Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU Commencement Programs RWU Archives and Special Collections 5-17-2003 Commencement Program, 2003 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Commencement Program, 2003" (2003). Commencement Programs. 34. https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs/34 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the RWU Archives and Special Collections at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CLASS OF 2003 COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY THE SEVENTEENTH OF MAY Two THOUSAND AND THREE BRISTOL, RHODE ISLAND CLASS OF 2003 COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY THE SEVENTEENTH OF MAY Two THOUSAND AND THREE ~ETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT ORDER OF EXERCISES parking space, and getting to produced the most academic all­ know the curriculum and your stars in history. You and your HONORARY DEGREE MUSIC professors, seem simultaneously classmates contributed more hours RECIPIENTS The Ralph Stuart Orchestra distant and only yesterday. of community service than any Luther H. Blount other class. With faculty encour­ Inventor, Shipbuilder, MARSHALS I hope that your in-class experi­ agement, students presented more E11treprene11r,Conservationist Cra11dMarshal ences and your preparedness - for scholarly papers and conducted Doctor of Mari11eScience Professor Robert Blackburn work, for future graduate study, more research projects than ever ho11oriscn11sa Fawlty Marshal Professor William Grandgeorge for life - were all you expected before. And, as you leave and we Elizabeth Z. Chace put tl1e finishing touches on the PROCESSIONAL Feinstein Collegeof Arts and Sciences they would be. But the greatest B11sinesswo11wna11d lessons of learning are oftentimes new campus recreation center, Roger Williams University Marybeth Gordon Phila11t/1ropist know that the lobby, plaza, and Pipes and Drums, School of Education discussed outside the classroom. Doctorof H11111anitaria11Service entrance are being designed by a under the Direction of Rose lncampo l,onoris cn11sa graduate of the class of 2003. All Pipe-Major Eric M. Armour School of Architecture, Art and Your time here has been important Tony Curtis Historic Preservation to you and to the university. historic events for Roger Williams. NATIONAL ANTHEM Actor Michelle Hartwell During your years as an under­ Sarah Elizabeth Bouton Doctor of Dramatic Arts Cabe/IiSchool of Business graduate you may have studied Lngraduating, I hope you reflect Class of '03 ho11oriscn11sa Carissa R. Carsno abroad, joined or started a club or on the many positive changes that INVOCATION Frank P. Davidson, Esq. School of Engineering, Co111p11ting "It was the best of times, it was the organization, volunteered in a have occurred in housing, dining, Rev. Canon John R. Van Siclen Co-fo1111derof the E11glishCha11nel and Co11str11ctionManagement worst of times, it was the age of political campaign, helped save technology, academics, and the Rector,St Michael's Tunnel Study Croup Benjamin J. LaPointe wisdom, it was the age of foolish­ the bay, or built housing for the enhanced visibility and regional EpiscopalC/111rc/1 Doctorof Macro-Engineering Schoolof Justice Studies ness ... " These oft-quoted lines of homeless. Perhaps your class­ impact of the university. It a11dDip/0111acy Megan E. Mahoney Charles Dickens could describe mates came from down the street happened through thoughtful PRESIDING /101,oriscn11sa University Colleges both 18th century France and life or around the globe. Maybe you planni11g, but it also happened Edward J. Kavanagh, Ph.D. Heidi M. Swanson here in the 21st century. I believe found your "inner voice," per­ because you were here as a Joseph V. Vittoria Provost a11dSwior Vice Preside11tof now is an age of opportunity for formed in a play, played catalyst for those changes. Fon11erChainnan and CEO of Acnde111icAffairs, Roger Wi//ia111s each of you. intramurals or learned to invoke Avis, Inc. U11iversity COLOR BEARERS Plato and Kant into your everyday Commencement is an interesting Doctorof B11si11essAd111i11istration Morgan Hutchison, For you, in your youthful prime, vocabulary. Each and every word. It celebrates the end of your CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS l,011orisca11sa Past Secretary, Student Senate Ralph R. Papitto 'SSH this is also a time of great expecta­ experience and each and every undergraduate experience, but KEYNOTE Emily Bennett, Chaim1n,1,Board of Trustees, tions. You are closing the door on special friendship contributed to also signifies new beginnings. In COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Treasurer,Student Senate Roger Willia111sU11iversity one chapter of your life - the your education here. embarking on the next step in Joseph V. Vittoria Emily Quintin, completion of your undergraduate your life's journey, take with you STUDENT ADDRESS Secretary,Student Senate CONFERRING OF education - and opening other During recent yea rs we have the positive memories of your Jessie L. Herisse UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES CLASS BANNER CARRIERS doors to the future. What Lies embraced the mantra "Learning to time with us at Roger Williams Preside11t,Se11ior Class ahead are both limitless possibili­ Bridge the World" as a reflection and return, we hope often, to help Edward J. Kavanagh, Ph.D. Jason Pedicone, Roger Wi//ia111sU11iversity President, Class of '04 ties - professional, personal, of who and what we are at this us build an even better university ALUMNI REMARKS spiritual - as well as the chal­ university. We are all about PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Eric Mancini, for succeeding generations. Marlene McCarthy Tuohy '74 lenges of living in a world still building bridges from the proud Roy J. Nirschel, Ph.D. Vice President, Class of '04 Preside11t,A/11111ni Associatio11, fraught with uncertainty. past of Roger Williams to an even Sincerely. Preside11t,Roger Wi//ia111sU11iversity Roger Willia111sU11iversity SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS brighter future. and Ra/pl, R. Papitto Schoolof Law Jessie L. Herisse,, President Having just completed my second BENEDICTION PRESENTATION OF Steven C. lndich, Vice President academic year at Roger Williams, Your collective time at Roger HONORARY DEGREE Rev. Canon John R. Van Siclen GRADUATING STUDENT I am amazed at how quickly time Williams has been truly historic. CANDIDATES AND RECESSIONAL SENATORS passes. I am sure your memories Ln the past four years, student CONFERRING OF Roger Williams University Neil Patrick McKiernan of arriving on campus, meeting athletes won a record number HONORARY DEGREES Pipes and Drums Neal Eugene McSweeney your first roommate, finding a of championships as well as Chairman Ralph R. Papitto 'SSH Kristen M. Weippert President Roy J. Nirschel, Ph.D. RECEPTION Deborah Rose Calvanese Following Commencement, all Erich Koehler attendees are invited to join their respective deans, faculty, staff and classmates for refreshments. Please Note: Out of respect for the Graduates, HonoranJ Degree recipients and otlrer speakers, 2 we nsk that yo11turn off all cell11lar phones and noise making pagers during the ceremony. Thank you. 3 c:JleoNORARY DEGREERECIPIENTS 2003 Luther H. Blount Elizabeth Z. Chace Tony Curtis Frank P. Davidson, Esq. Joseph V. Vittoria /11ventor,Shipbuilder, Busi11esswo111anand Actor Co-founder of the English Channel Chairman, ResortQuest, Inc. and E11trepre11eur,Conservatio11ist Phila11/hropist Doctor of Dramatic Arts Tunnel Study Group Purady11Filter Tec!,110/ogies,/11c. Doctor of Mari11eScience Doctorof Hu111m1itariaz1Service Ho11orisCausa Doctorof Macro-Engineering Former Chair111ana11d Chief Honoris Causa Ho110risCa11sa and Dip/0111acy Executive Officer, Avis, /11c. Honoris Causa Doctorof Business Ad111i11istration Ho11orisCausa Captain Luther H. Blow1t is a11icon Elizabeth Zopfi "Liz" Chace /zasmade Since his fi/111career began in 1948, Frank P. Davidson, Esq. was one of As Clwir111anand CEO of Avis, Inc., i11111ari11e endeavors; a recogni:ed lzer111ark in 110/one, but two are11as- Tony Curtis has reigned as one of the primary driving forces behind the Joseph V Vittoriaguided his co111pany leader in shipbuildi11g,seafood pro­ co111111u11ityservice a11dbusiness. Hollywood's 111ostlegendary leading renowned "Chu11ne/"project co1111ect­ to unprecedentedsuccess, creating a11 d11ctio11,aquaculture, and the cmise Liz bega11her /z11111anservices ca­ men. ing England and France.For a quar­ industry 111odelfor co111pm1y-e111ployee ship industry. reer ru1111ingcomm1111ity centers in The son of HungarianJewish ter century, lte was president ofTech- ownership programs. He currently Luther /zasbee11 keenly interested Portland, Maine and Bosto11,Massa­ im111igra11ts,Tony was bonz in the 11ica/Studies, Inc., the A111ericanpar­ serves as c/1ain11a11of ResortQuest and i11R/zode Island waters all his life, since cl1usetts.Upon 111ovi11gto Rhode ls­ Bronx, New York.After a stint in the ticipant in the Channel Tu11nelStudy Purady11Filter Technologies,and 011 desig11i11gl1is first boatsas a teenager. /a11di11 1968, site beca111edeeply in­ Navy during World War I/, he changed Group. the Boardof Sirius Satellite Radio,and After servi11gi11 the U.S. Ar111yduring volved i11organizations such as the his na111e,left for Hollywood- and the Frank's illustrious careerbegan recently retiredas CEO of Travel World War//, he joined thefa111ily ProvidenceCorporal ion and the John rest is history. six mo11thsbefore the attack 011Pearl Services
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