-V ■;■» ■» . SATURDAY, APRIL IWh- 1N3 THE CAHOLINA T1 ^ SPORTING WORLD ★ CHICAGO TAKES GOLDEN GLOVES EVENT Track Star Has 19 FORMER BOOTBLACK Uhe Fine Watches Won, SPORTS (te The Cinder Path. RONS AWAY TO WIN MARFA, TEXAS If anyone at the Marfa Army Advanced OVER HAMMERIN HANK OUTLOOK Flying School wants to kno.v BT JOE HOPaOH I** the time, he automatically asl:3 BY. LINWOOD jaOiUiOWAT ''ST A FF wmnwt Private First Class Joseph Her­ ^ h t States Are man Batiste. Batiste owns 18 XKW YORK CITY — Before The North ^Carolina Collcgi should see some fighting. Ray fine watches, all of them tro­ Represented On a i-apaeity crowd of 20,1)00 at tll« Eagles have at last been 'rs uapouic phies obtained in track and field Madison Square Garden on Pri- ally awarded the CIAA cham- cing Beau Jack and if Sug.ir competition. The 2a-year-i Jay April 7, Beaa Jack, Iifhi« i pioniship for this season. After eatches him he will have Negro hurdler won the national XamLCroftJm weiijht champion y>n a queatiOb^ AAU 120-yard high hurdle tit!r a bit of wrangling, etc. the ol- him breaking Warmerdtm's hur­ CAMP CROFT, — From eight able derision CTtet Henry Arm* in 1939 in 14 seconds. In 1940j fieials finally realize that coiu- dle record while fl;png throi^h states come the (amp Crdft strong. Thi« leva add *he .set a new interscholastic re­ mort jddgetnent is a t>cttef basis the ropes. Tenth Regiment basketball team scar to the cmieMMHttfcrd of fjar awrading a championship cord in th e' same event. » He which i-laims the unofficial the former Dark clouds are arising over holds the present junior college BO lihportant than any kind of camp championship. They have Hammerin' Hai the' horizon lor spring sport.s m.ark for the 220-yard low hur­ syatenji 9 ?en the much publicis­ pile<| up a record of 17 wjns.. s- at high achoels and CIAA coll­ dles, set when he was captain of Heor; Aonstro^g entered ed Dickel^ion Rating system. gainst other camps and outside eges this season. Rumors are a- the Sacramento Junior Colle!?e ring weighing 138 pounds We proudly take our hats off to teams, and have stored a sea­ float that alt spring sports ore team. Private Batiste was born Beaji Jack tipped the scales the gallant Eagles for winniiur son's total of 963 points to th«i^ out for *tHese institutions but in Louisiana and raised in Tu­ I'ifj .3-4. The fight was one of t| this coveted hbj^6r.v During thi'i if this will help win the war, opponents ^4R?. , || »| | extraordinary that sea^Qn, coach McLebdon not only cson, Arizona. When war broltr we are for the cause. out in Europe, he was in France Henry Armstrong lost the dee | two battlers in action in . thfi The above picture shows the Spearhl>a^ of-the ever been fought in*“ the finsquaf ­ produced a chompionahip team . I , , cision to Beau Jack when the Associated Press Score 1‘ar.J j ring, during «one of the tense but was a ls o coachthe team, The Red Caps are faking much with a touring AAU track team tense is Corporal In U et He volunteered as an ambul­ two met in Madison Square 1 but the fans didn’t think s.i| moments of the fight, James, ' Plymouth, that prpduc^d the uit-cbpipar- progress with their preliminary den last week, according to the j ^ - able Rudolf^ “ Robe’'’ Robinson, sirring 'practices. Prom the ance driver, and aided in evac- ■«ett», a former ’ earner part ol hew all-time high scorer. Mc- views received at the local vating wounded at* Dukirk. M College star. OtHer meftihers the sumfBer is one of the Out­ fjendon also had a hand in min­ training grounds, the team has are: Sergeant Alfonsa Jemison, Atlanta. Georgia, an e.x-Cla”k door parks in New York. Henry ing a lad who could never nipe not been weakened considerably was at the top of the heap in the last string in his high by the looses to the armed forc­ Ex-Baseball Star Windy City Sluggers Tniversity player; Staff Ser­ his comeback campaign when school days a leading menilier ui es and to the defense plants. geant James T. Berry, Broqjc- lyn, 'New York, one of the he entered the ring to sugmgt the Eagle Roster of great bask­ Manager Roosevelt Ashfor prom­ Enters Wficfer’s • the Mexico city Mauler, the fans etball player ... this lad was the ises a good season for the Win Easy Victory “ Broo'klyn Flashes” ; Sergeant ■lid not agree with the nnaimoas Caps. The Raleigh Grays .nro Marion Curry, Corpus Chris’'i, Durham boy Abe Johnson who, decision which was handed before the end of the season had also making fine steps in their Candidate School . Texas, another Clark Fniversily down by the judges when on the seasonal comback drive. Thp SOMBWHERE IK ENGLAND team member; Corporal Ralp'i made himself one of the most From New Yoriters annoancing of the decision, the feared men in the Collegiate Grays constitute the greatest — Candidate Edwin D. Jones D. Miller, New Heaven, Conn., By FEANK MARSHALL DAVIS crowd raised its voices as that of rivalry for the loeal Red Caps. New York City is attending Of­ a “ Dixwell Pros” ex-player; Basketball circle. CHICAGO, (ANP) — riaiiing one person booing the deeiston SALUTE OF THE WEEK: ficer Candidate School “ somt- Corporal Roliert Sp*>tts, Obei- The Waltz in which Beaa fists of niiie sluggers brougiit 'that Bean Jack should retain hiS To Coach Johnny McLendon for where in England.” , N. C. COLLEGE EAGLES WIN CIAA lin, Ohio, a former “ Oberlin Jack and Henry Armstrong as many victoi'ies to the Chicag.) title. producing the CIAA champion­ Pros” man; Private Ijawrence competed' is thought by some A graduate of the College of team which kayoed the hopes of ship team, the North Carolina Shadd, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, an­ to have been the best demonstra the City of New Y^ork, Jon-'^s the New York squad, 14 to 2, in BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP FOR F.ven thoagh the Associated College Eagles. other Florida A and M College tion of I’unuing that has be*n coached schola'stie football in the 16th annual'Intei’-City Gold­ Press seore cani showed thafe star; Private William Cooper, Armstrong was ahead of JscS"' illustrated in the squared circle. BOO OF THE WEEK: To Shreveport, Louisiana for three en Gloves champsionships be^ SECOND TIME IN THREE YEARS BY "SHORTY” DAVIS Philadelphia, an ex-Morris Browa by more than one round, t h e Bcua Jack really led the Come- Beau Jack for being in the ring years prior to entering t h e fore 20.782 spectators at Chicago College player; and Private tack trail blaster Hank a merry when he should be on the fe’n- Army. He also had a basebuU Stadium Wednesday night- STAFF WEITEE judfires did not swerve in their The’ high-flying Northf I’aro- MAKES GOOD Mario Polenque, New York i'it", decision that Armstrong should chase. The decision of this boat der path. and boxing career. He played with The inter-cit.t matches are one of the Harlem Yankees, must have been decided for the JOSEPH D. HOPSON, foniu'r the Satchel-Paige All Stars, one composed of 16 bouts, two in lina College conquered the CIAA relinquish his truly well won and IVivate Walter Walker, battie. ff fighter who could run the fast­ all-state tackle for the Hillside of the best known Negro base­ each weight class, w'ith a victory championship for the 1943 se.i- son by defeating sonfe of tiK Brooklyn, New York, a Hamil­ est. This fight should be Hornet says, concerning the re­ ball teams in the United States, counting one point. Paired «»« ton High School player. The tea roand boat graphie- stricken from the records and a cent riot: “ The gas tKat the and also with the New York champion iof the Chicago tourna­ highest rating teams in th“ en­ allv illustrated that Hammerin* tire conference. By the contieil- MW bout fought which will not Axis is using on the Allied ni- Black Yankees and the Kansas ment against champion of the Hank is definitely the great be in the cinder-path groove. tions couldn’t be worse than the City Monarchs. New York tournament, with tlie tious la?bor of (’oach Johnny fighter he was before he lefl ^he new bout is already ar­ gas used here b.v the local police During his boxing career. Of­ second or alternate spot going McLendon, the Eagles rose froui the ring to retire to his home ranged for the last of June for officers, who assumed the at­ ficer Candidate Jones -concen­ to one of several impressive and the position of door-mat team y iC T O R Y . in California. .the championship and followiug titude of being Hitler’s local ro trated on areas jn and around outstanding fightefs invited to in the conference to (he position lift the path of this eneounler presentatives ... does this show Shreveport, Louisiana and Dall­ compete for the honor. To^vin of champion for the two sei- During the nlntli ^and tenth Beau Jack will engage Roy sportsmanship on the part of as, Texas, where he met some an inter-city championship ia sons. In 1941 the Eagles captur­ rounds, ^.rmstroufr charged i»« Robins fn a slug-fest. AVhen our brothers in armaf The an­ of the outstanding pugilists of amateur boxing's highest goal.
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