owLOO-owLOOxOWLOO-OWLOOKQWLOO-QWLOOK xTheTheKThe Conference Without A Contender I I By PAULPAQL BURKABURKA- They fumlfumbledd on their own 34 but SMU asas- We devoted virtually allali of last SaturdaySat1lrday toto- usual could gain onlyony ttenn yardsyards- scurrying arourdaround the country in search of a concon- ¬ I UNFORTUNATELY tender for the Southwest Conference footballfootball- UNFORTUNATELY RICE GAVE the MustangsMustangs- championship Our travelstra ls tooltook usu first to RiceRice- the ball on the OwlO l tenten- from e opening kfck TexasTexas- Stadium thencthence to College Station and when itit- It seemedse med that from tthe kickoffff was allaUalj over we began tto have qualms about thethe- was saying If we cant be Number One we dontdont- fater te of the Southwest ConferencesCo ferences Cotton BowlBow- want anything And then SMU would countercounter- everypne we to- representativelrepresentativerepresentative- with Well everyone knows we dontdO t deservdeserve to In a nutshell it ookslooks bleakbleak- win Sometime during the second quarterpukequarter Duke CarCaCar-Ca- ¬ NEVER HAVEI1A VE WE SEEN a championship moremore- lisllisle took a punt on the four yardyar line retreatedretreated- carefully Weye- avoided bywby wouldbeuldbe contenders WeveWeyeWeve- into the endenc zone to give SMlfaSMUaS111Ua fair chanceandchanceand-chance andand- now watched sixix of the eight teams in the SWCSWC- when Ponies disdaineddis Iained potential safetysafety- Ihattle the the battle futilely and allaU we learned is that SMUSMU-MUMU- Carlisle taught them a lessonesson and anran 50 yardsyards- is i better than RicRice which is equal to Texas whichwhich- That set up the only touchdowntou hdown ofo the gamegame- is much better than SMU onlytonly it isntisnt- Later ffacinging both fourth down and three fromfrom- the 37 andnd possibilityposslbility theythey-ee- VsuallyUsually byy midNovember everyeyery conferenceconfer nce hashhas-ss- the Texas the horrible thatthatt might punted minmin- ¬ a team in the socalled drivers seat Not slsosp> thethe- might actually win SMU with Seven SWCwhichSWC which is filledfiUed with back seat driversdrivers- tesdtetutestes left It was their last chancechance- TCUTCD and BaYloBaylor tried a differentdifferentapproachapptoaapproachh InIIn-I- ¬ All thithis helps to explain why Rice winless enen- ¬ stead of no offense they tried no defnsedefense andand- tering NovemberNov mber is tmstill very much alive and inin- BaylorBaylor wonitwon it had lessless- could climb seat- 26- fact reluctantly into the y front seat TIIEFINTHETIIE FINALL SCORE VASWAS TCU 28 BaylorBay or 26 Saturday If Rice defeats Arkansas and continuescontinues- and TCllTCU came from behind in thefourththe fourth quarterquarte-quarter- this startling new trend and if Texas loses oneone- I rIioto winw1n Then rearealizingzlng what they had done theythey- againstagainsLBaylorTCUBaylorf3aylor TCU ortheor he Aggies the Owls getget- immediately let Baylor return to its familiar fieldfield- to see Dallas on New YearsYear Day afterafterallafterall-allall- positionposit on deep in TCU territory but even inirl thethe- We say this with tongueincheektongue inch ek however TheThe- SWC there is some distinction between good andand- Owls would be the worst major bowl team in hishis- ¬ badbad or bad and worse and the Frogs hheldheld-ldld- tory insofarinsof r as their record would be concernedconcerned- In a year when it seems noo one is good enoughenough- with only a532a 532632 markmark- to win the Conference only Baylor Texas TechTech- TIlETHE mOBIG PROBLElIPROBLEMPROBLE31 IS beating Arkansas AlAIAl-AI- ¬ and Texas AM are Outut of the running All theththe-th- though the Hogs tried to escape the nevitableinevitable lastlast- others are tottering on the brinkbrink- Saturday night they nevertheless stumbled pastpas- Who will win or more Pfoprlyproperly who wont losloselose- 11- AMtAM 17717 7 VeWe were hardlhardly impressed with thisthis- rIlETHErIlE BIG WINNER WILL BEtheBE the visiting teamteam- ArkansaiArkansas team mmainlyinly becauseb cause they failed toto- in the Cotton Bowl but otherwise the situationsituationissituationisc-isis- make the big playplayiplayi-play- loudycloudy Texas is living on borrowed tmetheirtimetheirtmetheirg-timetimetheirg-theirtheir- BUT TIIERETHERE WAS NO DOUBT that the teamteam- oodgood fortune cantcan t last foreverandforever and they sufferedsuffered- we in saw College Station couldntcould t have been thethe- a key loss when Ernie Koy went outforout for the seasea- ¬ team that murderedmurd red TCUTCY 4214 Perhaps ArkansasArkansas- son sonIf realized they wereere getting dangerously close toto- If Texasrexas ffallsfails1 s then the winner of the RiceRice- = winning the SWC especially after Texas miserablemiserable- Arkansas game goes to the Cotton Bowl Unless-unlessunless- perfperformancermance Saturday afternoon in Austin andnd aa- Rice wins in which case the winner of the IliceRiceIlice-Rice- trip to Dallas seemedseem d an awful realityreality-reamyreamy- TCU game goes to the ottoricottonCotton BowlunlessBowlunless-Bowl unlessunless- However the Hogs rereckonedkoned without the A-AgAg- ¬ It begisbegins tolookto look as though everybody may bebe- gies4TrygiesTryggiesTry as they did in the first quarter thethe- mathematically eliminated by Thanksgiving PorkersPprkers could only fallfaU behind 70 and then FrankFrank- 1 BroBroyleslcs perhaps learning thatthatDallaswasnt1151illitllv7as7nltlel1151illitllv7as7nltle-Jj l1 sfW s tinltinlf-iriiri- estedfestedlfested with the Plague after allalI marshalledmarshalIed hishis- forces for the remaining forty minutesminutes- On the other sideofside of the line of scrimmage wewe- watched a typical Aggie team The Aggies alwaysalways- die hard but they always diedie- If Arkansas was doing little to distinguish itit-¬ self Rice was hardly rwhelmingoverwhelmingoV Texas TechTech- While we never seriously considered that TechTech- might win there VasWas always the galling possipossi- ¬ bility of a 00 tie And Rices offensive might waswas- quite absent Saturday but since the Owls 7erewerewere-7ere- doubtless lookingJooking back to Texas and ahead toto- Arkansas this is excusableexcusable- IT MIGHT BE POINTED OUT that a tie SatSat- ¬ urday wont do In order to remain alive in thethe- SWC the OwlsOWllOwig must finally win one And judging by theth Tech performance even a tie could be diffidUfidiffi-dUfi- ¬ cult unless Arkansas starts worrying about going to the Cotton Bowl againagain- While AM ArkansasArkansls and niceRice fought toto- avoid becoming recognized contenders SMU andand- Texas tried to keep the other one unbeaten in concon-¬ ference play Texas kept givinggiying SMUS11U the ball andand- SMU in a charitable wedontwantiteitherwedontwantitelther help ¬ lessness gave It right backback- Texas also tried thetimetestedthe timetested Rice methodmethod- of givinggivink the Ponies the ball in enemy territory.
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