Set on reaching Selangor and Shopee’s Hope still grows Becoming guardians herd immunity digital dream in Sentosa of a river 5 7 10 11 FREE l JUNE 2021 EDITION l www.selangorjournal.my SELANGOR Malaysia is on the brink of a fourth wave of Covid-19 infection. The onslaught of cases in recent weeks — peaking at 8,290 on May 28 — coupled with the deadly variants that have slipped A RACE through our borders, have compelled the Federal gov- ernment to declare the first phase of a total lockdown for the whole nation from June 1 to 14. Selangor, too, is confront- ing the enemy head-on. The state is ramping up testing by employing the FTTIS method to quickly find, test, trace, isolate and support as many infected people as possible before more succumb to the raging virus. MORE ON PAGE 3,8&9 2 NEWS Selangor Journal l JUNE 2021 Group check-ins now possible with SELangkah By MUSTAKIM RAMLI announced three new features to its mo- ‘Bubble’ works for group check-ins in- SELangkah was introduced on May 5, bile application, namely ‘multi-scanner’, volving members of a family, friends or 2020, as a contact tracing tool that allows SHAH ALAM - The state-developed con- ‘bubble’ and ‘AfMap’. colleagues. its users to register themselves at public tact-tracing app SELangkah (Step In, Safe- Based on video sharing, the ‘multi-scan- ‘AfMap’ serves to inform users of the places quickly and easily. ly) is now updated with new functions in ner’ allows individuals to scan any QR code level of risk in an area, through the display It is available for download to smart- conjunction with its first year anniversary. including the MySejahtera QR code. Indi- of maps that show Covid-19 infections de- phones via Apple’s App Store or Google’s SELangkah, through a Facebook post, rectly it also checks in its users to a location. tected within a 14-day time span. Play Store. Unfair to omit population ratio in stats: STFC SHAH ALAM - The Federal that frontliners are exposed government has to look into to the virus each day, Dr Dz- population density and its ra- ulkefly said that the MySe- tio as a determining factor of jahtera app and the contact the Covid-19 infectivity rate in tracing process have to be each state. digitalised and automated to Selangor Task Force for ramp up the FTTIS approach Covid-19 (STFC) chairman Da- in order to control the trans- tuk Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad ex- mission rate. plained that if the calculation “As long as the government is based on the ratio does not succeed (with a per 100,000 popu- strategic approach), lation, Kelantan we will be playing would be the catch-up with state with the the virus and highest in- not overcome fection rate. it,” he said. “It is un- The former fair to say health minis- that Selangor ter cited how has the high- just last year the Amirudin receives a mock cheque to the fund from PKNS chief executive officer Siti Zubaidah Abdul Jabar est number of STFC was able to infections. Indeed, predict the location we have recorded the of outbreaks when the highest figure, but the popu- Federal government shared lation density and ratio play a its data with the state admin- Selangor to raise role in infectious diseases. istration. “If we want to measure (the “We have done it previous- infectivity rate), we cannot ly when they shared the data only look at mere figures. We with us, but now that the data have to compare apple with is not available, we are almost RM1m for Palestine apple,” said Dr Dzulkefly at a blind and cannot do so. forum titled ‘Pandemic and “There should be pro- SHAH ALAM - The Selangor gov- the Selangor Prihatin Humani- be used to buy ambulances and Vaccination, Is There a Need grammes using AI and now ernment has launched the Selan- tarian Fund. multipurpose vehicles that will for an Emergency?’ in Kuala Bank Negara Malaysia has in- gor Prihatin Humanitarian Fund “The campaign is in collabora- be equipped with medical sup- Lumpur that was broadcast troduced the HIDE initiative. to help Palestinians currently tion with a non-governmental or- plies for the Palestinian people. live on YouTube on May 5. We hope that HIDE would facing continued aggressions by ganisation via the e-government The rest of the funds will be Dr Dzulkefly also said Pu- become an integrated and the state of Israel in Jerusalem. system, with funds channelled used to buy food supplies and trajaya’s delay in using dig- automated tool that would Menteri Besar Dato’ Seri from people’s representatives, petroleum. italisation and artificial in- employ the FTTIS approach,” Amirudin Shari said a 10-day state government subsidiaries “Those who contribute will be telligence (AI) to trace and said Dr Dzulkefly in reference campaign beginning May 19 and private contributions,” said offered tax exemptions,” Amiru- predict Covid-19 outbreaks to the Hotspots Identification has been launched to raise up Amirudin at a press conference din said, adding that it is his sin- has caused a rise in numbers. for Dynamic Engagement sys- to RM1 million in funds to be on May 19. cere wish that more companies He said the Federal gov- tem which was introduced by channelled to the Palestinians He added that the Selangor and individuals will contribute as ernment should have in the Putrajaya on May 4. through the Selangor Peduli Pal- State Executive Council has ap- it would mean so much to those beginning come up with a “This is the strategic key. estine Mission. proved for the funds to be chan- who are suffering. strategic move to contain the The rest, such as the SOP As of May 25, a total of nelled through the Global Peace In the long term, the Selangor transmission of the coronavi- (standard operating proce- RM223,957.77 has been collected. Mission Malaysia. Prihatin Humanitarian Fund will rus by using the FTTIS — find- dure), is just a tactical move. “In a show of solidarity with Once the RM1 million tar- serve to channel funds to worth- ing, tracing, testing, isolating But in war terms ... to win the the Palestinian people, the Se- get in donations is reached, while causes here in Malaysia and supporting — approach. war, there has to be a bigger langor government has set up RM800,000 from the amount will and around the world. Expressing his concern strategy.” Selangor Journal l JUNE 2021 NEWS 3 Stopping the virus in its tracks SHAH ALAM - Putrajaya has implement- The move follows the virus's sharp up- volve large gatherings and those that can tions across the country, Selangor has ed a total lockdown nationwide for two ward trend and the increasingly limited comply with physical distancing. also continued with its efforts to purchase weeks, beginning June 1 to 14, marking capacity of hospitals nationwide to treat Prior to the enforcement of the full vaccines for its people in order to more the first phase of restrictions on the peo- Covid-19 patients. lockdown, the Selangor government un- quickly reach herd immunity. ple's movement to contain Covid-19 as After the first phase ends and should dertook several initiatives of its own and Selangor is also providing the State daily cases exceeded 8,000 on May 28. the country succeed in reducing the daily ramped up testing by employing the FT- Health Department with vital resources The first phase bars all social and eco- infection figure, the Federal government TIS method to quickly find, test, trace, iso- like medical equipment and beds for the nomic sectors from operating except will implement the second phase for a pe- late and support as many infected people quarantine centres, and enhancing the for those listed by the National Security riod of four weeks which would see the as possible. SELangkah application, in a concerted ef- Council. reopening of some sectors that do not in- Following the slow rollout of inocula- fort to contain Covid-19. Cases surge as testing ramped up Free Covid-19 screening as of May 27 Date Constituency Individuals Suspected screened Covid-19 May 8 Kajang 1,052 85 May 8 Semenyih 629 31 May 9 Sungai Ramal 1,130 51 May 9 Balakong 1,618 60 May 10 Teratai 1,267 53 May 10 Dusun Tua 733 13 May 11 Pandan Indah 1,576 67 May 11 Lembah Jaya 580 28 May 18 Bukit Antarabangsa 1,438 109 May 18 Hulu Kelang 1,811 146 May 19 Sungai Tua 1,884 106 May 19 Gombak Setia 2,027 167 SHAH ALAM - In mid April, Ma- government quickly offered con- Selangor Menteri Besar Dato’ May 20 Rawang 2,098 94 laysians began to notice a steady solation: one of the contributing Seri Amirudin Shari on May 25 May 20 Taman Templer 2,015 161 increase in daily Covid-19 cases, factors to the daily spike in the said the state administration is May 21 Kuang 1,955 94 as infections climbed and then state is the free Covid-19 mass mulling house-to-house testing surpassed the 2,000 figure mark. screening operations that have after the current screening pro- May 21 Seri Kembangan 2,518 88 This came after the country been rolled out since May 8, that gramme ends in June. May 22 Kinrara 2,435 66 saw a dip in the number of cases will continue till June 10. He also expressed relief that May 22 Seri Serdang 2,473 75 in March.
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