Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 3-16-1979 The iH lltop 3-16-1979 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 3-16-1979" (1979). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 237. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/237 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The .Voice O f "It is better to protest The • than to accept Howard I • • • • I 1n1usticei · Community - Rosa Parks ' I v • 1963 I ' I . ' '-- I FRIDAY, MARCH ~ VOL, 61, ' HOWARD UN,IVERSITY WA~ HINGTON D,C, ,. I Arthur Ashe, Supports r ~ Says · I I a!·g Continue I I I I- Business '! Struggle • By O a f i ~ n Sma ll By Vanessa L. Morgan ' I Hillfop sJ;1ffwriter Hilltop St;1ffwriler Addressing an ptten rowdy crowd 1n ''W e must ren1er11ber' 1-tov.·ard Cramton Auditfrium on Monday, University was born out of a <;trt1gg le professional tennis player Arthur Ashe for Black liberation, a11d must ren1a in s;;iid that How'ard / student s were the /a 1vea pon i11 that struggle''. 'aid Ar1gela ''cream of the crop," and thdt the Davis before a capacity c rO\\'d <1t ' . ' 1 future of ~ Bla[ k. tmerica should be Cramton At1r11toriu1n last Frida\' found in educatipn and getting 1n­ · Speaking on acad_en1i c freedon1. vol1•ed in An1elica1s business market s Davis said. '' I kno1v ','OlJ i;_l1dn 't cor11 e Sponsored I by Aetna Life & ._ jt1st to see me." she said. ·· 1 knO\\' yOlJ » Casualties. one; pf the leading 1n- can1e becatise you kno1v so 111"eth1ng ~ h 0 SLJran ce cpmpanies . in t e country, has to be done .to ir1sure the f ut ure o f 0 Ashe is touring many o f the cou ntry's ou r Bl ack c hildrer1 ~ Black un1versit1es " Education ha) always beer1 a 111ajor £· Ashe's spdech at Cramto11 co 11 cer 11 of Blilck 11eople '' Davi~ ::1: cl'ir11axed a·n /ea rlier i11 terview sess 10 11 continued. " Ren1embe'r \Vh f'1l OL1r ~ at the Hillt o~ offi Ce and in the Sc hool ances tors 1\' ere enslaved. they ri~kecl 0 of Business j ·I' t t1 eir lives to learn to react ; 1n ~ I 1vrite ~ ' In his pre sl ent~ t io11 at Cra111toi1, he After the civil 1var 011e of the first spoke of t he • ( onditions of other things Blal:k people did to Angela Davis exhorts students to continue the str rgle for free~om( equality. 1~a s ' countries thi' t 11'€1 visited dL1ring his den1a11d educat ior1 1~r1ni s ca reer I She 1vent on to )av. rht~ l~l < 1 c k R11mors In a si milar 1riessa ge at the Hilltop ' lJntrue liberation strtiggle 1" 'till exi<;t1n g · Mandatory M. al Plan Ashe pointed t_o a world map on the ' . O rga nilat ior1 i~ our n1a1n problem '' 1\·al! and s~i <;J . ;;/' You 'd be hard pL1l to Davis spoke on ,1 gar11b1t o f tOJJl l ' frnd a place pif the n1ap that I haven ' t • throughout her speech. tOJ)1 <;" she <; a1d l Campus NAACP beer1 to." h~ continued," and there's 1vere of in1portance to tl1 f' l~l a1 _ k no other place' I \vould prefer to live Denied by Administration liberation strugglp than here ,, t I · 1 While on_the tOJ) ic oi Bl ack leacler' Explaining in 'h is 1nterv1ew that there she said. ''We ha\•e got to f ree the RP1 I 1 •vho livJi' 1n the; Un1versity Still Functioning are fe1v derr1ocrai1 c governments, he Ben ·Chav1s 0LJr 01vn ability to s11rv1ve B y Melv en ia Fussel l ~ tudenti. dorn1ito\1es pay f or and participate in con1 n1ented l.:liat1there are iew places and struggle is de1lenrle11t 0 11 OL1r Hillto p Stalfwriter t he rn ea pl an He ,1dded.] '' lf enough 8 )' Janet M ahan ' l l !llrllPr in the \vorld'f:here he wot1ld be free to ability to save our leaders ' 11 eople 1l·ere 0 11 the bo,1rd J)lan 'it could \ Hilltop St.iff.,.·riter 0\ •'f tll•' 'll ll1 11l t' I 111,l ll\ l)~' O J-lil' stand on a ~ tre 1 t corner and scfeani Concer ning the Terre r1 ce l o l1n ~on ' There I) 110 plan to have a manda­ 01fer loiter prices ,, ! AlthOL1gt1 flllll O r ~ tl1 ,1t the HO\\ ard lf' cl \t' till' ( !l c!illl'f ' 0 tl1 ,1t I[ t , lk t·~ t\1 e that the pre5ide1t wa s a ·· son of a. b--­ case. U,1v1s said ''Ol1r brother 1 ~ go 111 g tory rn ea l plar1 110\v or in the future," h .. Un1v(•r,1t\ b ra 11 ch o t t f1 e 'lA l\( - r 1' 11() 1\llol•' rail ''' 111(.''l•'' 1( 1 gfl1 on to of1r to sperid the rest oi hi s life beh111 cl bi! r' ~a id Dr Al exander Chalmers. exeClJ· A' t o ~he legality oi th plan. Chal­ mers ex 1l a 1ned, '' ' The r11an atory meal lor1ger IL111 L t1 0 11111 g , 111\' P ' ti'g,1t 1cJ 11-, 1r1t tJ ICf•t ,1g,11 11 ~ 111 referenae to the Air1 can cou11tries t1 nless we do <;om et'hing '' t ive ass istant to the Vice President for 1 pliln 1 ~ a t 1ll e g-.-il . but 1t 1\•ou\d be a the ninttl:'r ~h o 1 ' tl1,1t tl11• ( /1 ,1~Jt e, r '' 111 ,111 11 1lt'r1 1<·' 11 '1 1tl1 \\ 1111,1,111 tl1at he ha~ b ~e n to, lie )a t1r1callv She dre1'' lier speech to a ( lo •111g fll1 s 1ne-. ~ ar1rl Fi sc al Affairs regL1lat1or1 of the Un1ver<;1t lik.e paying i11deec.J IL•LliClll l llg l1L1t tc \ l)\:'llt'll( 111g ( ,,n 1111 ,11.' k, t! 1r, ·~ t o r 0 1 F1 elc! dr'.id offered to ~ en9 students to Africa with the topic of the 11light o f the Chalmers ~a1cl a 1nandatory _m eal your o t er bills " · probl ern~ !'lra11 ( 11 A(l11 11 11 1'>tr,1t lo1i lo r tilt' 1i.,1tiondl After the shlr.>tits f rom the c rowd had Black won1an ''White women ad- plan WOLJld be cheaper for the stl1dents I Dr. C rl Anderso11 , vice president of Several 1ve!'k~ ,1go , the Hi lltop offi ce oi tl1 e NAAC!l, !1 c ~aid , ''ThP gap died· down, ~e ~hen asked w hat they vacating »-on1en ' s liberatio11 h ,1 1'e to but tl1,1t the Ur1iversi ty has no plans for · Ill Plt'C tlOll'- I' 11 o t 1JeLlil1ar 0 11ly ,to were to do aft1r t l1ey got to Africa 0 11 e ui1less the students ask ior it .Student Affai rs al so s,11d that a man­ receivecl 1e11ort s thdt the t-1 01,'arcl 1 ur1derstand that the 1vo111 e11 ~ ufiering . qalorY 1eal plan \\'<I S 110 under con­ c ha1Jter of NAt\ ( !' had bt•e n Oi~L1,1 11 c l ec l HO\\ il rc! Ur11 1•1"r-. 1ty, l1L1t OCL L1r~ Ori " Their primiry GOncern is wl1ere their re,1llv SL1ffe ri 11 g, from .;ex1 sni ,1re Accorcling to Chaln1ers, a manda­ siderat1 11 by the adn11nist ation '' It is ,,ind 1va ~ r1 0 lo r1 ger r1 11 ,1!1le 11,1 rt of tl1e r11a 1l\' other collcgP r,11111Juse' J- ,I I to rv r11eal 1Jla rl· \VOL1ld require that all c,1r11pll ' l\ccord1r1g tu Cor11r1 1,1c l.. , 11 1-. j<l ·, j I See Ashe, page 6 See Davis, page.6 only a rumor that's go ten out of In r e~ J) O r1 ~e to tl1(''t' rur11or-.. ]0!111 ,1a11d arcl JlroceclL1re tor thf' 11 ,1t ionb·I har1d," nderson said Harvey. a r11cr11IJ\' r 01 tile l-l o\v,1rd o tf1Lf' to -.f' t LJJl ,111 clect1 011 clatf' I . La st n1 o nth there \Va a demon­ 11l 1ei1e1<.•r ,1 Jler1ocl l1,1' gor1e b1' 1\•11•16l1t stration by Ho\vard studen s 1n front of c hapter of NAAC P <;a1cl . , Due t<> ,1 1 const1tl1t1 o r1 ,1I v1o lat 1011 of ttie C' \ ecti· ,1 rec1L11rer1 elect1011 Ter · nee Johnson Supporters the Adnlii11istration bui!dini' addressing several I grievances The " t1 ve com1111tt ee. there \'135 no e!ectior1 H t_• ex1l l,11 r1 ecl th,1t r1orm c1 llv an 1i . n1andato r~' of o fficer' 111 1978 "'-'her1 t he l-l 0\\ ,1rd ele< t10 11 , )10L1lcl take bU (J,1y, , bLJt 11'he11 r11 eal pl f r1 1 v~s an1ong the , rievances branch \\' as c h,1rterecl 111 1977 the a 'Pl'l 1al ci ate for ele< tlor1 s 1~ <; et tip. 1t Ade ya1111 , president of the Howarq 1'i dor1e so to .. t1o rt t 1rcl11t the 11 o ir11al Univers/tY Studer1t Association. and a­ t p r oc t'S~ Ol1tl 11 1f'cl 1r1 .t)1 (' bra11 c l1 election Rel ea_se Report o·ri Police Brutality particiP.ant· 111 the dernonstration sai d.
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