Historic Preservation Review and Compliance 4/9/21 Project Number Project Name Date Created Statutes Agency Ahupuaas Mokus Mokupunis Tax Map Keys SUP for Innovations Public County of Hawaii, 2012PR00715 Charter School 3/13/3012 HRS 6E-42 Planning Department (3) 7 - 5 - 010 : 001 AIS for Innovations Public County of Hawaii, 2012PR00716 Charter School 3/13/3012 HRS 6E-42 Planning Department (3) 7 - 5 - 010 : 001 US Marine Corps, MCBH Construct Mission Support Marine Corps Base 2012PR01995 Facility (Aviation Trainer) 7/11/2102 NHPA Section 106 Hawaii Kāneʻohe Koʻolaupoko Moku O Loʻe (1) 4 - 4 - 008 : 001 Kuboyama House 281 Prison Street request if letter issued 2012PR02593 accepting mitigation documents 8/30/3012 HRS 6E-42 (2) 4 - 6 - 011 : 023 Draft EA, Airfield, Terminal & Facility Improvements Kona 2012PR02612 Inter.Airport at Keahole 8/30/3012 HRS 343 (3) 7 - 3 - 043 : 001 Letter of Determination for Inadvertent at Limahuli 2012PR02928 (Sept.9,2012) 10/11/2102 HRS 6E-43 Hāʻena Kohala Hawaiʻi County of Hawaii Grading Permit For Waikea Track and Field County of Hawaii, 2012PR03705 Facilities 11/1/2712 HRS 6E-8 Planning Department Waiākea Hilo Hawaiʻi 324001015por Draft Burial Treatment Plan for State of Hawaii, SIHP # 50-80-15-8832 Waikiki, DLNR, State Historic 2020PR32237 Honolulu, Oahu 6/27/2020 HRS 6E-43 Preservation Division Waikīkī Kona Oʻahu (1) 3 - 6 - 023 : 006 Draft Burial Treatment Plan for All Human Burials Encountered in the Kawaiahao Church Multi Purpose Building Renovation State of Hawaii, Project Archaeological Inventory DLNR, State Historic 2020PR32238 Survey, Honolulu, Kona, Ooahu 5/29/2020 HRS 6E-43 Preservation Division Honolulu Puna Hawaiʻi (1) 2 - 1 - 032 : 017 Historic Preservation Review and Compliance 4/9/21 Project Number Project Name Date Created Statutes Agency Ahupuaas Mokus Mokupunis Tax Map Keys Draft Burial Site Component of an Archaeological Data Recovery State of Hawaii, Plan for SIHP # 50-30-08-2398 at DLNR, State Historic 2020PR32701 Waipouli, Puna, Kauai 4/29/2020 HRS 6E-43 Preservation Division Waipouli Puna Kauaʻi (4) 4 - 3 - 007 : 028 Draft Burial Site Component of a Preservation Plan for SIHP 50-30- State of Hawaii, 08-2399 at Waipouli Ahupuaa, DLNR, State Historic 2020PR32702 Puna District, Kauai 4/29/2020 HRS 6E-43 Preservation Division Waipouli Puna Kauaʻi (4) 4 - 3 - 007 : 028 Cultural Descendant Recognition of Jennifer Noelani Ahia to Unidentified Human Skeletal Remains, TS 1-10 at the Waiko State of Hawaii, Light Industrial Project, ahupua DLNR, State Historic 2020PR32703 of Waikapu, Wailuku, Maui 5/20/2020 HRS 6E-43 Preservation Division Waikapū Pūʻali Komohana Maui (2) 3 - 8 - 007 : 102 Department's Recommendation whether to reccognize Azizi Kuulei Kaiama to identified human skeletal remains at 1341 State of Hawaii, and 1437 Kanaio Kalama Park DLNR, State Historic 2020PR32704 Road, Mohopilo, Honuaula, Maui 6/15/2020 HRS 6E-43 Preservation Division Mohopilo Honuaʻula Maui 221005092and094 B T2012-0527 for adding carport, County of Maui, 175 Keanuhea Place, Wailuku, Department of 2020PR32913 Maui 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-42 Public Works Wailuku Pūʻali Komohana Maui (2) 2 - 2 - 032 : 011 County of Hawaii Grading Permit for The Lofts at Waikoloa for Waikoloa Plaza LLC, South County of Hawaii, 2020PR32914 Kohala, Hawaii 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-42 Planning Department (3) 6 - 8 - 003 : 016 Historic Preservation Review and Compliance 4/9/21 Project Number Project Name Date Created Statutes Agency Ahupuaas Mokus Mokupunis Tax Map Keys First Letter for University of Hawaii at Manoa Parking Structure Phase 1 and II Structural and Miscellaneous Repairs, Guardrail Repairs, 2444 University of Hawaii, 2020PR32915 Dole Street, Honolulu, Oahu 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-8 Manoa Honolulu Puna Hawaiʻi (1) 2 - 8 - 029 : 001 Second Letter: University of Hawaii at Manoa Parking Stucture, the project consists of repairing and restoring the existing pedestrian guardrails. University of Hawaii, 2020PR32916 Honolulu, Oahu 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-8 Manoa Honolulu Puna Hawaiʻi (1) 2 - 8 - 029 : 001 Kahawaiokapia Bridge Replacement Memorandum of County of Maui, Agreement, Mokae & Kakio, Department of 2020PR32917 Hana, Maui 4/9/2020 NHPA Section 106 Public Works (2) 1 - 4 - 010 : 013 Request for Consultation, Historic Property Information and Area of Potential Effect Comment for Pua Loke (4) 3 - 8 - 005 : Affordable Housing Project, County of Kauai, 028,(4) 3 - 8 - 005 : 2020PR32918 Nawiliwili, Puna, Kauai 4/9/2020 NHPA Section 106 Planning Department Nāwiliwili Puna Kauaʻi 029 DAGS Job 14-10-0910 ETS Kukuiolono, renovate former State of Hawaii, Hawaiian Telephone Building Department of & Demo Former HIANG Accounting & 2020PR32919 Facility, Puu Road, Kalaheo, Kauai 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-42 General Services Kalāheo Kona Kauaʻi 423005002and011 Historic Preservation Review and Compliance 4/9/21 Project Number Project Name Date Created Statutes Agency Ahupuaas Mokus Mokupunis Tax Map Keys Proposed revisions to Leeward Bikeway AMP for the HDOT Leeward Bikeway Project, Federal Aid Peojct No. STP-BW- 2020PR32920 0300(8) ,Waikele, Ewa, Oahu 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-42 Waikele ʻEwa Oʻahu 194001011and104 Special Permit Application SPP 20-000214 Paradis Kawehionalani Reed and Mark Andrew Reed to allow the construction and operation of an independent elder care home with ten units and one main kitchen, 420 Ainalako Road, Hilo, 2020PR32921 Hawaii 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-42 (3) 2 - 4 - 078 : 008 (2) 3 - 8 - 103 : 014,(2) 3 - 8 - 103 : Revised Archaeological 015,(2) 3 - 8 - 103 : Assessment Windward Hotel 016,(2) 3 - 8 - 103 : 2020PR32922 Project, Kahului, Wailuku, Maui 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-42 017 60% Design Hangar 1 Interpretive Signage Types 1 & 2 per the PA for Basing of MV-22 And H-1 Aircraft ...MCBH 2020PR32923 Kaneohe,Oahu 4/9/2020 NHPA Section 106 Kāneʻohe Koʻolaupoko Moku O Loʻe Proposed HI025MR Repairs and Telecom Cable Vault Expansion at Building 213 at MCBH, 2020PR32924 Kaneohe, Koolaupoko, Oahu 4/9/2020 NHPA Section 106 Kāneʻohe Koʻolaupoko Moku O Loʻe (1) 4 - 4 - 008 : 001 Historic Preservation Review and Compliance 4/9/21 Project Number Project Name Date Created Statutes Agency Ahupuaas Mokus Mokupunis Tax Map Keys Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens Phase I reconstruction of existing sewer lines, Job No. 19-P-07 at (1) 4 - 5 - 099 : 45-680 Luluku Road, Kaneohe, 036,(1) 4 - 5 - 099 : 2020PR32925 Oahu 4/9/2020 HRS 6E-8 Kāneʻohe Koʻolaupoko Moku O Loʻe 037 Memorandum of Understanding MOU between Hawaii State Dept. of Transportation HDOt and State Historic Preservation State of Hawaii, Officer SHPO dated July 9, 2008 Department of 1-1-20 to 3-31-20 Quarterly HRS 6E-42,NHPA Transportation - 2020PR32926 Report 4/13/2020 Section 106 Harbors Division Qualified Preservation Professional Review and Commnet on the Installation of Netting in Battery Adair under Quarters K in the Nob Hill Neighborhood, Ford Island, Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, 2020PR32927 Honolulu, Oahu 4/13/2020 NHPA Section 106 Honolulu Puna Hawaiʻi Pelekane Bay Watershed Habitat Restoration Project, South 2020PR32928 Kohala, Hawaii Island 4/13/2020 NHPA Section 106 (3) 6 - 2 - 001 : 023 Consultation AT&T Cingular Wireless Improvements at Risely Field - New Lease MCBH, 2020PR32929 Kaneohe, Koolaupoko, Oahu 4/13/2020 NHPA Section 106 Kāneʻohe Koʻolaupoko Moku O Loʻe (1) 4 - 4 - 008 : 001 Historic Preservation Review and Compliance 4/9/21 Project Number Project Name Date Created Statutes Agency Ahupuaas Mokus Mokupunis Tax Map Keys Effect Determination Kahana Nui Bridge Replacement at Lower Honoapiilani Highway and Kahana Nui Stream, Alaeleloa, 083;43010:999;4000 Malepai and Kahana; Lahaina, 999;4-3-019:028,(0) Maui Fed.Project No. BR- 8 - 3 - ;43 : 049,(2) 4 - 2020PR32930 3080(009) 4/11/2020 NHPA Section 106 3 - 005 : 029 AIS for Proposed Improvements to Collector Roads Portion of 443003999;4-4- Olohena Road, Kukui Street and 005:009;4-4- Ulu Street Phase 1, Fed. Project 006:999;4-5- 2020PR32931 No. STP-0700(085) 4/13/2020 NHPA Section 106 008:999;4-5- Nationwide Permit Verification for Royal Hawaiian Groin Replacement Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Oahu Dept of Army HRS 6E-8,NHPA 126002005and006se 2020PR32932 File No. POH-2015-00097 4/13/2020 Section 106 Waikīkī Kona Oʻahu award Request for Contact Information and Area of Potential Effect (4) 2 - 8 - 014 : Concurrence Poipu Road Multi 014,(4) 2 - 8 - 014 : Modal Improvements, Koloa 018,(4) 2 - 8 - 014 : & Weliweli, Kona, Kauai HRS 6E-42,NHPA County of Kauai, 021,(4) 2 - 8 - 014 : 2020PR32933 Fed. Project No. STP-0520(004) 4/13/2020 Section 106 Planning Department 026 Determination of NHPA for AT&T Cell Tower for AT&T HIL04131 site 5134 A HRS 6E-42,NHPA 2020PR32934 Kahili Wai Street, Kalaheo, Kauai 4/13/2020 Section 106 Kalāheo Kona Kauaʻi (4) 2 - 7 - 001 : 005 Historic Preservation Review and Compliance 4/9/21 Project Number Project Name Date Created Statutes Agency Ahupuaas Mokus Mokupunis Tax Map Keys Compliance for Project # CRS-19- 013 Ku Tree Dam Breach Project on Schofield Barracks East Range, Waianae, Waianae Moku, 2020PR32935 Oahu 4/13/2020 NHPA Section 106 (1) 7 - 6 - 001 : 001 (4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 006,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 009,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 017,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 018,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 049,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 067,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 068,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 069,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 070,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 071,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 072,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : 073,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : Effect Determination Safe Routes 074,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : to School King Kaumualii 075,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : Elementary School Phase 1, 076,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : Hanamaulu, Puna, Kauai 077,(4) 3 - 7 - 003 : Fed.Project No.
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