T I HE G MPLEMENTATION G N And the Illinois DepartmentAnd the Resources of Natural REENWAY ORTHEASTERN REENWAYS the Forest Preserve of Cook County District Forest the I was LLINOIS Adopted by NIPC. June 19, 1997 NIPC. June 19, by Adopted N REENWAYS LANNING Illinois Prairie Trail Authority, Illinois Prairie Trail and additional support from G ORTHEASTERN O A P With funding from With the A ROGRAM PENLANDS ND ND A M P I Developed by Developed EGIONAL LLINOIS T S R R LLINOIS A is a nonprofit RAIL AP UMMARY ND A Recognizing the Recognizing I P : O P EGIONAL was created in 1957 by in 1957 created was ROJECT LLINOIS O ND LANNING I F P ROJECT PPORTUNITIES MPLEMENTATION T P I ROGRAM (NIPC) northeastern illinois planning commission C RAILS ORTHEASTERN OMMISSION RAILS ORTHEASTERN N T N PENLANDS CKNOWLEDGMENTS OMMISSION HE ND HE T C be the Illinois General Assemblythe to advisory planning agency comprehensive six-county Chicago metropolitan the for Illinois Planning area. The Northeastern charges: Commission three the gave Act conduct research and collect data for To local advise and assist planning; to prepare comprehensive and to government; development guide the plans and policies to Kane, counties of Cook, of the DuPage, McHenryLake, and Will. O protecting, to organization dedicated and enhancing open space - expanding, natural a healthy provide - to land and water place for and a more livable environment region. people of the all the A importance of of a region-wide network Authority Illinois Prairie Trail trails, the Illinois Northeastern the with contracted Planning Commission and Openlands Project Regional of the an update develop to funds were Plan. Additional Greenways effort this to Illinois the provided by Department and the Resources of Natural Preserve of Cook County. District Forest T A Illinois Nature help of the the with developed PreservePreserves Forest Commission, the Preserve Forest the of Cook County, District Forest the County, of DuPage District Lake the Preserve County, of Kane District Preserve McHenry the District, County Forest County Conservation Forest the District, the Preserve of Will County, District transportation the planning liaisons for county, and many Council of Mayors, staffmunicipal and park district members and citizens. NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS REGIONAL GREENWAYS AND TRAILS IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM An Executive Summary* WISCONSIN REGIONAL GREENWAYS PLAN NAMES AND CODES MC HENRY CO. ILLINOIS LAKE CO. Jo Daviess Stephenson Boone Lake Des Plaines Winnebago N i eek Creek p Cr Mc Henry p Galena Waukegan Harvard e 94 w r a s Mc Henry s i Rockford a n C C D P C 32 Bowes Creek GW 16 Prairie Trail to West Loop isc k OOK OUNTY U AGE OUNTY Freeport Belvidere Lake P Trail Connection GT, GIT Waukegan 1 Spring Creek System GW 1 Illinois Prairie Path - 33 Riverbend Trail GT Crystal Lake Michigan Elgin Branch GT,GIT 17 Cotton Creek GW 2 Des Plaines River Corr. GT,GW,GIT 36 Kirk Rd. Trail GT Carroll Ogle Cook River De Kalb Kane 2 Wayne Trail Corridor GT 18 McHenry to Cary Conn. GT Savanna Fox 3 EJ &E Corridor GT 38 Illinois Prairie Path - Woodstock Grayslake 3 E J & E R.R. Corridor GT Geneva Spur GT 19 Fox River Spring Run GW Elgin 4 Crabtree to Deer Grove r e Du Page v DeKalb River Corridor GT 4 Pratt's Wayne Corridor GT 39 Fabyan Parkway Trail GT 20 Silver Creek GW i Kishwaukee R r Chicago e 5 Crabtree Trail GT 5 Pratt's Wayne/ 40 Fermilab Trail GT 21 Com Ed Corridor GT v Whiteside i River Lee R Sterling River West Branch Trail GT,GW Dixon 6 Algonquin Rd. Bike Path GT 41 Illinois Prairie Path - 22 Sleepy Hollow Cr. SystemGW Aurora Chicago Hawthorne 6 Woodland Hills Corridor GT Batavia Spur GT R. Woods Lake Michigan 7 Paul Douglas Trail GT 23 Boone Creek System GW ck Ro Kendall Will 7 Schick Rd. Corridor GT 42 Red Oak Trail GT i 8 Poplar Creek Reserve 24 Union Pacific to p p 90 i to Paul Douglas Corridor GT 8 S. Bartlett Rd. Corridor GT 44 Mill Creek System GW Prairie Trail Connection GT s s i La Salle s COOK CO. 9 Poplar Creek System GW 9 West Branch Trail GT 48 Great Western Trail to 25 Kishwaukee River SystemGW is Joliet KANE M Henry Bureau SW Kane Forest Preserve Moline Fox CO. 10 Poplar Creek Trail GT 10 Lies Rd Corridor GT 26 Union Pacific to Com Ed er Loop Connection GT Riv 11 EJ & E to County Line 11 Klein Creek GW Corridor Connection GT Grundy 49 Fabyan Trail to Forest Rock Island Princeton La Salle-Peru 290 Road Corridor GT 12 Mallard Lake Trail GT 27 N. Br. Kishwaukee 294 Evanston Preserve Loop Conn. GT River System GW Morris 90 12 EJ & E to Fox River TrailGT Illinois Kankakee Elgin 94 13 Clause Rec Area C 50 SW Kane Forest Mercer Putnam Ka Hoffman 28 Rush Creek System GW n h k i 13 Streamwood Bike Route Rte. Bike Corridor GT a Estates c Preserve Loop GT ke er a e iv r go 29 Mud Creek GW R e 14 Bartlett Bike Route Rte. 14 Spring Brook Cr. (North)GW v Salt 51 Blackberry Creek SystemGW Kankakee i 30 Huntley-Union - Marengo Knox Marshall R DU PAGE CO. 190 15 Schaumburg Bike RoutesRte. 15 North Central Bikeway 52 Virgil Gilman Trail GT Livingston Corridor GT (H.U.M.) Corridor GT 16 Salt Creek Trail GT,GW 90 River 53 Welch Creek System GW 31 Coon Creek System GW 16 E. Branch DuPage River GW 290 17 DesPlaines Corridor to 54 Youngs Creek GW Map 3: Conceptual Map of Grand Illinois Trail Ned Brown Corridor GT,Rte. 17 East Branch DuPage 32 H.U.M. to Com Ed Creek River Corridor GT,GW 55 Big Rock Creek System GW Corridor Connection GT 18 Ned Brown Trail GT Wheaton 290 56 Blackberry Creek to SW 33 S. Br. Kishwaukee SystemGW Fox 19 Salt Creek System GW 18 I-355 Corridor GT Chicago Kane F. P. Loop Conn. GT PUBLIC SUPPORT SPURS GREENWAY PLAN 88 19 Medinah Rd. Corridor GT 34 H.U.M. to Pleasant Valley 20 Palatine Trail to Paul 57 Blackberry Creek Corr. GT, GW Connection GT Douglas Route Rte. 20 Meacham Creek GW UPDATE 88 55 58 Deerpath Rd. Corridor GT 35 Eakin Creek GW 21 Palatine Trail GT 21 Swift Prairie/Salt Creek Aurora 355 59 Indian Trail Rd. Corridor GT 36 H.U.M. to Lake in the River 22 Deer Grove Trail GT Park Connection GT On June 19, 1997, the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission adopted 60 Illinois Prairie Path - Hills Trail Connection GT 94 90 23 Hintz Road Route Rte. 22 Addison Corridor GT the Regional Greenways and Trails Implementation Program, an update 294 Aurora Branch GT 37 Pleasant Valley to Lake in es 23 Addison Road Corridor GT WILL CO. in 24 Wheeling Drainage DitchGW the Hills Trail Conn. GT, GW st Br. Pla 62 Waubonsee Creek Trail and replacement to the 1992 Northeastern Illinois Regional Greenways Ea es r D 24 Salt Creek Corridor GT,GW e Calumet Sag Channel v 25 McDonald Creek GW to Scheffer Road Corr. GT 38 Woods Creek System GW i 55 Plan Map. This map is an important part of this Program, reflecting proposed R Lemont 57 26 Techny Corr. to Des Plaines 25 Commercial St. Route Rte. 63 Waubonsee Creek Corr. GT, GW 39 Lake in the Hills Trail GT Li ttl River Corridor Route Rte. 26 Church Rd. Route Rte. expansions and additions to existing trails and greenways. Since the 1992 e C 64 Montgomery Corridor GT 40 Crystal Creek GW alu met 27 West Glenview Rail Corr.GT 27 Eastern Lake St. CorridorGT R 41 Prairie Trail to plan, the size of the greenway network has nearly tripled, the trail component iver 28 Techny Corridor GT 28 Lake St./IPP Corridor GT Cary Connection GT LAKE COUNTY 294 29 Middle Fork of the North 29 Great Western Tail GT,GIT 42 Spring Creek GW alone has doubled from 1000 miles to 2000 miles. The region’s greenway 1 Fox River GW 80 e g ko Branch Chicago River GW River ic ry network is unprecedented around the country. a Joliet H Park 30 Harger Rd. Trail GT C INDIANA 2 Des Plaines River P r. u 30 North Branch Trail GT,GW,GIT D Forest 31 York Rd./22nd St. Trail GT System and Trail GW, GT, GIT WILL COUNTY 31 Green Bay Trail GT ILLINOIS 32 Ginger Creek System GW 3 Bluff Lake to Lake Marie 1 Virgil Gilman to Increasing appreciation by citizens of the values of open space, greenways, 80 32 West Fork of the North Shoreline Corridor GW Du Page River Corridor GT 33 Fullersburg Trail GT Des Plaines Branch Chicago River GW and trails is evidenced by referenda passed for open space protection in the 34 Lacey Creek GW 4 Sequoit Creek GW 2 Des Plaines River SystemGW 33 N. Shore Channel Trail GT,GW region, as well as by federal and state initiatives and programs. Results of 35 Illinois Prairie Path - 5 Deer Lake to 3 Lincoln Highway Corr. GT 34 Skokie Swift Corridor GT Main Stem GT Redwing Slough System GW 4 E, J & E Corridor GT local government and developer surveys show that residents are ranking 55 57 35 N. Br. Trail to Des Plaines 36 Winfield Creek GW 6 Mill Creek System GW 5 West Norman Drain GW River Corridor Route Rte. trails and open space highest on lists of desired community amenities.
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