1187 the visit of the Association to Liverpool in 1882. He was ’pamphlet form a paper read before a meeting of the Social the first president of the Midland (now the North Midland)Science Association and entitled " Observations on the branch of the Association, and he held the presidency of theCauses of the Present Mortality in Greenock." In 1875 he " Manchester Odontological Society. In the early eighties" became medical officer of health of Greenock, a capacity in he helped to establish the Victoria Dental Hospital in which he rendered excellent service to the town. Dr. Manchester ; he was consulting dental surgeon to that Wallace was also a justice of the peace and Admiralty institution, and for some years he was chairman of its dental surgeon and agent. He was ever ready to help in promoting committee. schemes of public utility and did much on behalf of the local Mr. Campion withdrew from practice only a few years ago choral societies, the Philosophical Society, and the Greenock and has lived a retired life at Cheadle, a village not far from library. In addition to the pamphlet already mentioned he Manchester, where his garden and his violoncello occupied was author of papers, chiefly on surgical subjects, contributed much of his well-earned leisure. He was, indeed, a keen to the Glasgom Medical Jonrnccl. He has left two sons and musician, and from the beginning was an ardent supporter of three daughters, Mrs. Wallace having died several years ago. the concerts which afterwards became so famous and which The funeral, which took place at Greenock cemetery on were started by Charles Halle in 1857-the year of the great Oct. 13th, was very largely attended. Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester. Henry Campion was a loyal Churchman and a Conservative in politics but the tenacity with which he held to his own principles did not prevent close friendships with others who held very dif- ferent views. Never yielding in matters that he felt to be Medical News. essential his genial disposition, his pleasant wit, and his warm heart made him beloved and respected by a large circle of patients and others with whom he had to do. In UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD : EXAMINATIONS FOR his own profession his influence was widely felt as that of a THE DEGREES OF B.M. AND B.CH.-The Board of the Faculty man of sound judgment and disinterested motives, whilst of Medicine gives notice that the following regulations will not his great ability alone but the high standard of his first come into effect in Trinity term, 1905. Candidates consistent life has helped to raise his profession in the for the several parts of the examinations for the degrees of eyes of the outside world as only the life of a good man B.M. and B.Ch. are required, at the time of entering their can do. names with the secretary to the Boards of Faculties, to produce to him the following certificates, viz. :- WILLIAM NAUGHTIN, M.R.C.S. ENG. FIRST EXAMINATION. As already announced in our columns, Mr. William 1. Human Anatomy.-Every candidate for the examination in human must a the died on 6th at anatomy produce certificate, signed by proper authority, Naughtin Sept. 104, Gloucester-place, showing that he has dissected the whole body once. Portman-square, London, W. He was a native of County II. Human Physiology.-Every candidate for the examination in human must a certificate, the proper in Ireland and came to for the of physiology produce signed by Kerry England purpose authority, showing that he has attended a systematic course of labora- studying medicine. He entered at Charing Cross Hospital tory instruction in practical histology and in practical physiology in where he became first in senior in 1866 the physiological department of the University or an equivalent course prizeman surgery in the laboratories of a medical school or schools approved by the Board and in the same year obtained the diploma of M.R.C.S. Eng. of the Faculty of Medicine. The Board has approved for this purpose Ever since coming to England, more than 40 years ago, he the physiological laboratory of the medical school of any university in has lived at various places in Marylebone, his residence at the United Kingdom which gives a medical degree, including the laboratory of any school of the University of London; the physio- the time of his death being in Gloucester-place as above logical laboratories of the Medical Schools of Yorkshire College, Leeds, stated. His kindly disposition and thoughtfulness for others University Coliege, Bristol, and Firth College, Sheffield. In order that endeared him to a wide circle of and friends. the course may be recognised as equivalent the certificate must state that patients has a health him to retire from in the holder attended course of practical histology for a period of Failing compelled practice at least three months and a course of practical physiology for a similar March, 1903, since which time he was a great sufferer from period, this latter including both physiological chemistry and simple illness most patiently borne. Mr. Naughtin has left a widow experiments upon muscle and nerve. and family. The funeral took place in Kensal-green Roman SECOND EXAMINATION. Catholic Cemetery. - III. Pathology.-Every candidate for the examination in pathology must produce the two following certificates, viz. :-(a) A certificate of JAMES F.F.P.S. L. R. C. S. EDIN. having attended a course of laboratory instruction in practical patho- WALLACE, M.D., GLASG., logy which shall have included 20 meetings devoted to morbid histology Dr. James Wallace, who died very suddenly on Oct. 10th and 16 meetings devoted to practical instruction in bacteriology. Such course may be taken in the laboratory of the department of pathology at his residence at 16, Union-street, Greenock, was the senior in any university in the United Kingdom or in that of any school of member of the in the town. He was born in the University of London. (b) A certificate of having acted as post- profession mortem clerk for a period of three months in any of the hospitals Edinburgh in January, 1826, and went to Greenock with his approved by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine. IV. Forensic Medicine and Public candidate for the when he was about two of In 1841 he Health.-Every parents years age. examination in forensic medicine and public health must produce the entered as an arts student at the University of Glasgow and five following certificates-viz.: (a) a certificate showing that he has acted as a wards and as as M.A. in 1845. It was originally intended dresser for period of six months in the surgical graduated clerk for a six months in the medical wards of a hos- that he should for the but he clinical period of study ministry eventually pital or hospitals approved by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine. preferred a medical career and after completing the (b) A certificate, signed by the proper authority, showing that the usual curriculum graduated as M.D. at Glasgow in 1850, holder has attended a course of lectures on mental disease with the of L.R.C.S. Edin. in the clinical demonstrations, in connexion with one of the recognised taking diploma following medical schools ; or that he has attended for three months the clinical year. In 1855 he was admitted F.F.P.S. Glasg. Soon after practice of a lunatic asylum recognised by the Board of the Faculty of becoming qualified he commenced practice in Greenock and Medicine. (c) A certificate, signed by the proper authority, showing that the holder has attended for not less than two consecutive months received an appointment under the board in the parochial on the clinical practice of a fever hospital or asylum recognised by the service of which or in that of the parish council he con- Board of the Faculty of Medicine. (d) A certificate of proficiency from tinued all his life. His jubilee as medical officer under this, a public vaccinator appointed by the Local Government Board and service was celebrated in March, 1902, when he was presented authorised by them to give such certificates. (e) A certificate, signed the proper of attended 20 cases of labour in with his in oils and a illuminated by authority, having portrait handsomely the maternity department of a recognised medical school, or the address and was entertained at banquets in the town hall Rotunda Hospital in Dublin, or of having attended 30 cases of labour in and the Tontine Hotel. He was also medical officer Queen Charlotte’s Lying-in Hospital, or under the superintendence of a visiting medical The certificate to state that the of the Greenock lunatic at an duly registered practitioner. parochial asylum Smithston, holder has in all cases been present at the time of the birth of the institution which was established in 1879 and now has 230child. ’ inmates. For 33 years he was a surgeon to the Greenock V. Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery.-Every candidate for the examination in and the six and had a considerable as an medicine, surgery, midwifery must produce Infirmary reputation operator following certificates-viz., the five certificates required from candi- but, unfortunately, he had to abandon this part of his’ dates for the examination in forensic medicine and public health, and work in consequence of an injury to his right hand sustainedL in addition (f) a certificate showing that he has attended, during a , period of two years, the medical and of a or the performance of an Dr.
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