J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-06-04-16 on 1 April 1906. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. <torps "lRews. APRIL, 1906. ARMY MEDICAL SERYICE.-GAZETTE NOTIFICA.TIONS. Lieutenant-Colonel William G. Macpherson, C.M.G:, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps, to be a Deputy-Assistant Director-General (attached to the Department of the Director of Military Operations), dated December 29, 1905. copyright. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant Charles V. B. Stanley, M.D., is seconded for service with the Egyptian Army, dated January 26,1906. The undermentioned Lieutenants are confirmed in that rank; William Byam, Herbert St. M. Carter, M.D., George W. Heron, John M. B. Rahilly, 1\1:.B., John A. Anderson, JYLB., Hugh G. Sherren, Henry H. A. Emerson, M.B., Rowland P. Lewis, James H. Graham, M.B., vVallace Benson, M.B., George E. Ferguson, Charles' E. W. S. Fawcett, M.B., Alexander M. Rose, M.B., Griffith H. Rees, M.B., Thomas http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Scat chard, Vivian H. Symons, Edward G. Anthonisz, Ronald A. Bryden, Edward L. Moss, Arthur E. S. Irvine, Thomas B. Moriarty, Michael B. H. Ritchie, M.B., WaIter J. Weston, Albert E. F. Hastings, Mortimer J. Cromie, James S. Dunne, Edmund T. Potts, M.D., George W. W. Ware, M.B., William McConaghy, M.B., Wilfrid C. Nimmo, Michael Reane, Charles F. White, M.B., Francis C. Sampson, M.B., Thomas S. Blackwell, Harold E. Priestley, Philip J. Marett, Arthur D. O'Carroll, M .. B., Alan C. Vidal, Hugh Stewart, M.B. The undermentioned gentlemen to be Lieutenants, on probation, dated January 30, 1906; Oharles Milligan Drew, M.B., Archibald Alfred Sutclii'f, M.B., Arthur Gordon Cumming, M.B., Arthur Sutton Millard, I\1.B, Hugh Evelyn Gotelee, Archibald Smith Littlejohns, Frank Alexander McCammon, M.B., William Rickards Galwey, M.B., Robert George Archibald, M.B., George De la Cour, William Egan, M.B.', Frank Forrest, Timothy William Octavius Sexton, Robert George Hetherington Tate, M. D., Augustus Scott Williams, Alexander Dawson, M.B., Clive Thornley Edmunds, Valen­ on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected tine Goode Johnson, Ernest William Mynall Paine, Edward John Porteous, M.B., Edward Michael O'Neill, M.B., Victor Cyril Honeybourne, James Clarence Lcdeatt Hingston, Georgie Bennicke Edwards, Frederick Duke G.wynne Howell, Charles Reade Mouroe Morris, M.B., Pat rick Sampson, William Harold Gillatt, I\1.B., John WaIter Lennox Scott, William Clayton Smales, John Browne Grogan Mulligan, Arthur Herbert Bond, Marcus Graham Dill, M.B., Richard Ernest Upton Newman, M.B., Harold Jacques, Donald De Courcey O'Grady, Thomas Trevor Hull Robinson, M.B., Thomas Christie Cyprus Leslie, Lawrence George Gibson, Philip Smyly Stewart, M.B. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be seconded under the provisions of Article 349, Pay Warrant, dated January 30, 1906; Hugh E. Gotelee, George De la Cour, Augustus S. Williams, Valentine G. Johnson, John W. L. Scott. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-06-04-16 on 1 April 1906. Downloaded from 76 Major Hubert A. Bray, from the seconded list, to be Major, dated l!'ebruary 14, 1906. The undermentioned Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels, dated, January 30, 1906: Michael T. Yarr, F.R.C.S.I., Charles H. Melville, M.B., Bernard L. Mills, M.D., F.R.C.S.Edin., Horace Cocks, M.B., James B. Wilson, M.D., John Kearney, M.D., Frederick W. G. Hall, M.B., Arthur Kennedy, Henry P. G. Elkington, John B. W. Buchanan, M.B., Henry M. Adamson, M.B., Tudor G. Lavie, Harry H. Brown, M.B., Thomas H. Corkery, James J. O'Donnell, JIILB. Lieutenant-Colonel John Kearney, M.D., retires on retired pay, dated March 14, 1906. He entered the service January 30,1886, was promoted Surgeon-Major January 30, 1898, and Lieutenant-Colonel, January 30, 1906. His war services are as follows: South African War, 1899-1902. Defence of Ladysmith, includiug sorties of December 7 and 10, 1899, and action of January 6, 1900. Operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, including actions at Belfast (August 26 and 27). Operations in the Trans­ vaal, January to December, 1901. Operations in Orange River Colony, January to April, 1902. Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps. ROYAL HORSE GUARDS. Surgeon-Major Hugh Rayner, M.B., to be Surgeon. Lieutenant-Colonel, dated January 30, 1906. Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Rayner, M.B., retires on retired pay, dated February 17, 1906. Ho entered the service January 30, 1886, and was appointed Surgeon, Grenadier Guards, April 14, 1886, and Surgeon.Captain, Royal Horse Guards, Febrnary 13, 1897. He was promoted Surgeon.Major June. 19, 1900, and Surgeon­ Lieutenant-Colonel January 30, 1906. Surgeon-Captain Basil Pares, from 1st Life Guards, to be Surgeon-Major, vice Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel H. Rayner, M.B., retired, dated February 17, 1906. ARRIYALS HOME.-From India: Surgeon-General W. S. Pratt; Lieutenant­ Colonels R. Kirkpatrick, C.M.G., and S. Townsend; Captains A. C. Adderley, F. P. copyright. Lauder, C. H. Straton and E. P. Sewell. From Gibraltar: Major E. E. Powel!. From Hong Kong: Captain B. A. Craig. From Barbados: Captains S. M. Adye-Curran and A. W. A. Irwin. ARRIYALS HOME ON LEAYE.-Froin India: Lieutenant-Colonel W. T. Swan; Captains D. E. Curme, T. J. Potter, W. M. B. Sparkes, and Lieutenant G. E. Cathcart. From Malta: Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Nicolls. EMBARKATIONS.-For India: Lieutenant-Colonels J. R. Stuart and J. Meek; Lieutenants J. E. Hoar and W. S. Nealor. For West Africa: Captain J. Cowan. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ For Mauritius: Lieutenant R. J. B. Buchanan. POSTINGS.-Surgeon-General W. S. Pratt, Lieutenant-Colonel G. J. Coates, Captaius A. R. C. Parsons and H. B. G. Walton, to Southern Command. Lieutenant­ Colonel R. Kirkpatrick, C.l\I.G., to Lichfield. Lieutenant-Oolonel S. Townsend to Dover. Major E. E. Powell to Aldershot Army Corps. Oaptain E. P. Sewel! to London District. Oaptain O. H. Straton to Eastern Command. Captain F. P. Lauder to Scottish Oommand. C:lptains A. C. Adderleyand R. M. Skinner to Northern Oommand. Captains S. M. Adye~Curran, ,B. A. Oraig, A. W. A. Irwin and R. N. Woodley, to Irish Oommand. TRANSFER.--Lieutenant-Colonel R. H. Finth from London District to Aldershot Army Oorps. ' RETIRED PAY POST.-l\1ajor J. P. S. Hayes appointed to Gravesend. on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected DIPLOMAS.-LieutenaJ;lt J. W. S. Seccombe has obtained the D.P.H., R.C.S. Eugland. Lieutenants R. J. B. Buchanan and C. W. Holden have obtained the D.P.H., R.O.S.Ireland. SPECIALIST.-Major H. i. Pocock has been appointed Specialist in Dental Surgery in the Aldershot Command. LIST OF CASUALTIES:- . Transfers from other Corps.-17901 Sergeant G. P. J ones, from Colonial Government, Northern Nigeria; 129 Private R. WillSOll, from Lancashire Fusiliers; 18996 Private A. Biggs, from 1st Dragoon Guards; 147 Private W. Lintott, from Royal Sussex J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-06-04-16 on 1 April 1906. Downloaded from 77 ·Regiment; 148 Private T. H. Allbeusy, from Royal Field Artillery; 149 Private H. N. Coote, from 17Gh Lancers; 160 Private V. Pettit, from Essex Regiment; 168 Private T. J. Watkins, from Duke of Oornwall's Light Infantry. Tr(;msfers to other Corps.-17283 Oorporal D. Bullock, to No. 1 Aldershot Oompany R.A.M.O. Militia; 19967 Private J. W. Brown, to Royal Welsh Fusiliers; 81 Private P. Dodge, to Somerset Light Infantry; 17422 Private H. Windwood, to Suffolk Regiment; 17813 Private H. Davies, to 2nd Battalion" The Buffs." Transfers to Army Reserve.-14612 Private G. Marron, 17799 Private O. S. Brown, 18398 Private W. J. Lynn, 12345 Private A. Ooppen, 18390 Private H. J. Matthews, 18399 Private W. G. Harding,18401 Private J. T. Goodall, 11713 Private T. McKee, 17109 Private J. Acton, 18412 Private J. Olarkson, 18426 Private G. Williams, 18429 Private G. R. Foss, 17609 Private T. H. Evans, 18459 Private V. Daniel, 18436 Private W. S. Oollins, 18449 Private H. Oonroy, 18481 Private S. Elliot. Rejoinedfrom A1·my Reserve.-17422 Private H. W. Windwood. Promotions.-7877 Quartermaster-Sergeant E. Kirk to be Sergeant-l\1:ajor, January 10, 1906, vice Davidson discharged; 7848 Quartermaster-Sergeant W. Henfrey to be Sergeant-Major, J auuary 31, 1906, vice Power, discharged; 6760 Quartermaster-Sergeant J. F. Ford to be Sergeant-Major, March 3, 1906, vice Oronin, discharged; 6001 Sergeant G. Ellison to be Staff-Sergeant under Para. 1866, King's Regulations, February 17,1906; 17283 Corporal D. Bullock to be Sergeant on being posted as Instructor to No. 1 Alder­ shot Company, R.A.M.C. Militia, March 6,1906. Deaths_-3944 Staff-Sergeant C. Oonnor died at Aldershot on February 17,of chronic Bright's disease; 19166 Private M. Hayward ilied at Wynberg, Oape Oolony, of enteric fever, on January 20, 1906; 10858 Private W. Oox died at Edinburgh, of pneumonia, on March 9, 1906. Discharges.--7810 Sergeant-Major F. Oronin, termination of second period; 4458 Sergeant-Major S. Sully, termination of second period; 4745 Sergeant-Major W. Oooper, termination of second period; 16380 Quartermaster-Sergeant F. E. Thurgate, termination of second period; 6795 Staff-Sergeant J. Ourrie, termination of second copyright. period; 7768 Oorporal L. Browne, after eighteen years; 11075 Oorporal T. L. Wodhams, after thirteen years; 16319 Lance-Oorporal G. Burnett, on payment of £25; 16956 Lance-Oorporal H. H. Powney, on payment of £25; 16117 Private A. W. Adams, on payment of £25 ; 12516 Private A.
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