THE HOLTON INSIDE SALUTE VFW Post TOPEKA, KAN. Hometown of 1367 Sara LaClair selling Holton Recorder subscriber fireworks. for 45 years. RECORDERServing the Jackson County Community for 153 years See ad on page 8. Volume 153, Issues 51 & 52 HOLTON, KANSAS • Mon./Wed. June 29 & July 1, 2020 20 Pages $1.00 New mask rule ‘Sale crew’ to lead Fair Parade By Brian Sanders ple who might have been for- for county may When the Jackson County gotten, or maybe they passed Fair was still being held at the on, or nobody thought about intersection of Fourth Street them, or whatever.” and Arizona Avenue in Hol- “It was nice of them to rec- be like Kelly’s ton, a group of dedicated vol- ognize us, though,” Hill add- unteers could be found in the ed. n fairgrounds arena every year, The duties of the five County commission sets Thursday helping to get cattle, sheep and men, among other volunteers meeting on governor’s executive order pigs into and out of the arena through the years, included for the fair’s annual livestock bringing livestock into and out Jackson County’s new guide- a press conference on Monday sale. of the show ring, then loading lines on wearing masks in public that to morrow, she would sign One of those volunteers, the animals into trucks that to pre vent the possible spread of an order re quiring that most Henry Hill — who started would take them to meat lock- COVID-19 (coronavirus) may Kansans in public spaces wear helping with the sale in the ers, if that was the animals’ in- not be exactly the same as what a mask, effective at 12:01 a.m. early 1980s while he was still tended destination. Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly rec- this Friday, July 3. in 4-H — recalled that while “Roger and George would ommended on Monday, but they “This is a simple, proactive he was involved with the live- take care of catching the ani- are expected to be more strin- step we can take to keep Kan- stock sale, there was always mals out of the ring,” Hill gent, nonetheless. sans at work, get our kids back plenty of “good support” from said. The Jackson County Com- to school and keep ourselves and the 4-H kids and fami lies, as “We would keep the flow mission will meet tomorrow our neighbors healthy,” Gov. well as from members of the going,” McAsey added, noting (Thursday) with Jackson Coun- Kelly said Monday. “Wearing community who supported the that part of the job involved ty Health Officer An gela Reith a mask is not only safe… it is young people selling their ani- getting the halters off the ani- to act on Gov. Kelly’s new ex- necessary to avoid another shut- mals at the sale. mals and back to the kids who ecutive order requiring Kan sas down.” “Every year was different,” put a lot of pride and work into residents to wear face masks in Gov. Kelly’s order, it was Hill said. “We never knew the animals they were selling. public in order to prevent the report ed, will recommend that how many we were going to Much of the work involved possi ble spread of COVID-19, Kansans wear masks in stores have. Some years you’d have get ting stock trailers to the it was re ported. and shops, restau rants and in any more hogs, and some years fairgrounds to transport the Commission Chairperson Ja- situation where so cial distancing you’d have more beef.” animals after the sale, they net Zwonitzer said this morn- of six feet cannot be maintained, Hill is one of five members said. Klahr — who, along with ing that how the county will including in outdoor ar eas. The of that group of volunteers Doyle and McAsey, got in- respond to the governor’s order order will provide specific guid- who are being honored as the volved with the sale in “about will not be hashed out until to- ance regarding circum stances in grand marshals of this year’s 1983” — said that at the time morrow’s meeting, al though it which masks must be worn, she Jackson County Fair Parade, he got in volved, stock trailers is possible that the county may said. scheduled to take off around were smaller, and that made choose to not fully implement How long the order will re- Holton’s Town Square at 6 it difficult to get hogs to the the governor’s plan but step up main in place was not included p.m. Wednesday, July 22. lockers. its recommen dations on wear- in Kelly’s an nouncement. He’ll be joined by Dan “It got better when the trail- ing masks to prevent the pos- “I know Kansans will have Doyle, Dennis Klahr, Roger ers started getting bigger,” sible spread of COVID-19. many questions about this or- McAsey and George Uhl Jr., Klahr said. “I wish I had an official der — and we will answer them even though the men agree that More volunteers with larg- answer (this morning), but I when it is released later this there are many more members er stock trailers made things don’t,” Zwonitzer said. of the “sale crew” who are easier for the sale crew, Hill Gov. Kelly announced during Continued to Page 9 wor thy of the honor. noted. “There are so many people “We had a lot of people who have volunteered so many come in and say, ‘If you need The old livestock “sale crew” at the Jackson County hours through the years,” said another trailer, let me know,’” Fair — including, from left, Henry Hill, Dan Doyle, Den- Doyle, who, like Hill, grew up Hill said. “Some years, we’d County to receive nis Klahr and Roger McAsey, and, in the inset, George in the Lucky Stars 4-H Club. grab one.” Uhl Jr. — will be the grand marshals for this year’s fair “Get ting to be honored is won- $2.9 million in parade on Wednesday, July 22. Photo by Brian Sanders derful, but there’s a lot of peo- Continued to Page 12 CARES Act funds 19 candidates on By Ali Holcomb based on its population ($194 Annual Soldier Fair Jackson County is expect- per person), the number of ed to receive $2.9 million in COVID-19 cases in the county Potawatomi ballot CARES Act funding, Jackson and the county’s unemployment slated for July 11 County Commissioners report- rate. Ballots for the 2020 Prairie Vega and Susie “Nis” Wilbur. ed during their weekly meeting “Our unemployment rate has The city of Soldier will the north edge of town. Car- Band Potawatomi Tribal election Tribal Council Treasurer Monday morning. been very high throughout all of host its annual city fair on nival games with follow pre- were mailed to registered voters (four-year term): Wade Pah- The State Finance Council this,” said Commissioner Janet Saturday, July 11, with food, sented by youth from Soldier recently, and 19 candidates have mahmie (incumbent) and Anna recently approved the distribu- Zwonitzer. “Our county is also games, a parade and a dance Christian Church, including a filed for seven positions on the Boswell. tion of $400 million in Coro- been in the top 10 of (Kansas) organized by area groups and kids’ bounce house, a barrel Tribal Council and Ethics Com- Tribal Council Member #2 navirus Aid, Relief and Eco- counties with the most cases.” clubs. train, face painting and street mission. (four-year term): Melvin Lewis nomic Security (CARES) Act As of June 1, Jackson Coun- The event will kick off games. Completed ballots must be II, Ronald “Tony” Wahweotten, funds to 103 Kansas counties ty’s total case rate per 1,000 with a meal served from 4:30 Bingo is being offered in hand delivered or received by William Mitchell, Christopher to help “combat the health and people was 7.1, which was tied p.m. to 6:30 p.m. by mem- the air-conditioned Commu- mail at the Mayetta Post Of- Brewer, Michelle Simon and economic challenges COVID- for the 10th highest in the state, bers of the Soldier Boosters nity Hall hosted by the city fice by 9 a.m. on Saturday, July Coleen Thomas. 19 has brought on communities according to a recent report 4-H Club at the Community of Soldier. Homemade ice 25. The ballots will be counted Tribal Council Member and to help prepare for possible from the SPARK taskforce. The Hall. cream will be available by that morning by election board #3 (four-year term): Raphael future outbreaks of the disease,” county’s unemployment rate as A pie baking contest is be- members of Soldier Fire De- members at the Old Bingo Hall Wahwassuck (incumbent), Kris- according to Kansas Gov. Laura of May 22 was 12.4 percent. ing held that day and entries partment. at 16277 Q Rd. ta Catron, Shawn Walker, Rob- Kelly. The county commissioners must be submitted by 4 p.m. A variety of vendors will If a candidate does not win a ert Lange and Shirley Trull. Both Johnson and Sedgwick must submit a plan to the state at Soldier City Hall. A grand also be set up in the town that race by a majority vote (50 per- Ethics Commission Vice- counties have already received on Aug. 15 that outlines how prize and runner-up prize day. To participate as a ven- cent or more), a run-off election Chairperson (three-year term): CARES Act allocations directly its share of the funding will be will be awarded to the best dor, contact Rachel Boyett at will take place four weeks later No one filed for this position.
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