Available__ .,,, online at www.sciencedirect.com Journalof ·.;• ScienceDirect l, ETHNO- PHARMACOLOGY ELSEVIER Journal of Ethnophannacology 111 (2007) 341-364 www.elsevicr.com/locatc/jethpharm (/)o CQ Medicinal plants used in Province (Turkey) a o !dC"-1 i Kültür* a V University of lstanbul, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, 34116 lstanbul, Turkey ;> Received 22 December 2005; received in revised form 17 November 2006; accepted 28 November 2006 V Available online 12 December 2006 o.. o o :::, z z ... "' • z ..E Abstract . ·e-e - In this paper, 126 traditional medicinal plants from Province in Turkey havc been reported. üne hundred and twenty =2x pi ant SPeci~ - belonging to 54 families and among them l 00 species were wild and 26 species were cultivated plants. Most used families were Rosaceae, Labiatae, Compositae and the most used plants were coggyria, Sambucus ebulus, Achillea millefolium subsp. pannonica, Hypericum Matricaria chamomilla var. Melissa officinalis subsp. officinalis, Juglans regia, Thymus longicaulis subsp. longicaulis var. subisophyllus, Malva dioica, Rosa canina, Ecballium Artemisia Viscum album subsp. album, Papaver rhoeas, Helleborus Cydonia oblonga, Prunus spinosa subsp. dasyphylla, Rubus discolor, Sorbus A total of 143 medicinal uses were obtained. The traditional medicinal plants have been mostly used for the treatment of wounds (25.3 %), cold and influenza (24.6%), stomach (20%), cough (19%), kidney ailments (18.2%), diabetes (13.4%). © 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Ali rights reserved. Keywords: Medicinal Turkey 1. Introduction Byfield, 2000). it represents two different type climates with annual rainfall 570 mm and 13 °C. Likewise, the vegetation of For a Iong time plants have played very important role for the area comprises of Quercus, Carpinus, Fagus forests and a human life. Nowadays, the use of plants as a way of treatment special forest community of Alnus, Salix, Fraxinus and Ulmus is stili very important for human beings. Traditional medicinal named "Longoz". The majority of the population consists of plants also play an important role in Turkey (Baytop, 1999). immigrants from the Balkans (Karaçam, 1995; 2000). Many studies have been published in recent years (Sezik et al., The research area is the North part of the Province 1991, 1992, 1997, 2001; Yesilada et al., 1993, 1999; Tabata et (Map). An ethnobotanical research concerning does al., 1994; Fujita et al., 1995; Honda et al., 1996; 2000; not exist and Al 2004). However, a master the- Simsek et al., 2004). sis on the medicinal plants of the southern part of Province is located (41 ° 13'34"-42°05'03" N, (Babaeski district) is carried out and Alparslan, in 26°54'14"-28°06'15" E) in the European part of Turkey at an press). But our research does not include Babaeski district as aiti tude 203 m above sea !eve! and covers an area of 6650 km2. on investigation area. The aim of this study is to collect infor- The European Turkey (Turkish Thrace) covers, 23 500 km 2 and mation about the traditional medicine of this region before it is has apj:>roximately 2500 vascular plant species (Özhatay and completely lost. • Tel.: +90 212 4400000/13580; fax: +90 212 4400275. E-mail addresses: s_ku [email protected], 0378-8741/$- see © 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Ali rights reserved. doi: I0.1016/j.jep.2006.11.035 342 Kültür I Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111 (2007) 341-364 Map 1. The of province 2. Materials and methods information of secondary nature. The information was checked The information, including the various data such as loca! with other areas, neighbouring villages, to verify the accuracy. names, ai!ments and diseases treated, therapeutic effects, parts of Along with the collection of the plants from the fields either the plants used, methods of preparation, methods of administration, informants guided us to or informants brought the dried speci- doses, duration ofthe treatment were obtained from loca! people mens stored in their houses. lnformants were asked how, when, through individual interviews. Interviews were done with peas- in which cases, both the harmful and useful effects of the used ants, shepards, elderly people of the village, experienced adults plants in detailed questions. and patients in various places such as tea houses, at their own Ali settlements (123, including 118 villages) were visited in houses and in the fields between the period 2001-2004. Most of different seasons of the year. Districts and villages are listed the informants were more than 60 years old and informants were below, with the reference number, shown on the Map. These also asked for the source oftheir knowlegde in order to eliminate numbers are indicated in tables in the paranthesis. Kültür/ Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111 (2007) 341-364 343 Reference number District Villages Kofçaz Ahmetler, Beyci, Karaabalar, Kocatarla, Kula, Malkoçlar, Tastepe, Terzidere, Topçular and 2 Demirköy Armutveren, Balaban, Gökyaka, Hamdibey, Sarpdere, Sivriler, Limanköy, Sislioba and 3 (Centre) Ahmetçe, Bayramdere, Demircihalil, Eriklice, Karakoç, Kavakdere, Kuzulu, Dereköy, Düzorman, Karadere, Koruköy, Arizbaba, Dokuzhöyük, Dolhan, Ulukonak, Ürünlü, Üsküp, Üsküpdere, Yündalan, Erikler, Karahamza and 4 Akören, Cevizköy, Erenler, Evciler, Kaynarca, Kurudere, Sütlüce, and Yenice 5 Vize Çövenli, Develi, Düzova, Evrenli, Kömürköy, Küçükyayla, Müsellim, Okçular, Topçuköy, Aksicim, Balkaya, Hamidiye, Sergen, Evrencik, Sofular and The recorded species were collected by author and taxo- prepare the remedies. Decoction and infusion are the methods nomically identified according to 'Flora of Turkey and the East mostly used for the preparation of the remedies. Aegean Islands' (Davis 1965-1985; Davis et al., 1988; Güner et Some of the plants are used only in veterinary medicine al., 2000) and compared to the specimens kept in the Herbarium (Avena sativa, Aesculus hippocastanum, Helleborus orientalis, ofFaculty of Pharmacy, University oflstanbul (ISTE). Voucher Ruscus hypoglossum, Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa); some of herbarium specimens were prepared and deposited in the ISTE them are used in both veterinary and human medicine (Cotinus Herbarium. The some material of plant parts which are not con- coggyria, Sambucus ebulus, Zea mays, Juglans regia, Chelido- venient for herbarium are kept in the bottles with the number of nium majus, Ulmus minor subsp. canescens, Allium sativum). collector SK Kültür). Among the recorded species, Cotinus coggyria, Sambucus ebulus, Sambucus nigra, Achillea millefolium subsp. pan- 3. Results and discussion nonica, Hypericum perforatum, Matricaria chamomilla var. recutita, Melissa officinalis subsp. officinalis, Juglans regia, The plants used for medicinal purposes in are pre- Thymus longicaulis subsp. longicaulis var. subisophyllus, Malva sented in Tables l and 2 arranged in alphabetical order of their sylvestris, Urtica dioica, Plantago lanceolata, Plantago major family and botanical names, with the relevant information. Dur- subsp. major, Rosa canina, Ecballium elaterium, Artemisia ing the study, 498 specimens were collected in the research area. absinthium, Viscum album subsp. album, Papaver rhoeas, Helle- According to the results of the iden ti fication , 126 taxa are being borus orientalis, Cydonia oblonga, Prunus spinosa subsp. used for medicinal purposes in Among them 100 taxa dasyphylla, Rubus discolor, Sorbus domestica are the most pop- are wild and 26 taxa are cultivated plants. Only an endemic ular plants used in the treatment of many ailments. For example, species Centaurea hermanii F. Hermann, was collected in Vize Hypericum perforatum (30 different usages), Urtica dioica (26 area and the plant's localization was increased. But no vernacular different usages), Cotinus coggyria (24 different usages), Achil- name 0r usage of this plant was established from loca! peo- lea millefolium subsp. pannonica (23 different usages), Malva ple. As a result of this study, 143 medicinal uses belonging to sylvestris (19 different usages). Generally these plants are com- 126 taxa have been recorded. The traditional medicinal plants monly distributed in the area. in spite of narrow distribution havc been mostly used for the treatment of wounds (25.3% ), of Cotinus coggyria in the research area, a common usage is co ld and influenza (24.6%), stomach (20%), cough (19%), kid- observed. ney ailments (18 .2%), diabetes (13.4%). Most used families in a number of cases, several species ofa genus are known were Rosaceae with 22 species, followed by Labiatae with 13 under the same vemacular name. For instance: Sambucus ebulus species and Compositae with 12 species. Of 266 vernacular and Sambucus nigra (mülver); Rubus hirtus and Rubus discolor names, 117 are mentioned here for the first time. Other vernac- and Rubus canescens var. canescens (karamuk), Plantago lance- ular names such as Papatya, olata and Plantago major subsp. major and Plantago major Ademotu, Kabalak, otu ete., are known in published subsp. intermedia (sinirliot, sinirotu, damarotu, Ori- literature (Baytop, 1994), but here the names signify other plant ganum vulgare subsp. hirtum and Origanum vulgare subsp. species. vulgare (kekikotu, kekli kotu); Sideritis scardica subsp. scardica Loca! people used different part of the plant species to pre- and Sideritis montana subsp. montana (tilki Rumex pare ethnomedicine. The most frequently used parts were aerial crispus and Rumex dentatus subsp. halacsyi (yabani labada); parts, leaves, fruits, seeds, flowers, but roots and bulbs were
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