Palaeobo/anis/ 53(2004) : 51-59 0031-0174/2003/51-59 $2.00 Palynostratigraphy of sub-surface Lower Gondwana, Pali sediments, Sohagpur Coalfield, M.P., India 1 2 RAM-AWATAR , A. MUKHOPADHYAy AND S. ADHIKARF I Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow 226 007, India. 2Geological Survey of India, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091. E-mail: [email protected] (Received 23 October 2002; revised version accepted 8 May 2003) ABSTRACT Ram-Awatar, Mukhopadhyay A& Adhikari S 2003. Palynostratigraphy of sub-surface Lower Gondwana, Pali sediments, Sohagpur Coalfield, M.P., India Palaeobotanist 53 (1-3) : 51-59. Two palynoassemblages have been identified in B.H. SKM 6, from Mithauri-Kelmania Sector of Sohagpur Coalfield, M.P. The Palynoassemblage [(254.00-163.40 m), of Late Early Permian age reveals the dominance of Schellringipollenites and Fallnipollenites in association with Barakarites, Parasaccites, Ibisporites, Rhiwmaspora, Potonieisporites, Arcuatipollellites, Tiwariasporis and Brevitriletes. The Palynoassemblage II (157.40-77.90 m), contains striate disaccate pollen, viz., Faunipollenites, Striaropodocarpites and Crescentipollenites in prominence. Besides, Arcuatipollenites, Densipollenites, Gondisporites, Distriatites, Striatites, Hamiapollenites, Gu{{ulapollenites, Dicappipollenits and A/isporites have also been recorded, with sporadic occurrence of Goubinispora, ?Brachysaccus, Trabeculosporites, Densoisporites, Pla)1ordiaspora, Lundbladispora, Satsangisaccites, Krempipollenites, Falcisporites, Nidipol/enites and Kamthisaccites which suggest a Late Permian age of the assemblage. The significant outcome of the present study is recorded by identifying the Late Permian palynofloral assemblage for the first time in this part ofthe Sohagpur Coalfield, which is corroborate with the Middle Pali Member of the Pali Formation, in the South Rewa Basin, M.P. Key-words-Palynostratigraphy, Pali Formation, Late Permian, Sohagpur Coalfield. ~ ~ ~ ~ -3l~ 'qJ«f ~ llUf ~~ c6 (1"ltI$lll~< c6 c6 -3lm %5ClI11 cpr q<PI! "j«1 ~cfi) fcMR ~ Wi" ~, ~. ~&lP1 ~ tm. mU~ ~ ~q ~ ~ ~ l'ftzi >R~T ~ cfi Bmw ~ ~ cfi frr0ru cfJ~YIf.1<:lI B tm.cfi.r:;q. 6 if ~ ~<rtf'til ~ ~ ~ ~-~~ q~~ ~ ~ 1f'( I (254.0-163.40 tfi.) if mm <t1 6f V~ V$tlJi, ~ ViI%l$ tlJi, $41PiJ V$ t1Ji, V$ vi) lflPiJ V, <ild;fJPiJ V$ tlJi, .:JTWj\H1R 'lIRH/$t1Ji, RJql f1PiJRA ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ilR;ttAtlJi cfi if Pift fl<ilcii'1I$c!lJi 'h/;fJq7fi'11$c!lJi <t1 m I ~-~ ~ ~ ~ (157.40-77.90 tfi.)~if fuBcWft q;i;fJ<ilfi'1I$c!lJi, @Qd<iliJ4?N!$c!lJi rtlilrr!I<ilfHI$c!lJi ~ if ~ I ~ JlT'Fj,Jilc!l<ilH'1I$c!lJi, g-m<ilH'1I$c!)Ji, Jililf.l7V$c!lJi, [email protected]$c!lJi, ~ ~ ~ f{jl.fCI$c!lJi, ~4I<i1H'1I$c!lJi, j(~<'II<ilH'1I$c!lJi, CffiPhfilO$c!lJi ~ QdiPiJO$c!lJi '4T 1f'( JiI~;fJPiJo, ? ili.h7i1%A, ?~'!J&7PiJO$c!lJiI g;:ffl$filO$c!lJi, 0!Q;7U4IPiJO, grs0Iileilo, ArfiJflil%I$c!lJi, ~ ~ q~~ i64J<ilH '11$ t1Vf, 'hiH:fJfilO$t1Ji, Picfl<ilH'1I$c!lJi ~ cwr~iI%I$c!lJi <fit 4>Glilf.14> <t1 r:rW!<R ~ 'hi m m ~ I ([) Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, India 52 THE PALAEOBOTANIST ~ ~ q~q t601cj)Hrtl$tI,!/, 0iHf1fi/O$r!1,!/, P!c{lcj)Hrtl$r!1'!/ ~ 'fiT11I!fIiI%I$r!1\i1 cn'T CfiCllqf.1Cfi cn'T ~ ~ ~ ~I CfiT m ~ ~ ~ \31~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ q~q cf; 'm$n erfturr::l B qT{ Cl1({lRl"1ld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l1~~T ~ ~ ~ cn'T cn'T vn fcl; QRf cf; ten- if cf; 11<:11 ~ cf; m~ B~i't<:l1 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q(I'II'j«1Retl~$111, ~ ~} q~q ~, I INTRODUCTION coalfields. The Sohagpur Coalfield is the biggest coal- bearing area which lies between latitude 23°05': 23°30' Nand 81 °13' : HE South Rewa Basin occupies the central part of the 81 °12' E longitude. The total area of the coalfield measure T Indian peninsula, comprising Umaria, Johilla, Korar, 3100 sq km, spanning from eastern M.P. to southern U .P., and Sohagpur, Tatapani-Ramkola, Singrauli, Sonhat and Jhilimili exhibits a full development of the Gondwana sediments. Age Formation Lithology Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Deccan Trap Basalt flow and dolerite dykes. Upper Cretaceous Lameta Bed (30 m) White impure marlstone, pinkish to white sandstone. Lower Cretaceous Chandia Bed (70 m) White clay and sandstone. Lower Jurassic Hartala Formation (300 m) Coarse to pebbly sandstone. Mostly massive with very large scale cross stratification; at places red clay and sandstone. ----------------Unconformity---------------------------- Early Triassic to Rhaetic Tiki-Parsora (400 m) Very coarse to coarse, medium to fine and even- grained quartzite sandstone, cross laminated, ferruginous, with red claystone. ---------------Unconformity--------------------------- Middle to Upper Permian Pali (300 m) (Up. Pali) Very coarse to coarse feldspathic sand­ stone with fresh feldspar, greenish sand­ stone, grey shale, mottled clay, red clay with coaly to carbonaceous shale. (Lr. Pali) Medium grained ferruginous sandstone and red clay. Lower Permian Barakar (350-250 m) Sandstone, shales and two major coal-seams. Lower Permian Talchir (+275 m) Diamictite, sandstones, drop-stones and green shale. --------------Unconformity,---------------------------- Precambrian Granite, gneisses and quartzite. Fig. I-Generalised geological succession of Sohagpur Coalfield. RAM-AWATAR ~I at.-PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY OF SUB-SURFACE LOWER GONDWANA, INDIA 53 The first petro-palynological report of Sohagpur Shahdol, M.P (Fig. 2). Twenty-five samples from Pali Formation Coalfield was given by Navale and Tiwari (1967) from Barakar yielded the palynofossils. A list of samples has been given coals of Churcha Seam. Subsequently, Bharadwaj and below: Srivastava (1971) established a correlation of coal seams of Bhaskarpara, Kutkona and Batura blocks on the basis of SI. Sample Depth Lithology Preservation plynofossils. Recently, Ram-Awatar (1993,1996) also recorded No, No_ (m) the palynofloral assemblages in the bore-holes (SPB 17, 18) and correlated the Pali sediments of Sohagpur Coalfield. In I. SKM 6/1 7790 Carbonaceous shale the present communication, a Late Early Permian and a Late 2 SKM 6/2 78.90 Coaly shale Permian palynoassemblages have been recovered in B.H, SKM 3 SKM 6/3 7940 Coal 4 SKM 6/4 8095 Grey shale + 6, in Mithauri-Kelmania Sector of this coalfield. 5. SKM 6/5 Missing sample 6. SKM 6/6 Missing sample GEOLOGY 7 SKM 617 81.60 Grey shale + 8 SKM 6/8 81.90 Grey shale 9. SKM 6/9 8230 Carbonaceous shale + The Sohagpur Coalfield is an assemblage of three well­ 10. SKM 6/10 8270 Claystone defined sub-basinal structures i.e., Jhagrakhand in the east, 11 SKM 6/11 8320 Laminated sst Kotma-Jamuna in the middle and Burhar-Amlai in the west. 12. SKM 6/12 8360 Laminated sst The generalised lithological succession in the coalfield 13.SKM6/13 84.65 Carbonaceous shale 14. SKM 6/14 85.15 Carbonaceous shale comprises-Talchir, Karharbari, Barakar and Supra-Barakar 15. SKM 6/15 8545 Carbonaceous shale formations. Recently, a number of palaeosols have been 16 SKM 6/16 8575 Carbonaceous shale + identified within the BatTen Measures at the top of the Barakar 17. SKM 6/17 8630 Carbonaceous shale Seam No. V indicating a hiatus (Mukhopadhyay & 18. SKM 6/18 88 10 Fine-grained SSl 19. SKM 6/19 91.70 Fine-grained sst Mukhopadhyay, 1999) A generalised lithological succession 20. SKM 6/20 92.70 Fine-grained sst of the Sohagpur Coalfield has been gi ven in Fig. 1(after Mitra, 21 SKM6/21 93.80 Fine-grained sst 1993; Bandhopadhyay, 1999). 22 SKM 6/22 95.30 Carbonaceous shale 23 SKM 6/23 9545 Carbonaceous shale 24. SKM 6/24 9615 Carbonaceous shale * MATERIALS 25. SKM 6/25 96.30 Shale 26. SKM 6/26 96.50 Claystone Seventy samples were collected from B.H. SKM 6, in 27. SKM 6/27 9730 Claystone Mithauri-Kelmania Sector of Sohagpur Coalfield, District 28 SKM 6/28 9750 Grey shale 29. SKM 6/29 9865 Carbonaceous shale 30' 30. SKM 6/30 99.25 Carbonaceous shaIe N _ 31. SKM 6/31 9990 Carbonaceous shale 32 SKM 6/32 10090 Clay + 33. SKM 6/33 10250 Carbonaceous shale -i-- 34. SKM 6/34 10340 Shale 35 SKM 6135 103.80 Shale 4' - 36 SKM 6136 105.10 Grey shale .Y_ 37 SKM 6/37 105.95 Shale 38 SKM 6/38 106.55 Shale 39 SKM 6/39 107.30 Laminated shale 40 SKM 6/40 10820 Fine-grained sst 41. SKM 6/41 10890 Shale v 42. SKM 6/42 11080 Laminated sst + 'j v 43 SKM 6/43 II 1.10 Carbonaceous shale 44. SKM 6/44 112 10 Shale v 'J 45 SKM 6/45 112.90 Fine-grained sst 1/ ~, ~r 'f 46 SKM 6/46 115.50 Carbonaceous shale v V \I 'J " 47 SKM 6/47 I 15.75 Carbonaceous shale 48. SKM 6/48 116.75 Carbonaceous shale V '-I './ V V V 49. SKM 6/49 119.05 Shale y v ~' " "f 50 SKM 6/50 12130 Shale + \r IJ ': ~ V \' .~ " 51 SKM 6/51 133.75 Claystone * y \' v 52 SKM 6/52 13430 Claystone 'J '. v v~ 1 v ~.L. L- 1 v v v 'oj 53. SKM 6/53 137 15 Claystone 81'130' 54. SKM 6/54 13815 Grey shale Carbonaceous shale ~ 55 SKM 6/55 139.50 &I Deccan Trap @ Lamet bed Barren-measure • Bore-hole 56. SKM 6/56 14260 Carbonaceous shale 57. SKM 6/57 14360 Clayslone Fig. 2-Showing the location of B.H. SKM 6, Sohagpur Coalfield, M.P. 58 SKM 6/58 145.35 Claystone 54 THE PALAEOBOTANIST INOe x [Z] Alluvium (f) 4 (f) lam1nalec ss,l. (( W (f) 8 (f) W (f) 0 0 :: w t- (f) Carbonaceous shale w (f) t-- W (f) (f) m t- a- z W t- (f) 4 Z (f) W (f) W (f) Z W W (f) ~ Shale (f) a- t-- W (( 4 - r:;: t- W --' W (( W Ci t-- t- t- W (f) (( t- (f) w t-- Z 0 t- 0 (f) ~ Cloy ~IOntl 4 0 ~ (f) 4 --' t- 4 --' W <{ W t-- Z (( 0 --' w 2 (f) Z U o.
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