GLAe I 'R PARK HO'tJt:L C01,\PAlilY HOP' !1'Y ACCOUUTS TO JUN~ 30, 1920 Construction - _.................... ;:..,::;;,.:::. ... !Jlao,i.er Park Camp Ii}., (Glacier County) Hea.l E tate Hotcl nd remod ling News stand remodeling Arm ex Chalet Hlp' dormitory ( Old) Women 's Il It Mente U (New) Wo nte " It Warehouse Po er plant and machinery Laundry and powor houee Steam main to power house Gateway aJ."ch Storehouse Shop and war hOll ee Wagon soalee Help 1 n toilet Ice house l1i~e hall Fire proteotion Kitcl1 n Cottage 113 tl 2 If 1 Water up~ly and pow r plant 13r1dge and pon4 F Etd ehed Septio tank Sewer Green house ~leotrio power line 011 sump LiGht nd tele:phono ervloe Telephone w1tohboard Brid'l'e hotel to QnDOX Barn :rennis court . Garage K. J. Zinok oottage . Moving picture booth Root oellar Oil house at warehouse G rbage burner Grading grounds :renee around hotel uildine and lawn Total. Olac ier Park Camp ~l \ -" - (Glacier County) Dormitory Cook houee Cook house extension Cabin #2- " 4- It 3 Dining room Laundry and toilet Se tic tank \Vat r po er Dreakwa.t r Hi to 1ng raok Roads and brldges (hanerator LiGhting system Garbage burner Total Two . die 1no Camp 1f2 Cut Bank (Glaoier County) . ; Dinins room and kitQhen .. "N " extension Cabin (/-2 II 4 It 3 Garbage burner Total Cut ~ank Camp #3 St. Jll;'ZY Cg #4 (Glaoier County) , Dining room and kitchen Reoreation building and store Qook house Dormitory Laundry Ca.bin ~t2 " 4 : ~ Ioe-house Boat houoe and leanto Jiern - Toilet Dook and ext neion 5tair.~ from dock Water power Roads and bridges Genera.tor house Forward , , Brou:ht forward ·,2.,15.6, L1eht1rlG system 260.44 fit. Mary garden 499.58 Cell ar under qtore 126.B2 Fire proteotion 07 99 Garbage burner 'e1.60• Boatways and cradle 1,{41.29 Oe6s pool • ' 0 2.9 -.1l Total St. Mary Carrq, #4 w~~£.l? g~. ns ... t ..d~le;-~Mn Oamp ti2 (Gla.cier County) Cook Ilouse Oa.bin #4 : g .. 8 It 9 tt 3 n In' x 18' South side of lake 1I 28' x 28 t" It"" D1ning room Dormitory L unary and toilet t 1nvay to dook Generator e.ept1c tank Lighting system VI tel' eupply leG hOll e Grading grounds and id walk . Garbage burn~ roposed additions to cabins Dook Chalet ~epee camp toil t Total Going-to-the~Sun C~~ ~S fJ12 rr:L.9~!!9_il1 (Fl. th ad County) Cook hous Dormitory ater upply Toilets , rehouse for tool. m n M .a.otal uperry va.mp II£7 t Dining room and kitch~n La.undry Studio Cabin 7~3 and leanto n 6 It " 11 1.2" ..tt : l.~ " 9 n 7 .. :2 • Hotel Hotel annex #2 Proposed laundry ami help· s dining room Swimming pool Hydrant shelt~rs Water gauge house Help '8 dormitory 'roilet Water supply Rolda aud bl:"ius 8 Saw mill machinery and u1ldings 'J:J::y kiln anop Gen rator 'build.ing and storehouse Lighting system Garbage burner Cold cellar Drinking ptac and butter box 10e house Hydro electrio plant So r and ell' inag 1. atria light and po'ver linea to 'buildings t nt houses Fire hall. oek Tepee oamp well • It fence t1 It oold oellar tt "toil t .. etore and dining room Watchman's house Total Many Glacle!' Oamp liS , . iran~~J' f.~k_.JL~, iI2. ()itis. naa.d County) Chalet $2,714. 61 D.orm1tory' 17. 646. 2-6 Dormitory torage shed 59 . 40 'tent otunps 122. 73 Water up . loy Z8J .1i Total. Grani te Park Camp if9 iQ~tOM~ .2jlm~Ljt~i HC'll .Estat~ Hotel Addition for cook house D~!'m1 tory 3tu4io Oabi.J:l #1 " 2 . L1ahtin8 plant· Wa.ter supply G;ro,cUng ~n(l lar.u1eoape ark Ueatlng $yatem Garbage burner ToteJ. Bel ton C8:np '10 l!Jd_!ta,.&~! ..Of};;m Uo 1 proposed M1s~ellsu~tgH~,~~Oo~nt_!!rS~ ,~on truo~~ nQr~ Eng1noer1na and supo:r1ntend noe ~ . '60.13 aoollal'lQoue oharg~6 incidenta.l to open ina _k 1. 2~O . 96 ~hltelr;ial ., scaffolding, 'brae ins, to .. gA'L ~ , .af! Total M1scl. a/o first <lonstruotion work .tp ! , ~~~;t A6 !L ads l!P.~ Rb:iO;S!iJ Roads and 'bridges • $98, 7,5. e7 Divide Creek bridge 17'1. 42 itt. Henry trail . _ , Z,l.:i,JA. Total Roads a11(1 llrldg~B $~& TeleRitone, !J...a1tI Telephone 1 ine e 18,287.90 It booths . 26. 32 " line to Many'tlaoioX' l J121.. 5?§, ".rota Telephone._,- lin~s tft!~~ 'gulPp\en,! ~ Itl SGaeon l.91.~ " 1912 It 1913 ,I 1914 " 191~ " 1910 191.3 .." ' 191. Total C~ ill ~h Se on 1912 ft 1913 {I 1914 .. 191, It 191' • Tot 1 Camp #a £~ f;l :" 794.02 681.21 418.72 12tl.14 _...:....i-' 9AmP~ Season 191.:2 " 1.913 Jt 1914 " 191.5 l' 1916 Total Camp tf4 Bea on 1.91.2 " 1913 II 1914 tl 1.91~ It 191b : 1.911' .. 1918 .. 191.' Total Camp .t5 _£- OPmi 1'1. Dea on 1912 ;;541,0, " 1913 1, 760 , 43 .. 1914 2, 476 . 1.6 n 191, 152. 31 1919 ;1, ;2 Total Camp #7 C .. fa _ t ... oa on 19l.2 ., 1913 " 1914 .. 1915 1916 " 191 191i It 1919 Total Oamp #8 £!.r.m_[2. ...,• 1.eon 1914 12, 125. 54 n 191, 1 . 161,01 ft 1916 _J~ . 32 !Cotal Ca, p ~12..44 ti9 • , '* .... C!:;'11!J? '10 SOQ. on 1912 9 1 74 .09 1913 4. 436 .91 " 1914 I t ~22 . 89 " 191, 29'1 . 02 " 1916 13.22 " 191 7, 26.18 Q 1918 ~ Total Camp ,'10 it'6 . 059 . 72 -.a. • .....~ ~mn ~ OJ. on 191}. o m #1 Camp fh fJ 2 " .3 .. 4 " , : ~ .. \0 Total Season 1912 .& a.:~_on_ l211 Camp #1 " 2 " 3 It 4 It , " " K II 10 Total S on 1913 tl ~Slm .!9ll a (11 2 "ff n 4 It , u b I't 9 It 10 Total Season 1914 ~rl u 2 .. 3 If 4 q , • : ~ " 9 fl 10 Total Oea on 191, o mp 1ft .)466.90 ..Q 2- 2. 34 .. 4- ·'.01. ~, . '-',' I 7'3.82 .. , .32. 89 ft to -l~ Total Season 1916 ~l.al§.,~ -.-""--"'~ ~su\aoJl ....12}.2 Carl1p .fl : ~ 10 fotal Sea.son 1917 .3s~eon_J.9b8 Camp :lfl 27 . ~O U 1 9. t' L, 024. 8Q : ~ 7,147.51 It 10 .,....!.J£.. ..-2.!.f. Wotal Sea.son 191.8 .jy~~ s~¥op 11912. Oamp r~ ; 102.71 2,.1 • ; : Z "" •• 3..4 Total. 8ea.$on. 1919 !1~~H;(ll!Deop~. , ~Qu1pm~p! 6 H.P. ga.Go11no engine 1. Band saw 1 0\11 ti:v tor oomplete 1 \4h ip sa.. Tepee villa,ges 16 ator barrels P o~tablc tent houses Hou '":Je tents 1 ~ No. 3 hydraulio ram '1'yPGm-1 ter deek 1 - #104 oabinet fil$ ease • P..ot\t . a.tJ!LJ:.~nGh equ~p'men.t $2:6.,22 R,o;!" •~. , .. gp.~nm91'"t $~ and Launches i • ~ aunoh St. Mary 20 , 940.12 La.unch s fiRed Bagt at a.nd "Glaoi rtl 2,225.32 Rowb a.te 429.99 , Barge and scow 2?J.02 Tot.t Boats and Launohes ~ ~18.~2.. lLlJ3.ZJ. 1 ,- t l160~ Offi~e of Comptroller, Aur,u t 13, 1920. R ;E C A o N - . .-;,;:.::...,.;;.- rt ConatF!lOtion Glaoier ark Ca.rnn ttl Two dicin If 2 Out Bank " 3 ~t.. "'y " 4 Golng-to-the-Sun , rry hnyGl. oia... : A Gran1t Park " 9 Delton .. 10 ' d il 1 Cam ( bandoned) . i oellaneou coount first con ruction oX'k . Ro de and bri ges Tele hon Tot~l Oonstruction Total qui ment Construotion ,,1 ,,67 , 627.46 Equipment 2.... 0, 22 .06 1.11 c 11 cous oharges .166.297. ~~ 1 86 Offie of Comptroller, August 13, 1920. GLAO j ARK HO''cEL COPM ANY PH02 'RTf ACCoUNt JUNlU 30,1920 'enoo around hot 1 'buildings and lawn, Oamp ~l S t. 1919 material d1etr1 ut10n - Folio #3 Inv. Holly· ~son Hdw. 00. Sept. 25 1919 6 - 0 rod poole Amerioan Spec 1a1 Galv. 0 ttle wire @ .2, 2,.;0 25' lb .1-1 ". Feno tapl @ .07" 1.81 40 rod 102,-12 stay Amerioan £ noe @'72. 71 Store expense Frt. oharg $ Sp okane to Olao 1 '!' P k v64.72 Labor...... '" 8 t. 1919 1 bo d1 tr1bution - jo110 i1 20 d~ @ ,0.00 or mo. lio te 1_ ,nnor't f~. .. • or foreign t"'eight ohargee pa.id on Ii 1:}1'\l0n+ of on.- iron val v hipped. from Chioago to Browning, Jun 3, 1917 for ue in oorn~otlon with OOl'lBtruc 10 of}" ny Glaoier Hotel l. 18 • p b 2~·20 Off1 co f Comptro11 !'. Auruat 13, 1920. GLAe!' PAHK HOTEL CO tWAliY CASU STAT1!lM151~T JUI~:1 30, 192() Balance POI" )'1rat at i 0 nal Bank, St. Paul, lJinn. 14,195.12 • Co c~oial lL.tional Dank, Great ails, Mont • . .. 1. O()O,. 00 ..,15,195 .12 ff (;1 o18r .l.: lotol <.,;ompany t e books ""k .J.l0Z.. ··liB .... • 2884 ~Ir :z. .. Outst~~~~er! 1-218 Aug. 1.7. 13.50 12A9. Ma,y 58 34.50 It 1.,3 l§e OO " 163 It 170 31~'a8 9. 1 .. ,0.00 " 1.lA' , 79.84 " 19~ 1,9.13 ff 19 166.68 • II 221 110.94 R 206 39.50 11 208 23.7, .
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