Naval Maneuver Warfare Linking Sea Control and AC INST M IT Power Projection O U T B T O E P F O G S E R I P D Occasional Paper O U LICY ST Gen Al Gray, USMC (Ret.) LtGen George Flynn, USMC (Ret.) August 25, 2015 POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES 901 N. Stuart St. Suite 1200, Arlington, VA 22203 www.potomacinstitute.org Copyright © 2015, by Potomac Institute for Policy Studies Potomac Institute for Policy Studies 901 N. Stuart St, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA, 22203 www.potomacinstitute.org Telephone: 703.525.0770; Fax: 703.525.0299 Email: [email protected] For additional information about the Center for Adaptation and Innovation at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, contact Patrick Cheetham, at [email protected] of the Center for Adaptation and Innovation (CAI). The publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the conse- quences of their use; the view and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and Potomac Institute Press. The Potomac Institute is non-partisan and does not take part in partisan political agendas. Image credits: Front cover image: The amphibious assault ship USS ESSEX (LHD 2) dominates a beautiful San Diego sunset, 1/15/1999. Department of Defense. American Forces Information Service. Defense Visual Information Center. (RELEASED) 330-CFD-DN-SD-03-12109.jpeg. Access Restriction(s): Unrestricted, Use Restriction(s): Unrestricted. Naval Maneuver Warfare Linking Sea Control and AC INST Power Projection M IT O U T B T O E P F Occasional Paper O G S E R I P D August 25, 2015 O U LICY ST Gen Al Gray, USMC (Ret.) LtGen George J. Flynn, USMC (Ret.) he recent update of A Cooperative Strat- ists today. Regardless of its cause, there is a Tegy for 21st Century Seapower: Forward, need for the naval services to seize the mo- Engaged, Ready1 (CS-21R [Revised]) advances ment and develop operational concepts that the understanding of the roles of all elements define the relationship between sea control of the naval force in maintaining freedom of and power projection in the execution of a na- action and achieving operational access. Most val campaign. This effort cannot be done inde- importantly, it provides impetus to advance the pendently; it must be a naval effort that is col- understanding of maneuver warfare at sea. To laborative and focused on warfighting at the fully exploit this opportunity, a new integrated operational level. Fortunately, recent history Naval Operating Concept (NOC) is required to provides an example of an effort that worked define and hone the linkage between sea control to successfully link ends, ways, and means. and power projection. An updated NOC would During the Cold War, The Maritime Strategy refine and link the operational and tactical lev- and the Marine Corps’ Amphibious Strategy2 el concepts needed to fully capitalize on all the were jointly developed, integrated efforts that capabilities existing within our Nation’s naval drove the development of naval operational forces — to include the wide range and various and tactical concepts and capabilities needed to roles of amphibious forces — within a naval achieve strategic ends. These efforts were suc- campaign construct. cessful because they provided the operation- al foundation to incorporate all naval warfare The development of operational concepts that functions and capabilities into an integrated connect strategy and tactics is not an easy task. campaign plan construct. Diagram 1 shows the Accordingly, it is not surprising that a gap ex- development of amphibious capabilities to illus- trate this linkage: © Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 2015 1 Diagram 1: 1980s Concept to Capabilities Diagram 2 illustrates the current gap between a naval campaign, and start a discussion about strategic concepts and the operational and tac- the various roles of amphibious forces in a naval tical ability to achieve them. Additionally, this campaign that use the sea for operational ma- diagram highlights the challenges in execut- neuver to execute both sea control and power ing and linking tactical level concepts to the projection operations. achievement of strategic ends absent an oper- ating concept. Air Sea Battle and Expeditionary The Roles of Amphibious Forces in Joint and Force 21 (EF-21) provide an explanation of ac- Naval Campaigns tions that can be done at the tactical level, but absent a connecting operational concept, it is Amphibious forces provide the naval capabili- difficult to link these with the achievement of ties needed to support and execute sea control strategic ends. A new NOC is clearly needed to and power projection operations in order to serve as the integrating document for all naval create area access, enable and maintain freedom warfighting functions within a Joint Operation- of action for the Joint force across the Range of al context. We need an NOC to drive integration Military Operations (ROMO), and deny the en- of our naval air warfare, surface warfare, under- emy freedom of action and access to the glob- sea warfare and amphibious warfare capability al commons. Recent operations demonstrate development. the utility of amphibious ships embarked with Marines for day-to-day presence and crisis re- Accordingly, the purposes of this paper are to sponse operations.3 Equally as important, but articulate the need for the development of an less understood, are the variety of roles amphib- updated NOC, define the linkage between sea ious forces can execute while operating as part control and power projection in the execution of of Joint and Combined Naval Task forces in re- Diagram 2: Current Concept to Capabilities Gap © Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 2015 2 sponse to major theater contingency operations. innovation like Maritime Prepositioning Ships Too often, amphibious capabilities in these types (MPS), the MV-22 Osprey, and the Landing of operations are only associated with assault- Craft Air Cushion (LCAC). These two docu- ing defended beaches and seizing lodgments for ments also articulated a clear understanding of land campaigns. Focus on this singular aspect the use of the seas for operational maneuver, the of a naval campaign is myopic, and overlooks linkage between sea control and power projec- significant capabilities of amphibious forces that tion, and the various roles of all elements of the can be employed in support of sea control oper- naval force. ations and all phases of Joint access operations. Accordingly, it is also important to develop an A Fresh Approach Informed by the Past understanding about the variety of roles that amphibious forces possess in shaping the envi- The current Joint Operational Access Concept ronment, deterring aggression and defeating an (JOAC) and the recently published CS-21R tie adversary across all five phases of a major the- sea control and power projection together. Just ater contingency campaign. A new NOC could as was the case in 1984, the Navy and Marine assist in developing this understanding. Corps must take the next step to develop the operating concepts necessary to further define The Maritime Strategy4 of 1984 articulated a their relationship and to close the gap between naval campaign that used the seas to conduct the desired ends and available means. In order operational maneuver in order to seize the ini- to close this gap, naval leaders should also take tiative and take the fight to the enemy.5 It pro- advantage of emerging efforts like ones below to vided the strategic and operational foundation inform thinking and wargaming efforts needed for the employment of naval forces in a global to develop the operating concepts that are lack- conflict, and spurred the development of new ing. Some of the emerging efforts that can be tactical concepts and capabilities.6 The Mari- used to inform the development of innovative, time Strategy also articulated a naval campaign affordable, and effective operational concepts of three phases: Deterrence; Seize the Initiative; include: Carry the Fight to the Enemy. An indispens- able element of the Maritime Strategy was the • “archipelagic defense” to deny a near peer Amphibious Warfare Strategy, approved by the competitor the ability to control the air and Chief of Naval Operations and Commandant sea;7 of the Marine Corps. This strategy outlined the employment of the Navy-Marine Corps team in • development of land-based sea denial capa- executing the Maritime Strategy. The Amphib- bilities; ious Warfare Strategy drove supporting con- cepts such as Operational Maneuver from the • integration of distributed land and sea forces Sea (OMFTS) and Ship to Objective Maneuver to deny air and sea lines of communication; (STOM), and laid the foundations for capability © Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 2015 3 • “distributed lethality;” 8 ship between power projection and sea control in the execution of a naval campaign within a • the Joint Concept for Access and Maneuver joint and combined campaign construct across in the Global Commons (JAM-GC).9 the ROMO. It must also articulate the relevance of amphibious forces in all contingencies up to, Operational Art Revisited and including, major combat operations. Once naval leaders agree on the need for a new NOC, Along with the ongoing efforts to develop new the key to success will be ensuring that the Navy concepts both inside and outside DoD, CS21R and Marine Corps are joined together in lead- provides an opportunity to refine operational ership, doctrine and concept, operational, pro- thinking so as to the achieve access and freedom grammatic, education, and wargaming to make of action required to attain strategic ends. The this operating concept a warfighting reality. This recent decision to incorporate the Air-Sea Battle was the key to success in 1984, as it will be to Concept into JAM-GC underscores the need to success in the future.
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