SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. BALE—AUTOMOBILES SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALK—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE-AUTOMOBILES 1934 V-8 Tudor. Popular black LA BALL! do lux* phaeton. 6 wire OLDSMOBILE 1936 Eight coupe. Used by P-D (Oaths—d.) CHEVROLET 1935 coach; radio equipped: FORD (port PLYMOUTH 183.3 4-door sedan; black i ’LYMOUTH 1933 Deluxe Here * AUBURN e trunk sedan. 1935. dual ratio, finish, Only company official: the best of coupe. "V7" M<Un. be»utl- driven little by one owner; retains its new- finish. Has been driven carefully and wheeli. beautiful black SI67; given care: finish, cream wire wheels; whipcord up- hat unusual buy been original flnlih. trunk, radio. Special at BUICK 1931 de luxe 18th «t. n.w. driven only a few hundred miles. you've searching sand finish, black fend- oar appearance and performance; all tires shows ft. Motor perfectly tuned In our terms. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 New car holstery Is spotless: tires like new. and ! or. Oood-looking gunmetal finish *895.00. ful 2-tone Arabian One of best Ford values terms, service and guarantee. Will sacri- grey metal tire cover, seat covers, excellent. Clean, sound and ready Icr exacting shop. SALLE 1931 sedan. $126: de luxe; smooth, quiet motor: $335. Stanley H. *t oft by Chinese red wheels; rumble seat; Norris. Inc.. 2018 14th n.w.. Nor. 3949. ers; chrome In town at La fice at $209 off Call Mr. tires: smooth-running any demonstration. 3436: easy terms. this reduced price; $367. Lee well fenders, etc.: beautiful appearance; Blank, Lustlne- Horner. Inc.. 1628 14th at. n.w. Na- potless broadcloth with excellent powerful, D. upholstery. Used AUBURN. '31; prlv. owned. *100 motor at once. 9207. Call Addison Chevrolet. 1437 Irvins st. n.w. Butler. Inc.. 1184 18th st.. demonstrate anywhere. Nlcholson. HyattsvlUe. Md. Greenwood ttonal uttreme care. motor. Must sacrifice n.w._ mech. perfect; 2200. 8473.__ Price dropped to #347. Job; *5 down. *2.50 weekly. Potomac Adams 6411. FORD sedan. 1931: rebuilt Finance Co. Lot, 711 H st. inly *34 down. Lee Walnut 9307-W.___ motor, new n.w.*_ PLYMOUTH 1830: will sell credit S140 D. Butler. Inc., 1184 6423-J. — master sedan. Guar- brakes, new paint, fine or can OLDSMOBILE 19.16 8 8th st. n.w. ____ BUICK 1929 sedan Quiet powerful CHEVROLET 1934 tires; $106; LA SALLE 1935 convertible coupe;; perfect touring sedan; lor 816. Col. 8333. car never been in taxi arrange termg. C driven very little BUICK 1933 “«7” sedan; luxurious Fisher motor, excellent finish, clean Interior, five antee that this has 1018 st. n.e.. Atlantic rein ereen paint; the tires and Burbank by company official and I interior ot Immac- Terms service. The owner, a hlsh Gov t. ai04-J. used as demonstrator. Will at IM»g body finished In black; fine tires, honestly priced at $86 former top are like new; black leather upholstery sacrifice PLYMOUTH de luxe 18.35 2-door sedan trunk whose name address will be $200 off. Tour ulate whipcord: no-draft ventilation, It desired. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Geor- official, and FORD 1936 coupe (6 windows), used very and heater; this fine, distinctive car Is In present ear as down pay- with trunk; streamline; excellent condition, at S695. furnished on treated this ear like ment. Easy rack. 8 wire wheels. A real buy gia reauest. little, caretully driven: lor immediate sale. excellent condition; SB45. C. C. C. suer- OMAO terms. New car serv- like new; only 8486; terms. 886 down. oemtcMU_ 14th st. n.w. Ave._ a and It shows evidence of the ex- ice and cuarantee. Call Mr. Stanley H Horner. Inc.. 1111 roadster. School baby, >876. Call Col. anty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 Hind st. Blank, Lus- Holan. 18th and M sta. n.w, BUICK 1924—4-cylinder cellent care It has had. Quiet motor, 8188-M._ National 7851,__ life and foot n.w. National 3300. Open Sun, and eve. tlne-Nicholson, HyattsvlUe, Md. Green- Boy Special, enjoy camper's spotless interior, five line tires, knee-action FORD 1932 de luxe panel delivery; only wood 2200. PLYMOUTH 2-door sedan, late ’3.3. Ex- BUICK 1931 "90” sedan. 7-pass, model. a co-ed college; this rumble ball games, prefers wheels. Fisher body. Fisher no-dratt ven- >187; terms. Nolan. 1111 18th st. n.w. LINCOLN convertible coupe, cellent appearance, sood mechanical con- de luxe shiny black finish, Fleming Motors. 1929 OLDSMOBILE. late 19.16 equipment; lovely thing only .927.BO. tilation. Any demonstration you want. FORD 1934 aeat beautiful leather upholstery, brand- de luxe 8-cyl. dition, fairly food tires. R. C. A. radio tastily appointed interior. 8 wire wheels, St. at Kalorama Rd. stake-body truck; best condi- four-door touring sedan; factory built-in Inc.. Champlain _ Honestly priced at 3450. Small down tion: only $427; terms new top. motor In tin-top condition. Bar- and heater. $306. Financed If desired. whipcord upholstery, trunk rack: $395. or trade. Nolan. 2625 trunk and many other extras. Driven only BUICK 660 sport coupe. 1934—Suse green payment, easy monthly payments. Owens 1111 18th st. n.w. gain $195. Warfield Motor Co., Columbia *083, 4123 8th st. n.w. ^ Stanley H. Horner. Inc.. 1111 14th at. n.w. B.200 miles. Same as new car In every " finish, custom slip covers, beautiful radio, Motor Co- 6323 Georgia Ave. Sherman ave n.w. Adams 8000, National buy FORD 1936 de luxe sedan delivery; lust way. Private owner will greatly sacrifice PLYMOUTH 1830 de luxe 2-door sedan; ^ 7851.___ tires and motor perfect. Beat Buick Master town sedan; ZEPHYR—Gentleman from New New dark green fin- CHEVROLET 1936. like new: a splended bargain; only $486; LINCOLN for quick sale. CaU Columbia 3600. Apt. black paint, excellent tires, spotless up- BUICK 1030 sedan. In town at $595. beautiful gunmetal finish; radio; driven York needs cash: will accept $460 less 7(ln. ish. Lowest we’ve ever quoted for 14th n.w.. Nor. 3949. terms. Nolan. 1111 18th st. n.w. holstery; here Is a current model car. cer- price Norris. Inc.. 2018 very little. Must sell at great sacrifice. than original eost; radio, heater, defroster. this popular model. We must make room FORD 1936 V-8 pick-up delivery; looks NASH 1930 de luxe coupe. Sacrifice. $4(L tainly priced low at S5S5. C. C. C. Guar- CHEVROLET 1932 sport coupe; rumble Will take 1931 or 1932 Chevrolet in trade, W. S. W. tire*. 4615 14th st. n.w. Ran- for trade-ins on new 19;i< Studebgkers. new; only $407; terms; small down Mr. Loftus, 1211 8th at. n w. anty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. fine free-wheeling motor, all good and terms to suit. 1628 Columbia rd.. pay- dolph- *127. Only *12 down on our budget plan. seat, ment. Nolan. 1111 18th st. n,w. 4220.__ n.w. Natl. 3300. Open Sun, and eve. clean and in smooth run- 402. Col. 0177. _ a fin* NASH light IT 1930: new paint, motor Lee D. Butler, Inc.. 1184 18th st. n.w. tires, spotlessly Apt. LINCOLN—A snap: first $50 buys $235: easy terms. Addison FORD; credit slip on new Ford; $11)0 for rebuilt, new new clutch, mechan- luxe ning order. CHEVROLET 1935 coupe. A fine late Lincoln sedan Sunday; excellent condi- brakes, PLYMOUTH 1830 de tourlnc sedan, Chevrolet. 1437 Irving gt. n.w. Adami $85, Address Box 288-H, Star office. » real service ically perfect; $9o cash. Mr. Bennett. owned: driven several thousand SPECIALS model car at a new low price. 8hlny black tion; special body many years privately WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. take notice. rear 18 H st. ne. Met, at once. Columbia 5411._ finish appears brand-new. Tip-top me- FORD 1934 convertible coupe; $360. with and pleasure left; dealers, 7437._ miles. Must sacrifice BU- take over balance Adame _ PACKARD 0478-J. Ford 1920—Brins around before 1 p.m.; BUICK 1928 Master sedan, good running chanical condition; excellent tires. Clean- $80 down, payments. 1681. sedan, sport model; must sell, 1935 C'oupe » West * 8399 I ave. n.e. O. A *157; terms, $27 down. 1111 18th cash. W. M. Baltic. 329 Md. condition: 5 good tlrea; 940. Atl. 1918-W. out price. 3397; Butler bonded. Lee 2666-J._ LINCOLN 12—17-pass. sedan. 1932. Nolan. PLYMOUTH 18.3.3 4-door sedan: many 1164 18th st. n.w. at tha at. n.w. Butler, Inc., FORD Tudor sedan, 1929, model A: in beautiful car. ready for the road _ WILL pay cash for best offer on 1930 BUICK—Selling account owner’s death; miles of real comfort. See our used trucks excellent condition; $80. Address Box outstanding price of $695.00. PACKARD 1932 convertible model 1935 IVMlZs 439 or 1931 Chevrolet, Plymouth or Ford. small sedan (33-57). new tires, low mile- CHEVROLET 1930 sedan, 375. Call Dis- coupe, display. Kaplan 8t Crawford. Dodse and » 396 8. Star Norris. Inc.. 2018 14th n.w., Nor. 3949. 902; six wire wheels; the original dark n.w. Jackson age; $450. II considering slightly used trlct 6419. Mr. Thomas. 116 C st. n.w. office.__ Plymouth Dealers. 2424 18th Col. 6742. 2172.___ OLDSMOBILE "8"-cyllnder touring blue paint Is perfect; this car has aU the BY PRIVATE PARTY, coupe or coach. 1935 or 1938 Buick after 1937s come In, FORD 1936 Fordor de luxe'tduring sedan, 1938 1935 449" CHEVROLET 1929 Danel truck, 339; 1929 condition. Improvements Installed you will find PLYMOUTH 1833 2-door sedan: a sood 1935 38. from private party.
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