Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Milen Marinov, 7/160 Rossall Str., Merivale 8014, Christchurch, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 (Author) Gomphaeschna schrankii is listed as member of 1997 the Wannagan creek fauna.] Address: Erickson, B.R., 10317. Croyle, B.T. (1997): Population and community Department of Paleontology, The Science Museum of ecology of stream macroinvertebrates: the role of disturb- Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, USA ance. M.Sc. thesis, Zoology, Texas Tech University, Lub- bock: VII + 98 pp. (in English) [Texas, USA. "Quantifying factors that influence the abundance, distribution, or di- 2000 versity of species within communities is a major focus of ecology and conservation biology. As concerns for the 10319. Ketelaar, R.; Clausen, W.; Busse, R.; Eilk, J.L. preservation and maintenance of worldwide biodiversity van (2000): Coenagrion ornatum in Europe and its chan- increase, identifying and understanding these factors be- ces in The Netherlands. Brachytron 4(2): 8-15. (in Dutch) comes a critical endeavour. This goal should not be lim- ["C. ornatum is a rare damselfly in Europe with an intri- ited to large preserves of endangered habitat such as guing outpost north of Osnabrück, 90 kilometers from the Yellowstone National Park or the plains of Africa. Indeed, Dutch border (Germany). C. ornatum is present here in knowledge gained from addressing such topics in small, very small streams with extensive Berula erecta vegeta- accessible localities is of interest in its own right, and tion. The species is in serious decline and is currently re- may prove useful when dealing with endangered habi- producing in moderate numbers (tens of individuals) at tats. Streams play vital roles in terrestrial ecosystems, as only one location. The main reasons for the decline of C. a source of water, in cycling nutrients, and as habitat for ornatum in central Europe are the cold winter of 1995 / many organisms during part or all of their life cycles. This 1996 when many localities became deep frozen, the lack study assesses factors that affect the community struc- of management practice, or too intensive management, ture of streams (i.e. the distribution, abundance, and di- habitat destruction, dessication and eutrofication. This ar- versity of aquatic macroinvertebrates)." (Author) The list ticle discusses the possible occurrence of this species in of taxa sampled includes Hetaerina americana, Agria sp., The Netherlands. Although suitable habitat is locally pre- Basiaeschna, Dromogomphus, Hagenius brevistylus, Er- sent and the dispersal capacities of C. ornatum seems to petogomphus sp., Libellula sp., Brechmorhoga mendax, be rather well developed, climatic conditions and the lack and Macromia sp.] Address: not stated of a large source population appear to be limiting factors. For the moment, it is not likely that C. ornatum can be recorded in The Netherlands." (Authors)] Address: Kete- laar, P., p/a De Vlinderstichting, Postbus 506, NL-6700 1999 AM Wageningen, The Netherlands. E-mail: ketelaar@ 10318. Erickson, B.R. (1999): Fossil lake Wannagan vlinderstichting.nl (Paleocene: Tiffanian) Billings county, North Dakota. Mis- 10320. Luzon-Ortega, J.M.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. cellaneous series No. 87 North Ddkota Geological Sur- (2000): First records of Odonata (Insecta, Odonata) from vey: IV + 9 pp. (in English) ["Fossil Lake Wannagan is a the Sierra de Huetor Natural Park (Granada, Spain). Bo- new name for a local freshwater lake of undetermined letin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 24(1-2): size that existed as part of a floodplain system during the 257-259. (in Spanish) [16 Odonata species from 12 local- Late Paleocene. It is located in the upper breaks of the ities are documented.] Address: Luzon-Ortega, J. M., badlands of the Little Missouri River in western North Departamento de Biologia Animal y Ecologia, Facultad Dakota. Fossil Lake Wannagan is recognized from: sed- de Ciencias, Universidad, 18707, Granada, Spain iments of fluvial. paludal and lacustrine character; a sec- tion of shoreline with well-defined beach cusps; and an 10321. Petr, J. (2000): Aquatic insects (Odonata, Heter- exceptionally well-preserved freshwater assemblage of optera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera) of small lakes in select- fossils. A sequence of stratified sediments records the ed peatbogs of the Bohemian Forest and their relation to brief history of its development and termination by cre- some environmental factors. Silva Gabreta 5: 121-134. vasse splay deposition. Limnogeological and paleoenvi- (in Czech, with English summary) [Aeshna juncea, A. ronmental aspects of this ancient lake are presented subarctica, Anax imperator, Sympetrum danae, Leucor- along with its age and correlations. The name "Fossil rhinia dubia, Cordulia aenea Coenagrion hastulatum, and Lake Wannagan" is, herein, introduced for the first time." Ischnura elegans are reported from four localities in the Odonatological Abstract Service 32 (September 2011) - page 1 Modravské peatbog area studied during 1993-1995.] Ad- leg.) and P. bachmaensis sp. nov. (holotype male, Bach dress: Petr, J., Jihočeská univerzita, Pedagogická fakul- Ma National park, Thua Thien Fue, central Vietnam, 7-VI- ta, Jeronýmova 10, CZ-37115 České Budejovice, Czech 2001, H. Karube leg.) are described. The former is close- Republic ly related to P. intersedens from northern India, and the latter is related to P. suichangensis from South China. The holotypes are deposited in the collection of the Na- 2002 tional Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan.] Address: Karube, H., Kanagawa Prefect. Mus. Nat. Hist., 499 Iryuda, Oda- 10322. Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden; Reels, G.T. wara, Kanagawa, 250, Japan (2002): Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Maoershan Nature Reserve, Northeast Guangxi, China, 10326. Kawashima, I (2002): Description of the larva of 1998 and 2001. South China Forest Biodiversity Survey aeshnid dragonfly Sarasaeschna niisatoi (Karube, 1998) Report Series: No. 16 (Online Simplified Version): ii + 20 (Aeshnidae: Gomphaeschninae) from northern Vietnam. pp. (in English) ["Thirty-one dragonfly species were rec- Tombo 45: 15-19. (in English) ["The larval morphology in orded during the survey, including some undescribed last two instars of S. niisatoi is described and illustrated. species. Most frequently encountered were Copera cil- The external larval characters of this species are com- iata, Idionyx carinata, and Orthetrum triangulare. Some pared with the larvae of S. pryeri and S. kunigamiensis.] of these records represent extensions of the known Address: Kawashima, I., Nagasawa 1-50-9, Yokosuka- range: The Oligoaeschna is an important record; very shi, Kanagawa, 239-0842 Japan few Oligoaeschna specimens have been obtained from 10327. Rahaman, A.A. (2002): Mangrove insect fauna of China and none from continental China. The female of O. Muthupet, Tamil nadu. National Seminar on Conservation petalura from Hainan is undescribed; O. pyanan is of Eastern Ghats, March 24-26, 2002, held at Tirupati, known from Hainan. Boyeria sinensis has not previously Andhra Pradesh: 327-338. (in English) [India; this is an been recorded from Guangxi. Several species recorded, additional frustrating example on ongoing rack and ruin including Bayadera melanopteryx, Indocnemis orang, of proper taxonomy and taxa identification in African and Planaeschna suichangensis, Idionyx carinata and Soma- Asian countries: "Among the delicate Odonates Aeschnid tochlora dido, are indicators of high stream integrity." (Au- sp and Rhyotherus varigata were of common occur- thor)] Address: Reels, G., H-3-30 Fairview Park, Yuen rence.": “Rhyothenus varigata, Acisoma panorpoides, Long, Hong Kong. E-mail address: [email protected] Aris vivida, Crocothemis erytbraea, Orthemrum brun- 10323. Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden; Wilson, K. neum, Libellula luctuousa, 3 unidentified species.”] Ad- (2002): Report of a Rapid Biodiversity Assessment at dress: Rahaman, A.A., 21, Vidhya Nagar, Erode-638009, Qingshitan Headwater Forest Nature Reserve, Northeast India Guangxi, China, 25 to 26 August 1998. South China For- 10328. Rocha, C.F.D.; Dutra, G.F.; Vrcibradic, D.; est Biodiversity Survey Report Series (Online Simplified Menezes, V.A. (2002): The terrestrial reptile fauna of the Version) No. 17: ii + 12 pp. (in English) ["Sixteen species Abrolhos Archipelago: species list and ecological as- of odonates were recorded, including two which have not pects. Braz. J. Biol 62(2): 285-291. (in English, with Por- yet been identified. The record of Calopteryx melli is im- tuguese summary) [Bahia, Brazil; the diet of the lizard, portant, as the genus had not been recently recorded Tropidurus torquatus is dominated by ants, but also in- from China and was previously known only from Guang- cluded one unidentified Odonata specimen.] Address: dong. The Qingshitan record follows the first provincial Rocha, C.F.D., Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de record for the species, made at Huaping on 16 August Biologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua 1998." (Authors)] Address:
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