NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY OF HEALTH DIGITAL COLLECTION Bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health Volume 9 (April 1894–March 1895) DOCUMENT NO. NCHH-03-009 || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || This item is part of the North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection. Some materials in the Collection are protected by U.S. copyright law. This item is presented by the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for research and educational purposes. It may not be republished or distributed without permission of the Health Sciences Library. The North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection is an open access publishing initiative of the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Financial support for the initiative was provided in part by a multi-year NC ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) digitization grant, awarded by the State Library of North Carolina, and funded through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). For more information about the collection, or to search other volumes, please visit: || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || : *' ;is •- " ". '-' -ft * JU^« J 4> 4* wc "-... / •: : *VjR 'Wjj»V-. / 2 E. Daniel Shingleton ^ Public Health & Collection & Z. «gj LAUPUS LIBRARY ITfc* 2gT DIVISION OP HHAITH SOEWCBS ^^ C Jk BA«T CAE.OLINA UNIVBMITT ^1^^ BULLETIN rp NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEA Published Monthly at tht Office of the Secretary of the Board, at Raleigh, X. C. SUBSCRIPTION'. 25 CENTS A YEAR. H. T. Bahnson, M. D., Pres... Salem. W. H. G. Lucas, M. D White Hall. S. Westkay Battle, M. D Asheville. John Whitehead, M. D Salisbury. W. H. Harrell, M. D Williamston. Prof. F. P. Venable Chapel Hill. Geo. Gillett Thomas, M. D...Wilmington. J. C. Chase, Civ. Exg Wilmington. Richard H. Lewis, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer, Raleigh. Vol. IX. APRIL, 1894. No. 1. Discouraging'. our hint and try again. Would it be ask- ing too much of our ninety-one county When we wrote the appeal to our North superintendents, who get something—far Carolina readers which appeared in the too little for the work they do, it is true, hut still this last Bulletin for subscriptions to that something—out of sanitary monthly publication of the Board of Health business, to request each and every one of at twenty-five cents a year, in order that them, except the single one who has already subscribed, to inclose in his next report we might be enabled to enter it at the twenty-rive post-oflice as second-class matter and cents in stamps? We believe thereby save over a hundred and forty not. And we are equally sure that a large dollars per annum of our meagre appro- number of our other readers will gladly priation, we were sanguine enough to be- subscribe if they can only think of it at the right time. Gentlemen, lieve that a large number felt sufficient don't forget interest in the cause of sanitation in our that we are in a dilemma, and help us out of it. .State to induce them to gladly subscribe at once. But we have been disappointed. Five subscriptions only from North Caro- Malaria and Drinking-water. lina have been received in response to that appeal. We are forced to come to one of If we have a sanitary ''fad'" it is the two conclusions: either that what we write influence of the drinking-water in the IS not read, or that the amount of interest production of malarial diseases. It has felt in our work by several hundred of our always possessed a peculiar interest for us, leading physicians, to whom the Bulletin originated possibly by the plasmodia is sent, is very, very small. [But we are not imbibed in childhood from the "old oaken going to be impaled upon either horn of bucket" that hung in the shallow surface this dilemma without a farther struggle. well, the remembrance of which is so dear J^e are going to assume that the matter to our heart. But our lirst conscious inter- has been unintentionally overlooked, pick est in the subject was brought about by — BULLETIN OF THE NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEALTH. very good; of county home good; of jail No diseases dangerous to public health. not good. Sanitary condition of county and of public Anson—Dr. E. S. Ashe, Wadesboro. No buildings good. The much-needed repairs report. to the jail have been completed, and it is Ashe—Dr. L. C. Gentry, Jefferson. ( ten- now in fair condition. eral health exceptionally good. No reports Caswell—Dr. W. ( >. Spencer, Yancey- from other physicians. Sanitary condition ville. A few cases of measles; whooping- of public buildings good. cough in all parts; some pneumonia and Beaufort— Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Washing- catarrhal fever. Sanitary condition of ton. Very healthy. A few cases of scar- county and county home very good; that latina and whooping-cough. Sanitary con- of jail only fair; it cannot be made first- dition of county and of public buildings class; at present it is infested with vermin, good. but proper means to get rid of them have Bertie—Dr. H. V. Dunstan, Windsor. been recommended. No report from other No malignant diseases. Sanitary condition physicians. of public buildings good. Improvements Catawba—Dr. J. M. McCorkle, Newton. are made as occasion requires. Sanitary condition of county and public Bladex—Dr. Newton Robinson, Eliza- buildings good. No diseases reported. bethtown. An epidemic of pneumonia in Chatham—Dr. L. A. Hanks, Pittsboro. one township. Influenza and varicella. One case of typhoid fever. Influenza on Sanitary condition of public buildings only the decline. Little sickness. Sanitary fair. Reports from two physicians. condition of public buildings very good Brunswick—Dr. D. I. Watson, South- not excelled, perhaps, in the State. port. Two cases of typhoid fever. Bron- Cherokee— Dr. J. F. Abernathy, Mur- chitis, malarial and gastric fevers. Some phy. No diseases reported. There has hog cholera. One plrysician reported. Jail been much sanitary improvement in Mur- clean and ordinarily well kept. County phy and vicinity in the past two years. home clean and well kept, though the Public buildings in fine condition. The buildings need improvement. jail is too much crowded at periods of a Buncombe—Dr. H. L. Baird, Asheville. day or two at a time. Influenza and catarrhal troubles to a slight Chowan—Dr. R. H. Winborne, Barnitz. extent. Sanitary condition of county Whooping-cough epidemic in central part. home good; that of jail and house of cor- A few cases of intermittent fever and rheu- rection is as good as can be expected with matism. Health of county never better such places, and every effort is being used in March. Cholera in hogs. Sanitary to keep them so. condition of public buildings good. Burke—Dr. J. L. Laxton, Morganton. Clay—Dr. Geo. T. Hine, Warne. Six No diseases reported. Sanitary condition cases of whooping-cough. Good health in of county very good; of county home fair; all parts. of jail improved since last report. Cleveland—Dr. O. P. Gardner, Shelby. Cabarrus—Dr. Robert S. Young, Con- One case of typhoid fever. The sanitary cord. No special disease. Sanitary condi- condition of the public buildings is very tion of county and of public buildings good. good, but the appropriation for the sup- Caldwell — Dr. A. A. Kent, Lenoir. port of the poor is not sufficient. Very little sickness of any kind. Columbus—Dr. I. Jackson, Whiteville. Camden—No Board of Health. < )nc case of typhoid fever. Influenza still Carteret—Dr. Geo. N. Ennett, Beaufort. prevails. Hog cholera. Sanitary condi- BULLETIN OF THE NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEALTH. tion of county and of public buildings Forsyth — l>r. I>. N. Dalton, Winston. good. No reports from other physicians. No reports from other physicians. Sanitary Craven—Dr. Leinster Duffy, Newbern. condition of county and of public build- Influenza, pneumonia and bronchitis have ings good. condition of county occurred. Sanitary Franklin — Dr. E. S. Foster, Louisburg. and of public buildings good. The city No diseases of importance. Some pneu- water-works will soon be in successful monia. Sanitary condition of public build- operation. ings very good; whatever change is re- Marsh, Fayette- Cumberland—Dr. J. H. quired is reported to the county commis- ville. One case of scarlatina. Sanitary sioners. condition of county good. ( i aston—Dr. J. II. Jenkins, Dallas. Very Currituck—No Board of Health. little sickness. Jail and county bom© Dare — Dr. W. H. Peterson, Manteo. never in better condition. No diseases dangerous to public health. Gates — Dr. I. W. Costen, Gatesville. Sanitary condition of county and of public Very little sickness. Hoy cholera in some buildings good. parts. Jail cleanly; county home in an un- Davidson—Dr. R. L. Payne, Jr., Lex- usually good condition. ington. No reports from other physicians. No epidemic. Sanitary condition of public Graham—Dr. S. H. MeXeely, Robbins- buildings good, except jail, which cannot ville, has resigned his position and removed be kept properly on account of faulty oon- from the county. struction. Granville— Dr. Patrick Booth, Oxford. Davie—Dr. James McGuire, Mocksville. Pneumonia and bronchitis. A little hog Some whooping-cough. Very little sick- and chicken cholera; not epidemic. Sani- ness. Distemper among horses. Sanitary tary condition of public buildings good. condition of public buildings reasonably The county home has had additions and good. Only one physician reported. repairs and is not too crowded now as here- Duplin— Dr. W. P. Kennedy, Warsaw. tofore. Physicians reporting better. All Several cases of whooping-cough. Influ- parts of county heard from. enza and pneumonia in all parts.
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