MIT's The eather Oldest and Largest Today: unny, clear, 75°F (24°C) Tonight: Clear, 55°F (13°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Clear, 73°F (23°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 121 umber 48 02139 Tuesday, October 2, 2001 2005 Class Elections Institute Dedicates New Dorm the new dormitory make toward Vest aid. By Maral Shamloo Finish After Re-Ballot housing graduate students on cam- The new donn houses about 120 MIT finally dedicated the new pus. first year graduate students in stu- graduate dormitory at 224 Albany "The opening of 224 Albany St. dio-style apartments. Each has a Alejandro Removed Following Complaints treet, commonly known as The is a huge step toward one of MIT's small kitchen and bathroom. Warehouse. longstanding goals to accommodate By Jing-Helen Tang removal was "unfortunate." MIT President Charles M. Ve t 50 percent of graduate students on inor con truction continue STAFF REPORTER '1 thought [Alejandro's removal] spoke at yesterday's ceremony, campu , and al 0 part of general Most residents were temporarily After re-running paper balloting, wa absurd," Kanamori aid. Ale- noting the ignificant contribution physical enhancement of campu ," housed in the University Park the Class of 2005 has elected Daniel jandro reportedly pasted a campaign Hotel while contractors finished F. Kanamori '05 president and poster to his shirt while in Lobby construction. The building is fully Rohit Gupta '05 treasurer. 10, which Kanamori said "may be occupied now, but work still con- All other offices were decided on excessive but by no means enough tinue . Thursday, but the Undergraduate to take hi name off." "All the rooms were ready Association Judicial Review Board lejandro was upset by the deci- when we moved in, but communal voted to invalidate Thursday's paper sion. He said that he was doing his areas such as laundry, weight votes for President and Treasurer. best to campaign after starting the room and first floor lobby still Paper voting was re-run on Friday. election process late. needed work." said resident According to the official count, Arundhati ingh G, who lives in the number of students who voted Candidates question JudBoard W30. "The work is nearly fin- via paper ballots was down 13.5 Several candidates expressed ished, but there are minor job percent, from 148 on Thursday to concern over the election process which still need to be done." 128 on Friday. itself, specifically the rulings made Since the building is not con- by JudBoard. nected to MIT's main water supply Alejandro removed from ballot "The election process needs to be yet, a temporary water tank is used After Thursday's paper balloting looked at and be improved in the to provide hot water. took place, complaints were filed future," said Craig J. Rothman 'OS, a "I have never experienced a against several candidates, including former candidate for vice president. shortage of hot water, but the pres- Jesse R. Alejandro '05, candidate for Rothman called for a more "con- ure is low sometimes," said treasurer, Dexter W. Ang 'OS, candi- crete" JudBoard review system. Sripriya atarajan G, one of the date for president, and Kanamori. "JudBoard has a very, very tough donn's eight Resident Advisors. Several candidates reported see- job," Kanamori said. "They wanted "We are expecting this problem ing people campaigning near the to hurt the least people. I think it's to be resolved by the end of fall at ballot box in Lobby 10 on Thurs- better to conduct the voting all over." late t," said Steven R. Lerman '72, day, including Alejandro. Thursday Leah S. Schmelzer '02, the Chair housemaster of The Warehouse. night, JudBoard voted to invalidate of JudBoard, declined to comment In addition to the water supply the paper votes and run another bal- on the specifics of the ruling. A for- there are currently some problems lot on Friday, with Alejandro's mal statement will be released later with the air conditioning. "1 am not name removed. this week. supposed to turn my NC off and the Candidates were explicitly told MIKE UN-THE TECH noise drives me mad sometimes," to avoid campaigning in Lobby 10, Kanamori calls for school spirit President Charles M. Vest recognized the efforts of architects, said Sanjit Sethi G. Gupta said. "1 saw Jesse hanging As freshman class president, builders, student groups, and administrators at a dedication cere- "There are two types of C in around, but 1 didn't find it offen- mony for the new 224 Albany Street graduate student dormitory. sive." Gupta said that Alejandro's Elections, Page 19 Dedication, Page 18 WIreless LAN Installation' Complete Fear of Flying By Eric Berry campus. Following a small pilot install 802.11 b-compliant network- program in the Sloan School of ing, providing access in classrooms, Attacks Lead to Air Travel Changes With the recent introduction of Management last year, the program libraries, and common areas, includ- wireless Local Area Network, MIT has been expanded to include sever- ing Kresge Oval, the entire student By Eun J. Lee students can now connect to the al hundred access locations. center, all the libraries, and large ASSOCIATE fllBWS EDrrOR Internet from nearly any point on MIT spent nearly $800,000 to lecture halls such as Room 26-100 How safe would you feel flying :from Logan to Dulles lnternation- and Room 10-250. al, with a layover in Newark? If the person sitting next to you were of "People could have acce s using Arab descent and had a hard time peaking Engli h, would you feel laptops in common areas, where uneasy? What other thoughts might go people tend to gather anyway," said through your head knowing that les Albert Willis, a consultant for MIT Reporter's than two weeks earlier four planes had Information Systems. "This is espe- been hijacked :from these three airports? cially useful because laptops are These questions and many other becoming increasingly popular." Notebook were racing through my mind this past weekend, and they were not hypothetical. Ihad planned a trip to vi it Wireless network comes to class the nation's capital weeks before the atrociou attacks on the World Many classes, such as Mechan- Trade Center and the Pentagon, at a time when many thought the ics and Materials 1 in Course II biggest news of the day was Michael Jordan' rumored return to bas- (2.001), are already lending students ketball. My original travel itinerary was a short one-and-a-half hour laptops which are readily compati- direct flight from Boston to Washington's Reagan ational Airport, ble with wireless LA . Wire le s but these plans had to be changed since Reagan airport is till closed LAN has proven to be highly com- almost three weeks after the attacks. patible with projects that aim to For days after the attacks, Ihad no idea if Iwould even be able to make the classroom a more flexible fly, or if I would even want to. Some argue that it might be safer to and interactive experience, like fly now than ever before, since security has been beefed up signifi- Technology Enabled Active Learn- cantly. However, I think everyone is more aware of the po ible dan- ing an interactive ver ion of ger associated with flying. During my trip, 1found that many things Physics II(8.02T). had changed in the ways of air travel ince the last time Iflew on an Many students, however airplane through Logan and Dulles, which was still less than a month expressed concern that wireles ago. LA would be more of a distrac- tion. "1 think computers in general ew security brings new delays can be distracting in the clas room If you've followed the new or been to any airline web sites, you've TIM SUEN-THE TECH but adding wirele Internet makes Wireless ethemet is now available in many locations on campus, Airlines, Page 16 Including classrooms and lecture halls. Wireless, Page 17 Andrew Comics OPINIO Selbst Ken Nesmith discusses U.S. influ- World & ation 2 checks ence on world affairs in the con- Opinion 4 outLive V text of the September 11 attack . Event Calendar 7 Arts 8 Page 8 Page 6 Page 5 Page 2 October 2, 2001 WORLD & NATION Pentagon hanges Exiled Mghani King Agrees Def ns Prioritie EWSDAY To Join in New Government Three weeks after the deadlie t atta k on U. oil the Pentagon onday restored homeland defense it top military priority and By Richard Boudreaux Paki tani Pre ident Per ez em 11iance tro .p hold nearly 10 said the mis ion would fall mo tly to re ervi ts and the ationa1 and John Daniszewski usharraf d Jared onday that the percent of the country. Guard, not active-duty force . LOS A GELES TIMES Taliban' day appeared to be num- If that option prove impo ible, Defense official are con idering appointing a ingle high-ranking ROME bered because of it refu al to hand the council could act as a provision- military commander to control all homeland force , in much the ay Counting on a collap e of the o er bin Laden to the United tate. al government in exile, oppo ition one officer over e all Army avy and ir Force units in the id- militant I lami t Taliban regime enior Pakistani diplomat aid leader aid. dIe East and other regions. fghani tan main opposition force his country, the only one that till e must be ready, if there are Beyond those propo al , the new four-year Pentagon trategy and the country's 6-year-old e iled recognize the Taliban government dra tic change in Afghanistan's blueprint released onday offered few specific on how the military king agreed here onday to join in i quietly working with the Bu h political cene to resolve our prob- envisions defending America from another terrori t attack.
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