Women Representation in Print Media-Case Study: Femina, Kartini, Cosmopolitan and Her World Magazines in Indonesia WOMEN REPRESENTATION IN PRINT MEDIA - CASE STUDY: FEMINA, KARTINI, COSMOPOLITAN AND HER WORLD MAGAZINES IN INDONESIA Dessy Kania1, Helen Diana Vida2 1Communication Department, Universitas Bakrie Indonesia 2Communication Studies, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jalan Hr. Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan [email protected] Abstract Gender that is socially constructed is very influential in the lives of women. The construction of gender can be found in various aspects in life such as work and social environment as well as family life. This construction is reflected as a dynamic nature alongside with the progress of time. Thus, the dynamic nature of social construction can be seen from gender representations formed by the media.The media is seen as a powerful tool to construct and represent women in the society. This was stated as "Stereotyping of women and inequality in women's access to and participation in all communication systems, especially in the media” (Chapter III - High Areas of Concern in the Fourth World Women Congress in Beijing, 1995). Women's magazines, as one of the most favorable media in Indonesia, are able to construct women representation through its articles. As revealed by Armando (2000:29), women in the mass media are constructed in accordance with the wishes of each media. For this study, women magazines that will be examined are: Femina, Kartini, Cosmopolitan and Her World. This research applies content analysis method using Entman’s framing model with qualitative approach. The results of this study will disclose how these magazines construct Indonesian women through the articles presented. In addition, this study will also reveal the differences and similarities of each magazine in constructing women in Indonesia. Keywords: gender, women magazine, entman’s framing analysis Introduction areas that are productive like working and making Men and women are created with each of money (Kasiyan, 2008: 55). It is also recognized its privileges, to complement each other. In the by Lie (2005:21), who writes that the division of concept of gender, women are often illustrated as work was performed not for reasons of effec- gentle, emotional or motherhood. Whereas men tiveness and efficiency for the achievement of are considered: strong, rational, male and mighty common goals between men and women, but (Fakih, 2006: 8). Judging from the general sense, because women were considered incapable, ig- gender suggests that men and women categories norant, and incompetent to think about things are social constructs that shape the identity of other than housework. men and women (Ibrahim, 1998: xxvi). The shift involves the mass media, be- With the development of the era, women cause the relationship between women and mass began to enter the world of education and work media in industrial societies is interconnected. like men. However, discrimination still occurs in The media consists of print media (such as the division of labor between men and women. newspapers and magazines) and electronic media Only in a growing industrial society, men and (such as radio, television, film and internet). The women compete for the same job, school, the media reaches out to people in these groups, such same powers and equal pay (Heryanto, 1998: 39). as the media for men, women, adults, children, Women in the sexual division of a labor system and others (Berger, 2000: 113). tend to always be in place within the domestic or The role of media in the women’s strug- household, with a series of work in relation to the gles does not only encompass equality and a reproductive nature such as giving birth, raising decent education, but also includes the lives of children and housekeeping. On the other hand, women who fought to determine attitudes and because the male bears a series of stereotypes of regulate their own lives not to mention the issue masculinity, which often is always a positive of life, romance and marriage. Among the various connotation; the men occupy positions in public forms of mass media, women's magazines are a Jurnal Komunikologi Volume 7 Nomor 1, Maret 2013 30 Women Representation in Print Media-Case Study: Femina, Kartini, Cosmopolitan and Her World Magazines in Indonesia medium that is close to women. The magazine is According to McQuail (1987: 3), there are not a new form of media for women, especially some basic assumptions of the mass media, women in Indonesia. Magazines, as one of the namely: types of print media, have been well known by 1. Media is changing and growing industry that women in Indonesia since 1906. In Indonesia creates jobs, goods and services and other re- alone there are many types of women's maga- lated industries turn. Media is also an industry zines, reaching out to various segments ranging that has its own rules and norms that connect from youth (Girls, Assorted, Seventeen, Cosmo- with the public institutions and other social politan Girl, etc.), until adult females (Femina, institutions. Cosmopolitan, Kartini, Herworld, Cita Cinta, 2. The mass media are a source of strength, Cleo, Dewi, Elle and others). means of control, management, and innova- This study focuses on the magazines tion in a society that can be utilized as a Femina, Kartini, Cosmopolitan and Her World, substitute for power or other resources. magazines with reader segmentations in 3. Media is the site (forum) that the act, to show Indonesia of women aged over 30 years, included the events of community life, both national in the ABC group of socio-economic classifica- and international level. tion, living in a big city with a pattern of urban 4. The media often acts as a discourse of life. By the end of 2011, Femina, Kartini, Cosmo- cultural development, not only in terms of politan and Her World published an annual know-how, fashion, lifestyle and norms. edition that presented some articles related to 5. Media has become the dominant source not fashion, careers, zodiac and others. The formu- only for the individual to obtain a picture and lation of the problem for this study is how wo- image of social reality, but also for society and men magazines such as Femina, Kartini, Cosmo- the group collectively; media presents the politan and Her World represent women in the values and normative judgments are blended preparation to the face of the new year; 2012. with news and entertainment. Literature Review From the above, it can be seen how the Mass Media and Audience’s Needs media has evolved into a more influential form of Mass media, as well as verbal messages communication. If before the media was only vie- and cues, has become an indispensable part of wed as a source for information, it can now be human communication. In essence, the media is considered as a way to reach out and influence an extension of the tongue and hands that has people in many aspects such as opinions, habits, contributed to improving the human capacity in and others. Therefore, the power of the media developing social structure (Rivers et al, 2008: should not be underestimated and should be 27). The media consists of print media (such as treated with caution. It can prove to be beneficial, newspapers and magazines) and electronic media yet also damaging, depending on its target and (such as radio, television, film and internet). The how people perceive its contents. media reaches out to people in these groups, the According Djuarsa (1999:166-168), the au- number of individuals in their own cases and in dience will be interested in using the mass media other cases (Arthur Asa Berger, 2000: 113). when the content of messages conveyed by the Severin and Tankard (2007: 357) cites the media containing the following elements: opinion of Katz, Gurevitch, and Haas (1973) 1. Novelty (something new). which divides the need for mass media into five Something "new" is crucial for a media mes- categories, namely: sage. Audiences will be interested in watching 1. Cognitive Needs: Obtaining information, a TV program, listening to the radio or rea- knowledge and understanding ding newspapers / magazines if the content 2. Affective Needs: Emotional or aesthetically of the message is deemed reveal something pleasing experience new or unknown. However, the notion of 3. Integrative Personal Needs: Strengthening "new" has a relative meaning. It does not the credibility, confidence, stability and status mean that the news had just happened, yet 4. Integrative Social Needs: Strengthening ties "new" here is intended for new audiences, with family, friends and so on. namely how the audience is aware of any new 5. Tension release needs: Escape and diversion facts for the first time. Jurnal Komunikologi Volume 7 Nomor 1, Maret 2013 31 Women Representation in Print Media-Case Study: Femina, Kartini, Cosmopolitan and Her World Magazines in Indonesia 2. Distance (near or far) crave information and entertainment, the above The distance of an event that occurs accor- points are the main ways to grab their attention. ding to the publication of the event is signi- This is a solid way to ensure that messages are ficant. People will be interested to know the accepted and understood because the various things that are directly related to life and the ways used cover all types of people. environment. Nevertheless, the interest the audience has in the message is not just limited Gender and Media to things that are close (physically) with life In general, gender can be interpreted as a and its environment, but also in things that concept that has always tried to discuss the social are physically distant from the experience of problems of men and women equally (Astuti, public life, but psychologically close to the 2008: 1).
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