LORETTO HEIGHTS SPENDS THOUSANDS ON COLLEGE FAne no H. m H i m\ MPfiOVENENIS laVE ONE OF E I F P « IN iNTION TO AT EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS OF AMDENY’S NEV HOME Beloved Former Denver Jesuit to Talk Sep­ Costly Scientific Equipment Is Being Installed tember 24 in Laboratories The Rev. Leo M. Krenz, S.J., 2 p. m.— First session for the (By Marie McNamara) science rooms, consisting of biology, ' Ph.D., for years one o f the most clergy, Creighton gymnasium, Rt. The college building at Loretto botany and chemistry. On the third leVed Jesuits in Colorado and pro- Rev. Joseph Schrembs, D.D., national Heights is being renovated at a cost and fourth floors arc the sleeping fessor_ of philosophy at Rejfis col­ protector of the P. E. L., presiding. of between $40,000 and $50,000. quarters, consisting of private rooms lege, Denver, will be one of the prin­ Paper,. “ The Eucharistic Sacrifice, The National Catholic Welfare Confereaca News Sarriea Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. This work is in addition to the erec­ and dormitories. Then, too, there cipal speakers at the National Eu­ Center of Divine Worship,” Rt. Rev, W e Have Also Onr Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the tion of Pancratia hall, the large new are spacious shower and wash roops, charistic Congress. Following is the Charles D. White, D.D., Bishop of Fides Service and the C^ifornia Catholic Press Service academy building, costing $250,000 besides a wardrobe room. The first floor, now in the throes of remodel­ official program for the C onfess, Spokane. Discussion, Rev. Paul Wal­ and now being finished. In the col­ lege building, many new class rooms ing, will consist of recreational par­ which IS expected to draw about dron, S.S.C., Chinese mission house, VOL. XXV. No. 51. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUG. 7, 1930. $2.00 PER YEAR are being added and others are being lors for students, post office, refec­ 50,000 to 75,000 visitors to Omaha S t Columbans, Nebr. Paper, “ The redecorated. All the science, lan­ tories and kitchens. AlUmaterials September 23, 24 and 25, and which Blessed Eucharist in Holy Com­ willill unquestionably have a large in­ guage, education and English rooms for the new and old bakings art munion, Nourishment of Divine Life are being grouped together. To the purchased from Colorad^uealers. fluence on the national convention in the Soul,” R t Rev. Msgr. Hum­ Off the Concrete of the National Council of Catholic northwest are the English room#, The cost of construction and re­ phrey Moynihan, D.D., rector o f-S t modeling at Loretto Heights is Women immediately following in Paul s seminary, S t Paul, Minn. Dis­ the latter having the journalism de­ partment. Across the hall from brought up greatly by the furnishings Denver: cussion, Rev. Henry J. Buerger, Monday Afternoon, September 22 these is the library, which shelves that will find their way into the S.T.B., Howells, Nebr. between 12,000 and 13,000 volumes. classrooms and lecture halls. Science 4 o’clock— Meeting of diocesan di­ 8 p. m.— Solemn hour of adora' In the southwest corner of the build­ tables that are of costly design will rectors of Priests’ Eucharisticjeague tion for the clergy at St Cecilia’s ing are the (Aiysica rooms. Across greet the students in September, be­ at Catholic diocesan bureau. Cathedral, Rt. Rev. Joseph Schrembs, f the hall from these are the history sides new library equipment that is Tue*day« September 23, P int Day D.D., Bishop of Cleveland, .presiding. rooms, the education and philosophy the finest to be found in the country. t 9:30 a. m.— Solemn Pontifical Vo­ Public holy hour of adoration for rooms. The offices of the president, The Heightsonian’s publishing of­ i,. * tive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament the laity in all citj^ churches with a the dean of studies, the dean of fice will be dressed in new office at St. Cecilia’s Cathedral. Celebrant, Right Reverend Bishop presiding. women and the registrar are also lo­ furniture and newspaper equipment, Most Rev. Pietro Fumasoni-Biondi, W«dne>day, September 24, cated on the ’ main floor. On the and it will also have a radio for the D.D., Apostolic Delegate to the Second Day second floor in the northeast corner purpose of hearing the latest news 8 a. m.—Pontifical Low Mass of United States. Sermon, Most Rev. of the college are the language events as they come over the air so Requiem for deceased members of Francis J. L. Beckman, S.T.D., Arch­ rooms. Down the hall from these as to be set in type for the students bishop of Dubuque. Priests' Eucharistic league at St. are the miisic halls, and to the south to read. John’s church. Celebrant. Rt. Rev. of the building may be found the (CJpntinued on Page 10) 12 m.— Luncheon. (Continued on Page 9) V Two Denver Youths Will Attend $25,000 Building Work Under Catholic U. as Mullen Scholars Way at St. Clara’s Orphanage Two young men from Denver are Scenes of bustling activity mark until it has been necessary to aban­ of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Gardell, the days at St. Clara’s, orphanage, don the practice of keeping livestock. to go to the Catholic University of secured the Mullen scholarship. The Denver, as extensive remodeling is The building has been used as a America at Washington, D. C., this Gardell family has lived for years in being carried on preparatory to the garage and carpenter shop until re­ SL Francis de Sales’ parish fall on scholarships established by the resumption, of school activities in the cently. It is a substantial structure The Keating youth is the son of Mr. fall. Growth of the number, of chil­ of modern, fireproof design. Changes late J. K. Mhllen o f this city. They and Mrs, Stephen P. Keating, his dren in the institution has made the being made in the building will adapt are C. Robert Gardell of 972 South father being one of the officials of need for more room imperative. The it quite well to its new use. Washington and Edward Keating of the Denver fire department. Edward new improvements will not only pro­ The need for more room has been 1172 Gaylord. Gardell is to study Keating, who is a graduate of the vide two more class rooms for the felt for some time at the institution. architectural design. Inquiry among Cathedral high school in the class children and baths and toilet rooms The new additions will give the sisters leading Denver architects has brought of 193a^, will study law. He secured for the boys but also include exten­ the use of two more class rooms. out the fact that the Catholic uni­ his scholarship through the Rev. Hugh sive, plumbing and heating changes Heretofore they have had to hold versity is now considered to have L. McMenamin, rector, of the Cathe­ in the chapel and main building of the classes in a boys’ and a girls’ recre­ the greatest architectural school in dral. orphanage. The work will cost ap­ ation rooms that were badly needed America. J. J. B. Benedict, designer These two scholfirships cover not proximately $26,000 and will be fin­ for that purpose.’ It will also be pos­ o f St. Thomas' seminary and the Holy only tuition, but also board and ished about October 1. sible now to have a kindergarten de­ Ghost church, is one of those who room. The Mullen family has several The building that is being remod­ partment. The new building’ will \ have urged Gardell to study at this scholarships available covering tuition. eled for the children’s use was orig­ contain a sewing room for the sisters. institution. It was through the ef­ J, K. Mullen was a great benefactor inally intended for use as a barn School will start as usual in the forts of Ae Rev. C. M. Johnson of of . the university, having given the when built some nine years ago. first week of September and the the Cathedral that the young man, major part of the funds necessary Growth of the city about the orphan­ change to the new quarters will be who is a graduate of the South Den­ for tho building of the magnificent age has restricted activities there (Continued on Page 8) ver public high school and the *on Mullen library there. Sister Aimee Dies After More Faller O’fianL New GreaLFalls Biskop, L B T E N[N G IN Doors From Pioneer Bishop’s The New York Time* a few day» ago published the first list received Chapel Are at Loretto Heights Than 30 Years at St. Mary’s in this country of the people who One of Most Notable Priests in Nation were lost in the Italian earthqusdie, ' (Mary K. Reardon) to new fervor 'towards the Blessed On Saturday, August 2, the soul She was born in St. Louis, and many of whom undoubtedly hare Sacrament and, prepares them to Rural Life movement in the nation. American relatiTes. One of onr ’While Denverites are seeking the of Sister Aimee Hynes of St. Mary’s when her years had been but few The Rev. Edwin V. O’Hara, pastor whereabouts of the Bishop’s carriage, enter the chapel in a reverent dispo­ she was sent to the historic academy at Eugene, Oregon, and director of "When he undertook the work, he made proofreaders said that the Ijst re­ sition.
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