Bear & Company One Park Street Rochester, Vermont 05767 www.InnerTraditions.com Bear & Company is a division of Inner Traditions International Copyright @ 2002 by Jose ArgUelles All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication Data ArgUelles, Jose, 1939- Time and the technosphere : the law of time in human affairs / Jose ArgUelles. p.cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-879181-99-1 1. Calendar reform-Miscellanea. 2. Social evolution-Miscellanea. 3. Maya chronology-Miscellanea. I. Title. BF1999 .A6398 2002 001.94-dc21 2002006082 Printed and bound in the United States at Capital City Press 10987654321 This book was typeset in Janson, with Eurostile as a display typeface I 9-11, The Inevitable Event and the Nature of Time: 1 Introductory Reflections Preliminary Definitions: Biosphere- Technosphere- 18 Noosphere as an Evolutionary Continuum Time and Human Consciousness: The Law of Time- 35 What It Is and Where It Came From The Law of Time in Human Affairs: The Analysis of History 54 The Climax of History, the Fifty-six Years of Hiroshima- 76 Artificial Time Runs Out The Solution of the Law of Time: Get a New Calendar 99 Humans-Noospheric Chips: Consciousness and Reality Redefined 121 Making the Transition to the New Time: A How-to 145 Catalog and Guide to the Pax Cultura, Pax Biospherica The Advent of the Noosphere: A Prayer and a Vision 176 Epilogue 197 Networking the New Time Appendices Summary Critique of the Gregorian Calendar with Which 200 Every Proponent of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Should Be Thoroughly Familiar The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change 207 Peace Movement and the Discovery of the Law of Time: A Brief Chronotopology of Transformation Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan 212 The Nineteen Code 229 Notes 240 Glossary 245 Bibliography 254 AS ANY AUTHOR knows, to write a book and see it through to completion, from initial inspiration to final conclusion, is never an easy task. Though we are all guided, if we so choose, by the Supreme Creator, still it is one's Earthly helpers that must be counted first, even before oneself-for without their aid, where would one be? First and foremost of my Earthly helpers whom I wish to acknowledge is my wife and faithful companion of twenty-one years, Lloydine Bolon Ik, my constant helper and chief inspiration of all I do. The faith and trust she put in me at times when all we had was blind faith are a touching memorial to a soul who has always believed that love is the greatest truth. Assisting us greatly during the time since we arrived in Oregon and have contin- ued to dedicate our lives to the fulfillment of the prophecy of Pacal Votan and the Great Calendar Change is our devoted helper and assistant Stephanie South, the Red Queen, Red Electric Serpent, who conscientiously read and edited this text in its final form, helped in numerous details, and so kept me from ever bogging down. Of equal trust and value is that one from the immemorial rainbow to whom I owe so much, Kin 19, David Rinck, "the stalwart," whose enhancements of my art- work are ingenious and awesome. All three of these people share one thing in com- mon: absolute belief in and dedication to the Law of Time as a living reality that gives breath to all we do. I must also thank the incomparable Spectral Skywalker, Mark Comings, whose mind has been of inestimable value to me through our many memorable background discussions on time in modern physics in relation to the Law of Time. In this regard, Acknowledgments. ix I would also like to mention Irina Eganova of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, for her rigorous approach to N. A. Kozyrev-may she smile well when she reads this book. For their unconditional support I would also like to honor and thank Brian and Deborah Haight of the Foundation for the Law of Time, and all the many friends and beloved kin of the Planet Art Network everywhere, but especially to the Russian kin who so ably understood the Law of Time and opened up gold mines of knowledge and friend- ship in the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, as well as the great pristine valleys of Altai, where the shamans await the next installment of The Mayan Factor. Spirituality is at the core of the biosphere-noosphere transition, and in this re- gard the beings I have to thank are without number, yet some especially stand out and deserve mention: my Tibetan teacher, the Sakyong Dorje Dradul Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, through whose cremation he entrusted me with all; my son, Josh, who opened the doors of the fourth dimension for me so that I would never be satisfied with less; and Mother Tynetta Muhammad, who showed me the way of the Holy Quran with the guidance of the mystic master FM, and who introduced me to the great work of Dr. Rashad Khalifa, whose breaking of the Quranic nineteen code led to his martyrdom, leaving me to fulfill what he revealed. The creation of a book, the coming into manifestation of an artistic conception, is a complex process involving numerous other eyes and minds in order to bring the effort into its final published form. In this process two people have stood out deserv- ing of mention. First of all, there is Michael Moynihan, White Galactic WIzard, who very patiently and carefully copyedited the book-always with an eye on maintaining and enhancing the original artistic vision-and who stood by the integrity of its vision through the entire editorial process. His work was complemented by the efforts of project editor Lee Awbrey, Blue Lunar Eagle, who took on an increasingly engaging role and personality as we brought this book to its final stages. I am especially appreciative for her inspiration to rework the Preface and Chapter One, which I gladly did, and which I feel speak more immediately to the reader of this book. Thank you both, and may the success of this book redound to your consummate care for the truth. Finally I would like to honor and thank my children: Tara, the golden one, my grandson, SamuelJoshua Sheps, andJeff of Engine Company Number Nine in Phoe- nix; also Paul Mecklenburg, who has always held the faith in our work, and Heidi Mecklenburg, that her dream of the Unicorn Princess may become true once again. x . Acknowledgments Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs is essentially a pro- longed set of meditatipns, occasioned by the one most powerful and overwhelming ~ event of our time, the 9-11, the Inevitable Event of September 11,2001. Subsequent events may overshadow this one in horror and magnitude, but it was this event in particular, the destruction of the World Trade Center towers, that sent a signal that something very profound had occurred to change the way we think of ourselves and our future. In presenting these meditations and reflections in the form of a book, I am pain- fully aware of the limitations of this medium in the information age. Keeping in mind that the volume of information has increased five times in the past century- with much of that increase occurring only in the past decade-I am very reluctant to put anything down to be published in the form of a book. I was raised well on the writings of Marshall McLuhan and his definitions of media and how they affect our senses. It is altogether obvious that a book in your hand is not the same as reading a text on a computer screen. A book is actually something made to last. Of course, the computer has made it possible and easy for virtually anybody and everybody to write a book, and so we encounter one of the great hazards of the information age: the decline in discrimination and the criteria of excellence. Who can now tell what is worth read- ing or not? These reflections, too, are very much to the point of the grand theme of this text. If a book is meant to last, how long will this book last? It should last until the New Time has established a new order of reality on this now anguished Earth. Whether or not destruction and the total collapse of civilization will occur first, we do not really know. That is a matter left to the Divine Mind of God alone. Nonetheless, it is with faith that we continue on this Earth at this time. A pressing Preface. xi voice told me to go ahead and to write this book, regardless-but then, this is how I have always done it. Those who are at all familiar with any of my earlier books, will find that Time and the Technosphere is but a continuation of themes that have pro- voked me since I first considered literature as a medium of communication. It is important to know where the author is coming from, and how he got to this particu- lar point of reflection. In this regard, Time and the Technosphere is the organic result of a lifelong pursuit of a study of the nature of art, time, and history. This study has been woven together by a dialectical process that defines the evolving nature of consciousness.
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