SHIPPING NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD oik] TOl'ItH STKAMMIII'S. KXrntSIONW itntl TIU?RV. STK\«>IIH'S. IC\< I liMUNS unj TOCB/. r N < '.>. u 1th crude oil. Wont to Robins'8 dry In addition to other documents, with ldentl- Vera Cru ¦, &c; Man anlllo (Cuban), Xaw STEAMSHIPS. KX< VRKIOXS dock, Brooklyn. fleat ion cards, which will bo Issued liy Orleans, 6cc. Str Hyroa, Savannah via Norfolk, to the Argentine Consul*, and surrendered upon TRIESTB, July 20 Sailed, nir t'uleol, NOTICE TO MARINERS Strachan Shipping Co. Went to pier 5, arrival at Argentine porta. Tump.i. Bush Docks, Brooklyn. LONDON, Aug 3.Str Eskbridge (Br). from TlilNIDA1July 30 Ariiv-d, Htr Canadian Pfr- Str Jefferson. Norfolk, to the Old Domin¬ Sunderland for Key Wivit, before reported In Harvester (Br), Montri. I. &e, for Deiuerara ion Transportation Co, with indi)e. Went to collision, haa arrived at Cardiff; dry docking land proceeded name da> YORK HERALD'S Newa plor 20, North Ulver. for repairs. Sailed July 21), *tr CanadianTraveller (Br). THE NEW Ship Office is in Str Willfaro, Baltimore, to the Williams Str Eurana, from Sourabaya for Now York, Vancouver. with mdae. Went to VALPARAISO. Aug li- Arrived, str Santa news Steamship Co, pier 45, lias arrived at Colombo with condenser tubes Ana, New the Barge Office. Ship information given by U. S. North River. leaking, feed pumps burst, broken or out of York. U S battle ship Pennsylvania. Plymouth, order. VERA CRIT/.. Auk 2. Arrived, str Burgedyk Bulletin. Mai s. Went to Na\y Yard, Brooklyn. fl'ute-h), Rotterdam vii* Cuba for Neu Navy Department Daily Shipping Telephone LOS ANGELES, Cal, Auk 2.Str Spring¬ Orlean*. HAVANA U 8 destroyer Stringhani, CliarKdton, SC. Green 9960. Anchored off Tompkltisvtue. field, from Boston, Portland and Philadel¬ VICTORIA, ItC, AUK 2- Vrrlved, Mr Bowling Sehr Rose phia for San Francisco, arrived hero to-day; uf (Br), Kong, &c. Louise Howard, Blanche, Nr. lout blade of propeller July 23 and will dry Emprqaj Japan iloug SPECIAL CALL Tug Liberty, towing 3 bargee. dock before DELIGHTFUL proceeding. FOREIGN PORTS. By New Twin Screw Passenger S. S. WIRELESS REPORTS. Dangers to Navigation. {By Mai!.] 5 one-day ©utimgs Sir CLOSING OF MAILS Orblta illri, Hamburg, &c, for New [Reportod to tiie Hydrographlc Office.] CHATHAM. NB, July 30.Arrived, echrs York, expected to dock at pier 42, North A Cum¬ Steamer "De Witt Clinton"' Foreign malls will eloae promptly as Indicated below at the General Post Office and River, about 0:3(1 AM Landmark.Hilo Hay, Hawaii.The Oom- Holme- Frank (Br), Charlottetown; pent packages and Friday. 8 S iialtlniore re¬ berland (Juceii (Br), l'ort Hustings. C.ltv Hall Station. Ordinary print", samples, parcel registered artldea Str Yseldyk (Dutch), Rotterdam for New mandlng Officer of the U schr Chas F (Steamer "Robert Fulton" l'riilnj*) .. close two hours earlier, except that registered articles have to be mailed between the hours wan 009 miles K of ports that tho Catholic Church, which formed HALIFAX, July ;|0.Arrived, to SEPT. 3 York, Ambrose lightship «tr Coban Daily, Including Sunday, 8 AM I'M. At the Foreign Station (corner ul Morton and Weat streets), foreign r.oon the front mark of the range 19 deg.191) deg, Gordon (Br), Philadelphia; 31st, "ESSEQUIBO" of and 12 at 3d. an hour lator than at tlio General Post Office and Hall Station. ahown on Coast chart 41113, haa been (Br), Sydney. *U»T POINT mall closes half City Str N'leuw Amsterdam (Dutch), Rotterdam, Survey Sal'.sl "1st, *tr Watuka (Br), Sydney; »chr 151 Alt MOUNTAIN Supplementary mull closes nt the General Post Office and City Hall Station, where double &e, for New York, is expected to dock at destroyed by fire. POIT.HKEKI'SK SEPT. 10 Is MAIL louble postage required) closes at the W N U inhardt (Br), La Have. NKUIll'lMill "QUILPUE" postage required. HUPPL.EMKNTAHY foot of 5th street, Hobokcn, Saturday after¬ Aug 2, lat 37 .'id, Ion 7," 08 30, what was MONTREAL, Aug I.Arrived. str.s Brant AND RETURN Foreign Station half an hour later than the supplementary dosing time shown below, except noon. apparently a derelict capsized vessel, about County (Br). Rotterdam; Comlshman (Br), that supplementary mall for European countries and for Central America, &c. via Cristo¬ Str Vasari (lir), Buenos Aires, 4c. for 100 feet long, with hull Just awash. Avoumouth; Otto (Nor), via Saving Time one later. Whenever mall vessels sail between the hours of !» AM and 6 New i-< Hverdrup Bergen I>:i>IiS:lit I From New York bal. closes hour Y'ork, expected to dock at pier 11, July 22, lat 51 10, Ion 45 55, a very large Quebee; Canadian Bayer (Br), Trinidad, 10:00 A. M.; W. I'M a supplementary mail poat office on the atjamahlp pier Is open to the public 1^ hours Uobokcn, Saturday forenoon. Ac; Tunisian (Harrow. T.cave* W. .(-'nil St.. hafore the scheduled sailing time and closes in minutes before the scheduled sailing time. Str Zacapa, Tela. Ac. for New York, Is berg. (Br), 12*.Hh St., 10:30 A. \T.; Yonkern, 10 .">0 .i to lat a lat Sailed 1st, atrs Oe\ (Nor), Antwerp; Ca¬ \V. 13Utli N'.'IO Double postage required. The steamers for wliirii supplementary mall Is accepted on the expecti d to dock at pier 15, Eaat River, July Si, 40 38, Ion 50. large berg; Wivst In lit i; A. M. lUturn duo St., a 4!> Ion fill, ice dome, and lat -IS 53, Ion nadian Pathfinder /l.ri, liri'.lsli 43:i(1 St.. !):00 1". M. 1'iUMeii. pier at time of sailing are shown below by danger (t) following Umo of closing of mall. Thursday morning. 28, Lestris (8w), Hal; lore. r. M.: TV. HAVANA, PANAMA CANAL, GUAYAQUIL, Str Turrlalba. Santa Marta, &c, for New 50 4.'i, a medium sized berg. NEWCASTI-E. July .')0.Cleared, bark !.: or* for I'otighkeepsle may remain York. i.s expected to dock at Ea«t board all day. For additional service i A mall* for ths Mexican Slates of tier 15, Arista* (Nor), (Lasgow. CALLAO, MOLLENDO, RICA, IQUIQUE, Transatlantic Mails. CampK'he, River, Thursday afternoon. CABLE REPORTS. QUEBEC, July 31.Pawned Capo Iln c, i r regular Day Lino advertisement. Chiapas. Guerrero. Hidalgo, Mexico, Moreloe, Str Lord New Yo k A AUGUST Vara and Ormonde (Br), via Sa- Canadian Runner (Br), Montreal for Cardilf West Point except Sunday. AN TOFAGASTA, \ A LPAR ISO THUnSDAY, Onxuca, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Cruz vannah for Bremen and Ilamburr. was 101 AALRhrg, 30.Sailed, str Rockav.-ay » str 8 AM July and Swansea. France, Rumania, Bulgaria, Czeolio-Slo- Yucatan. Cauto, f. mile:, ESE of Cape Hattera* at S I'M 2d. Park, Odense. Boused In Hello Isle 31st. strs Manchester River Line vaKla. Jugo-Slavia, Austria, Hungary, Cape Ilayli and Port da Pulx (other parts ACCRA, Aug 1.Arrived str Hereby (Br), Hero (Br), Manchester fur Montreal; Aug Hudson Day Poland, Switzerland, Italy. Spain, Greecs, of Haytl *), via Cape Haytl, Gonalves. St New York and Norfolk. 1, Canadian Aviator ilir), Lelth for Chlcou- DESUROSSES ST. ITER. NEW YORK. Portugal, Turkey, Syria, Palost^iv. Mgypt, Mara, Port au Prime. VUragoane, Jeremlo, By United Statea Navi\l Communi¬ ALEXANDRIA. Aug 1.Sailed, str Black tlnil; Canadian Haider (Br), London for Phone Canal IKiOO. British India, Kenya and Uganda. Malta, Aux Caye*. Aquln and Jacmel, atr Great Sea (Br). New York. via Palls, 13 M. cation Servicc. str Montreal. LINE ! Gibraltar, Slam, Cyprus and Ceylon, ALICANTE, July 30.Sailed Mydrecht PACIFIC ST JOHN. Auk 1 -Clean d, clir Harry i also [Distances given in mllos; position at noon, (Dutch), New York. N'B, Havre (Other countries .) parrel post FRIDAY. AUGUST 5. unless otherwise A McLennan (Br), Vineyard Haven. mails for France and other countrlu*. sir Cape Haytl and Port de Paix (Curacao, specified.] ANTOFAGASTA. July 31.Arrived, str SYDNEY, CB, Auk 1.Arrhed, tr* Lord (The Pacific Steam Navigation Co.) France, 8:30 AM (sup 0:80 AM t). Venezuela and other parts of llaytl .), via America 2,014 from Ambrose 2d. Santa Ana, Now York. Londonderry (Br), Montreal for Rotterdam Italy (Greece and Juflo-Slavla .). via Capo Haytl, Port de I'alx. Gonalves, Ht Ampetco 11>2 SW llatteras 2d. Railed ,'iOtli, bark Annie M. Itolph, San and Hamburg; Wabana (Br), Montreal. Naples, Pa' ran and Dubrovnlk: also parcel Ario 165 N Hatteraa 2d. Francleco. SANDERSON & SON, Agents Mare, Port au Prince, Petit Goave, Mira- stra Park- poet mails for Italy, Orenoe and Juio-Slavla, goane, Jercmie, Aux Cayw, Jacmcl, Curai ao, Brilliant HO N Jupiter 2d. ANTWERP. July .".1.Arrived, str 10 AM. Bristol 21 NB Cap* Charles 2d. haven (Dutch). Montreal; Aug 1, Lieutenant 26 Broadway, New York 117 W. Washington St., Chicago Argantlna, Maracalbo, Puerto Cnbello and Lajfuayra, New Orleans; Lord Duf¬ AMERICAN PORTS. Azores Islands and Portugal (Italy, Greece, str Astrea, 10 AM. Buckeye State 5S9 s Baltimore 1st. Jean Laurent (Fr). Connections for all Or Any Local Ticket Agent Bulgaria and Rumania *), via Ilortu, Lisbon, Haytl (except Capo ITaytl and Port de Catherine 160 S Scotland LV 2d. fer!n (Br), Montreal. I By Telegraph.) Palermo, Naples, Piraeus, Varna and Con- Palxi, Canal Zone. Panama. .Salvador Centennial Stat.» SI70 from Ambroae 2d Sailed 31st. sirs Edgemont, Boston; Kal- ASTORIA, O, Auk 2- Arrhed, str Hoyetilan Now England Points stanza; also pitrctl post maiU for Azores (print.;, &c), Nicaragua (except East Coast), City of Alton 1,020 E b> N llatteras 2d. farll (Nor). Galveston Sluru (Jap). Batavla. Islands and Portugal, etr Canada, 10:."0 AM.
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