, LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 419 twice v.eekly to Peterboro' and returns every of the C.P.R., 97 miles west of Winnipeg, and Weauetaay ana iSduiuciy tue year luuna. i.h 54 miles east of Souris. It has 1 branch bank. has 1 iuethodist nail «nd m gcxxeiui sioxe, and uiKViL^j^, a settlement in Russell co., near post omce. Jr-op. (,uii Indians;, lUo. the city of Ottawa, Ont. It contains 1 Roman Cui\,^uiN, a faOatiun m is-ootenay dist., B.C., Catholic church, 1 store, and 1 hotel. Pop., ou txic jvooceuciy Dianch of tue Cl'.li., 41 auout l!50. CranDrooK.. uiilea soutliwe&t of DAAQUAM RIVER takes its rise in Dor- a post office in Humboldt dist., CURZON, chester CO., Que., and luns east through the oi fcjaskatciiewaa, near Daviuson station Prov. rear of L'lslet mco the St. John River, N.B. branch), 137 niiies m on the C.P.R. (Regina DABLON, a village in Chicoutimi co Que., northwest Regina. , of 6 miles from Lac jt.oucliette, on the Quebec a settlement in the dist. & CURZON VILLAGE, Lake St. John Ry. It has 1 church, 5 stores, tot. udrbe, xNHd. Pop. uyJi;, 101. of 1 hotel, and 6 lumber miiis. Pop. buo. a bay on LaKe Kenogami, at CLftHCOLLA, DACUTAH, a post oihcft in Macdonald co., Baddeiy River, ip Chicoutimi the niuuLh of the Man., and a station on the Can. Northern RR., CO., Que. 26 miles west of Winnipeg. CUSHSNDALL, a post office in Frontenac cc, DACKE, a post settlement in Renfrew co., 7 miles from Rideau, on the G.T.R. Ont., Ont., 12 miles from iiouglas, settlement in Argenteuil a station on the CLSirllNG, a post C.P.R. and the Parry Sound and Ottawa branch Que., on the Ottawa River, and a station CO., of the G.T.R. It is 12 miles from Renfrew, and the Grenville & Carillon Ry., 4 miles from on contains 1 Baptist church, 1 store, 2 hotels, Staynerville on the C.P.R. It contains 2 1 saw mill and 1 flour mill. Pop., about 500. churches (Piesbyterian and Methodist), ] DAGERO, a station in Rainy River dist., store, saw, grist and planing mills, 1 cheese northwest Ontario, on the C.P.R., 40 miles west factory, and 1 telegraph office. Pop. of district, of Kenora, on the Lake of the Woods, and 93 about 500. , ^ miles north-east of Winnipeg, Man. CUSHMAN'S, a station in Northumberland DAIGLE, a farming settlement in Victoria co., CO., ^,.B., on the Fredericton section of the N.B., on the St. John River, 4 miles from Grand I.C.R.. 4 miles from Chatham Jet. Falls, on the C.P.R. It has 1 Roman Catholic CUSTLETT, a post hamlet in the dist. of Pla- church and 1 cheese factory. Pop. (chiefly centia, Nfld., 24 miles from Placentia. It con- French Canadian), about 400. tains 1 Roman Catholic church, and 1 store. DAIRY VALLEi, a post office in the T'p. of 70. Pop. St. George de Clarenceville, Mi&sisquoi co.. Province of CUT BANK, a post office in the Que., 1% miles from Clarenceville on the Que- C.P.R. Alberta, 5 miles from Leavings on the bec, Montreal and Southern Ry. south of (Calgary & Maoleod div.), 94 miles DALE, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on Calgary. the North River, 8 miles from Cherryfleld CUTHBERT, a DOSt settlement m Lambton (Lunenburg), a station on the Halifax and CO., Ont., near Eddy's Mills, a station on the South Western Ry, There is a pretty lake in Petrolea branch of the M.C.R. the vicinity, called Spectacle Lake. Dale has CUTIATENDI LAKE, in the mountains of 2 churches (Roman Catholic and Episcopal), co.. Que., is the source Fossembault, in Portneuf 2 stores, and 1 lumber mill. Pop. 55. * of the Riviere aux Pins. DALE, a post settlement in Durham co., Ont., CUT KNIFE, a post office in the Prov. of 21/^ miles from Port Hope, on the G.T.R. Pop. Saskatchewan. The place is identified with about 50. the fight at Cut Knife Hill with Poundmaker's DALESBORO, a post settlement in the dis- Indian band during the Riel rebellion of 1885. trict of Assiniboia East. Sask.. 13 miles from The nearest station (about 30 miles dist.) is Alameda, on the Lariviere section of the C.P.R. North Battleford, on the Can. Northern RR. DALESVILLE, a post village in Argenteuil (Edmonton div.), 47 miles north-west of Hum- CO., Que., 5 miles from Staynerville, on C.P. boldt. R., and 45 miles from Montreal. It contains 1 CUTLER, a post village and port on the Baptist church, grist and saw mills, 1 cheese North Channel of Lake Huron, in the Algoma factory and 1 general store. dist. 01 Ontario, and a station on the C.P.R., DALESVILLE, a hamlet in Simcoe co., Ont., 18 miles east of Algoma. It summer, there is 6 miles from Tottenham, on the G.T.R. daily communication by steamer from Cutler DALHOUSIE, the name of a lake in Pictou to Manitowaning, Little Current, and Spanish CO., N.S., on the John River. village is the Kenabutch Mills. Adjoining the DALHOUSIE, the chief town of the co. of church and Indian Indian Reservation, with a Restigouche, N.B., is situated on the right 2 churches (Roman school. The village has bank of the Restigouche River, at its entrance mill, Catholic and Anglican), 1 store, 1 saw into the Bay of Chaleurs, 268 miles north of offices. Pop. 400. and express and telegraph St. John, and 126 miles southeast of St. Flavie, in Queens co.. P.E.I. CYMBRIA, a oost office on the St. Lawrence. In front of the town is P.E. Island near Plunter River station on the a well-sheltered, crescent-shaped cove, with RR., 19 miles from Charlottetown. good holding ground for ships in 9 to 15 fa- Province CYPRESS, a post settlement in the thoms water. Fine wharves and excellent of Saskatchewan, on Spruce Greek, 13 mil^ timber ponds have been constructed here, from Maple Creek, a station on the C.P.R., 64 affording every convenience for loading the miles east of Medicine Hat. Pop., about 100. largest ships. The Restigouche and its CYPRESS, a settlement in Algoma dist., Ont., branches drain at least 4,000 square miles ol with a station on the C.P.R. called Gurney, fertile country, abounding in timber and other 89 miles from Port Arthur. valuable resources, the whole of which must CYPRESS RIVER, a post office in Macdonald find its way to the sea by the port of Dal- in CO., Man., and a station on the Souris section housie. A large trade is done in Dalhousie , 420 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. fresh salmon—exported in ice—and lobsters. (Roman Catholic and Methodist), and 1 store. A branch of the I.C.R. runs into the town. Pop., about 250. Sawn lumber from Metapedia district is ship- DALMENY, a post settlement in Russell co., ped at wharves. It has. besides churches, Ont., 6 miles from Osgoods Station, on the Ot- stores, schools and public institutions, 3 shingle tawa & Prescott branch of the C.P.R. Mail mills, a bank agency nnd 1 large lumber fac- once a day. It contains 1 store and 1 cheese tory Pop., about 1,000. factory. DALHOUSIE, a station on tho Halifax and DALMENY, a station on the Can. Northern South Western Ry. in Annapolis co., N.S., 51 RR., in Saskatchewan dist., Sask., 74 miles miles from Lunenburg. 22 miles from Middle- west of Humboldt, and 73 miles east of North ton. The post office is called Stoddarts, which Battlelord. see for description. DALNY. a station in Brandon co., Man., on DALHOUSIE EAST, a post village in Kings the Lyleton section of the C.P.R., 22 miles River, 7 miles from from Deloraine, and 15 miles from Lyleton. CO , N.S.. on the Lahave Cherryfield, on the Halifax and South-Western DALRfMPLE, a post office in Victoria co., Ont., Ry. It contains 3 churches (Roman Catholic. on Mud Lake. 9 miles from Brechin on the Midland div. of Episcopal and Baptist), 2 stores. 2 hotels, and the G.T.R. It contains 1 church, mills. Pon. 330. 1 store, and 1 pump factory. Dalrym- 2 saw ^ ^ DALHOUSIE JUNCTION, a post settlement in ple is becoming quite a summer resort; good Restlgouche fishing to be had from Restigouche co., N.B., on the adjacent lake. Pop.-^ miles 80. River, and a station on the I.C.R. , 7 from Dalhousle, and 9 miles east of Campbell- DALRYMPLE. Assinibola West. Sask. See ton. It contains 1 Presbyterian church. 1 Cupar. store, 1 hotel, and 2 shingle mills. Pop., about DALSTON, a post village in Simcoe co.. Ont., miiles 125 8 from Barrift on G T.R. It contains 2 In DALHOUSIE LAKE, a post settlement cOiurches (Methodist and Congregational), and 1 River, 7 Lanark co., Ont., on the Mississippi stare. Pop. 150. the Kings- miles from Snow Road Station, on DALTON, a settlement in Algoma dist., north- Shar- ton & Pembroke RR., 15 miles north of west Ontario, and a station on the good main line of bot Lake. It has 2 saw and grist mills, the C.P.R., 46 miles west of Chapleau. between telephone water-power In the vicinity, and 1 Lakes Windermere and Missinaibi. Pop. 12. DALY, a lake office. J. X i 4. r\„4.
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