■'l' ' f ---------- • - "j t i ita r g e tr —- " ^ o o d mo[ornihg Campaign = p L x p c f Il ^ t u c Today’s forM ast: Paaly-doucly wiih seaseattcrcd snow and rain showers. Highs nearear 40. West winds t ^ ■ 10 to 20 mph. Lows,100 uto 20 degrees. icce as fpossib)le~ J $ a g eA 2 au se cof era*ish ____ Blame the librariirian • A gay-'rights foc say:lays lit}carianii~3nd Angeles Times ' . tcachcrs arc promounglg h o m o se x u ality in F ear oi< flying - A4 - - . Idaho. • ; . • v ’ Page 81 ^ )SI-:LA\V;^. Iml. Hamperei'•Oil — ' — ^ inkte-deepjinid and volaliklie problem. When-they• bubuilt the 72. , • s of imbiiriied jet fuel, lederaral we don't kno\/whetherher they fixed Sample ballot insinside I ’ aviiitioiilion oft'iciais I'uesday combeiicd it oniiH.’’ Jn ofllcial said.li’aid. In Joday’s Icgal^Vdvcnising i section. J.i_. ,i i, .,1.1. througlugh the, naltcncd. remains-.ol,or. Hd Martcll, a spokeokesman for ------- T-nTTrl'ailrGbunly-voleri.lersHiarvfindHHiaHJ— ^ ^ \ ^ I I r -------- m m ririean E i i'agle t-ligtii 4IS4, lookik- Aliiiii'ioaii ITnglc. :t cnmi’tim m ntcnnn at-icini; as one po>sible factoilor of American Airlines,s. ssaid that in - pie o f tlTc ballot th e y 'll11 fifac e in ne.xi Tucs-- ! I ' I d a y ’s clcction, 1 ^ \ m thee Clcnisli that killed iiirfiKpeophpic ''!987.an ATR-42 Mown\vn by a liiiro- . cd'iC iiig’prob*-^ ------ ___Page.C3__ ^ _ flind- - —^— pciiir’airlini.'*rfcrctcjpcd~r vestigators ';ind-uniergenc;icy and cnished in Italy,taly. ^ ^ -1 ' ■ T • -leiniiili-clad-in-piolective c hazanloilVilV—7 W hcn-iemperaUires-r e s - ii|f p r o a e h —:--------- r I * i~^ materia:rial suits ranged over a milele-, freezing Icvel.H-tind1 hiihumidity is~ ' L - ) I j w ide: sttstreich of-wreckage. its ,'^awiwl high, ice* can build up1 on .the .wings rcrat\ ih-ihick- ■T-' ..I T~^ 'a ductle that ihc't^encli-buili turbo.10-, and fuselage of an aircra Missing rent 1 7 p ro p> Clc.ommiiter’plane may haviive itesses that may be alla|l but unde- A Hcyburn man pici:)lcads innocent to y ^ I n . tnoken,en up in mid-air before phingug- tcclable to the naked eye.oyo. T hc aCL'u-' ' .ly- nuilaling ice can, d isto,ton.ihe rt shape ---------^ c m b c z z ltn g - m o fc jlmin n j■;« n ^ Q 'fro m -tlic-:------- - i - ‘ ' T = -------- in s-«iiitn-a-ciin-jaked n u iTcld of sov low-incoinc housing; cccom plex he mari- »- beanI sliibble.sti . Z oi a wing, reaiicing ifs :ight ean'over- aged. • viatioii olTiciWs had not yeycl lil\.and the added weigh P age B3 o w e d th e ir p ro b e o f lh*J-eriis]lish ,„ burden th e p h m ijr" itill considering severe winiin J'’' Icing.'liowever. wasas oonly one of ir a n d o th e r c a u se s — b u t tiv(lie • several factors considercdercd Tuesday ‘ ing rain and freezing teinpera•rii. - by NiUional Transportai)riaiion Safely s aloft Monday ntisyJ ijie possissi- Board investigators, AnAnalysis also y oof icing of the wings or fuseISC- were intrigued tiy liiee spspread of the Little big leaguee as a factor. - plane's- wreckage — whwhich hints at Major League Bpsebaebali may get some " he surface temperature at ththe mid-air disintegrationon — and re- ilomis al about competition in 1996 frorfrom a now league. h siie was 42 degrees when ththe pons of severe windsion P a g e B6 imiiler’ilight plunged downvn- 9,000 feet,, where the10 pplane began li at a sharp angle, and was welk-ell its fatal plummet, enin airline pi- iwood iw fr*!C/ing at S'.OOO'feet — ihthe *jJ«irry SchilT. a vctenir Eagles hit h'ardwi itide i(t wiiich il disappearere d Itrf w ho has a ssiste d in rmajor crash fhi^CSI vvomen’s's Ibasketball team il air trallie controllers’ nidar:r at il vestigations, safd a cicombination . opt'ns us season this wetw eek. >p.m. MST Monday, 0 ■_severe lurbulcncc and the strains P a g eB S he A'l’U-72. a twin-engine crairaft puVon the plane by effcefforts to con- ... 1 throfttthouUhe-auiaiion-worUrid, ___icoU he.aircrafl c o uldI ha»have,i:aii.'i:d a__ ____ s-not iKiveCi k n o w n h isto ry• cof breakup that scatteredircd the plane^ ly Iproblems. But its precurscsor over such a wido radius.*ius.* sma'n • Ted ___ - ^ n -rsmallervcrslon-of-the-sam s j ; n i e ~ N . I S B ____ s p o k c s m t le — did. according'to knowlwl- Lopatkiewic?. said thatHat Iboth o f ihe Calcium ’s cool tfahleofllcfals. plane’s "black boxes"i" Inliad.been re- • Esp«iaily when it's'sjam jj -packcd inside '■ -----------^^11,crhe-42^liad-a-wcU-knowu.icin:ing----------------_Please-see-CjeCRA SH/A2------- tasty dishes like these. MIKE 5ALS0LSOURY/ThaTlmM.New* J P a g e D I . Although Magistrate.'Thcrhom as Cushm an is theB itarget of a campaign.o(.opposing his " ^ /J --------SampMhc-goodiidies------^-------------- _ ro»fllBctiDti.ln.GoQd)nqj_County,_he.b.as,fAceIyftd C; ul_btgh. marksJiLa-survi}]i/Qv^tlocal at- —j^ielleii-m jl aa-y-spendzb _ i — »^^cre’s a restaurantt to try o n y o u r ne.xt to n ie y s. weekend outing. _ ■ P a g eD I 100,0 0 0 iiin Senate]jjbid 0[)ppositdon in donations from 288 sisupporters - Judge! faces B y FmrFmnk E Lockwood rim cs-Ies-NevVs w rite r. - . ......................... ...and.hc.loancdJiis.campUTipaign, n e a r ly ,______ By Fmnk E; Lockwood, ,_____- S i2 ,0 0 p -------------------------- ~~Survev'results~iS ^ B 1 -------——— — Iimi-s-Nt;ws yyiicr '----------- W IN -^\tirS— Mtiiionairc-RcRc- -------- BuHitf^enicif-hcVltyt•Hying to buy a , ~ Keep Relnke Iiir gu fficc - — ------------- '• . ^publicaiiaiiLSenatiiiiopcl'ulJonJvicllellen-^eaLiu-lheJduiio^eiuite.: • After live monltis ^m l i i s jo b " a r iiT \v in (jODi^jS’C) .Magistrate.'? e . I h o m a s C u sh m a n b e ;rT.1 fonnerjiidgc. s;iys. h e 's irying to b u y na in e re'coj;og: win ;m tMection justit b;b y ’ th ro w in g , Falls County commim issioncr. Brent figured to have a I'nirly routinjtine re-clpclion cam- Me4cMinn is one of a iiiiih IiH-rh i 0,1 p e o p le in m with his money, around a,lot of moneycy ffor advertis- .R c in k e Jias earned tlicIC riright to keep it, lo- p aign, ■ ■ W encndell. Gooding. ;md Maj:ciiicnnan aiming to , is opponent*, Democrat "Clirlint, ing - Ko.ss-i’crot proproved that,-” -. day's ^itotiiil says. • T h a i w a s b c lo rc " A g e nnt t .321” launched -an • persusuade 50 percent of. the \utcritcr.s io vote " n o " men. says-M ellen 'is tryingi tto Mclien.said. • ; P age A6 . anti-CuNlinmn campaign1 frfrom his Gooding -onCiCushman Tuesday. ,. ' ■ buy the legislative election. -• He said hard workork - not big gounty*dcit:ctive dlTrcc. ' ______________ ■IcMimi siiy-slie lost (mk- c■;;im : lu'fore Cush- ilher way.'- s - will ulii- '• Agent ' I hat's how)w private detective maiTn y e a rs b a ck , l)iit,o c n jc s Tlii.i T u n T K r n r ^ h a t---------MeTTeii ly-makc-Uie-diCu______ Dale McMinn of Norihwewest In.vestigations irks; lihiin. "It's (Cushman’s) a'lmiiuuie, it’s his ar- rai;raising - and ce with voters. - ' .identifies himself on the ans\inswering machine at rogar;ance, it's his dcnicanin inn iL'ltufi." h e .said. s p e nnding d i enor- rc wasn't a fair' anti-Cuiihnian campaign headluadcjuarters. Tucs(;sd:iy. - • , ■ • ■ m o uus s amounts ilf ^ ■odeo that I Evaluation heldd upI IfMcMinn has his way^Cft^Cushman will soon • R e a s e ssee’JUDGE/A? e moneyiiey-. A s o f O c t. »’ t th e r e ." th e mental cvaluatioation of the gunmai\ _____ I 2 3 . twtwo weeks be- ^ ■ e n s a id ., •'Who sprayedthc Whiteite House is delaved. fore: liElection Da^, k ^(^[0 ly've seen.me P a g e A3 ^ campaign has ^ ;whore and I've • ts4 1 % o f cities ■ ecled $90.851.53 ____ I b e e n eveeverywhere,” School vioolence hit; and spentspc mure than SK3,000 on tl-the Stennett. meanwhile.lilo. is criticiz- ____ Appeal for braveivery “inghis'opponcnfsspentpending.'iaying” The Associated^Pre^ Th<■he fig u r^ jA 'e re m o sj..lik e:ly. ly to be-bad-iu.-big race. -. • Th^paren^s of tjvokvo s m a ll b o y s w ho ^ ’ c itiees: s 41 percent for cities of 10'100.000 or more. 32 -rvi:I’ve been working a long tin'ime it shows Mellon is outut o f touch with ---------;diM ppeatcd a w eek ag‘6agoasKthelfmissing ^ ilm ostrun a gu- WASHINGTON—'school)l viv iolence in the p a s t percecent for cities of 50,1)00 lo 100.00010 and 19 per- nowt»V to level the playing field,Id." voters. “You could almc so n s to Vbe brave.” , air- bemaiorial race off that much mon- year killed or seriously injuredcd sstudents in 41 per- cent,[for f cities under 50,000.
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