Reg istered at the G. P.O., Melbourne, for transmissio n ItA,.ILDA by post as a periodical. Vol. XXXIX-No.7. JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1961. PU BLISH ED BY THE GI RL GUIDES ASSOCIATION , 20 RUSSELL STREET, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA , AUSTRALIA. .. THINKING DAY 22nd FEBRUARY ,~1f2. -.z:: ~ v COMMONWEALTH GUIDES GATHER IN BRITAIN GIRL GUIDES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COMMONWEALTH TAKING PART IN A TRAINING COURSE AT THE GUIDERS' TRAINING CENTRE, FOXLEASE, ENGLAND. Left to right are Guides from Hong Kong, South Cameroons, Trinidad, Aden, Trinidad, Tanganyika, St. Vincent, Sierra Leone, Hong Kong, Singapore, Pakistan and Trinidad. -Courtesy Department of Information. Page________________________________________ Two "* January-February, 1961. ______ malilJa A STATE COM MIS S ION ER 's DIARY My Divisional Meeting and very good ran a Belle of Belles' Ball, and I was in­ Annual Meeting in Ballarat-such a good vited to judge. Great credit is due to the report. But the meeting was a little sad, as members of the L.A. Byaduc isn't a very it was Mrs. Richardson's last as Divisional big place, but the Hall was full, and, of Commissioner. For ten years we have been cour e, Belles from far and near. Being fortunate enough to have her, and thank her rather partial to youth, I thought they all for all her generosity and unselfishness. looked lovely. However, walking, curtseys, Guiding under her wise counsel has multi­ etc., do come into it when judging. Mrs. plied considerably. de Garis, the Presiden t, kindly invi ted me On Tuesday, 22nd, I had the privilege of to stay, which I enjoyed very much, and enrolling nine Guides at Carngham, the first I was looked after by her own Guide, Company. I know it was very exciting Brownie and sons. Thank you so much, for them, as it was for me. We had a Byaduc, for a lovely evening and my stay lovely enrolment, and Mrs. Kirsner, the in your countryside. Division Commissioner for Caulfield, who 3rd December.-Attended a Fete at the was staying with me, gave a little talk to home of Major and Mrs. Philip Russell of the new Guides. Carngham, who lent their home to the L.A. On Saturday, 26th, Miss Macartney (who to make money for the Scouts and Guides. was staying with me) and I motored across It was very kind of them, and I thank them to Eaglehawk via Bendigo. It was a tre­ very much indeed. Unfortunatey, it wasn't mendously exciting day-the official open­ very good weather, but everyone enjoyed it. ing of the Scout and Guide Hall by Major­ The garden was full of Blue and Brown General lusson, the State Commissioner for figures, lovely to see in a new district. Boy Scouts. Our first call was on Mrs. Monday, 5th December.-State Council, Baker, Division Commissioner, Bendigo, who and a very good party given by the Consul gave us tea at 11 o'clock. Afterwards we of Thailand and Mrs. Fader in honour of went on to Eaglehawk for a Civic Reception, the King of Thailand's birthday. fol lowed by a lunch party kindly given by Hope you have all had a lovely Happy the combined Scout and Guide Committee. Christmas holiday, and feel fit and fresh After lunch we went and as embled outside to meet a New Year. I hope we have the new Hall. Major-General Risson gave a another lovely year like the last, full of very good address and opened the Hall, effort and achievement. No one will forget which is a grand hall. I was very honoured Jubilee Year. We have Thinking Day for at being given the privilege of unveiling the our first effort and celebration. Let's try plaque which commemorated the great day and make it a wonderful Thinking Day in and Major-General Risson's and my visit to every way. It is wonderful to think we are Eaglehawk. Later we went on to the gar­ the means of helping our sisters in other dens to see the Brownies, Guides, Cubs and coun tries through this fund. Scouts at work. Then a tea party, and IRENE FAIRBAIRN. finally home. It was a wonderful day apart HER MAJESTY'S THANKS from the efforts the people of Eaglehawk Received by Mrs. C. O. Fairbairn, State have made to make this Hall possible-the Commissioner, Girl Guide Association, atmosphere was so friendly, everybody keen Victoria. and all in it together. Thank you, everyone Buckingham Palace, at Eaglehawk, for a wonderful day, and 11 th November. many congratulations to you all. Every­ Dear Madam, thing was arranged beautifully. May Mrs. I am commanded to ask you to convey Houghton, the District Commissioner, get to the Queen's Guides of Victoria Her all the help she needs. Thank you, Mrs. Majesty's sincere thanks for their kind mes­ Houghton. sage of loyal greetings said on the occasion 30th November.-Something a little dif­ of their Golden Jubilee, which as Patron ferent this time. The Local Association of of the Association, she much ap~reciates. Byaduc (which is 16 miles out of H;:lmilton) Yours truly, MARION CHARTERS. THE NEW SCOUT AND GUIDE HALL AT EAGLEHAWK. 1 st HEYFIELD RANGER COMPANY Back row (from right) -Pam Graham. Maree Ni%o :iek. Heather Weston. Front Row-Irene Vinnal, Annette Risley, Captain F. Truin, Irene Skeels, Betty Rcache. Page_______________________________________________ Four * January-February, 1961 . mali~a II THINKING DAY, 22nd FEBRUARY no longer adequate. Therefore, coupled Thinking Day Greetings to you all, and with our gratitude for your past contribu­ my best wishes for a happy Celebration Day. tions, we appeal most earnestly to you not This will be my Thinking Day prayer. I only to keep them up, but even to increase would be very happy if you would also make them to meet this fresh need for extended it yours:- training of World Association Representa­ "0 God, we beseech Thee to bless all who tives-Representatives whose task can bring belong to the Girl Guide Movement through­ happiness to so many children living in out this State, Australasia and the World. insecurity through no fault of their own. Help us to bear one another's burdens, to This letter carries our warmest greetings li~e not for ourselves but for others as and good wishes to you all for Thinking members of a family greater than ourselves. Day, 1961, and the inspiration of Abraham Let no spirit of selfishness, pride and pre· Lincoln's words: judice or envy mar our fellowship with Thee "I am doing the best I can, the very best and one another. This we pray through I know how, and I mean to keep on doing Jesus Christ. Amen." it to the very end." Yours sincerely, THE THINKING DAY FUND (Signed) LESLIE E. WHATELEY, • Each year, when the time comes for us Director, The World Bureau. to send you a summary of how your con­ (Signed) RUTH TUCKWELL, tributions to the Thinking Day Fund have Treasurer, The World Committee. been spent during the current year, the truth of the expression that the sky is the limit "THINKING DAY" is brought home more forcibly to us. Dear Commissioners, It is easy enough for us who are in direct Here we are at the beginning of our Guid· touch with those in need of assistance to ing year of 1961. With this beginning comes realise and understand the ever-growing im­ a very important day for Girl Guides and portance of the Thinking Day Fund; but, Girl Scouts throughout the world, "THINK­ because the majority who contribute do not ING DAY." share our first-hand experiences, our grati­ I am sure that you will all agree that it is tude and admiration are all the greater a very good thing that we have this special when we see the total yearly contributions day, so that we can have special celebrations continuing to increase. Never in the history that unite us with our sister Guides and of our World Association has the challenge Scouts wherever they may be. There is one been greater, nor the need to answer calls way we can really help tremendously, and for assistance, more urgent especially from that is through our THINKING DAY Guides in countries which have recently PENNIES. Many of you will have read the become, or are about to become, politically report from the Director of the World independent_ World events are moving fast, Bureau, Dame Leslie Whately, on the and to safeguard the fundamental principles THINKING DAY FUND, telling of the many • of Guiding/Girl Scouting, we must keep wonderful things that they do with the abreast of these events. This means we money sent in from all over the world. must train more and more World Associa­ The training of Travelling Commissioners tion Representatives, whose role to-day and the expense to send them to different covers a far wider field than the title of countries must surely cost many pennies, Trainer implied in the past. and now we are growing into a much larger In addition to her skills as a Trainer, she family we will need more Travelling Com­ must be a diplomat familiar with our work missioners to give assistance in new areas. on world level, which means she must under­ Of the grants given to countries to help stand the functions of the World Committee in many ways, some are very small, others and work of the World Bureau. on a larger scale. One instance was the Those who qualify to-day are dangerously small sum taken from the Thinking Day few.
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