Print News for the Heart of our City. Volume 53, Issue 10 April 15, 2015 — April 30, 2015 Read us daily at www.city-sentinel.com Ten Cents Page 5 Page 5 Page 7 Page 10 Lift every voice – Chorus of 168 to remember the Murrah Bombing First Baptist remembers Murrah bombing with musical program, “Shelter” The Color Run, “the happiest 5K on the planet” OCU’s production of Lerner & Loewe classic ‘Brigadoon’ Our city remembers the Murrah Bombing, honoring the victims, their families and local response Staff Report memorate the 20th anniversary ers and family members. of the Oklahoma City bombing. The effort will include Twenty years after the “The Resilience Project” in- screenings and panel discus- bombing of the A.P. Murrah cludes a new documentary that sions across the state, custom- Federal Building in downtown explores the collective memo- ized classroom materials, and Oklahoma City, the communi- ries of those impacted by the a comprehensive project web ty will remember the victims event, a digital story collection site (oeta.tv/resilience and of that day day and their fami- effort and community screen- oklahoman.com/resilience) lies, and honor the community ing events across the state. where users can explore digital response. Produced by The Oklahoman archives, view extended docu- Two influential news orga- and OETA, the documentary mentary interviews and share nizations have planned a ma- premieres Sunday April 19 at stories, images and videos on jor project to coincide with the 6 p.m. on OETA. The produc- the interactive story wall. date. OETA and The Oklaho- tion is a first person account For more information on man newspaper have launched from present day OKC bomb- The Resilience Project, visit a statewide community en- ing survivors, witnesses, first oeta.tv. Oklahoma City University members of the “Bombing Project” cast during a reading of Steve Gilroy’s play about the 1995 gagement initiative to com- responders, community lead- continued on page 2 Murrah Building bombing. Photo provided. TheatreOCU remembers OKC bombing through original play by Steve Gilroy As an emerging form of per- Theatre, in the Kirkpatrick Free Public Per- formance art, TheatreOCU Fine Arts Center at N.W. 24th company has created a new- St. and Blackwelder Ave. formances Set for style production that explores Performances will be held the April 1995 event. The play Thursday through Saturday April 16 - 19 is based on interviews and his- (April 16 - 18) at 8 p.m., and By Darla Shelden torical records from the peo- then 2 p.m. on Sunday, April City Sentinel Reporter ple who experienced it. 19. The production will be an The 11-member cast perfor- It has been two decades emotional, living memori- mances will be based on inter- since the Alfred P. Murrah al and a celebration of the re- views with more than 45 fam- building was bombed and 168 covery, rebuilding and healing ily members of victims, sur- lives were lost. Oklahoma City process of Oklahoma City. vivors, local officials and first University will present “The The event is free to the pub- responders. Oklahoma City Bombing Proj- lic, Thursday through Sunday, OCU commissioned award- ect.” April 16 - 19 at the OCU Burg continued on page 2 COMMENTARY Dank was genial and gentle, friend of seniors Honoring a reporter and a friend and children, challenging in debates tion of godparents for his chil- By Patrick B. McGuigan a Republican” who had a good get one more chance to dine at dren. Publisher policy idea. Grandy’s and discuss the good Buckley, whom I was priv- Former state Rep. Joe Dor- old days. … I will miss working ileged to know, explained Heartfelt were words of col- man, D-Rush Springs, said he with him and the challenge of once, “I am a conservative in leagues mourning the death of was sorry “David and I did not trying to debate him on poli- all things, save my choice of state Rep. David Dank, R-Okla- cies. I have no doubt he has re- friends.” homa City. joined the love of his life.” That is true of me, as well, Response to loss of the feisty House Speaker Jeffrey Hick- and my involvement in the conservative was authentic man, R-Fairview, called Dank event sponsored by the Okla- and bipartisan, with many say- “a talented journalist and a homa Coalition to Abolish the ing they believed he is now re- keen businessman.” He mourn- Death Penalty is fresh proof of united with his beloved wife, ed, “Personally, he became an- By Patrick B. McGuigan it. Darla Shelden can be called and predecessor at the Capitol, other grandfather to me and Publisher many things, but “conserva- Odilia. my family, and every con- tive” is not one of them. House Democratic Leader versation we had about any The late William F. Buckley, However, I appreciate the Darla Shelden Scott Inman, D-Del City, said topic, whether we agreed or Jr., frequently answered criti- liberality of her spirit. Her tive on maters of importance, Dank was “a true gentleman disagreed, began with ques- cisms about his friendships willingness to examine propo- these are the hallmarks of a and a genial colleague. David tions about my three children with people who did not share sitions, her embrace and under- journalist. was an avid advocate for his and ended with something he his views, including his selec- standing of another’s perspec- continued on page 3 constituents, especially for se- wanted me to be sure to tell nior citizens.” them.” Former Republican lead- Services, both at Christ the Mark Rodgers to become sports er Larry Ferguson said that King Church, include Prayer at in this hyper-partisan age, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, and editor for The City Sentinel “it made him no difference the Mass of Christian Burial at Staff Report to our diverse readership. We whether it was a Democrat or David Dank noon Thursday. will also feature his work in Mark Rodgers has joined our continuing print edition,” The City Sentinel newspaper McGuigan said. as sports editor. Publisher Pat- In addition to his coverage rick B. McGuigan made the an- of high school football teams, nouncement. including summaries of more “Mark is a well-known ana- than 330 teams around the lyst of our state’s robust sports state, Rodgers is affiliated with scene, and in his own right WWLS The Sports Animal, publisher of Pigskin Preview where he hosts a weekday pro- Magazine. He will be a crucial gram. Previously, he worked element in our efforts to be- for Hearst-Argyle Television, come robust online and in cov- Sooner Sports Properties and erage of sports news of interest News9. Mark Rodgers ATTENTION: Existing and Potential Advertisers The City Sentinel is a robust source of value for your print advertising. With a change to twice-a-month print publication, note these new advertising deadlines for the upcoming three editions: May 1-15 print advertising reservation deadline, Thursday, April 23; content deadline: Fri- day, April 24; in racks: April 28 and 29 (Tuesday and Wednesday); home delivery Wednesday and Thursday (April 29 and 30); date of edition: May 1-15 May 16-30 print advertising deadline: Friday, May 8; in racks: May 12, 13, 14 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday); home delivery Wednesday and Thursday (May 13 and 14); date of edition: May 16-30 June 1-15 print advertising deadline: Friday, May 22; in racks: May 25, 26, 27 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday); home delivery May 26 and 27 (Wednesday and Thursday) Inquiries: [email protected] and [email protected]. Rates available online at: city- sentinel.com/advertise Page 2 www.city-sentinel.com April 15, 2015 — April 30, 2015 NEWS Check us out every day online, and on Facebook and Twitter TheatreOCU remembers OKC bombing through original play by Steve Gilroy continued from page 1 winning playwright Steve Gilroy, for the play. He is the author of several works in- cluding “Motherland,” which toured the UK in 2009. Gilroy is the director of per- forming arts at Northumbria University in Newcastle, Eng- land. He specializes in the verbatim theatre genre. It is a documentary created for the stage usually based on person- al interviews and transcripts. The personal interviews forming the two-hour play were conducted by OCU stu- dents, faculty, Gilroy and OCU Associate Dean of Theatre Brian Parsons. Our city remembers the Murrah “We have a unique opportu- nity and responsibility to re- spond through art,” Parsons Bombing, honoring the victims, their said. “This work is a living me- morial” intended to honor “the families and local response tenacity, recovery and healing versity (inside the CETES Con- will present the musical “Shel- process of Oklahoma City.” continued from page 1 Members of the “Oklahoma City Bombing Project” cast. Back row, left to right: ference Center), Wednesday ter” at 10:30 a.m., featuring the A portion of the proceeds Benjamin Roberts, BFA acting freshman; Lauren Matheny, BFA acting and English Several community events April 15 at 6 p.m. sanctuary choir, soloists, con- from the play’s publication fol- minor senior; Elizabeth McCreight, BFA acting senior. Middle row: Tanner Brad- have already taken place. Up- • MCALESTER – Eastern gregation singing and Sacred lowing the event will be donat- shaw, BFA acting senior; J.D. Whigham, BFA acting senior; Cody Wimmer, BFA acting senior; Michelle Roselle, BA theatre performance senior. Front row: Amy coming programs include State Oklahoma College (Clark Scripture. ed to the Oklahoma City Na- Fuhrman, BFA acting senior; Emily Hawkins, BFA acting senior. Not pictured: screenings of the documenta- Bass Building), Thursday April First Christian Church of tional Memorial and Museum.
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