in B k 1 . e tio oo s 2 . Profiles Tfiree AD D ENDA F. W. FAXON COMPANY f Printed in the United States o America , by H the Rumford Press , Concord , New ampshire T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Tart One WRITINGS BY ED WARD L . BERNAYS 1 . Ia ks 2 . In Periodicals 3 . P ublished Talks ‘ fParz Two B WRITINGS ABOUT EDWARD L . ERNAYS M in B k 1 . ention oo s 2 . Profiles ' ’ ‘ ‘ Tarz I firee ADDENDA t z its re By any test , public relations is oday a recogni ed profession ; it has sponsible practitioners ; it has a growing number of university courses ; it has a i growing sense of social responsibility . It has ts own training courses and it can point to a steady growth of conscious public relations activity by profit and non profit institutions and by government agencies with professional public relations counsel in charge . i i Most important for our purposes , public relat ons has ts own field of litera ture and this book will deal with a vital segment of that field . Literature on public relations is extensive , but a check of public libraries reveals that much of this literature is scattered in books on related subjects and h . in magazines . Bibliography of t e field is extremely limited Y et bibliography is recogniz ed as a vital tool in providing an organiz ed ap proach to basic knowledge and points of view in any subject . To individuals f t . Un or working in any field of research or s udy , bibliography is indispensable t na l t t c be u te y , there has been li tle bibliography in public rela ions , prin ipally h t i . to t e cause t is a new subject There are , be sure , journals which cover li er ’ The P u n ua rl u t ature in related fields , such as bhc Opinio Q rte y ; b t hese concern fl no t t themselves chie y with books , and do t as a rule cover even importan ma erial appearing in magazines and other publications . There are two important bibliographies in the general field P ropaganda a S t nd P romotional A ctivities, edited by Lasswell , Casey and mi h and published by the University of Minnesota Press in 1935; and a comparable volume pub li h h 1 B u s ed by t e Princeton University Press in 946 . t even these standard works do not include all the available material on public relations , particularly pam hl p ets , booklets , quotations from books and so on . Since there is today widespread interest in public relations , and a growing t b literature about it, it was believed that a bibliography of published ma erial y and about the leading practitioner would provide important data for those who are studying the field both in the universities and outs ide them . m h ad A ong other things , such a bibliography would show t e scope and t vance of the profess ion of public relations counsel , changing attitudes oward th ’ t e profession , the public s growing understanding of it, and how a poin of view has t extended and penetrated into many fields of learning . To achieve his pur h t t pose , t e items in the bibliography would of necessity have to be abs rac s of t the original material , in some cases fairly long , in order to give a clear pic ure of h t e movemen t of ideas . t E This work , then , is concerned with published material by and abou dward ibli . o b L Bernays , public relations counsel . This choice appeared t be ideal for a ’ o ra h - t g p y because of Mr . Bernays outstanding position as a founding fa her , i practit oner and theoretician . W H . Time magazine has called him U . S . Publicist No . 1 ; and illiam Bald win l M - of Ba dwin and ermey , in Tzoo Way Street by Eric Goldman , has said of him : Bernays had more to do with developing acceptance of PR and public " t n z rela ions counsel than a y half do en other persons . h t t t . s l Mr . Bernays coined e erm public rela ions counsel In Cry ta liz ing i n n h P ubl c Opi io t e first full length book on public relations , he defined h h H t e principles and techniques of t e field . e also broke ground when he gave a t at New t 192 h course in public rela ions York Universi y in 3 , t e first course in a an that subject ever given t y university . While successfully practicing his profess ion for over thirty years as counse l for leading American organiz ations and individuals in partnership with his wife , l i hm n D oris E . F e sc a , he has written and lectured on public relations , and allied t t t t . subjec s , grea ly advancing unders anding of hese fields 1948-5 0 t P P R t at New In , he was Adj unc rofessor of ublic ela ions York 19 0 a P University ; and in 5 , he conducted cl sses and seminars as Visiting rofessor of Public Relations at the University of Hawaii . Because of the great amount of material by and abou t him in books , maga i th zines and published speeches , t was fel t that a bibliography based on is ma terial could shed considerable light on the development of public relations in the h United States and serve as an invaluable guide for thosewhowish to study t e field . Since a complete bibliography on this subject would have bee n too large m and cumbersome , we have omi tted newspaper comment or mention , all u published talks by Mr . Bernays and magazine material about him . 1 The bibliography covers the period from 19 17 to 951, and is divided into three parts , consisting of five sections plus an addenda . The first section covers h . writings by Mr . Bernays appearing in books ; t e second , wri tings by Mr Ber h h . nays in periodical s ; t e third , published talks by Mr Bernays ; t e fourth , books mentioning Mr . Bernays ; and the fifth , profiles of Mr . Bernays . i Among other things , this bibliography shows how an idea spreads and ga ns i . acceptance through the slow absorptive power of soc ety . Listings of Mr Ber ’ nays writings and footnote references to them in various books have been included here to indicate how his pioneer thinking in the field has infl uenced the t t . thinking of others , thereby becoming an integral part of contemporary hough Together the items in this book show how public relations grew from the ' h t days when it afi ected a relatively small area of American life to t e presen , i f ti b t when t involves every major aspect of our society . The wri ngs y and abou t Mr . Bernays summarized in these pages present the impact of public rela ions h on industry , education , the social sciences , labor , t e press , book publishing , - radio , motion pictures , art , medicine , nursing , banking , trade , management em lo ee t t t t the p y rela ions , women , poli ics , public opinion , a ti ude polls , democracy , f armed orces , government and so on . ’ ti Thus , in covering writings by and about America s leading public rela ons d counsel , this bibliography gives us a history of a key field as it has develope in h t e United States during the past three decades . n t the t Mr . Bernays is ow at work on a book about public rela ions in Uni ed S t t P . a es , which will be published by the University of Oklahoma ress THE EDITOR Tart One B Y WRITINGS B Y EDWARD L . ERNA S Me a P C The Writin s b ch nisms of ublic hange , and Applica g y " P P ar I hni u and tion of These rinciples . t II , Tec q e “ EDWARD . BERNAY S M hod Th P L et , e ublic Can Be Reached Only Through Established Mediums of Communication , Appearin g in Books “ The Interlapping Group Formations of Society , Th C S f G C Con e ontinuous hifting o roups , hanging ditions and the Flexibility of Human Nature Are ” All Aids to the Counsel on Public Relations , and ern a s “ Books by Edward L . B y An Outl ine of Methods Practicable in Modifying " P f P art I V Ethical the oint of View o a Group . , s all i in P u i ini n . : ions f Cry t z g bl c Op o N Y Boni and Relat , analyz es the press and other media o 1 23 2 18 . 9 Liveright , Inc , . pp communication in reference to the public relations The of .
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