![The Scottish Temperance League](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Copyright © Anguline Research Archives, All Rights Reserved. These images are supplied for information and personal research only. No reproduction may be made for publication without prior permission of the copyright owner. The Largest and Most Oommodims. General Drapery and Furnishing Warehome in Edinburgh, CARPETS) DAMASKS, CHINTZES, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, BLANKETS, SHEETS, QUILTS. "< LINENS, CALI0OM8, FLANNELS, J WINCEYS, FANCY DRESSES, TARf ANS, SILKS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, BONNETS, MILLINERY, RIBBONS, FIiOWERS, LAGE, AND SEWED GOODS, • BOBBERY, GL07MS, SMALL WAE ES, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, «fcC. 4P a mi I it iE onvit i« ßs. KLAREN, SON & CO., 82% f 31, 338} 323, 325, 327 HIGH STREIT, BSI8BUK6S. All' Qwds-9ftW%ed in Plain Figures, the Lowest Beady Money Prices. STAMP AK» OTHER DUTIES—ASSESSED TAXES. ... .21 STAMP AND O THER DUTIES.; { AÖKEKHKNT, When of this value of £5 Drawn out of, and payablo out of or upwards, and without a clause of "the United Kingdom, but nego­ registration: £ s. d. tiated. In » the, United. Kingdom,*;^.- 1 If not more than 2100 words 0 0 6 the same duty as on Foreign And every 1080,words ädditlonal.O 0 C Bills drawn in, and payable out: APPEENTIOES" INDBNTUIIES, 0 2, 6 of the United Kingdom. INLAND Bins AND PBOHISSORT NOTES. BILX. OF EXCHANGE (Foreign) for When sum not exceeding £% .. 0 0 1 the Payment of Money exceed- Above £5, and not above £10, 0 0 2 j, „ ...ttVit,.- ,,- -.••J,!-,-• 10, — - 25, OA,' 10 square chains make lacrcj 86Bqttore yards oJ stone, briek, or • slate work; aro SfioDays j/LeapXeaS termed j» rood; and 100 £quaro feet x>t In 400 years, 87 ore leap years, attd 803 flooring a squaror • commofl. •MEASURES WtJA^iblÄ;:''' 1. General Measures'of Sal&w. 1728 cubic inches ** 1 cubic ftöt' ' MEASURES OP LENGTH*; > 27cubiofeot •• 1 cubic yard ß cubic feot b. lUarrolbulfc I ,12 inches" = "lfoot" ' .' , ; ; $mt •• - lyaw .. 2. Meaiurefpr MquvMfAe. s| yards** = lpolo „ S oz. avpir, water .,1 gill 4 gills • «Lpiut- . • 40'poles-- = 1 furlong y, ; & furlongs = 1 mile or, 1760 yatds 2 pints; jjFquart 4 quarts I 1 gallon Special Measurescflmgth.- 2 gallon' 1 peck , Hand -> 4 iflBh.es $ • fathbrtl m 6 feet* 4 pedes' 1 bushel C9-121 miles i— lgeographicalilegreB; 100 <8 bushels 1 quarter \links = 1 chain, or 66 feot* 10 quarters Hast» • ' ':„ "M:EABV&E8 OP WEIGItT '' 1. AVOHlDutoiSVElOHf. -2. laöirisf&iovty. ':•">,) '• 27*344 troy grains =?. 1 drairk.' .24grains .** Ipanny^ght ' lö drams 1 ounce 20 permy weights 1, ounce'' /• ".. 16 ounces" Ö lptfund 12 ounces- cJi ittv 1 pound ' !>1. > - 14 pounds' ;<*» 1 stone Used for-weighing gold, silver, &ei » 2 stones «i 1 quarter r AposESoAiftBSvWBi(3«T.«j-20 troy grain* 4 quarters 1 hundwt. • *» l^scftiplq;' 1 spraplcs *» 1 jdriiWi 8 20tuaiäwt.! 1 tea drams = 1 ouncs.-+-TMs weight is used in Used generally in «ommorco. medical prescriptions only. ,Y ? t,. * B&SöiAij brvTsiosS1 op; AVOXEDÜFOIS WEIGHS •x Äa? emä Sfrab Weight. ' 2 stone3 «* 1 tod 86 lbs", straw i 1 truss : 1 Btone Jl'TJöuhdi 0J tods ; k* l-woy OOuiiew h&f I 1 bushel > 6C pounds 2 weys , « laacfc , (till lstSepit) *r> 1 truss IDott Itt^punds 12 sacks Host -6C,.oldhay *• 1 truss" liaclt — 86 trasses. , .1 load ••""M3BT&I0 <t>» *BB*ron);SYSTBM. *; (SamcUonod in 1864 by 27 »nd,28 Y; 0.117.) 138-571 inches; lcUometro o$ 1000 mötres = 1033J" •'w/~ 27w Largest and Most Commodious „. General Drapepit andJfw^ohing Warehouse m Edinburgh, .above 1000, then for every , :\ i ,60barrell, .. ..... 0 15 0 Brewers using Sugar,'.. 1 0 0 30 " 40, .. 8 16 40 " SO, 918 Brewers for sale by retail, not 60 or upwards, ., .. 11 0 to be consumed on the pre­ Retailers of Spirits and Beer, mises, .. .. .. ..' 6 10 8 whose • premises are rated Sellers of Beer not being under £10 per annum (Scot­ Brewers, .. .. 3 6 If land), , 4 4 Do., to Retail Beer not to be At £10 and under £20, 5 5 consumed on the premises 20 " 25, (additional), .110 9 9 25 " , 80, 10 10 Beer Retailers (publicans), 30 " <i0, 11 11 whose premises jM^ated 40 " SO, 12 12 under £20 per anrrH|^Äg- 60 or upwards, .. ., 18 18 land and Ireland only j|P.. 12 0} Retailers of Spirits in Ireland, At £20 or upwards, .. 8 0 If being duly licensed to sell Beer Retailers (publicanB) who Coffee, Tea, &&, whose pre­ do not sell Spirits, .. .. 8 0 If mises are rated under £25 Retailers of Beer, Cider, and per annum, ., .. 9 18 Perry, under 4 and 5 Wm. At £25 ana under £30, 11 0 6 IV, eV 85, to be drunk on 80 " 40, ei the premises, (England), .. 8r 8 If 40 " 60, 7 71 Not to be drunk on the pre­ 60 or upwards, .. f ... mises, .. 12 Qfc -Publican's, Occasional—<fo« a Retailers of Older and Perry,*. 1 2 period not above six days}.' Rotailers of Table Beer, 0 5 'S l each day, 2a 6d j if for more Retailers of Beer, Cider, or than six days, 2s 6d per day Perry, whoso premises are for the first four, and from rated under £10 per annum four to six days, eacJi day 10s. (Scotland), ...... .. 2 10 Tobacco and Snuif Manufactu­ rers of not above 20,000 lbs., At £10 per ann, or upwards,.. 4.4 O Dealers in Tobacco and Snuff, Dealers in CoSeo, Tea, Cocoa, Wine, Dealers in Foreign Wine, Chocolate, or Pepper, 011 6J- not having I Licences to Re­ Maltstors making " ~ > . • - tail Spirits and Beer, 10 10 0 not above 60 quarters, ,.07 10$ Wine,Dealersin Foreign Wine, « 100 " ., 0 15 0 '•navlng a Licence to Retail " 1B0 " ..IS BgöBfbuc not for Retailing •« 200 " .i 1 11 Malt Roasters, .. ... .. 20 0 Spirits," 4 8 2J Dealers in Roasted Malt, .. 10 0 "having Licences to Rotail Spirits, Distillers, .. .. 10 10 Beer and Spirits," .. .. 2 4 1 Do., Rectifiers, .. .. 10 10 Grocers having the Justices' Do., Dealers, not retailors, .. 10 10 CertiuoatG to retail Wine nob Do.» Do., to Retail Foreign to bo drunk or consumed on Liqueurs, 2 2 0 the promisos— in Scotland, 10 10 0 Dealers to Retail Spirits not less than a Quart Bottlo " having the Justices Cortlfl. (England), '.. „ 8SO cato to Retail Beort hut not Makers of Methylated Spirits, 10 10 0, spirits," „ ,, ... 4 8 Rotallors of Methylatod Spirits, 0 10 0 Makers of Stills (Scotland and To Retail Spirits only, 2 4 Ireland), .. „ 0 10 6 To Retail Beor and Spirits, .. 2 4 1 STAMP AND OTHER DUTIES—ASSESSED TAXES. 21 SJAMP AND OTHER DUTIES. AQHEBMEST, when of the value of £5 Drawn out of, and payable out of or upwards, and without a clause of "the United Kingdom, but nego­ registration: , £ s. <L tiated in the, United. Kingdom,* If not more than 2100 words Ö 0 6 ttio same duty as on Foreign And every lOSOiWordaadditlonal^O 0 0 Bills drawn iii, and payable out! APF-BBNTIOES' INDSNTURES, .. 0 2, 6 of the United Kingdom. 1 . - ISLAND BILLS AND PBOMISSOBY KOTES BILL or EXCHANGE (Foreign) for When sum not exceeding £">, the Payment Of Money exceed­ ing £50p drawn , out«, of, > the 10, 25, t 1 United Kingdom, and .payable 25, 80, or endorsed or negotiated with­ 50, _ " 75. in tlie United Kingdom. 5. d 75 — 100, For every £100, or part thereof, 1 0 100, — 200, BILLS OF LADING, .. .. .. 0 6 200, ,— 300, 800, BONDS AN» MORTGAGES, -. 400, Not exceeding £50, .. 1 3 400, —. 600, 2 6 «00, 750, 0 7 Above £50, and not above £100, 100, — 150, 8 9 750, —. 1000, 0 10 5 0 1000, — 1500, 0 16 150,' — 200, 1500, _ 2000, 1 0 201), — • 250, 250, — 300, £1000, or part dr£i0Q0, .. 0 10 0 And for every Jnrther £100, PoiiEiQS BILLS drawn In, but pay­ OnAifoBB paojjjjpon. able oat of the United Kingdom, CHABTKB PAI^^^^ If drawn singly, or otherwise " CONVEYAKOES, tlmn in a Set of 3 or more, the Where consider, not exceed £25, 2s. Cd same duty us Inland Bills. Exc. Kot Exc Duty, Exc. Kot Exc. Duty. If drawn in Sets of 3 or more, £ £ £ s, d. £ £ £ s. d. for every Bill of each Set, 25 50 0 5 250 275 1 7 Kot above .. .. £25, 0 0 1 50 75 0 7 275 800 I 10 Above £25; and not above 50, 0 0 2 75 100 0 10 300 850 1 15 50. 75, 0 0 3 100 125 0 12 350 400 2 0 75, 100, 0 0 4 125 150 0 15 400 450 2 5 100, 200, 0 0 8 150 175 0 17 450 500 2 10 200, 300, 0 1 0 175 200 1 0 500 550 2 15 300. 400, 0 I 4 200 225 1 2 650 600 8 0 400, 500, 0 1 8 225 250 1 6 600, 750, 0 2 6 And for every £100 above £600, and 750, 1000, 0 3 4 every fractional part of £100,10a. 1000, 15'0, 0. 5 0 CoprRTOPT OP DssiGSre, Certificate of,^5 1500, 2000, 0 6 8 DEBENTURE FOB DRAWBACK, S. rf. 2000, for every £1000, or When sum not exceeding £10, 1 0 part of £1000, thereby made Above £10, and under - 60, 2 6 payable, .. 0 3 4 — - 50, .. ..5 0 Drawn out of, but payable in DRAFT OF ORDER for the Payment the United Kingdom, thesnmo of any Sum of Money to Bearer duty as Inland Bills, on Demand, -.. .. ,, 0 1 ASSESSED TAXES. INHABITED HOUSE DUTY (GBKAT BRITAIN)— For every inhabited house which, with the Offices, Yard, and Garden therewith, is rented at £20 a year and upwards-, if used for the purposes of Trade, and Goods or Wares are exposed in the Shop or Warehouse for Salts, a d.
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