The SewaneeMountain MESSENGER Vol. XXVII, No. 35 Friday, September 23, 2011 Wade Hall for the Sciences Chosen SUD Board Approves Mikell Lane Sewer Repair for Excellence in Design by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer Wade Hall for the Sciences on the At the Sept. 20 business meeting, the board of commissioners of the Sewanee St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School campus Utility District of Franklin and Marion Counties voted to approve the bid of was recently cited for excellence by the LTS Construction for sewer rehabilitation in the Mikell Lane basin area. In other American Institute of Architects. Th e business, the board scheduled a working session to review tap fees. building, which is already certifi ed as Th e aging sewer mains in the Mikell Lane basin (the area around the old a gold LEED facility, was chosen from hospital, now Hodgson Hall) were identifi ed via video camera inspection as a 80 submissions from across Tennessee priority, SUD manager Ben Beavers said. Th e board approved $105,000 to be as one of two winners of the coveted used for the project if necessary, the full amount budgeted for sewer repair in “Excellence in Design” award for new 2011. Th e estimated cost is $86,000. Th e rehabilitation will include replacing construction. 2,000 feet of sewer main and three manholes and putt ing casing around exposed “Th is would not have been possible PVC line crossing a creek. without the vision and input of the SAS Th e board then resumed its discussion of the cost of tap fees. SUD president science faculty,” said lead architect Doug Cameron said that Housing Sewanee would build a house next year and Matt Brown of Franklin Architects of the $4,100 tap fee was “tremendous” for the nonprofi t agency that builds homes Chatt anooga. “SAS allowed the design for the economically disadvantaged. Cameron suggested the board consider process to happen as it really should. increasing the $5,000 annual donation to the Community Action Committ ee We continue to use the school as an (CAC), a nonprofi t agency in Sewanee that off ers assistance with utility bill example of how to do it right.” payments, giving the CAC the option of off ering assistance with paying tap Wade Hall was awarded LEED fees for low-income residents. (Leadership in Energy and Environ- Beavers approved of increasing the donation to the CAC. He pointed out that mental Design) gold certifi cation by for many years SUD installed taps at cost. Th e price then increased to $1,975, the U.S. Green Building Council last and increased again in 2008 aft er a study by Raft elis Financial Consultants that spring. examined projected water supply needs and long-range population growth for The 8,200 square-foot building the district. In the past fi ve years, SUD worked out long-term payment plans includes fi ve classroom/laboratories with three area residents who could not aff ord the tap fee. for instruction in physics, chemistry, Although the board had decided at the August meeting to survey customers biology, environmental science and about the tap fee, Cameron said that Raft elis advised a focus group discussion middle school sciences, an outdoor would be more productive. Th e board will hold a working session to discuss classroom and the science commons, tap fees at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the SUD offi ce. Th e working session where students study and congre- is open to the public. No votes are taken at working sessions. gate. In his fi nancial report, manager Beavers said total revenue was 19 percent In addition to being an example over budget, with water sales 21 percent over budget for the month of August; of good stewardship of both the land however, while expenses for the year were slightly under budget, expenses for and energy, Wade Hall is itself a teach- August were 2.5 percent above the projected amount. “Energy costs are the hard- ing tool with supports and systems est thing to budget for,” Beavers said, citing fl uctuating electricity and oil costs. exposed and color-coded. Th e science Operating expenses for 2011 are 8.6 percent above last year, Beavers pointed commons, made possible in part by a out. He hopes to have a draft of the operating budget for 2012 completed by gift from the Edward E. Ford Founda- the end of October. tion, houses an electronic dashboard In discussion about the 2012 budget, Cameron said he would like to see the that displays energy and water usage. capital improvement budget allocate funds to address the low-water pressure in the Midway community. Th e next business meeting of the SUD board is Th e exterior of Wade Hall. Photo by Paul Ward scheduled for 5 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 25. Tennessee Otey Announces Plans Fall Deer Menand Talk Education for New Parish Hall Pre-Cull Opens on Friday Saturday Th e University’s “How, Th en, Shall Reform We Live?” lecture series presents Otey Memorial Parish Church is Th e 12th annual deer pre-cull on How Did We moving forward with plans to con- “What Every College Graduate Needs the Domain begins on Saturday, Sept. to Know,” a talk by Louis Menand, at 4 Get Here? struct a new parish hall that will benefi t 24. Th e University conducts deer culls both the parish and the broader com- p.m. Friday, Sept. 30, in Convocation for herd management, ecosystem bal- Hall. Th e lecture is free and open to Part two of the Messenger’s munity. ance and community safety. “Otey Parish is a church commit- the public. series examining education Th e pre-cull will occur Sept. 24–25; In 2010, Menand wrote “Th e Mar- reform in Tennessee. ted to active ministry in the Sewanee Oct. 8–9, 15–18, 22–23, 29–30; Nov. community and beyond,” said the ketplace of Ideas,” 12–13, 19–20, 25–27; and Dec. 10–11. which examines By K.G. Beavers, Rev. Joe Ballard, rector. “Our parish Hunting will begin at sunrise and end Messenger Staff Writer hall is the physical centerpiece from higher education, at sunset, with no hunting 10 a.m.–2 the state of the hu- When Tennessee applied for which that deep and long-standing p.m. Th e pre-cull hunting will be ar- commitment begins and is continued manities and the the Race to the Top grant in 2010, chery only. A map of the pre-cull areas tensions between part of its educational reform in- on a daily basis.” is on page 11. Claiborne Parish Hall, built more disciplinary and cluded the First to the Top Act, Th ese trails will remain open: Ten- interdisciplinary which raised the state’s academic than 100 years ago, has been renovated nessee Avenue, the Mountain Goat Louis Menand numerous times. A planning commit- that rebuilt the foundation and sub- work. Menand’s standards to get students ready for Trail/bike path, the entire Perimeter work straddles the worlds of both aca- college and the workplace. This tee spent more than a year studying structure of the 125-year-old church Trail, Bridal Veil Fall Trail, Piney Point the uses and users of the building, the and renovated Brooks Hall. demia and popular culture. He is the act included new evaluations and Trail, Beckwith’s Point Trail, Caldwell Robert M. and Anne T. Bass Professor granting tenure for teachers and demographics of the church and the Th e new Parish Hall will be con- Rim Trail, Solomon’s Temple Trail in community, the future needs of the structed on the site of the present Par- of English and American Literature principals, which was discussed in Th umping Dick Hollow. and Language at Harvard University a previous article. parish hall and the desires of parish- ish Hall. Among the items expected in For more information, contact ioners. Twenty-two organizations use the new project are improved kitchen and a staff writer at the New Yorker Other educational reforms in- domain manager Nate Wilson at magazine. clude the elimination of the cap on the space for meetings and classes; and restroom facilities, air condition- 598-1268. charter schools, the creation of the seven of these are major activities in ing and handicap accessibility and Achievement School District to the community, including the Sewanee parking. More than 110 volunteers P.O. Box 296 intervene in 5 percent of chronically Children’s Center, Alcoholics Anony- from the parish are working on com- Sewanee, TN 37375 low-performing schools, alterna- mous and Th urmond Library. mitt ees charged with organizing the tive certifi cation for teachers and “Th e vestry feels strongly that the planning and fund-raising campaign principals, the Science, Technology, time is right for the parish to under- to accompany this project. English and Mathematics (STEM) take this eff ort that will correct many “Our parish hall is a sacrament, an initiative and using common core defi ciencies of the old building and will outward and visible sign of our com- state standards. provide new and exciting opportuni- mitment to doing the work of Jesus Because of these reforms, Ten- ties for existing programs, as well as for Christ, to making the world a bett er nessee schools should see results many new activities for both the parish place by making our community a by the year 2013. By 2013, eighth- and community,” said Rachel Suarez, closer, safer and more caring one,” grade test scores should increase senior warden.
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