The Image of Travelling Travel Paintings and Writings by the Danish Golden Age Painter Martinus Rørbye1

The Image of Travelling Travel Paintings and Writings by the Danish Golden Age Painter Martinus Rørbye1

RIHA Journal 0146 | 01 February 2017 The Image of Travelling Travel Paintings and ritings by t!e "anis! #olden Age Painter $artinus R%rbye1 Karina Lykke Grand Abstract T!e "anis! &ainter $artinus R%rbye was one o( t!e "anis! artists to reinvent t!e traditions o( t!e genre o( travel &ainting in t!e 1830s+ His develo&,ent o( a ne' -o,&le. &i-torial strategy was in ,any ways an answer to t!e -!anges in so-iety, es&e-ially t!e advent o( touris,+ T!e ne' travel i,age !ad its (o-us on -on-urren-y, everyday li(e and t!e se-ular world/ resulting in i,ages t!at anti-i&ated t!e &!otogra&!i- travel i,age/ t!e sna&s!ot and t!e travel &ost-ard+ T!e advent o( t!is ne' strategy &roved to !ave a very long a(ter0li(e/ as tourists and travellers o( today still lean a great deal on t!e i,age -odes t!at R%rbye and !is (ello' artists o( t!e 1830s invented+ T!e ai, o( t!e arti-le is to elaborate on R%rbye’s 2rst 3uro&ean so4ourn in 1834-1837, and it is ,y intention to (ra,e t!e -onditions o( doing su-! a tri& 'it! attention to '!at R%rbye sa' and e.&erien-ed and !o' !e inter&reted t!is 5nowledge/ visually and in words+ R%rbye is ,y &ri,ary resear-! (o-us/ but !is artisti- struggles are very si,ilar to ot!er artists travelling in Italy at t!e ti,e+ I t!ere(ore use $artinus R%rbye’s Italian so4ourn as a pris, o( inter&retation+ Contents $artinus R%rbye’s Italian so4ourn as a pris, o( inter&retation 6ew modes o( travelling T!e artisti- idea o( travelling #oing sout! by stea, s!i& and horse0drawn ve!i-les – heading for Paris T!e po&ular mountains T!e trans-ri&tion o( Martinus R%rbye’s travel diary T!e written e.&erien-e o( Ro,e and t!e li(e in Ro,e Tourists in Na&les and o8 t!e beaten tra-5 to Pro-ida Pi-tures9ue Sorrento :ubia-o :tatus o( t!e frst journey 1 The article ;The I,age o( Travelling+ Travel Paintings and ritings by t!e Danis! #olden Age Painter $artinus R%rbye< is a condensed and elaborated version o( a Danish article= <Dannelsesre4sen til Italien+ "et nye re4sebillede</ in= $artinus R%rbye+ "et n>re og det (4erne/ eds. ?irgitte von Folsa-! and :idsel $aria :%ndergaard/ e.!+ cat+/ &ublished by @regaard $useu,/ :5ovgaard $useet/ 6ivaagaards $alerisa,ling and Ribe Aunst,useu,/ Helleru& 2014/ 160-1B2+ RIHA Journal 0146 | 01 February 2017 Revisiting Italy R%rbye’s travel painting Martinus R%rbye’s Italian so4ourn as a &ris, o( inter&retation C1D In $ay 1834, t!e "anis! &ainter $artinus R%rbye le(t Eo&en!agen (or !is 2rst sout!ern so4ourn+ A!ead o( !i, lay t!ree years o( intensive studies o( 3uro&ean -ulture and art+ "uring !is travels !e 2lled several s5et-!boo5s wit! drawings in &en-il and s5et-!es in water-olour in various siFes/ and !e -o,&leted nu,erous oil &aintings t!e,atising t!e sout!+ Gn a daily basis/ !e wrote to !is (a,ily and (riends in "en,ar5/ and in addition !e 5e&t a &ersonal diary 'it! re-ords o( !is nu,erous e.&erien-es o( all t!e pla-es !e visited+ R%rbye’s travel diary (ro, t!e years 1834-1837 is loaded wit! interesting in(or,ation/ and alt!oug! its style is very &rivate/ -on-ise and brie(/ as it was not intended (or &ubli-ation/2 it -ontains uni9ue and un2ltered re-ords o( great relevan-e (or t!e reader interested in art !istory and -ultural !istory o( t!e early nineteent! century+ C2D !en we -o,&are R%rbye’s diary entries 'it! !is &aintings and drawings/ it is stri5ing t!at t!ey are (ar (ro, -orres&onding in t!eir ,essage= T!ey al,ost give t!e i,&ression t!at t!e visual universe &ortrayed in R%rbye’s &i-tures reHe-ts anot!er 4ourney t!an t!e written word in !is diary+ T!ese di8eren-es bet'een word and i,age are t!e sub4e-t o( t!is arti-le/ and t!e ai, is to investigate t!e nature o( t!ese dissi,ilarities and to analyse t!e results in relation to innovative -!anges in t!e &i-torial vo-abulary and con-e&t o( travel i,ages as a genre+* C*D ?y (o-using on R%rbye’s 2rst tri& to t!e :out! in 183401837, it is ,y intention to (ra,e t!e -onditions o( underta5ing su-! a tour in t!e 1830s 'it! attention to '!at R%rbye sa' and e.&erien-ed and !o' !e inter&reted t!is 5nowledge/ visually and in words. R%rbye is my pri,ary resear-! fo-us, but his artisti- battles were indeed si,ilar 2 At t!e ti,e/ it 'as very &o&ular to &ublish one1s travel e.&erien-es a(ter returning (ro, long 4ourneys abroad+ For Danis! re(erences see= E+ H+ Pra,/ <6oget o, Iystreiser/ ,ed Anviisning til en saadan</ in= "et skandinaviske Iitteraturselskabs :kri(ter/ 2nd ed+/ Eo&en!agen 1)06/ *JB-44*K Jens ?aggesen/ Iabyrinten eller Reise gienne, Tydskland/ :-!'eitF og Fran5erig/ 2 vols./ Eo&en!agen 17B2-17B*/ and re&rint/ Eo&en!agen 200JK 6+ T+ ?ruun (trans.Med+N/ $agaFin (or de allernyeste og interessanteste Reisebeskrivelser/ Eo&en!agen 1)17-1)20+ * For ,ore in(or,ation on t!e e.isting traditions co,&ared 'it! t!e ne' traditions, see= Aarina Iy55e #rand/ <Re4sebilleder 7 Turist i Ar5adien</ in= #OI" 7 :5atte (ra den dans5e guldalder/ eds. Aarina Iy55e #rand and Iise Pennington/ Aar!us 201*/ 200-2*BK Aarina Iy55e #rand/ <PP re4se ,ed Thorald ?rendstru&+ Iandskabsbilleder (ra det 5endte og u5endte 3uro&a</ in= Thorald ?rendstru&+ I guldalderens skygge/ eds. #ertrud Gelsner and Ingeborg ?ugge/ Aar!us 2012/ 77-104K Aarina Iy55e #rand/ <Turist i guldalderen 7 &P re4se ,ed $artinus R%rbye</ in= Passe&artout 2B/ n+ 1J (200BN/ BJ-112 (Te,anu,,er= Dansk guldalder i nyt lys/ eds. Aarina Iy55e #rand et al+NK Aarina Iy55e #rand/ <Odsigt til Italien+ PP re4se ,ed P+ E+ :5ovgaard</ in= P+ E+ :5ovgaard+ Dansk guldalder revurderet/ eds. Aarina Iy55e #rand and #ertrud Gelsner/ Aar!us 2010/ 12*-166K Aarina Iy55e #rand/ Dansk guldalder+ Re4sebilleder/ Aar!us 2012+ RIHA Journal 0146 | 01 February 2017 to t!ose (a-ing t!e ,a4ority o( ot!er artists travelling in Italy at t!e ti,e+ I t!ere(ore use Martinus R%rbye’s Italian so4ourn as a pris, o( my inter&retation+ 6ew ,odes o( travelling C4D Qiewed in t!e 'ider &ers&e-tive o( t!e !istory o( ,entalities/ R%rbye’s so4ourn too5 &la-e at a ti,e o( great -!ange/ wit! travelling -onditions as 'ell as travel -ulture being trans(or,ed ra&idly due to -!anges in so-ieties/ ,entalities and te-!nology+ Fro, t!e late 1820s/ t!e ne'ly invented stea,s!i& ,ade it &ossible to travel to a nu,ber o( destinations by seaK and (ro, t!e ,id01830s onwards railway lines 'ere under -onstru-tion on t!e -ontinent+ 6e' o&&ortunities (or travelling 'ere be-o,ing available/ and travelling ti,es 'ere being redu-ed+ :ea and rail travel started to be regulated by ti,etables (ollowing in-reasingly 2.ed routes/ and t!is -!anged t!e i,age o( t!e uni9ue/ lonely traveller on t!e -ontinent+ Gne o( t!e &ositive -onse9uen-es o( t!ese ne' colle-tive/ e8e-tive routes by sea and land was t!at &ri-es (ell 7 it was -!ea&er to ta5e a nu,ber o( &assengers to t!e sa,e destinations t!an to trans&ort &eo&le individually+ In addition to t!is/ ,ore and ,ore &eo&le (ro, various &arts o( so-iety got t!e o&&ortunity to travel. CJD T!e -lassi-al #rand Tour/ '!i-! was on-e t!e e.-lusive &rivilege o( t!e nobility in sear-! o( -ultural edu-ation abroad/ was no' wit!in t!e rea-! o( t!e u&&er bourgeoisie as well+ In t!is &ers&e-tive it be-o,es i,&ortant to ,ention t!at t!e grou& o( "anis! artists at t!e Royal "anis! A-ade,y o( Fine Arts '!o were 4ust about to travel to Italy, all belonged to t!e bourgeoisie/ in-luding R%rbye+ As revealed in t!is arti-le/ t!e -las!es between t!e nobility travelling 2rst -lass and t!e bourgeoisie travelling se-ond or t!ird -lass !ad so,e -on-e&tual and ideologi-al i,&li-ations wit! regard to w!at were per-eived as corre-t and in-orre-t ways o( travelling+ C6D It is also i,&ortant to ,ention t!at wit! regard to t!e rise o( touris,/ t!e end o( t!e 6a&oleoni- wars in 1815 !ad an enor,ous i,&a-t on t!e nu,bers o( travellers on -ontinental 3uro&e+ "uring t!ese wars ?ritis! travellers !ad been isolatedK but t!ey -ould no' go on t!e #rand Tour to Italy again/ and t!is led to a strea, o( 3nglis!,en on t!e -ontinent+ In t!e 2eld o( touris, resear-!/ t!is event is also 5nown as t!e R3nglis! invasionR/4 and t!e e.&erien-e o( t!e ,any 3nglis! travellers gave rise to ,any co,,ents in Danis! artists1 travel diaries and letters/ as we will see belo'+ T!e artistic idea o( travelling C7D All in all/ t!e -!anges in travel &atterns and ways o( travelling in 3uro&e !ad t!e -onse9uen-e t!at travellers li5e R%rbye e.&erien-ed a Houris!ing touris, 7 (or instan-e in -ertain &arts o( Italy and in :witFerland+ To ,any o( t!e artists/ t!ese e.&erien-es -a,e as a sur&rise be-ause t!ey !ad e.&e-ted to en-ounter a &ure Ar-adia untou-!ed by ot!er travellers+ ?ut t!eir e.&e-tations were -learly out o( tou-! wit! current realities+ 4 Ja,es ?uFard/ The ?eaten Tra-5 7 3uro&ean Tourism/ Iiterature/ and t!e ays to Eulture/ 1)00-1B1)/ 6e' Sor5 1BB*+ RIHA Journal 0146 | 01 February 2017 C)D Gne o( t!e reasons '!y t!e artists/ (or instan-e R%rbye/ but also !is "anis! (ello' artists il!el, ?endF/ J+ T!+ Iundbye (1818-1848), il!el, $arstrand (1810-1873), E!risten A%b5e (1810-1848), Eonstantin Hansen/ P+ E+ :5ovgaard (1817-1875) and J%rgen :onne (180101890) a,ong ot!ers/ were un-o,(ortable 'it! t!e une.&e-ted o--urren-es o( touris, abroad was &robably t!e la-5 o( a narrative and visual re-ognition o( t!e sites visited -o,&ared to t!e ,aster narrative o( so4ourning in Italy+ 6obody !ad ever told t!e,/ t!at travelling to Italy o(ten (elt li5e being on a beaten !ig! way+ Typi-ally, t!e "anis! artists !ad be-o,e (a,iliar 'it! t!e idea o( travelling t!roug! t!e travel &aintings and i,ages &rodu-ed by t!e &ro(essors and tea-!ers at t!e Royal "anis! A-ade,y o( Fine Arts in Eo&en!agen/ '!o !ad been on t!eir Italian so4ourn at t!e beginning o( t!e nineteent! -entury 7 (or instan-e E+ + 3-5ersberg (1793-1853) and J+ I+ Iund L1777-1867).

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