157 legislators who have added their names to the letter from Congressmen Markey (D-MA) and McKinley (R-WV) to congressional appropriators in support of increased funding for the National Institutes of Health in FY 2014. Is your legislator one of them? Use the message below to thank them on social media! If you are not sure who your legislator is, use SfN’s Advocacy Action Center to look it up. Twitter: @RepName Thanks for signing the @MarkeyMemo - @RepMcKinley letter supporting increased @NIHforHealth funding! #saveresearch Facebook: @RepName Thanks for signing the @EdJMarkey - @RepMcKinley letter supporting increased @NIH.gov funding! Below is a list of the Representatives who signed the letter and a link to their Twitter handle. You can also thank them on Facebook by looking up their user name. Rep. Terri A. Sewell AL-07 https://twitter.com/RepTerriSewell Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick AZ-01 https://twitter.com/Ann_Kirkpatrick Rep. Ron Barber AZ-02 https://twitter.com/RepRonBarber Rep. Raul Grijalva AZ-03 https://twitter.com/RepRaulGrijalva Rep. Jared Huffman CA-02 https://twitter.com/JaredHuffman Rep. John Garamendi CA-03 https://twitter.com/RepGaramendi Rep. Doris Matsui CA-06 https://twitter.com/DorisMatsui Rep. Ami Bera CA-07 https://twitter.com/RepBera Rep. Jerry McNerney CA-09 https://twitter.com/RepMcNerney Rep. George Miller CA-11 https://twitter.com/askgeorge Rep. Barbara Lee CA-13 https://twitter.com/RepBarbaraLee Rep. Anna Eshoo CA-14 https://twitter.com/RepAnnaEshoo Rep. Jackie Speier CA-14 https://twitter.com/RepSpeier Rep. Eric Swalwell CA-15 https://twitter.com/SwalwellForCA15 Rep. Zoe Lofgren CA-16 https://twitter.com/RepZoeLofgren Rep. Sam Farr CA-17 https://twitter.com/RepSamFarr Rep. Mike Honda CA-17 https://twitter.com/RepMikeHonda Rep. Lois Capps CA-24 https://twitter.com/RepLoisCapps Rep. Judy Chu CA-27 https://twitter.com/RepJudyChu Rep. Adam Schiff CA-28 https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff Rep. Tony Cardenas CA-29 https://twitter.com/RepCardenas Rep. Brad Sherman CA-30 https://twitter.com/BradSherman Rep. Grace Napolitano CA-32 https://twitter.com/gracenapolitano Rep. Henry Waxman CA-33 https://twitter.com/WaxmanHenry Rep. Negrete McLeod CA-35 https://twitter.com/RepMcLeod Rep. Raul Ruiz CA-36 https://twitter.com/CongressmanRuiz Rep. Linda Sanchez CA-39 https://twitter.com/RepLindaSanchez Rep. Mark Takano CA-41 https://twitter.com/RepMarkTakano Rep. Loretta Sanchez CA-46 https://twitter.com/LorettaSanchez Rep. Alan Lowenthal CA-47 https://twitter.com/RepLowenthal Rep. Juan Vargas CA-51 https://twitter.com/RepJuanVargas Rep. Scott Peters CA-52 https://twitter.com/ScottPetersSD Rep. Susan Davis CA-53 https://twitter.com/RepSusanDavis Rep. Diana Degette CO-01 https://twitter.com/RepDianaDeGette Rep. Jared Polis CO-02 https://twitter.com/jaredpolis Rep. Mike Coffman CO-06 https://twitter.com/RepMikeCoffman Rep. Ed Perlmutter CO-07 https://twitter.com/RepPerlmutter Rep. Joe Courtney CT-02 https://twitter.com/RepJoeCourtney Rep. Jim Himes CT-04 https://twitter.com/jahimes Rep. Elizabeth H. Esty CT-05 https://twitter.com/RepEsty Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton DC-AL https://twitter.com/EleanorNorton Rep. Kathy Castor FL-14 Not on Twitter Rep. Patrick Murphy FL-18 https://twitter.com/PatrickMurphyFL Rep. Alcee Hastings FL-20 Not on Twitter Rep. Lois Frankel FL-22 https://twitter.com/LoisFrankel Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz FL-23 https://twitter.com/DWStweets Rep. Frederica Wilson FL-24 https://twitter.com/RepWilson Rep. Hank Johnson GA-04 https://twitter.com/RepHankJohnson Rep. John Lewis GA-05 https://twitter.com/repjohnlewis Rep. David Scott GA-13 https://twitter.com/repdavidscott Rep. Colleen Hanabusa HI-01 https://twitter.com/RepHanabusa Rep. Tulsi Gabbard HI-02 https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard Rep. Bruce Braley IA-01 https://twitter.com/BruceBraley Rep. Bruce Braley IA-01 https://twitter.com/BruceBraley Rep. Dave Loebsack IA-02 https://twitter.com/daveloebsack Rep. Bobby Rush IL-01 https://twitter.com/RepBobbyRush Rep. Dan Lipinski IL-03 https://twitter.com/RepLipinski Rep. Luis Gutiérrez IL-04 https://twitter.com/LuisGutierrez Rep. Danny K. Davis IL-07 Not on Twitter Rep. Tammy Duckworth IL-08 https://twitter.com/repduckworth Rep. Jan Schakowsky IL-09 https://twitter.com/janschakowsky Rep. Brad Schneider IL-10 https://twitter.com/RepSchneider Rep. Bill Foster IL-11 https://twitter.com/RepBillFoster Rep. Cheri Bustos IL-17 https://twitter.com/cheribustos Rep. Andre Carson IN-07 https://twitter.com/RepAndreCarson Rep. John Yarmuth KY-03 https://twitter.com/RepJohnYarmuth Rep. Richard Neal MA-01 https://twitter.com/RepRichardNeal Rep. James P. McGovern MA-02 https://twitter.com/RepMcGovern Rep. Niki Tsongas MA-03 https://twitter.com/nikiinthehouse Rep. Joe Kennedy MA-04 https://twitter.com/RepJoeKennedy Rep. Ed Markey MA-05 https://twitter.com/markeymemo Rep. John F. Tierney MA-06 https://twitter.com/RepTierney Rep. Bill Keating MA-09 https://twitter.com/USRepKeating Rep. Stephen Lynch MA-09 https://twitter.com/RepStephenLynch Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger MD-02 https://twitter.com/Call_Me_Dutch Rep. John Sarbanes MD-03 https://twitter.com/JohnSarbanes Rep. Donna Edwards MD-04 https://twitter.com/repdonnaedwards Rep. John Delaney MD-06 https://twitter.com/RepJohnDelaney Rep. Elijah Cummings MD-07 https://twitter.com/ElijahECummings Rep. Chris Van Hollen MD-08 https://twitter.com/ChrisVanHollen Rep. Chellie Pingree ME-01 https://twitter.com/chelliepingree Rep. Mike Michaud ME-02 https://twitter.com/RepMikeMichaud Rep. Sandy Levin MI-09 https://twitter.com/repsandylevin Rep. John Dingell MI-12 https://twitter.com/john_dingell Rep. John Conyers MI-13 https://twitter.com/repjohnconyers Rep. Tim Walz MN-01 https://twitter.com/Tim_Walz Rep. Keith Ellison MN-05 https://twitter.com/keithellison Rep. Collin Peterson MN-07 Not on Twitter Rep. William Lacy Clay MO-01 https://twitter.com/LacyClayMO1 Rep. G.K. Butterfield NC-01 https://twitter.com/GKButterfield Rep. David Price NC-04 https://twitter.com/RepDavidEPrice Rep. Mike McIntyre NC-07 https://twitter.com/RepMikeMcIntyre Rep. Lee Terry NE-02 https://twitter.com/LEETERRYNE Rep. Carol Shea-Porter NH-01 https://twitter.com/TeamSheaPorter Rep. Ann Kuster NH-02 https://twitter.com/RepAnnieKuster Rep. Rob Andrews NJ-01 https://twitter.com/RepAndrews Rep. Jon Runyan NJ-03 https://twitter.com/RepJonRunyan Rep. Frank Pallone NJ-06 https://twitter.com/FrankPallone Rep. Bill Pascrell NJ-08 https://twitter.com/BillPascrell Rep. Donald Payne Jr. NJ-10 https://twitter.com/RepDonaldPayne Rep. Rush Holt NJ-12 https://twitter.com/RushHolt Rep. Albio Sires NJ-13 https://twitter.com/Rep_Albio_Sires Rep. Ben Ray Luján NM-03 https://twitter.com/repbenraylujan Rep. Dina Titus NV-01 https://twitter.com/dinatitus Rep. Tim Bishop NY-01 https://twitter.com/TimBishopNY Rep. Peter King NY-02 https://twitter.com/RepPeteKing Rep. Steve Israel NY-03 https://twitter.com/RepSteveIsrael Rep. Carolyn McCarthy NY-04 https://twitter.com/carolynmccarthy Rep. Yvette Clarke NY-09 https://twitter.com/YvetteClarke Rep. Jerrold Nadler NY-10 https://twitter.com/RepJerryNadler Rep. Michael Grimm NY-11 https://twitter.com/repmichaelgrimm Rep. Caroyln Maloney NY-12 https://twitter.com/RepMaloney Rep. Charles Rangel NY-13 https://twitter.com/cbrangel Rep. Joe Crowley NY-14 https://twitter.com/repjoecrowley Rep. Eliot Engel NY-16 https://twitter.com/RepEliotEngel Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney NY-18 https://twitter.com/spmaloney Rep. Paul Tonko NY-20 https://twitter.com/paultonko Rep. Bill Owens NY-21 https://twitter.com/BillOwensNY Rep. Dan Maffei NY-24 https://twitter.com/DanMaffeiNY Rep. Brian Higgins NY-26 https://twitter.com/RepBrianHiggins Rep. Louise Slaughter NY-28 https://twitter.com/louiseslaughter Rep. Steve Chabot OH-01 https://twitter.com/RepSteveChabot Rep. Joyce Beatty OH-03 https://twitter.com/JoyceBeatty Rep. Bill Johnson OH-06 https://twitter.com/RepBillJohnson Rep. Maricia Fudge OH-11 https://twitter.com/RepMarciaFudge Rep. Suzanne Bonamici OR-01 https://twitter.com/RepBonamici Rep. Earl Blumenauer OR-03 https://twitter.com/repblumenauer Rep. Peter DeFazio OR-04 https://twitter.com/RepPeterDeFazio Rep. Kurt Schrader OR-05 https://twitter.com/RepSchrader Rep. Robert Brady PA-01 https://twitter.com/RepBrady Rep. Chaka Fattah PA-02 https://twitter.com/chakafattah Rep. Glenn Thompson PA-05 https://twitter.com/CongressmanGT Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick PA-08 https://twitter.com/RepFitzpatrick Rep. Allyson Schwartz PA-13 https://twitter.com/SchwartzAllyson Rep. Mike Doyle PA-14 https://twitter.com/USRepMikeDoyle Rep. David Cicilline RI-01 https://twitter.com/davidcicilline Rep. Jim Langevin RI-02 https://twitter.com/jimlangevin Rep. Jim Cooper TN-05 https://twitter.com/repjimcooper Rep. Steve Cohen TN-09 https://twitter.com/RepCohen Rep. Al Green TX-09 https://twitter.com/RepAlGreen Rep. Rubén Hinojosa TX-15 https://twitter.com/USRepRHinojosa Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee TX-18 https://twitter.com/JacksonLeeTX18 Rep. Gene Green TX-29 https://twitter.com/RepGeneGreen Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson TX-30 https://twitter.com/RepEBJ Rep. Lloyd Doggett TX-35 https://twitter.com/RepLloydDoggett Rep. Robert C. Scott VA-03 https://twitter.com/repbobbyscott Rep. Jim Moran VA-08 https://twitter.com/Jim_Moran Rep. Gerald Connolly VA-11 https://twitter.com/GerryConnolly Rep. Peter Welch VT https://twitter.com/RepPeterWelch Rep. Suzan DelBene WA-01 https://twitter.com/SuzanDelBene Rep. Rick Larsen WA-02 https://twitter.com/larsenrick Rep. Derek Kilmer WA-06 https://twitter.com/RepDerekKilmer Rep. Jim McDermott WA-07 https://twitter.com/RepJimMcDermott Rep. Adam Smith WA-09 https://twitter.com/Rep_Adam_Smith Rep. Mark Pocan WI-02 https://twitter.com/MarkPocan Rep. Ron Kind WI-03 https://twitter.com/RepRonKind Rep. Gwen Moore WI-04 https://twitter.com/RepGwenMoore Rep. David McKinley WV-01 https://twitter.com/RepMcKinley Rep. Nick Rahall WV-03 https://twitter.com/HouseTransInf .
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