DECLASSIFIED SECRET • • j.." ~ '<¢'Ot$;2 '1 COMMAND CHRONOLOGY DECEMBER 1968 ( ~- t:;; [ SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • 28/dj 5750 .... .: -t. 0016t~ SECRET (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1»' FEB '(5,'1869 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CG, III MAF 1tr3K/j1d 5750 Ser : 0010469 dated 20 Jan 1969 From: Cornrnanding Genera-I,-Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Comrriandant of the Marine Corps (Cc?de A03D) Subj: Command Chronology (U) 1. The subject chronology has been reviewed for completeness and is forwarded herewith. • 0_ We E. DEEDS (r ....... By direction Copy to: CG, III MAF SECRET 2 , f __~ I =0 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED COMMANDiNG GENERAL III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE • MI.LITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND. VIETNAM FPO. SAN FRANCISCO 96602 IN flEP!.Y REFER TO, 111r om: Commanding Genersl To: Com:mandant of' the f,!arine Corps {Code A03D) Via: Cora..manding General, Fleet Marlti9 Force, Pacific Subj : Command Chronology (U) Her: (a) MOO P'750.L4. (b) ~1FPaeO 5750.8A Enol: (1) III I1iAF Commw.'1d Chronology, Deoem.ber 1968 1. In accordance with references (al and (b), enclosure (l) is submitted herewith. ~c...~ MARION C. DALB! By direction ", DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • liEADQUJ~tlTm8 III Marine AmphibioU3 Force Military Assistance Command, Vietnam San Franoisco, California 96602 COl·:ll'[email protected] 1 Deoember 1968 - 31 December 1968 1];.1])1« Pi\RT I ORGANIZATIONAl. DATA P.A..1i.T II - NARRATIVE SUl·lltt!A..'ty P.PJ1.T III SEQUENTIAL LISTIllG OF - SIGNIFIOANT EVENTS PART IV SUPPORTING DOCill4ENTS ENCLOSURIll (I) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • FART I ORGA!!I~1h+':1.Q1!~_.l?A~ Q;m'll~~'Q~ III Marine Amphibious Force Lieutenant General Robert E. CU3HlYLAN' Jr., U.S. lJIarina Corn IS IJttn67 - 31Dec68- DEPVJ!._Q.°1~~~ I\ifajor General Ra.'thvon r;fcC. TOli[F:KIl1fS, 11. S. £'1a1"ine Corps 26May68 - 20Dec68 1"IaJor General Garl A. YOU]JGDAL.'ill, U. S. T'1arine Corps 21Dec68 -31Dec68 !U.B.qRp'IJi4~~_m~;h~~ XXIV C01"PS Lieutenant General Richard G. STIIHlELL, U. 8. Army 1Ju168 - 31Dec68 Third Iiarine Division Major General ll.aY-fl1ond G. DAVIS, U.S. l'1:arine Cor':ps 2alay68 - 31De065 lOlat Airborne Division Major General Melvin ZAIS, (.fi.J.rmobile) 11 .5. lA:!!my 19Aug68 - 31De068 First Marine Division Major General Carl A. EUN'GDALE, TJ. S. 1"1arine Corps 26Jun68 - 19De068 Major General Ormond R. SIMFSQn, U. S. Marine Corps 20Dec68 - 3lDec68 First Marine Jdrcraft Wing Major General Oharles J. QUILTEl1:., u, s. r'larine Corps 22Jun68 - 31Dec68 ENCLOSURE (1) 42'J__ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Americal Division Major General Charles M. GET'TYS, u. S. Arm:r 23Msy68 - 31Dec68 Force Logistic Oommand Brigadier General James A. :£i".6:Bltu1Y, U. S. Marine Corps lDec68 - 31Deo68 Headquarters & Service Company Colonel William K. WHITE, III liiIarine Amphibious Foroe U. a.Marine Corps H.eadquarters Commandant 40et68 - 31De068 Sub Unit #1, First Radio Lieutenant Colonel Patriok J. Battalion FENNELL, U.S. !<1arine Corps 170ct68 - 31Dec68 29th Civil Affairs Company Lieutenant Oolonel Robert R. RAFFERTY, U. S • Army 28Nov68 - 31Dec68 7th Psychological Operations Major Miohael FORTIN'l, Battalion U.S. Army 25Nov68 - 3lDec68 2. LOCATION 1-31 Decemben 1968, East Danang, Qua.ng Ham Province, Republic of Vietnanl. 3. STAFF OFFIC~.§ Deputy Commanding General, Air Major Ganeral Charles J. QUILTER,U. S. I'farina Corps 22Jun68 - 3lDec68 Chief of' Staff Major General Earl E. ANnmSm~·, U. S. Marine Corps 21D6067 - 3lDec68 Deputy Chief of Staff Co~onel Michael MOSTELLER, U.S. :f-iarine Corps 5.Aug68 - 3lDec68 Deputy Chief ot Staff, Plans Brigadier General Warren K. BEmmTT, u, S. Army 5Sep68 - 3lDee68 3 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Assistant Chief of stafr, G-l Colonel Maurioe ROSE, U. S. Marine Corps 12Ju168 - 3lDee68 Assistmt Ohief of' Staff, G-2 Colonel Ray N. JOENS, u. s. !tIarlne Corps 29Jul68 - 3lDeo68 Assistant Chief or Staff, G-3 Brigadier General Oarl W. HOFF'!-IAJ.'i, U. S. J.1arlne Corps l5Aug68 - 31Deo68 Deputy G-3 Colonel Marion C. DALBY, U.S. ~ifar1ne Oorps lOct68 - 31Dec68 Assistant Ohief of Starf, G-4 Colonel LawrenoeC. NORTOU, U.S. 14arine Corps 4Ju168 - 31Dee68 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 Colonel Howard A. WESTPHALL, U. S. Marine Corps lNov68 - 31De068 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-6 Colonel Bill E. HORN&~, U•.8. Marine Corps 7Sep68 - 3lDe068 Force Psyohologieal Operations Colonel Harold CHASE, Otficer U.8. Marine Corps 1Aug68 - 31Oe068 Force Supply Officer Colonel Alfred C. TAVES, U. S. Marine 001'28 22Ju168 - 31Dec68 Force Staff Judge Advooate Oolonel Paul W. SEABAUGH, U.S. l'4arina Co~s .5Aug68 - 31Deo68 Force Engineer Officer Colonel Kenne thR. BLlUID, U•...8.·.•.••• ., £.farina. G.orps 22May68 - 31De068 Force Adjutant Major James H. LYLES, U.S. Marine Corps 8Aug68 - 3lDec68 ENCLOSURE ( 1) SECRF~ ~- I DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED T• • Assistant Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Daniel J. Comptroller FORD, U. S. Marine Corps 2$Ju168 • 31Dec68 Force Inrormation Services Colonel Paul M. MORIARTY, Otf'icer U.$." MarLne Corps 29Ju168 • 3lDec68 Officer in Charge, COC Lieutenant Colonel James H. MA.a~, U. S. Marine Corps 2lJu168 - 31Dee68 Force Food Services Officer Lieutenant Colonel Leslie P. DAY, U. S • Ma.rine Corps 28Sep68 • 31Dec68 }:!"'!orce Chaplain Captain Robert W. RADCLIFFE, U.S. Navy 500t68 - 31De068 Captain J01Ul H. STOVER Jr., U.~. Navy 12May68 • 3IDec68 Force Dental Officer Captain William L. DAt1.NELL Jr., U.~•• Navy IJulb8 • 31Dec68 Force Motor Transport Officer Major Joseph N. EGGLESTON, U.S.J<farLne Corps 9Mar68 - 22Dec68 Lieutenant Colonel Ken D. BARNES1. u. S. Marine Corps 23D~e6tl - 3lDec68 Force Ordnance Officer Colonel James LEON, U.;s.. J:Iarine GorEs 22Sep68 - .31Dec68 Protocol Officer Major Robert E. GIBSON, U. S. Marine Corps 19Ju168". 3lDec6o Force Special Services Officer Colonel Willialll BIEHL Jr., U.~. Marine Oorps .30Aug68 - 31Dec68 zscro b'Ul1.E (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • Director, Transportation Control Lieutenant Colonel John F. Gentel~ GOULD, U. 8. l"farina Corps lFeb68 - 31Dea68 Porce Inspector Colonel James W. SHAWK, U.8. Max-ills COl~P s 163ep68 - 31Dec68 l USMC Liaison Officer, ¥mGV Colonel Carl E. SCffilIDl , U.S. :l'1arine Corps 22Sep68 - 3lDec68 USMC Liaison Officer, 7thl~F Colonel Oarl E. SCmUDT, U.8.!-larine Corps 22Sep68 - 31Dec68 US~J Liaison Officer, ROra~G Lieutenant Golonel Lewis J. ~~~~8 ~·3~De:~8ine Corps Staff Secretary Major Harold E. HAvnUN8, U.S.:fc1arin6 Corps 2Sep68 - 3lDec68 ENGLO SURE (1) ,,"" b DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • '1 1J" ~S~~~rl U::3·1---:~C UE;~;' [:3',>:'IC IJS:J \,./ ..: l~ 1 U3I: " 13 ..:il" o o i 0: f",! if', , III :2 1.C 1£. 1 9 13 2 ::~~i;3)':::·::;1.I ,1,3T 2.5 CC (1) 335 5 ";j O ~s ':.~ C;, rv (:JL:fJ t .,.i~";; 0 \.J o 1. 671 }.21 0 I,) ~....~ 29 th I·...:L. t,;(} (EI t t) '1...,' (t 11 (> 0: 0 0 I Go (s.up) 0 {) 1.5 (;': o O 57 (} l~958 5C51 SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED '"i1'i .11l1 t PART II lilJUU.TlVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION. a. GENERAL. During December 1968, III Marine Amphibious Force Headquarters vas located in Ea.t DaD Republic or Vietnam. The a'Yerage persoDDel strensth 139,581, an increase of 1~859 OYer the previous month. b. ACTIVITIKS. III MA.F continue. to be guided b7 COMUSMACV Letter or Instruction (LOI 3-66) dated 30 March 1966 in pursuit or it. objectives ror Dece.ber 1968. 2. OVERALL EVALU~O.. BIle.,. activit7 re.iDed at an unusual17 low levetliroughout the aonth o~ Deoember. III MAP units throughout the teTS experience4 O817.er7 light contact in the cours. or their operation. a. tbe e~'s major units continued to a.oid contact with al11ed rorc••• Ear17 in the month Harine and .&RVli units completed Operation Meade River, a Dineteen da7 operation wbleh had netted over a thousand enem7 KIA as vell a. 172 pri.oners. During the month of December, III HAP UDits conducted a total or tvelve major unit operations in the ICTZ. UNCLASSIFIED .CLOSURE (1) 8 ~~-~_..._----- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 'I.UUllWL .. • ... - -- lmCt*~~!'IIrI' PART III (S) SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS. DBCBMBllJi 1968 1. SUMMARY OF OPrJiIOBS. (Th. following thr•• operationa had moderate to a gD ticant contact). a. QEeration MBADB RIVER. The 1st Marine Diviaion (lat Marines (-) (Rein} , cOlltliiu.a olear anel a.arch op.r.tiona in Quang Nam Province with signifioant cont.ot tor the p.riod 1-9 December 1968. At 010900H Ll3/$ waile on .....p r.ceived small arms and automatic w.aponafir. trom an lIDknown nuab.r of enemy in prepared positions. L/3/5 r.turn.d tire, called artillery and air strikes. Resulta ot contaot ••1'. 1 USMC KIA, 28 USMC WIA., .nd 7 IV.A. KIA. At 02l700H "/2/$ vb.1l. on a sweep rec.ived ...11 ar.. and B-40 rook.t fir• .trOll. an estimated 20 .nelllJ. P/2/5 returned ar. aDd ....upport.d by artillery. Reault. ot contact vel'. $ l1III: WIA Uld 7 BYA KIA. At 05l20qH 1/3/26 and X!3/26 ••••ult.d tor.iti.d poaitions a1"ter two days of intenaive .ir and· artillerl' pr.par.tion. Results 01" contacta w.re $8 WAltU. At 0708308 1./1/7 engaged an unknown nllllber 01" enGl. Ul/7 tir.d a_II arms and automatic w.apona and w.re aupport.d by artillery, 8lmm· mortars, and air atrikes. The .nellJ' 'broke contact and tIed. Results of contact were 8 USMC KIA, 17 USMC VIA, and 22 JlVA KIA. At 08l60oH B/2/S r.ceived h••vT _11 ar.- til'. trom an .nemy bunk.r compl.z. B/2/5 return.d tire _4 oalled air strikes. Results 01" contact w.r. $ lJ81(C KIA, 14 u&C wu., . 39 NVA KIA, and 1 PW/IVA.
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